[Striders13] SevenHaven

Appeals which have been closed.
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Byond Username: SevenHaven

[Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by SevenHaven » #636877

BYOND account: SevenHaven

Character name: Gon Dola

Ban type: Server

Ban length: 7 Days

Ban reason: "MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a virus that resulted in the death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past."

Time ban was placed: 2022-04-09 13:31:02

Server you were playing on when banned: Campbell

Round ID in which ban was placed: 181315

Your side of the story: After a long while of standard traitor objectives and collecting most of the station's pets (to avoid suspicion when a few 'mysteriously died', mind you), I encountered a scientist breaking into the security outpost on lavaland. Since it was just the two of us, and I had the Black Box in my hands, I struck up a conversation. They soon informed me that lava wouldn't destroy said black box, and we set out to send it off via cargo shuttle to 'destroy' it. It was while we were doing exactly that another clueless scientist spoke a Traitor codeword. I responded with a coded response. I quickly received a message from Edgar Crug, another traitor, telling me to meet him at the public mining dock. Informing my new thief friend, the scientist, we headed down to meet him.

Once we arrived, we made our goals very clear. I had already achieved several objectives and was in the clear for a greentext, but Edgar still had another to do before we left. The three of us then set about completing one of the more extravagant objectives; stealing the plutonium core from the self destruct. This was completed with the use of a single c4 and done undetected, but we still had to end the round and ensure all three of our funky green texts on the end screen. Since we were incredibly affluent in the TC department and our scientist thief friend happened to be from xenobio, we opted to attempt to hijack the shuttle.

The plan was simple. Elegant, even. I waited outside of the captains office for Edgar to kill Fermi Para Dox, the QM, before purchasing the Centcomm cruiser shuttle and calling it to the station. Fermi himself was known to have the captain's spare, and we didn't want him on the shuttle when we closed the shutters it boasted. We'd equipped ourselves using our sizeable TC pool, and I had opted for the ultimate weapon; an Ancient Toolbox with 30 TC inside. Edgar had similarly used his TC to purchase a double-bladed energy sword. A short while after informing Edgar over PDA that I was in position, he relayed back that he couldn't find the moth. Shrugging my shoulders, I messaged back "Fuck it, I'm going in." and promptly hacked into the empty captains office and summoned our chariot. The crew was less than pleased with our idea.

Defending the bridge for the first 5 minutes was somewhat difficult. If anyone attempted to recall the shuttle or even saw me, I brutally murdered them. Turns out, the Ancient Toolbox with 30TC inside landed your average spessman in crit in a mere four hits, and subduing melee targets was a very simple task. Ranged or particularly robust ones proved more difficult, but our xenobiologist friend kept us healthy and active. For the most part. I had a bad run in with a cytology creature. Alone, even. It snared me and killed me rather easily, owing partially due to my lack of robustness.

I began flying around as a ghost, pleased with my inbound greentext and adventure.

Strider then contacted me, asking why I killed those half-dozen people. I answered honestly. He took issue with the collateral damage (maybe it was a bit too far) and quickly informed me that I would be given a 7 day ban. He also claimed that despite having been warned for this type of behavior before, I had done it again. I checked my notes to see if this was true, as I'm not the most 'murderboney robust' type of antagonist, and sure enough? It wasn't. Watdefugg?

I talked to said admin about it, but I was told that 'hijack isn't an objective anymore' since some PR. Tragedy of change aside, that meant me nor none of my partners had it. I was, rather obviously, displeased with the verdict regardless, and asked if I was supposed to keep up with PRs (to avoid being banned) now. I received radio silence and a swift banning.

Why you think you should be unbanned: In case it isn't obvious by now, something about this ban is VERY WRONG.

I wasn't a virologist. I was an assistant. Everything I did had absolutely nothing to do with a virus. The ban reason is from what I assume to be an old note (not ban) of me releasing a virus from hell onto an unsuspecting medbay as a traitor.

To top it off, I don't believe the prior note listed a number of deaths, either. This implies either gross negligence or flat out lying by the admin in question. A note about bone-y behavior I can understand, maybe even a short ban too; but whatever the fuck this is? No. It should be pretty obvious by my list of completed objectives and prior history that I'm (usually) not the Toolbox Butcher. It should also be pretty obvious that THERE WAS NO VIRUS.

