[BAN] [<Cedarbridge>] <DigitalLove>

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[BAN] [<Cedarbridge>] <DigitalLove>

Post by Butthorn » #622969

BYOND account: <DigitalLove>
Character name: <Unable to remember>
Ban type: <Server>
Ban length: <Permanent>
Ban reason: <Metacommunication with BantyRooster>
Time ban was placed: <2019-03-25 03:17:15>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <Id 104600>
Your side of the story: <BantyRooster is a good friend of mine who I had convinced to try and learn how to play ss13. In addition to directing him to wiki pages, server resources and trying to tutor him myself, I thought the best way to learn was to just jump into a server feet first and get a taste for how the systems of the game work.
Things were fairly benign the first several rounds we played together, I stuck to whatever role I happened to land, he would play assistant or janitor and ask me questions relating to the interface, layout of the station or what certain actions he could take during the round. During one particular round, and I'll admit I forget specifics, there was an uprising in cargo and against my better judgement, caught up in the moment, I instructed him on how to involve himself with that situation, as well as directly providing him with assistance in the form of weapons and armor that were acquired as part of the cargo uprising, all done with metacommunication, all done out of character. We were caught in a pretty embarrassing way, as BantyRooster was streaming the game on Twitch for a few of our friends. When I was confronted by Cedarbridge, I initially denied involvement, but would realize quickly that we had been caught and what I had done violated server rules.>
Why you think you should be unbanned: <I believe, given the situation as Cedarbridge witnessed it, his banning was justified. Rather than appeal whether or not his ban was justified, I've come to write this post as an appeal to clemency, to show I recognize my wrongs and would like to be given a second chance.>
References of good conduct: <I've played on quite a few other servers over the years, though admittedly not so much in recent months. Some of the servers I've frequented are Paradise, GOON, Baystation in particular was a favorite of mine. As far as I'm aware, I'm in good standing on these servers. My ban on TG is my first and only ban, let alone permanent ban.>
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Re: [BAN] [<Cedarbridge>] <DigitalLove>

Post by Timberpoes » #622975

This was accidentally posted in the TGMC section but the ban details relate to a non-TGMC ban, so I've shifted it over to the correct sub-forum.

Cedarbridge is no longer an admin, so I'll take this over in their place since I'm here anyway.

It has been well over 2 years, so I'm going to unban you. It has been plenty long enough and you appear to understand what you did was wrong.

I'll take your word that you've been playing on other servers in good standing.

Please take the opportunity to catch back up on our rules, which have definitely changed since you were last banned https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules

If you intend to play on our MRP servers, Manuel or Campbell, you will also need to absorb our Roleplay Rules which sit on top of the ordinary server rules ONLY for our MRP servers https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Roleplay_Rules

Your ban will be removed within the next 15 minutes from the timestamp of this post, when I log on to a server to axe it. You MAY have to wait for the current shifts to end before you're able to rejoin each server though.

Be excellent over the festive season and welcome back!
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Re: [BAN] [<Cedarbridge>] <DigitalLove>

Post by Timberpoes » #622979

'Tis done. As mentioned before, you may have to wait for the current shifts to cycle to completion before being able to rejoin, but I logged on Manuel to remove your ban so if you can connect there, it's all successful and any other servers should work too once their current shifts end.
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