[Harricross] ice-tea-red - missed the bwionk

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[Harricross] ice-tea-red - missed the bwionk

Post by icetea » #633498

BYOND account: [Ice-tea-red]
Character name: [Iceten maxwell]
Ban type: [server]
Ban length: [Permanent]
Ban reason: Image
Time ban was placed: [2022-03-14 01:24:38]
Server you were playing on when banned: [manuel]
Round ID in which ban was placed: [#59464]
Your side of the story: [ yeah soo this is a clear fault of mine, went too far with the rp and being drunk ic is not a good excuse for what i did soo its on me. but i missed the bwoink due to me and my family are going to vacation, as the round ends i closed the game and pack my laptop into my bag and head off. soo its my fault for the rule 8 violation but i missed the biwoink by accident]
Why you think you should be unbanned: [yeah i do deserve a punishment but since i missed the bwionkk i'm sorry for that and would like to clear this up now]
Anything else we should know: [just know im not a english speaker soo please forgive my bad grammer]
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Byond Username: Harricross

Re: [Harricross] ice-tea-red - missed the bwionk

Post by Harricross » #633511

Hi, thanks for making an appeal.

It's clear to me that you know what you did wrong, so there isn't much to converse about on that topic. I'll be changing this to a note since this is your first incident, but please keep in mind that Rule 8 is taken seriously and any further Rule 8 violations will net you a permanent ban.

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