References of good conduct: I usually stick about on Manuel, but was on Campbell due to corporation mandated transfer (TM). I've got more than a few notes, but I've also been playing TG for a long time. More than three years or so. Other than some prior questionable conduct and the Fusion Canister Incident of 2020 (bring back fusion 6!), I don't think I've done all that much bad.

As a side note, I hope you enjoyed my tale of traitor fuckery. I sure as hell had a great time.
 ! Message from: Timberpoes
Let's not start a trend of titling every ban appeal with the status of the mod in question. Striders13 is neither a full admin nor a trialmin. They are still undergoing the week-long period of training, advice and admin team supervision that goes into obtaining trial status.
Last edited by Timberpoes on Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Redacted commentary on The Administrator Condition.
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Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Sylphet » #636878

Actual ban reason --
Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor, killed 6 people in order to hijack shuttle, which had nothing to do with his objectives.
The one initially given before was the result of a miscommunication between myself and the banning admin, however the ban reason on our side was immediately corrected. The one I've just posted is correct and should be used for the purposes of this appeal.
Tell me how much you think that I should be thrown out of the nearest airlock !
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=27175
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Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Striders13 » #636888

Hi, thanks for appealing! As stated above, the ban reason has been amended immediatelly after the ban (woops). That, however, does not change the fact that you murderboned on a MRP server, and I'm not intending to lift this ban.
Giving yourself objective to hijack the shuttle does not give you a pass to mass murder the crew as traitor on MRP. Even if you were feeling like hijacking, there are ways of doing that outside of murdering everyone in sight.
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Byond Username: SevenHaven

Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by SevenHaven » #636892

Gross negligence it is.

Aside from the fact that things like this flat out shouldn't happen, I don't think 'immediately corrected' covers changes made 10+ minutes after the ban was put into effect. I had to connect to the server several times to fill out this ban appeal, and since it was still there? I'm not inclined to believe it. (Slow servers, maybe? I'm not entirely sure how your databases operate)

Since you still seem to think protecting a console an hour and a half into an otherwise peaceful traitor round is 'murderbone', I don't think this is going to go anywhere.

If you could provide me with steps to take to get in contact with a head admin and have them look over this properly, I'd appreciate it. I can't seem to find any information about escalation in the ban appeal forums.
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Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Striders13 » #636897

Head admins have been notified.
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Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Timberpoes » #636899


This is the entry for the ban at 13:31:02

Code: Select all

SevenHaven banned by Striders13 from Server on 2022-04-09 13:31:02 during round #181315.
Duration of 7 days, expires on 2022-04-16 13:31:02.

MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past.
This gave an associated note on your record at the same time

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2022-04-09 13:31:03 | Campbell | Round 181315 | Striders13 | 223h Living Playtime
Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past.
This note was edited approx 1 and a half minutes later

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Note edits

Edited by Striders13 on 2022-04-09 13:32:27 from
Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past.
Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor, killed 6 people in order to hijack shuttle, which had nothing to do with his objectives
However the reason in the ban database does not get edited alongside the note, so the notification you got on trying to log in will have been out of sync with that. It is a routine oversight because our admin tools are, put politely, a load of jank and not exceptionally user friendly.

I've let Striders13 know how to fix this and should soon see the updated ban reason on logging in.

I have notified a codebase maintainer about how the admin tools being janky and sometimes difficult to use make us all sad. I have gotten assurances from that codebase maintainer that I am objectively correct.
/tg/station Codebase Maintainer
/tg/station Game Master/Discord Jannie: Feed me back in my thread.
/tg/station Admin Trainer: Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
Feb 2022-Sep 2022 Host Vote Headmin
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Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Sylphet » #636901

Okay, since I was the other half of this, I'm taking it upon myself to post.

