[Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

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[Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

Post by Cacktoresto » #598517

Character name: idk
Ban type: server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: likely ban evasion - created death virus as a lower account. similar MO to previous "viro grief" by evaders.
Time ban was placed: 4/22/2021 at 06:00 hours
Round ID in which ban was placed: 160748
Your side of the story: I took a break from SS13 after playing for years. I forgot my original account, so that is why I know how to do viro despite being low hours. Anyway, I did not grief or release the virus. I made two death viruses that were slightly different and had different cures, both had the respiratory virus. I labeled the first one "Ronald Reagan virus" and put the bottle of blood in the fridge. Someone released the virus and spread it around. After the first virus was cured, I went back and made a second virus and labeled it "Ronald Reagan virus - DO NOT RELEASE" and put it in the fridge. Then I left, gave my ID to a doctor who lost his, and was getting ready for the escape shuttle but then that virus got released too. this time i did not get cured. I had no association with whoever released the virus or any other previous griefers. I did get banned on beestation but it is for an entirely different reason and I am maintaining my innocence.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I should get unbanned because I did not knowingly harm anyone. I did not cooperate with whoever released the virus either IC or OOC. If I was a ban evader on /tg/ I would not borrow writing an appeal. Is my history perfect? No, but I am trying to improve my player, but I am definitely not someone who goes out of their way to ruin rounds.
References of good conduct: i have bad conduct on Beestation
Anything else we should know: I play on a VPN but am willing to connect with my main IP to prove my innocence.
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Re: [Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

Post by spookuni » #598541

Hi, thanks for making this appeal

Public logs for each round are available on scrubby Virus logs are unparsed and thus unavailable publicly, but for any other admins who want to crosscheck my logs, they're here Both today and Yesterday in rounds 160748 and 160685 you created - as your sole creation in virology, a quite well optimised death virus, exactly the same death virus, both times.

[2021-04-21 23:25:36.842] VIRUS: A culture bottle was printed for the virus Ronald Reagan sym:Sneezing, Fever, Itching, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:10 s:-7 ss:8 t:11 at (Virology (55,87,2)) by Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne)
[2021-04-21 00:00:01.653] VIRUS: A culture bottle was printed for the virus Unknown sym:Sneezing, Itching, Fever, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:10 s:-7 ss:8 t:11 at (Virology (181,59,2)) by Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne)
In both of these rounds, after creating your virus, you left it unattended in virology, apparently confident that the secure sub-department would prevent the spread of your creation.
Subsequently in each round, another extremely low hour count player, playing a medical doctor walked into virology, retrieved your virus sample, and infected themselves, resulting in significant damage as the virus spread via its airborne transmission vector.

Infection in 160478, note the infection by voluntarily drinking a viral sample
[2021-04-21 23:30:06.146] VIRUS: Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) was infected by virus: Ronald Reagan sym:Sneezing, Fever, Itching, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:10 s:-7 ss:8 t:11 at (Storage Wing (86,150,2))
11:30:06 ATTACK Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/blood (5u)) from Ronald Reagan culture bottle to [stomach] (86, 150, 2) Storage Wing
Infection in 160685, ditto with the drinking
[2021-04-21 00:03:22.350] VIRUS: Angelartemis/(Reid Sommer) was infected by virus: Unknown sym:Sneezing, Itching, Fever, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:10 s:-7 ss:8 t:11 at (Courtroom (174,119,2))
12:03:22 ATTACK Angelartemis/(Reid Sommer) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/blood (5u)) from Unknown culture bottle to [stomach] (174, 119, 2) Courtroom
Play hour counts are public information on scrubby, so the age of both of these accounts is verifiable by anyone interested.

This'd already be looking like at best not learning a lesson as a non-antagonist which repeated a major mistake, if it weren't for your continuing actions in 160748, where upon the release of your death virus, and its subsequent curing and amid the distribution of a vaccine, you decided to make ANOTHER virus.
Second virus 160478
[2021-04-21 23:46:22.829] VIRUS: A culture bottle was printed for the virus REAGAN VIRUS 2 DO NOT RELEASE sym:Sneezing, Fever, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology, Silicolysis and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:11 s:-7 ss:4 t:11 at (Virology (55,87,2)) by Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne)
Or rather, you modified an already released negative virus - that had already killed multiple people, with an additional negative symptom that situationally makes it even more dangerous, with the additional "safety precaution" of labelling your new masterpiece dangerous and not to distribute, after already having one of your viruses "stolen" and released from virology, you then leave this NEW virus ALSO unprotected in virology, again, after the previous iteration of THE SAME VIRUS has already been released, hand your ID off to , as near as I can tell from the logs, the same doctor who released it in the first place (also not an antagonist), and wander off, again.
Short conversation between you and doctor about giving them your ID
11:46:45 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "sup" (88, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:46:49 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "can I get your ID" (88, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:46:51 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "I lost mine" (88, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:46:55 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "uhh sure" (89, 86, 2) Medbay Central
11:47:00 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "shuttles about to get here anyway" (89, 86, 2) Medbay Central
11:47:11 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "take it" (89, 86, 2) Medbay Central
and lo, for what happens next?
[2021-04-21 23:48:35.005] VIRUS: Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) was infected by virus: REAGAN VIRUS 2 DO NOT RELEASE sym:Sneezing, Fever, Viral evolutionary acceleration, Inorganic Biology, Silicolysis and Acute respiratory distress syndrome r:11 s:-7 ss:4 t:11 at (Central Primary Hallway (111,114,2))
11:48:35 ATTACK Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/blood (5u)) from REAGAN VIRUS 2 DO NOT RELEASE culture bottle to [stomach] (111, 114, 2) Central Primary Hallway
In regards to your specific claim that you had no previous interaction with the MD doing the distribution of your viruses, you have what appears to be a rather odd interaction with them early on in the round, I can't confirm exactly you were speaking to each other, given the nature of say logging, so I'll split these up for transparency

