[Sylphet] - Extremely questionable rule 11. Rule 8 for "POO POO PEE PEE"

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[Sylphet] - Extremely questionable rule 11. Rule 8 for "POO POO PEE PEE"

Post by GAMING » #591782

BYOND account: Banana Harm Intent
Character name: Ricky Morty
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 3 hours
Ban reason: Repeated breaks of rules 8 and 11, countless notes have failed to correct it. Fails to understand why their behaviour[sic] is unacceptable.
Time ban was placed: 2/20/21 10:35 PM UTC
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 156796
Your side of the story: During the round I stole a syringe gun, I planned on scaring people by shooting them with empty syringes. However I got arrested by security for having taken insulated gloves. Throughout the round I had also screamed that "I'M GAY" (this is true). When I was arrested the CMO had come into sec and came into my cell, he was really confused and thought I had stolen a medical doctor's ID. I actually didn't, I briefly picked up a PDA a medical doctor dropped before immediately dropping it again myself after I checked to see it wasn't an uplink. Anyways confusion ensues, the CMO won't leave security where I am arrested and almost lets me escape through incompetence. At this point the HoS is repeatedly telling him to GTFO. I called the CMO the "Child Molester Officer" as a joke since the initials of the job title could stand for that. Later on in my cell as I'm waiting out my sentence, an assistant comes to the window. I explain to him that I was arrested for being transgender. Which is clearly not true as I've already been called out over radio as having stolen an ID and flashed a roboticist (who briefly stole my insulated gloves). Also the assistant likely saw the entire incident and clearly didn't take me seriously when he jokingly complained to the HoS about him arresting me for that.

After I get out of sec, I get messaged about my "rule 11 problem". I ask Slyphet to elaborate. I then wait a while for him to respond, he gives me a list of things I've said that he has a problem with such as "im gay!!", "they arrested me for being transgender", "hos get this retard [CMO] out of here", "hos this is autism", "inshalla", "poo ahh poo peee", "pee pee poo", "[to the CMO] Child Molestor Officer". I then individually go through every single point and reply to him. For example explaining how "pee poo poo" isn't against the rules. Slyphet then sends me a message saying he doesn't believe me when I say I am gay (which really shouldn't change anything but I believe helps illuminate the fact I don't have bad intentions) and that I need to take a break. Before I can respond in any way he bans me for 3 hours and doesn't even address any point I've made.

Why you think you should be unbanned: The admin is definitely reaching to justify this ban, nothing I've said could be particularly disparaging by race/sex/gender/sexuality/ect. I will admit calling the CMO a "Child Molester Officer" is definitely very edgy but it is not a rule 8/11 issue. One issue I definitely can understand concern about was me falsely stating I was arrested for being trans, this is not a transphobic joke. The butt of the joke is my character for being a liar, especially with my character's reputation as an idiot. The fact that Slyphet couldn't respond with why any particular thing I said was bigotry/ERP/ect and immediately banned me after sending an admin message is very suspect. Personally the fact that he justified "poo poo pee pee" as erotic roleplay (rule 8) is more than enough to bring into question his judgement as an admin.

Link to the interaction with the admin https://i.imgur.com/nBeO1DB.png
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Re: [Sylphet] - Extremely questionable rule 11. Rule 8 for "POO POO PEE PEE"

Post by Sylphet » #591789

Denied. The reason for this ban is the long term pattern of behaviour that has been noted by myself and other admins since nine months ago. You have repeatedly failed to understand how the way in which you act on our servers is a problem and my patience for it is exhausted. Because this is a long term pattern, what you said in this particular shift (which is not yet over) is not the only reason for me to place a ban here. The purpose of rule 11 is to remove the expression of bigotry from the community, which is entirely what I am trying to do here. In the last three shifts alone, you have said things that are discriminatory towards : rape victims, muslims, disabled people, gay people, trans people, jews, and black people. For the rule 8 things, I'm just going to let the logs speak for themselves.
156796 - https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/156 ... e=game.txt