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[2022-04-09 13:18:10.164] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "Oh wow what the fuck. I see like, seven kills already" (Medbay Central (96,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:18:18.919] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "wew" (Greater Aft Maintenance (72,85,2))
[2022-04-09 13:18:54.002] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "which log lets you see their killcount easily" (Medbay Treatment Center (84,101,2))
[2022-04-09 13:18:59.194] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "or are you just looking at medbay" (Medbay Treatment Center (84,101,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:23.937] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "jaxon fleming, arcana obscura, hates-the-aasimov, brody o'sullivan, kristus ronaldo, kletus tideson" (Medbay Central (96,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:28.090] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "are the victims" (Medbay Central (96,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:33.636] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "oh did he disconnect" (Medbay Treatment Center (84,101,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:34.394] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "I am just counting from attack logs" (Medbay Central (96,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:53.881] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "he did" (Emergency Shuttle (116,51,2))
[2022-04-09 13:19:55.097] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "sad" (Emergency Shuttle (116,51,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:08.043] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "It's 6 or 7 people..." (Emergency Shuttle (109,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:18.451] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "well uh yeah that's a bit too much" (Emergency Shuttle (105,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:19.214] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "Prior bone warning" (Emergency Shuttle (109,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:24.994] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "I'd weekban" (Emergency Shuttle (109,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:42.153] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "Since they're DCed we treat it as though they have nothing to say in their defence" (Escape Shuttle Brig (112,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:20:57.123] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "if they want to explain they will appeal. Do you want to do it or should I" (Escape Shuttle Brig (112,53,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:02.907] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "i'll do it" (Emergency Shuttle (115,48,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:27.147] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "sure" (Emergency Shuttle (98,56,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:27.507] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "wait is he back" (Emergency Shuttle (117,50,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:41.502] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "try bwoinking" (Emergency Shuttle (115,49,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:48.854] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "if they're dced it'll tell you" (Emergency Shuttle (108,49,2))
[2022-04-09 13:21:56.638] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways)->SevenHaven/(Gon Dola): Hey, did you have any reason to kill all those uh.. 7 people?
[2022-04-09 13:22:16.514] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "it was 6 technically" (Emergency Shuttle (104,52,2))
[2022-04-09 13:22:32.171] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "that's like 4 people too many" (Emergency Shuttle (27,202,12))
[2022-04-09 13:22:37.267] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "damn 6 killed in a bone?" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:22:44.030] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "and we have like 17 active lol" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:22:56.493] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "and they've been warned for bone before" (Emergency Shuttle (29,200,12))
[2022-04-09 13:23:19.466] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "It was viro bone to be fair but the relevant rule is the same" (Emergency Shuttle (26,208,12))
[2022-04-09 13:23:38.034] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "i mean" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:23:45.710] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "bone viruses fall in the same ballpark" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:23:56.830] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "a different method to the same end, yes" (Emergency Shuttle (25,197,12))
[2022-04-09 13:24:22.857] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "didn't we remove hijack in 2020 anyway" (Emergency Shuttle (25,197,12))
[2022-04-09 13:24:29.416] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "i think some antags still have it" (Mining Station Production Wing (60,30,5))
[2022-04-09 13:24:33.282] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "like uhhh blood bros" (Mining Station Production Wing (60,30,5))
[2022-04-09 13:24:34.516] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "and ai" (Mining Station Production Wing (60,30,5))
[2022-04-09 13:24:51.882] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "anyway im just gonna speed this up" (Mining Station Living Quarters (41,27,5))
[2022-04-09 13:25:36.799] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "so it was uhh viro murderbone yeah?" (Lavaland Wastes (50,31,5))
[2022-04-09 13:25:47.370] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "Yeah they released a murder virus" (CentCom Recovery Wing (205,82,1))
[2022-04-09 13:25:51.944] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "awesome" (Lavaland Wastes (50,31,5))
[2022-04-09 13:25:58.430] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "week ban sounds reasonable." (Lavaland Wastes (50,31,5))
[2022-04-09 13:29:48.173] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "will we be longer" (Bridge (111,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:30:01.174] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "you can always ask him if he can stay for the next round" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:30:05.429] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: FlamingCheese/(FlamingCheese) "if you have all the logs you need" (start area (8,174,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:03.035] ADMINPRIVATE: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) has created a temporary 1 week server ban for SevenHaven. Reason: MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past.
[2022-04-09 13:31:09.230] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "also uh" (Lavaland Wastes (49,34,5))
[2022-04-09 13:31:10.475] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "they" (Emergency Shuttle (206,87,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:13.146] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "antag ban too?" (Lavaland Wastes (49,34,5))
[2022-04-09 13:31:14.366] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "didn't release a virus" (Emergency Shuttle (206,87,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:22.455] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "They toolboxed people" (Emergency Shuttle (225,87,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:24.368] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "oh" (Lavaland Wastes (65,44,5))
[2022-04-09 13:31:26.731] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "fuck" (Lavaland Wastes (65,44,5))
[2022-04-09 13:31:33.767] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "It changes nothing just reword it" (Emergency Shuttle (225,87,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:37.113] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "sure" (Lavaland Wastes (57,44,5))
[2022-04-09 13:31:48.659] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "I brought up the virus to indicate that they have broken MRP rules on mass murder before" (Emergency Shuttle (218,71,1))
[2022-04-09 13:32:28.516] ADMINPRIVATE: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) has edited a note  for SevenHaven made by Striders13 from Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past. to Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor, killed 6 people in order to hijack shuttle, which had nothing to do with his objectives.
This is the asay log for when this happened. I brought up your past instance of murderbone by virus. You had murderboned in the current round as well, killing six people with a toolbox. These are breaks of the same rule, roleplay rule 5.