The MD's Say log from 11:21:11 to 11:22:01
11:21:11 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "sup man" (73, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:13 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "what do you need" (73, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:21 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "oh shit" (72, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:24 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "what a coincidence" (72, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:33 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "can I come watch" (73, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:22:01 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "okay" (60, 88, 2) Virology
Your say log from 11:21:10 to 11:22:02
11:21:10 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "uhh" (70, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:13 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "hey?" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:18 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "uranium actually" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:32 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "...." (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:35 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "Were you just......" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:38 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "waiting outside" (72, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:40 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "viro to give me uranium" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:56 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "get out" (58, 87, 2) Virology
11:22:00 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "bruh" (57, 87, 2) Virology
11:22:02 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "out" (58, 87, 2) Virology
The combined log in, as near as I can tell, conversation order
11:21:11 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "sup man" (73, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:13 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "hey?" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:13 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "what do you need" (73, 87, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:18 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "uranium actually" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:24 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "what a coincidence" (72, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:32 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "...." (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:33 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "can I come watch" (73, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:35 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "Were you just......" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:38 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "waiting outside" (72, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:40 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "viro to give me uranium" (71, 88, 2) Medbay Central
11:21:56 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "get out" (58, 87, 2) Virology
11:22:01 SAY Equinoxxxx/(Kyleigh James) "okay" (60, 88, 2) Virology
11:22:00 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "bruh" (57, 87, 2) Virology
11:22:02 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "out" (58, 87, 2) Virology
Add to that, your ,in hindsight, pretty blatant lying to the crew about your intent when creating viruses
Stating you want to add regen coma
11:36:48 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "hello" (59, 85, 2) Virology
11:37:03 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "you do realize" (59, 86, 2) Virology
11:37:07 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "that anyone with medical doctor access" (59, 86, 2) Virology
11:37:14 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "can open these airlocks" (59, 86, 2) Virology
11:37:29 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "im trying to put regen coma onto it" (56, 86, 2) Virology
11:37:35 SAY Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) "while getting rid of fever" (56, 86, 2) Virology
spilling decaying uranium gel on the floor - all references I could find in the game log of 160748 to any of the three uranium gel chemicals
11:41:56 GAME Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) splashed (thrown) Lithium, Higadrite, weakened virus plasma, decaying uranium gel and Blood on the floor (58, 88, 2) Virology
11:48:32 GAME Cacktoresto/(Hungry Milne) splashed (thrown) decaying uranium gel on the reinforced wall (97, 146, 2) AI Upload Access
For those unaware of how virology functions, decaying uranium gel can be used to mutate viruses to randomly assign tier 6 and 7 symptoms, Regen Coma is a tier 8 symptom, while it's possible you just didn't spill any stable uranium gel over the course of the round, at no point in 160748 did you create a regen coma virus, or any virus other than your two death viruses in fact. Given your level of skill in the creation of viruses to make people horizontal, I highly doubt you don't know how to make them vertical instead, and while lying to your crewmates in game isn't against the rules, it's pretty sketchy looking with the wider context.

At this point you're either metacommunicating with one or more friends on fresh accounts, or maliciously intentionally fucking up and hoping someone distributes your kill viruses while you have plausible deniability. And given that this happened twice, both times with sub one hour playtime accounts doing the spreading, it's really not looking good for you on the virogrief front.

On the subject of ban evasion, I have a lot less for you. The exact methods by which we link evading accounts together aren't publicly available, for obvious reasons, but your current record in game makes the excuse that you forgot an old account extremely hard to believe, and your account has turned up multiple links to the account of a previously banned serial evader, which if you're not them, is an amazing coincidence given your similar patterns of behaviour.

With all of the information to me both publicly laid out here and restricted to admins only, I really don't believe you that you've forgotten your previous account at all, and as such I'll be denying this appeal.
Joined: Thu Apr 22, 2021 12:09 am
Byond Username: Cacktoresto

Re: [Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

Post by Cacktoresto » #598543

The problem is that all of this is situational evidence. Yes I did interact with the doctor, but if you read the logs it's clear I wasn't metagaming with him. I even kicked him out of virology because he wanted to "watch". You should punish him, and not me. I didn't break any rules by lying or making deadly viruses. I put my deadly viruses in the virus fridge where they are supposed to go. I never let him into virology of my own accord, and I only gave him my ID because the shuttle was coming anyway. The evidence might look suspicious, but I don't think you want to risk banning an innocent player. Besides, doctors can already open virology so its not like I was enabling him to spread anymore than he already had access to.

I deny all accusations of ban evasion on /tg/station.
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Re: [Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

Post by spookuni » #598544

Looks like this one will be going to the Headmins then. I'll flag one of them down to review, and I wish you luck with their judgement.
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Re: [Spookuni] - Cacktoresto

Post by Jimmius » #598574

Your account is linked multiple times via multiple methods to a bunch of ckeys that have all been permabanned for creating and releasing a death virus as a non-antag. This appeal is denied.

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