[Tegun] Asasin 13 - AI work ban

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Cameron Murphy
Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:03 pm
Byond Username: Asasin 13

[Tegun] Asasin 13 - AI work ban

Post by Cameron Murphy » #609218

BYOND account: Asasin 13
Character name: Jaynie Fuchs
Character name at time of ban: C.E.N.T.R.A.L AI
Ban type: Role
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As asimov AI, loaded burntest on a holodeck being used as medbay. Loaded the burntest multiple times in fact. Also randomly shocked doors on the station for fun according to ahelps. Nobody died but in combination with earlier notes, you seem to have difficulty grasping silicon policy.
Time ban was placed: 2021-08-01 21:03:20.
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry.
Round ID in which ban was placed: 167046.
Your side of the story: This was my 2nd round for the AI, I was very glad that I became an AI. And the assistants decided to take the suits from the EVA vault, and tried to break the doors. One assistant broke into, and the second just tried to open the door. At this point, I decided to teach them a lesson by de-energizing the door. So one of them was electrocuted. 4 times. The second case was on the hologram, since Medbai was destroyed, doctors and patients approached the hologram. To be honest, I didn’t know that the hologram contains so-called "dangerous holograms". Asked to turn on the Emergency Medical Section. After a while, as I saw, they finished. And I decided to look at other features of Dangerous Holograms. And I turned on everything, and of course I got on the Test fire, so I lit the whole dormitory.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I think the ban was issued correctly, I did not know that a hologram could shoot like that. The assistants just pissed me off by breaking down the door. I realized that I made mistakes on this tour. Please understand and unlock, I will not make such mistakes anymore. And I will study the wiki articles on unsafe practices. I'll read the rules.
P.S: I am Russian, there may be mistakes in my appeal, do not scold me severely for them.
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Re: [Tegun] Asasin 13 - AI work ban

Post by Tegun » #609288

The problem here is that this is the third time something like this happens in about a month. Silicons, like head roles or security, require a lot from the player - you have to know a lot about the game mechanics, you have to know what's okay to do and what isn't. Malf AI and subversions seem to happen so rarely these days that being an AI is mostly being a tool for the crew to open doors and maybe monitor a few things, it's not a very exciting and action packed job in most shifts and requires a certain mindset. Three notes in a month, one including trying to blame the AI for something you did as a borg, make me very skeptical about whether or not you're playing in good faith but even more than that it is clear you need some more time before you can be entrusted with that kind of responsibility.

So I'll be denying this appeal.

To succesfully appeal this, play actively on some other server and get a voucher from their administration saying that you can behave, or just keep playing here and don't break the rules as a normal crewmember. We can look at this again in a month or two if you've been active.

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