Antagonists are restricted on MRP from certain types of murder. Hijacking no longer exists, and to my knowledge, hasn't since 2020. Essentially, you killed six people without justification, having broken the same rule under a month ago. This is why the decision was made between us to hit you with a weekban. This is justified and proportional according to our rules. The issue here is that, while Striders believed that you had murderboned with a toolbox, they are on their first week of adminning. A senior admin connects, and begins talking about a murderbone virus. Another senior admin also mentions a murderbone virus. Obviously, this is a little weird to see. Our logs are confusing, especially for people who have not yet made even trialmin. A safe assumption is that we know something that they don't, and to take us at our word. Round ends, and we're delayed. People are getting impatient and pressure to wrap it up builds. Striders asks to confirm for certain that your murderbone in this round happened by a virus, rather than by a toolbox as was initially believed.
[2022-04-09 13:25:36.799] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "so it was uhh viro murderbone yeah?" (Lavaland Wastes (50,31,5))
I confirm it, believing that we're still talking about the context of the note in your record.
[2022-04-09 13:25:47.370] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "Yeah they released a murder virus" (CentCom Recovery Wing (205,82,1))
And so Striders places the ban.
[2022-04-09 13:31:03.035] ADMINPRIVATE: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) has created a temporary 1 week server ban for SevenHaven. Reason: MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past.
The mistake is caught within seven seconds of placing the ban.
[2022-04-09 13:31:10.475] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "they" (Emergency Shuttle (206,87,1))
[2022-04-09 13:31:14.366] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "didn't release a virus" (Emergency Shuttle (206,87,1))
The mistake is then corrected within a minute and thirty seconds.
[2022-04-09 13:31:48.659] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Sylphet/(Cywren Helianth) "I brought up the virus to indicate that they have broken MRP rules on mass murder before" (Emergency Shuttle (218,71,1))
[2022-04-09 13:32:28.516] ADMINPRIVATE: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) has edited a note for SevenHaven made by Striders13 from Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor virologist, released a deadly virus that resulted in death of 6 people. You were already warned for this exact thing in the past. to Banned from the server for 1 week - MRP - As a traitor, killed 6 people in order to hijack shuttle, which had nothing to do with his objectives.
This is how the miscommunication happened, and how we resolved it as soon as possible. I take full responsibility for accidentally misleading them, as they did everything reasonable to confirm that you did actually do what we said you had done. That being said, while the placement of this ban was admittedly a mess, our position on it was agreed upon before the miscommunication even came into play. The decision was made under one understanding, and the ban itself was placed under another. For that reason, I believe the ban should stand, together with the adjusted reason. A clerical error is not a good reason to throw out seven kills for someone who has a history of it.

Headmins have been notified to this ban.
Tell me how much you think that I should be thrown out of the nearest airlock !
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=27175
Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:37 pm
Byond Username: SevenHaven

Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by SevenHaven » #636908

The ASay log and server ban loggings pretty much tells all I needed to hear.

