[Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

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Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Jonathon Hills

[Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by JonathonHills » #572985

BYOND account: Jonathon Hills
Character name: Tyrone Brown
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Terribly racist gimmick with another player. Please explain yourselve on our ban appeals forum.
Time ban was placed: 2020-08-21 04:15:03
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 144709
Your side of the story: Playing with a friend who is new to the game. Decided to start out as lowly assistants and roleplay as stereotypical black people. I was teaching my friend the basics and showing him around the station when suddenly we where both teleported into some cell and then banned.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm familiar with the rules on /tg/ and also took some time after the ban to refamiliarize myself with them and still not once have I seen any rule regarding racism of any form. Not only that, we were not issued any kind of warning, just banned out of the blue.
Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:25 pm
Byond Username: Sarvak

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by Sarvak » #573042

Logs taken from: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/bas ... /game.html
[2020-08-21 03:44:17.225] SAY: 03:44:17.225] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "GEORGE FLOYD!" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (60,142,4))
[2020-08-21 03:44:21.130] SAY: 03:44:21.130] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "I CANT BREATH" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (60,141,4))
[2020-08-21 03:44:27.180] SAY: 03:44:27.180] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "yo" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (59,140,4))
[2020-08-21 03:44:30.740] SAY: 03:44:30.740] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "black lives matter n shieeet" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (59,140,4))
[2020-08-21 03:44:37.849] SAY: 03:44:37.849] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "ACAB!" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (59,140,4))
Edited out all the clutter between, this is everything Tyrone Brown said in that round.
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:29 am
Byond Username: ArcaneDefence

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by ArcaneDefence » #573046

You linked the wrong round there, the appeal has the ban on 144709: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/bas ... /game.html

Where if I do the same thing you did of simply copying what Tyrone's says were with no context and everything else removed;
[2020-08-21 03:52:03.710] SAY: 03:52:03.710] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "hey" (Bar (135,135,4))
[2020-08-21 03:52:05.892] SAY: 03:52:05.892] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "BLM!" (Bar (135,135,4))
[2020-08-21 03:52:08.189] SAY: 03:52:08.189] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "You with us?" (Bar (135,135,4))
[2020-08-21 03:52:28.529] SAY: 03:52:28.529] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "ASSISTANTS MEET IN CAFETERIA!!!!!!!!" (Bar (137,134,4))
[2020-08-21 03:52:40.027] SAY: 03:52:40.027] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "BLACK LIVES MATTER DEMONSTRATION IN THE CAFETERIA!!!!!!!!!" (Bar (137,134,4))
[2020-08-21 03:59:25.309] SAY: 03:59:25.309] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "HEY" (Locker Room (71,134,4))
[2020-08-21 03:59:28.486] SAY: 03:59:28.486] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "BLM" (Locker Room (71,134,4))
[2020-08-21 04:00:03.172] SAY: 04:00:03.172] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "ACAB MOFO" (Port Primary Hallway (73,141,4))
[2020-08-21 04:00:11.319] SAY: 04:00:11.319] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "IMMA KILL YOU CRACKA" (Port Primary Hallway (73,141,4))
[2020-08-21 04:00:56.674] SAY: 04:00:56.674] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "2dDONT COME BACK" (Port Primary Hallway (94,141,4))
[2020-08-21 04:06:15.945] SAY: 04:06:15.945] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "HE CANT BREATHe" (Medbay Lobby (142,124,4))
[2020-08-21 04:06:19.796] SAY: 04:06:19.796] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "HE CAYNT BREATHE" (Medbay Lobby (142,124,4))
[2020-08-21 04:06:59.939] SAY: 04:06:59.939] SAY: Jonathon Hills/(Tyrone Brown) "HE CAYNT BREATHE" (Medbay Central (142,116,4))
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Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by Domitius » #573208

Hey my guy, thank you for making an appeal.

I'm glad to hear that you and your friend(thesaintofkc) took time to familiarize with our rule set after you both were banned with instructions to please explain your situation on our forums.

I'd like to start with what I saw and why I responded the way that I did to provide context before discussing your appeal.

