[Cimika] Livrah - Ban Appeal

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Byond Username: Livrah

[Cimika] Livrah - Ban Appeal

Post by Livrah » #598764

BYOND account: Livrah
Character name: Boris Mahnov
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: Reason: As a non-antagonist, was set to arrest by security and decided to evade security for a while. When finally caught by security, they detonated a maxcap, directly killing four people on the spot, potentially more because of the hole in the station. They initially stated in the ticket "I will do it again", before being talked out of it. Has been warned that the next time they bomb security as a non-antag, it will be escalated harshly.
Time ban was placed: 2021-04-25 12:53:35
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 160977
Your side of the story: Security team silently started to chase me - RD - with batons. For the next 30 minutes I tryed to figure out why am I under arrest, asking on comms and evading officers without fighting back (because some static names often lynching me on the spot if valid due me using Freedom implant frequently). None of them said a word, continuing to pursue me. Later the warden (Sergey Petrenko) asked me for a bag search, saw only a TTV in it (I was doing toxins) and and tryed to take it. Shortly after that security started to lethal me:
About maxcap - I set off the bomb at toxins test site far from hallways when shuttle was docked. The bomb directly killed only 3 people - 2 who was killing me and 1 other officer who ahelped.
After looking into logs, figures out the reason of chase was metainfo about my gimmicks in the past. No more ban request so:
I just wanted to make Bags of Holding for everyone, dammit.
Why you think you should be unbanned: In ahelp with Cimika I forgot to mention the important detail that the security started lethaling me. Also note says what I killed 4 people but it was 3 and 2 of them tryed to kill me. Requesting a reduction of the ban for only one person whom I did not intend to bomb.
References of good conduct: No server bans before.
Anything else we should know: Full uneditted round. chase started at 30:00, bomb at 58:30.
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Byond Username: Cimika

Re: [Cimika] Livrah - Ban Appeal

Post by Cimika » #598765

Hey, thanks for taking the time to appeal.

First of all, I want to apologize for misreading the logs, I somehow counted four people (not including you) instead of three, and that's totally on me. The video makes that much clearer, and I appreciate the time you took to upload it for us.

I can empathize with the situation you found yourself in, as security allegedly used meta-knowledge on you despite not doing anything technically wrong, and then escalated to lethals for basically no reasons. Despite this, I urge you to ahelp in the future if you find yourself in a situation like this, because it is much easier for everyone involved.

As it stands, breaking the rules as a response to a perceived rule-break is never good. Using a maxcap on station and blowing up security was definitely not the right move at all here. Had you chosen to pursue the two security officers that escalated against you, with less indiscriminate means, this wouldn't have been as much of an issue. However, the bomb and the collateral kill is what I want to stick.

I can't stress out enough that your reply near the end of the ticket really threw a bad light on the whole thing, and you should avoid saying those kind of things as it could be misconstrued as you actually showing no understanding of the issue / no remorse over breaking the rules.

In light of these new informations, I'm willing to cut the ban from a week ban to a three days ban. (one for the unjust kill and two for the bombing).
I will be rewording the note to :
Reason: As a non-antagonist, was set to arrest by security over dubious/metagamey reasons and decided to evade security for a while. Two security member used lethal force on the player out of the blue. When finally caught by security, they detonated a maxcap, directly killing three people on the spot, potentially more because of the hole in the station. While the player was in the right to retaliate against the two security members that tried to lethal them, the issue is with the usage of a bomb and the innocent security officer who got bombed in the crossfire. They initially stated in the ticket "I will do it again", before being talked out of it. Has been warned that the next time they bomb security as a non-antag, it will be escalated harshly. This has been reduced following an appeal from a week to three days.
Let me know if this is alright with you.
Queen of the 2020 Summer Ball
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Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:43 am
Byond Username: Livrah

Re: [Cimika] Livrah - Ban Appeal

Post by Livrah » #598766

Cimika wrote:Hey, thanks for taking the time to appeal.

First of all, I want to apologize for misreading the logs, I somehow counted four people (not including you) instead of three, and that's totally on me. The video makes that much clearer, and I appreciate the time you took to upload it for us.

I can empathize with the situation you found yourself in, as security allegedly used meta-knowledge on you despite not doing anything technically wrong, and then escalated to lethals for basically no reasons. Despite this, I urge you to ahelp in the future if you find yourself in a situation like this, because it is much easier for everyone involved.

As it stands, breaking the rules as a response to a perceived rule-break is never good. Using a maxcap on station and blowing up security was definitely not the right move at all here. Had you chosen to pursue the two security officers that escalated against you, with less indiscriminate means, this wouldn't have been as much of an issue. However, the bomb and the collateral kill is what I want to stick.

I can't stress out enough that your reply near the end of the ticket really threw a bad light on the whole thing, and you should avoid saying those kind of things as it could be misconstrued as you actually showing no understanding of the issue / no remorse over breaking the rules.

In light of these new informations, I'm willing to cut the ban from a week ban to a three days ban. (one for the unjust kill and two for the bombing).
I will be rewording the note to :
Reason: As a non-antagonist, was set to arrest by security over dubious/metagamey reasons and decided to evade security for a while. Two security member used lethal force on the player out of the blue. When finally caught by security, they detonated a maxcap, directly killing three people on the spot, potentially more because of the hole in the station. While the player was in the right to retaliate against the two security members that tried to lethal them, the issue is with the usage of a bomb and the innocent security officer who got bombed in the crossfire. They initially stated in the ticket "I will do it again", before being talked out of it. Has been warned that the next time they bomb security as a non-antag, it will be escalated harshly. This has been reduced following an appeal from a week to three days.
Let me know if this is alright with you.
Thanks! My ahelp replies was like this due I knew what I did bannable things and no reason to play innocent.
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:39 pm
Byond Username: Cimika

Re: [Cimika] Livrah - Ban Appeal

Post by Cimika » #598767

I understand. I'll edit the ban and note right now. Cheers !
Queen of the 2020 Summer Ball
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