There isn't any malice or negligence beside an 'oh fuck oops' here. As much as I might be ready to stand by the 'not a murderbone' here, it's kind of surprising how fast the body count piled up there. If you're inclined, you can drop going up the chain and bothering the headmins; I'm content to ride out the ban.

I've heard the work 'jank' used to describe ss13 admin tools every single time. Since this also applies to OTHER byond games with admin tools, I'm starting to think that there's no higher word to describe however the fuck it works.

Tl;dr BYOND is an affront to god and an ancient toolbox with 30TC in it is too much power for one man.
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Byond Username: Striders13

Re: [Striders13] SevenHaven

Post by Striders13 » #636960

I appreciate your understanding. Either way I'm going to write up a better responce since my first one was awful and uninformative.

The context to this is it was nearing round end. So after I said

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[2022-04-09 13:24:51.882] ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Striders13/(Runs-In-Hallways) "anyway im just gonna speed this up" (Mining Station Living Quarters (41,27,5))
I closed the logs and went by the information provided to me by fellow admins in ASay, neglecting the fact that i've seen some toolbox damage there. As Sylphet mentioned, there was an unfortunate miscommunication and I've assumed you have again released a death virus this round.
After applying the ban, I have been informed that it wasn't done by virus, but using comically robust toolbox, so I've ammended the ban reason to reflect that.
And, due to my inexperience with banning tools, didn't change the reason in unbanning panel, the panel from which it actually shows your ban reason when you try to connect. Again, my bad.

As for the ban itself - obviously not going strictly by your objectives as traitor is fine and even encouraged, but I felt like the killcount was a bit high for something that could have been achieved with less death. So what exactly did go wrong?

attack.log and game.log filtered by names "jaxon fleming, arcana obscura, hates-the-aasimov, brody o'sullivan, kristus ronaldo, kletus tideson, gon dola, Elyott Rayhurstt, Edgar Crug"

As you've mentioned in your story, the whole ordeal began with you breaking into cap's office to purchase and call the shuttle:

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[2022-04-09 13:05:20.097] SHUTTLE: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has purchased CentCom Raven Cruiser.
[2022-04-09 13:05:28.512] SHUTTLE: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has called the emergency shuttle.
[2022-04-09 13:05:28.512] SHUTTLE: Shuttle call reason: The time has come.
To which CE responds with teleporting into bridge:

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[2022-04-09 13:05:24.727] SAY: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) "oh for fucks" (Bar Lounge (139,129,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:30.102] GAME: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) has teleported from (Bar Lounge (139,129,2)) to (Bridge (108,136,2))
And, after they walk to Cap's office, you initiate the fight (snipped service people eating in kitchen):

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:05:42.871] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 70.4)  (Captain's Quarters (115,130,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:44.256] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 41.5)  (Bridge (114,132,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:45.623] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 12.6)  (Bridge (113,130,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:45.898] ATTACK: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) has attacked SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with jaws of life (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 77.5)  (Bridge (113,129,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:46.759] ATTACK: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) has attacked SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with jaws of life (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 66.2)  (Command Hallway (113,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:46.953] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -16.3)  (Command Hallway (113,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:05:47.929] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked [reinforced window] with the toolbox (Command Hallway (108,127,2))
And you leave CE critted in Command hallway, running off to... fight an assistant near robotics for some reason.