When jumping onto the server I see two players in matching outfits and similar character models shoving, punching, and grabbing each other while declaring into chat what ArcaneDefence took the time to post above. When looking at the logs I see no attempt to communicate between you two as you both work together to continue spewing similar toned comments to people around you. When asked what you both were doing you responded with "Defending my turf"(Full ahelp log below).

Ahelp log of our interaction on round 144709
Ticket Opened by jonathonhills
What is this prison thing?
Reply from domitius to jonathonhills
What have you been up to with Tyrone this shift?
Reply from jonathonhills to domitius
Defending my turf
Reply from domitius to jonathonhills
Cool, you can defend your turf on our ban appeals forum.
Reply from jonathonhills to domitius
Woah, what did I do?
Reply from jonathonhills to domitius
Can I atleast know what I did? As far as I know I didn't break any rules.
The actions I took after both seeing you and the logs of your communication is I placed you both in admin prison and muted you both across the board. After you both were moved to prison you initiated the ahelp process. After your reaction to me asking what you both were doing I banned both of you with the condition to please explain your situation on the forums.

As there were implied meta-communications(Out of game communication) between the two of you during the round as your gimmick I believe is self-evident of TIED WITH your friend being a brand new account raised enough red flags to make me believe you both joined just to grief. When you replied with a joke when I asked what you were doing I didn't see any reason to continue any conversation at the time.
Regarding your appeal.

You took no steps during the round to teach your friend anything as you proclaim. You spent the round shoving each other with no clear intent to communicate anyway to share game mechanics, what the areas were, really nothing to do with the game at all. If you were familiar with the rules on TG you would have read about that bringing in and teaching new players that you know outside the game to alert admins of the fact as per Rule 2, precedent 1.

Server rule 1, Don't be a dick, we really all are here to have a good time. Role-playing as a particularly violent(in this instance) and vocal protester without any obvious intent to engage in the the theme of the game is by and large just being a dick. Convincing your friend to join as well in a similar manner doubly so.

I asked both of you to come to the forums to explain your side of the story in an area where we can both collect our thoughts and be more productive given the circumstances and I am eager to hear your side of the story further explained. Mainly what form of communication you had with your friend(thesaintofkc) with teaching them the game and were either of you communicating to each other during the game itself?
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Jonathon Hills

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by JonathonHills » #573386

We joined with the joke characters to have a little fun while I showed him how to do basic stuff in the game. I figured it wouldn't be too intensive since we didn't really have jobs. I wanted to keep things interesting because I know that the learning curve is very steep first starting out and I didn't want to just drop him into a game with shitty graphics and make him listen to me talk about how to pick shit up. Nobody wants to play a tutorial without any action, they want to learn as they go if that makes sense. Anyway, we were using discord. I didn't think telling him how to play the game through text would be very effective because he hasn't played the game before and it wouldn't be possible to explain what to do while staying IC, i.e. "click on the hat and press e to put it on" is super meta and OOC. As for what we covered, I showed him how to pick up items and put them in his inventory or put them on. I also showed him how to use the intent system. I explained the main dynamics of the station like the different jobs and traitors and stuff. But we didn't really have long before we lost oxygen and he started dying so I took him to the medbay, after which we were banned.
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Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by Domitius » #573989

Thank you for giving me the timeline of events during the round. I understand the game may be frustrating to teach just by typing but I need you to acknowledge the use of meta-communications(Discord call between you two while playing) as something we can and do not allow in this game under any circumstances.

If you wish to teach him through voice chat I strongly suggest that you set up a private server.
https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Downloadin ... g_a_server
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Jonathon Hills

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by JonathonHills » #574308

Ok, that's fair. I understand that metacomms can ruin an entire round. We didn't intend to use discord to give ourselves an advantage in any way but there is a very fine line that I'm sure could be (and probably was to at least some small extent) between harmless and harmful metacomming and especially since it can't easily be policed by you guys, I get why it can't be allowed. If it won't be possible to teach my friend without using the chat, I'll go ahead and try a private server as you suggested.
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Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] Jonathon Hills - Perma ban appeal

Post by Domitius » #574460

I will be lifting the ban on both yourself and your friend, I'll be changing up the ban reason to better reflect what we've gone over as well.

Welcome back and good luck!

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