[CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban shorten

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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:58 am
Byond Username: Serxule

[CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban shorten

Post by serxule » #591807

BYOND account: serxule
Character name: Taro Martins
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 30 days
Ban reason: Soon after being talked to about excessive tide, spent the round raiding the armory, smashing windows, and ahelping when killed. This is banbaiting. You have shown a consistent pattern of round-after-round grief and chalking it up to 'its lrp'.
Time ban was placed: 2021-02-03 01:33:40
Server you were playing on when banned: bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 155567
Your side of the story: see https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... =28443&e=0

why you should be unbanned: I've appealed this before yes blah blah I know, I just think a month was excessive and I honestly just want the last like 10 days or however many cut off, I just wanna go back to engineering or something and do my stupid silly projects, also I do realise I was stupid and in the wrong when I ahelped being killed, I am very much slow at times especially if I'm mad.
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Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:31 pm
Byond Username: CoffeeDragon16
Location: Sybil

Re: [CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban shorten

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #591957

I'm a little uneasy about you making an appeal for an already denied ban, but I'll bite. I appreciate your honesty here, we can all get pretty heated over losing sometimes. Your appeal seems genuine enough so I'll lift these last 10 days. I would like to note that I very much implore you to take care in being more courteous to other players, and I expect you not to take advantage of my leniency here. I look forward to improvement.
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