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:06:05.755] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 65.6)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,100,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:05.965] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has attacked SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 40.6)  (Aft Primary Hallway (108,100,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:05.965] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has suffered: Rough Abrasion to human head | Damage: 15 (rolled 15/44.3127) | WB: 15 | BWB: 10 (Aft Primary Hallway (107,99,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:06.727] ATTACK: Randal the Vandal/(Lucy Lacemaker) has attacked SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with regenerative black extract (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 40.6)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,97,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:06.759] EMOTE: *no key*/(Gon Dola) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Aft Primary Hallway (107,98,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:06.761] ATTACK: *no key*/(Gon Dola) has died (BRUTE: 69.2, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Aft Primary Hallway (107,98,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:07.519] SAY: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) "fuck" (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:08.019] ATTACK: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) started fireman carrying Elyott Rayhurstt (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:08.020] ATTACK: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) was fireman carried by Hates-The-Aasimov (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:09.416] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has suffered: Rough Abrasion to human head | Damage: 15 (rolled 29/44.3127) | WB: 15 | BWB: 10 (Aft Primary Hallway (106,97,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:09.417] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has attacked SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 85)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,97,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:11.205] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked [��Aft Primary Hallway omni air scrubber Km0dQ] with the toolbox (Aft Primary Hallway (106,89,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:14.357] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has suffered: Open Laceration to human head | Damage: 13.5 (rolled 5/38.2355) | WB: 15 | BWB: 10 (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:14.363] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 53.4)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:16.184] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has suffered: Compound Fracture to human head | Damage: 30.6 (rolled 117/120.229) | WB: 5 (Aft Primary Hallway (107,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:16.185] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 23.2)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,81,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:16.325] WHISPER: _distrilul/(Elyott Rayhurstt) "i need an epipen" (Teleporter Room (99,123,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:20.143] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -6.4)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,80,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:20.742] SAY: *no key*/(�Medibot) "Edgar Crug, you appear to be injured!" (Central Primary Hallway (116,145,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:21.171] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has suffered: Weeping Avulsion to human head | Damage: 13.5 (rolled 38/38.2355) | WB: 5 | BWB: 15 (Aft Primary Hallway (107,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:21.172] ATTACK: Randal the Vandal/(Lucy Lacemaker) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with rainbow knife (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -19.9)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,81,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:21.388] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -50.5)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.236] ATTACK: Randal the Vandal/(Lucy Lacemaker) has attacked RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) with rainbow knife (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: TOXIN) (NEWHP: -63.5)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,81,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.370] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has suffered: Dismemberment Wound to human head (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.371] EMOTE: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.372] ATTACK: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has died (BRUTE: 196.2, BURN: 0, TOX: 17.2786, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.379] ACCESS: Mob Login: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) was assigned to a /mob/living/brain
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.379] GAME: *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) is no longer owning mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/living/carbon/human) (Aft Primary Hallway (106,82,2))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.383] GAME: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) Client RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has taken ownership of mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/living/brain) (UNKNOWN (?, ?, ?))
[2022-04-09 13:06:22.398] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -113.5)  (Aft Primary Hallway (106,83,2))
So shuttle gets recalled by CMO.

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:06:38.583] SHUTTLE: Ggefg/(Erebus Heretek) has recalled the shuttle.
In the meantime you are attacking an engineer above bridge (snipped ce being stripped and treated by hates in medbay):

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:07:31.271] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has thrown the toolbox  (Central Primary Hallway (101,144,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:31.454] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has threw and hit Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with the toolbox (NEWHP: 96.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (101,144,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:31.455] ATTACK: Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human chest | Damage: 35 (rolled 73/145.109) (Central Primary Hallway (106,144,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:31.558] SAY: *no key*/(�Medibot) "Kristus Ronaldo, you appear to be injured!" (Central Primary Hallway (106,144,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:37.578] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has thrown the toolbox  (Central Primary Hallway (127,133,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:40.030] ATTACK: Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) has suffered: Compound Fracture to human right arm | Damage: 34 (rolled 111/139.338) | WB: 5 (Starboard Primary Hallway (128,137,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:40.031] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 35.2)  (Central Primary Hallway (127,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:41.975] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 10)  (Starboard Primary Hallway (136,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:42.926] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -15.5)  (Starboard Primary Hallway (139,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:44.542] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -40.4)  (Starboard Primary Hallway (139,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:45.425] ATTACK: Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human head | Damage: 25.5 (rolled 72/93.1443) | WB: 5 (Starboard Primary Hallway (140,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:45.428] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -65.9)  (Starboard Primary Hallway (139,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:46.242] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -90.8)  (Starboard Primary Hallway (139,138,2))
[2022-04-09 13:07:47.088] EMOTE: Tastycasey/(Kristus Ronaldo) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Starboard Primary Hallway (140,138,2))
It seems like they were just running away and not retaliating so i'm not sure why would you finish them off (or start fighting them to begin with).

