[TheMidnightRose] Foxicide - 3 Day ban for organizing a round restart

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Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 10:31 am
Byond Username: Foxicide

[TheMidnightRose] Foxicide - 3 Day ban for organizing a round restart

Post by Foxicide » #562973

BYOND Account: Foxicide
Character Name: Skyjira
Ban type: TG Servers
Ban Length: Three days
Ban Reason: Part of the Mass Suicide/Ghost Sniping/IC in OOC destruction of round 137998
Server You Were Playing on When Banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 137998
Your side of the story: The previous round, time had begun to move at 550% dilation because of an error with a map. (Icebox). During this previous round, I committed suicide with three other players, and asked via OOC, "I wonder if the round would end if everyone committed suicide." During this issue, several players send adminhelps, messages on discord, and other attempts to contact an admin to fix this issue. We (the entire server at the time) voted to change the shift. The vote was 0/31, and the lag was so bad, we could not even vote for a different map. When round 137998 booted, the server as a whole agreed in OOC before the round, that we wanted to make the shift as quick as possible to avoid the 550% time dilation. I said something along the lines of "We should all commit suicide round start" in OOC. When the shift started, I headed to the chapel and committed suicide. I do know that acting on out of character actions is against server rules. My intentions were to end the round as quickly as possible, because it seemed like the entire player base did not want to play. I apologize for this - breaking the rules is still not okay. I am making this appeal because my intentions were good, and I did not intentionally do anything to break the rules. I simply wanted to help everyone get through the map change as quickly as possible. To continue, some players began to call out the wizard's location via OOC, which I did not partake in or condone in any way, shape, or form. I was even the one to suggest that the player get an admin token.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I am alright with taking a break from the server - especially for just three days. I would enjoy getting back on sooner, however. I am mostly making this appeal to remove my note "Part of the Mass Suicide/Ghost Sniping/IC in OOC destruction of round 137998". I have records of being a good player due to my mostly relaxed, good hearted nature, and 'being part of ghost sniping and destruction of a round' does not fit my actions at all. My intentions were all to help other players.
References of good conduct: Several respected admins have expressed that they consider my presence on the server to be enjoyable, if not decent enough. To name two: Vekter and Owegno.
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:16 am
Byond Username: TheMidnightRose

Re: [TheMidnightRose] Foxicide - 3 Day ban for organizing a round restart

Post by TheMidnghtRose » #562981

I went ahead and approved this post since it is from R137998.
As there was a total of 19 bans from this round's incident. There will be cleanup on the mass ban. Non-chapel suicides are being lifted as I was trying to get a list of who suicidied, who participated in the IC in OOC, and the Ghost Sniping of the wizard. Chapel suicides that did not participate in the latter two are being moved to one day bans.

I will not be lowering the ban.
The only reason I started issuing the 19 bans initially was the antag sniping with Ghost/OOC chatter that about half the bans from this were involved in. As you were not involved in this beyond the suicide pact I will update the note to something more accurate than the mass ban reason I used for everyone involved in this round. New Ban Reason as follows.
Organized a Roundstart suicide pact in an attempt to force the round to end before the time dilation took affect of the map(Icebox)
What you all could of done instead of the suicide pact was to have as many people as possible NOT ready up or join the round beyond the lobby. Then get the mapvote through, THEN get the restart vote through. This would of prevented this entire mess. Everyone suiciding would not have ended the round, only triggered the forced and unrecallable 25 minute shuttle call once crew pop dropped below 25% living.
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