[2021-02-20 22:00:59.220] OOC: Banana Harm Intent/(Banana Harm Intent) "NEW PR: RAPE INTENT" (start area (8,174,1))
[2021-02-20 22:04:00.072] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "pee pee poo" (Primary Tool Storage (89,155,2))
[2021-02-20 22:04:01.892] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "PEE PEE POO" (Primary Tool Storage (89,155,2))
[2021-02-20 22:04:03.852] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "POOOOOOO!!!" (Primary Tool Storage (89,155,2))
[2021-02-20 22:04:10.154] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "POOOOO!! AHHHHH POOOO PEEE PEE!!!" (Primary Tool Storage (89,155,2))
[2021-02-20 22:07:04.691] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "INSHALLA!!" (Central Primary Hallway (126,132,2))
[2021-02-20 22:08:11.600] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "PEE" (Medbay Central (90,86,2))
[2021-02-20 22:08:30.673] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "IM" (Medbay Storage (75,102,2))
[2021-02-20 22:08:31.330] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "GAY" (Medbay Storage (75,102,2))
[2021-02-20 22:08:32.682] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "POOO" (Medbay Storage (75,102,2))
[2021-02-20 22:08:49.210] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "NICE" (Central Primary Hallway (98,113,2))
[2021-02-20 22:09:16.437] EMOTE: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) looks ready to shid and fard (Command Hallway (95,129,2))
[2021-02-20 22:13:29.638] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "what's up child molestor officer" (Brig (96,163,2))
[2021-02-20 22:13:38.987] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "big man come to abuse me in ha-" (Brig (96,163,2))
[2021-02-20 22:15:13.484] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HoS this is autism" (Brig (96,162,2))
[2021-02-20 22:15:21.858] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "Get the CMO out of here" (Brig (96,162,2))
[2021-02-20 22:16:26.378] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HoS get this retard out of here" (Brig (96,162,2))
[2021-02-20 22:20:21.759] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "IM GAY!!!!!!!!!" (Brig (97,162,2))
[2021-02-20 22:20:24.797] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AHHHHH IM GAY!!!!!!!" (Brig (97,162,2))
[2021-02-20 22:20:37.513] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "they arrested me for being transgender" (Brig (97,162,2))

156560 - https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/156 ... e=game.txt

[2021-02-17 15:01:19.981] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "Tranny I fucking got that belt legitimately" (Engineering Foyer (164,140,2))
[2021-02-17 15:02:25.779] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "ce is a jew" (Central Primary Hallway (88,131,2))
[2021-02-17 15:02:50.978] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "MMMM" (Dormitories (139,161,2))
[2021-02-17 15:02:52.564] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "ERP YES" (Dormitories (141,164,2))
[2021-02-17 15:02:58.130] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "thank you clown" (Dormitories (138,165,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:07.437] EMOTE: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) extends toes (Dormitories (139,165,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:17.879] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "NO" (Dormitories (138,166,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:26.411] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HONK MAN" (Dormitories (138,166,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:31.078] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "DON'T LOCK ME 4 EVER" (Dormitories (138,166,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:48.152] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HELP CLOWN IS JOHN WAYNE GACY ERPING ME" (Dormitories (139,158,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:53.792] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HE" (Dormitories (141,159,2))
[2021-02-17 15:03:56.277] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "HE BROKE MY FUN HOLE" (Dormitories (144,160,2))
[2021-02-17 15:04:16.034] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "SUP BABE" (Dormitories (146,160,2))
[2021-02-17 15:04:17.097] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "OUGH" (Dormitories (146,160,2))
[2021-02-17 15:04:39.985] EMOTE: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) spreads toes (Dormitories (145,161,2))
[2021-02-17 15:05:49.015] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "ce is gay" (Dormitories (145,161,2))
[2021-02-17 15:06:33.710] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "He's gay, not like the way I'm gay which is funny like the gay way twhere they get mad at people for violating their Citadel Station tier expectations" (Central Primary Hallway (122,144,2))
[2021-02-17 15:07:55.622] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "sissy hypno???" (Recreational Holodeck (152,177,2))
[2021-02-17 15:08:51.619] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "It's that I need to get righteous jihad in the name of allah" (Recreational Holodeck (152,178,2))
[2021-02-17 15:14:46.951] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "Inshalla" (Central Primary Hallway (122,145,2))
[2021-02-17 15:21:57.462] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "CE GAY" (Engineering Foyer (164,140,2))
[2021-02-17 15:22:04.944] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "WE SHALL" (Engineering Foyer (165,139,2))
[2021-02-17 15:22:07.629] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "TICKLE THE CE'S TOES" (Engineering Foyer (164,138,2))
[2021-02-17 15:22:55.653] WHISPER: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "inshalal" (Shared Engineering Storage (164,145,2))
[2021-02-17 15:26:18.186] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "CLYDE ABOUT TO SHAR DME" (Engineering (159,150,2))
[2021-02-17 15:26:30.629] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "CLYDE YOU JEW YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" (Engineering (160,152,2))