Shuttle gets called again. Fight in bridge ensues between you and Edgar vs the HoP, where the former loses:

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:09:11.441] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 74.5)  (Bridge (103,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:12.459] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human right leg | Damage: 34 (rolled 77/139.338) | WB: 5 (Bridge (101,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:12.460] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 49)  (Bridge (101,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:13.713] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (104,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:13.794] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has shot SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 86.1)  (Bridge (104,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:14.120] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (105,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:14.785] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (105,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:15.574] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (102,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:16.156] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (100,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:16.845] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has thrown the toolbox  (Bridge (100,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:16.846] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has threw and hit Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with the toolbox (NEWHP: 50.4)  (Bridge (100,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:17.020] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has fired at [Bridge] with the disabler beam from Bridge (Bridge (102,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:17.708] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has punched Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) (NEWHP: 18.9)  (Bridge (101,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:17.710] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has got a stun punch with their previous punch Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) (NEWHP: 18.9)  (Bridge (101,134,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:18.058] ATTACK: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/consumable/quality_oil (1u, 1 purity)) from the quality oil to [large beaker] (Kitchen (138,125,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:19.949] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has suffered: Joint Dislocation | Damage: 25.5 (rolled 47/93.1443) | WB: 5 (Bridge (102,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:19.954] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -6.2)  (Bridge (102,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:20.925] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human head | Damage: 25.5 (rolled 62/93.1443) | WB: 5 (Bridge (101,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:20.928] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -31.7)  (Bridge (100,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:21.981] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has suffered: Weeping Avulsion to human left arm | Damage: 34 (rolled 127/139.338) | WB: -10 | BWB: 20 (Bridge (101,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:21.990] ATTACK: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with double-bladed energy sword (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -57.2)  (Bridge (101,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:22.006] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -82.7)  (Bridge (100,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:22.772] ATTACK: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human left arm | Damage: 20.4 (rolled 64/68.1526) | WB: -10 | BWB: 20 (Bridge (101,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:22.773] ATTACK: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) has attacked Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) with double-bladed energy sword (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -94.9)  (Bridge (101,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:09:22.979] EMOTE: Fgm13/(Brody O'Sullivan) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Bridge (101,135,2))
At this point you've already taken out 4 people, and a known murderer.

Next, Hates comes at you, gets toolboxed all the same.

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:10:58.881] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 81.5)  (Bridge (114,128,2))
[2022-04-09 13:10:59.965] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 68.7)  (Command Hallway (114,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:00.623] ATTACK: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) has shot SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with the weakened kinetic force (NEWHP: 86.1)  (Command Hallway (113,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:02.561] SAY: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) "ungreatful" (Bridge (108,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:03.828] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Command Hallway (Command Hallway (102,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:03.829] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has shot Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with the laser (NEWHP: 68.7)  (Command Hallway (102,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:04.129] ATTACK: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) has shot SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) with the weakened kinetic force (NEWHP: 78.6)  (Command Hallway (99,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:04.264] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Command Hallway (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:04.532] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has shot Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with the laser (NEWHP: 49.7)  (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:04.715] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has fired at [��Command Hallway omni air vent SZs38] with the laser from Command Hallway (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:05.443] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Command Hallway (Command Hallway (104,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:05.832] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has shot Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with the laser (NEWHP: 30.7)  (Command Hallway (105,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:06.410] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has fired at [floor] with the laser from Command Hallway (Command Hallway (103,126,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:06.991] ACCESS: Mob Login: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) was assigned to a /mob/living/brain
[2022-04-09 13:11:06.991] GAME: *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) is no longer owning mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/dead/observer) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,97,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:06.994] GAME: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) Client RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has taken ownership of mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/living/brain) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,102,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:08.084] ACCESS: Mob Login: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2022-04-09 13:11:08.084] GAME: *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) *no key*/(Kletus Tideson) is no longer owning mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/living/brain) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,102,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:08.102] GAME: RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) Client RedSnappah/(Kletus Tideson) has taken ownership of mob Kletus Tideson(/mob/dead/observer) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,102,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:08.731] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -18.9)  (Command Hallway (97,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:10.249] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -49.5)  (Command Hallway (97,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:11.141] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -80.1)  (Command Hallway (97,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:11.349] SAY: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) "now you will understand how it should be" (Bridge (108,136,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:11.902] EMOTE: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless... (Command Hallway (96,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:11.905] ATTACK: Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) has died (BRUTE: 156.4, BURN: 57, TOX: 5.77855, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Command Hallway (96,127,2))
[2022-04-09 13:11:11.907] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked Sheepthulhu/(Hates-The-Aasimov) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -110.7)  (Command Hallway (97,127,2))
If your main goal is to prevent shuttle recalling, you could've just walked away from that guy, as he's a miner and doesn't have access to bridge consoles anyway.