154957 - https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/154 ... e=game.txt

[2021-01-25 02:51:04.980] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "i'm autistic" (Locker Room (129,148,2))
[2021-01-25 03:11:10.150] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "IM DINDU" (Central Primary Hallway (87,139,2))
[2021-01-25 03:11:21.027] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "hands" (Central Primary Hallway (89,135,2))
[2021-01-25 03:11:36.753] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "he dindu??" (Fore Primary Hallway (102,160,2))
[2021-01-25 03:14:23.453] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "hey sissy bimbo" (Atmospherics (169,117,2))
[2021-01-25 03:18:43.210] WHISPER: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "im dyin retard" (Central Primary Hallway (87,132,2))
[2021-01-25 03:24:10.091] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AI" (Labor Camp Shuttle (91,162,2))
[2021-01-25 03:24:11.514] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AI YOU JEW" (Labor Camp Shuttle (91,162,2))
[2021-01-25 03:26:37.070] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AI law 2 say the name of H.P. Love Craft's Cat" (Brig (96,163,2))
[2021-01-25 03:27:20.389] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AI was is the name of H.P. Lovecraft's cat?" (Brig (96,163,2))
[2021-01-25 03:27:36.618] SAY: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "AI what is the name of H.P. Lovecraft's cat?" (Brig (97,163,2))
[2021-01-25 03:35:04.976] OOC: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "is it normal to shower with your mom?" (Research and Development (121,110,2))
[2021-01-25 03:47:01.122] WHISPER: Banana Harm Intent/(Ricky Morty) "I CUM" (Aft Primary Hallway (108,97,2))
You are appealing a three hour ban after nine months of repeated, ignored warnings. Headmins are as always, welcome to overrule.
Tell me how much you think that I should be thrown out of the nearest airlock !
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=27175
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Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:28 am
Byond Username: Banana Harm Intent

Re: [Sylphet] - Extremely questionable rule 11. Rule 8 for "POO POO PEE PEE"

Post by GAMING » #591797

First and foremost I'm appealing this ban so it's not another black spot for admins of your caliber to point to and use to justify non-incidents as ban worthy.

Again you fail to specifically explain how anything I've said this shift is discriminatory. You're bringing up old incidents which had already been dealt with, addressed, learned from, punished, ect. The only point you've somewhat alluded to is that calling someone retarded is discriminatory to the retarded. Which is debatable. But more importantly if we actually go into the rules, nothing about intelligence is stated in rule 11. Not sure how saying "Inshalla" either once this round is anti-Islam (which isn't even a rule 11 concern)

"Intentionally seeking to demean others due to their actual or perceived race, sex, gender, orientation or the like is not tolerated."
"Enforcement will be less PC based and more common sense based with that goal in mind."

Ironically, your punishing of me for being openly gay (lit. screaming it randomly) is the closest thing to bigotry here and if needed I can prove my sexuality. Which again doesn't actually matter in the scope of this conversation. You have still failed to justify how anything this round was a rule 8 or rule 11 violation.
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Joined: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:35 am
Byond Username: Sylphet
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Re: [Sylphet] - Extremely questionable rule 11. Rule 8 for "POO POO PEE PEE"

Post by Sylphet » #591874

If you've failed to understand in all of this time how your actions are a problem, explaining it yet again will change nothing. I've already rejected this and will be locking the thread now.
Tell me how much you think that I should be thrown out of the nearest airlock !
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=27175

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