After that, you attack a botanist above bridge, once again for seemingly no reason.

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:12:17.727] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 66)  (Central Primary Hallway (124,144,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:19.430] SAY: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) "ok" (Medbay Treatment Center (82,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:19.672] ATTACK: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) has suffered: Compound Fracture to moth head | Damage: 34 (rolled 114/139.338) | WB: 5 (Central Primary Hallway (115,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:19.675] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 32.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (116,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:20.751] ATTACK: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to moth right arm | Damage: 34 (rolled 112/139.338) | WB: 5 (Central Primary Hallway (109,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:20.755] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 6.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (110,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:21.817] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -26.7)  (Central Primary Hallway (104,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:23.364] ATTACK: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) has suffered: Compound Fracture to moth left arm | Damage: 34 (rolled 123/139.338) | WB: 5 (Central Primary Hallway (102,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:23.366] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -51.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (101,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:24.262] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -85.8)  (Central Primary Hallway (101,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.046] EMOTE: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Central Primary Hallway (102,143,2))
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.048] TRAITOR: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has received a potential objective: /datum/traitor_objective/assassinate/behead (Name: Behead Lucy Lacemaker, the Scientist, TC: 2, Progression: 1200, Time of creation: 79903)
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.048] TRAITOR: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) missed /datum/traitor_objective/assassinate/calling_card (Name: Assassinate Arcana Obscura the Botanist, and plant a calling card, TC: 2, Progression: 1097.99, Time of creation: 20527)
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.049] TRAITOR: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) has received a potential objective: /datum/traitor_objective/steal_item/somewhat_risky (Name: Steal a hand teleporter and place a bug on it. Hold it for 12 minutes, TC: 5, Progression: 10200, Time of creation: 79903)
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.049] TRAITOR: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) missed /datum/traitor_objective/assassinate/calling_card (Name: Assassinate Arcana Obscura the Botanist, and plant a calling card, TC: 2, Progression: 749.448, Time of creation: 50342)
[2022-04-09 13:12:25.050] ATTACK: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) has died (BRUTE: 236.7, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Central Primary Hallway (102,143,2))
Next, again, the same engineer gets toolboxed.

Code: Select all

[2022-04-09 13:13:19.734] ATTACK: SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human left leg | Damage: 34 (rolled 57/139.338) | WB: 5 (Central Primary Hallway (108,114,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:19.739] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 74.5)  (Central Primary Hallway (107,113,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:20.880] ATTACK: SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) has suffered: Joint Dislocation | Damage: 25.5 (rolled 70/93.1443) | WB: 5 (Aft Primary Hallway (108,109,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:20.883] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 49.2)  (Aft Primary Hallway (108,110,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:21.185] SAY: Malice69/(Edgar Crug) "oh" (Medbay Treatment Center (82,103,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:22.444] SAY: EstebanFailsmore/(Arcana Obscura) "what are you doing" (Bridge (111,135,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:23.535] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 23.9)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,99,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:25.208] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -1.4)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,94,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:26.651] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -26.7)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,94,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:27.599] ATTACK: SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) has suffered: Hairline Fracture to human head | Damage: 25.5 (rolled 81/93.1443) | WB: 5 (Aft Primary Hallway (108,94,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:27.603] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -52.2)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,94,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:28.405] ATTACK: SevenHaven/(Gon Dola) has attacked SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) with toolbox (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -77.2)  (Aft Primary Hallway (107,95,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:29.199] EMOTE: SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless... (Aft Primary Hallway (108,94,2))
[2022-04-09 13:13:29.202] ATTACK: SigmaGrindset/(Jaxon Fleming) has died (BRUTE: 210.9, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Aft Primary Hallway (108,94,2))
And then you pick a fight with that big-ass cytology monster and die.
So, this entire thing is not really valid, considering the fact that you killed 4 people who were seemingly uninvolved.

Still, I'd like to apologize for not giving your ticket proper research before placing the ban.

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