[coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

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[coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #639591

BYOND account: Yobiodazine
Character name: Mauricio Vandertunt
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 2 days
Ban reason: was being a shitter. sue me, ban me, repeatedly harassed and stole from the chief engineer, with a strong note history for over-escalation. Was rude in ahelps the whole time, and disconnected in the middle of it. Please play to have fun with other people, not just yourself.
Time ban was placed: like 11pm
Server you were playing on when banned: Sibyl
Round ID in which ban was placed: unknown
Your side of the story: Stole the chief engineer's toolbelt for shits and giggles, it was stolen back from me by Lyn and returned or assumed to be returned, the chief engineer persisted in chasing me so I stole their ID. Got involved with an admin who seemed to think I was someone else, but became interested in banning me after I told them I stole from the chief engineer. I was convinced it was an IC matter and became disillusioned with the admin's line of questioning. Rather than upset myself any more, I returned the ID, killed myself, and left, assuming they had complete enough information.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't care. I would rather contest a bad admin than a bad ban. I'm following your beaurocratic procedures in order to show I was banned for an excessive amount of time simply for being rude after the admin first messaged me without even knowing who I was. I tattled on myself by saying I stole the toolbelt. If you're going to pursue a ban like this, you need to come in with clear information and a professional attitude. Not talking to me like a kid and using your admin powers to get me for being mean in response.
References of good conduct: Screw you I've played for years and years
Anything else we should know: If this admin doesn't want me to be rude they need to work on their approach. I don't think anyone who gets their kicks finding reasons to extend bans should be an admin. If you play this game long enough obviously you will have notes.
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by Mothblocks » #639601

Exact ban reason, since it wasn't clear from the wording in the OP that it was an ahelp reply:
Banned from the server for 2 days - 00:43:04: Reply PM from-Yobihodazine/(Mauricio Vandertunt): was being a shitter. Sue me. ban me. Repeatedly harassed and stole from the Chief Engineer, with a strong note history for over escalation. Was rude in ahelps the whole time, and disconnected in the middle of it. Please play to have fun with other people, not just yourself.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by Mothblocks » #639603

From Ticket #7 during round 182511 on Sybil
Ticket opened at 2022-05-03 00:36:25 by coffeedragon16
00:36:25: Ticket Opened by-coffeedragon16: yo what happened between you and chief ewe
00:36:48: Reply from-yobihodazine: i stole her toolbelt, it got stolen back, she chased me after that so i stole her ID
00:36:50: Reply from-coffeedragon16: did he take your disabler? or was that someone else's?
00:36:57: Reply from-coffeedragon16: wrong guy.
00:37:06: Reply from-coffeedragon16: well i guess im asking you that now
00:37:08: Reply from-yobihodazine: ive definitely been active
00:37:33: Reply from-yobihodazine: and you got your answer
00:37:42: Reply from-coffeedragon16: listen if you're gonna be a prick stealing someone's tools is one thing, those are replaceable, but stealing a head of staff's ID is pretty egregeious, given your history
00:37:57: Reply from-yobihodazine: she asked for it
00:38:05: Reply from-yobihodazine: was chasing me, when i didnt have her belt
00:38:34: Reply from-coffeedragon16: diiiid she know you didn't have the belt?
00:38:44: Reply from-yobihodazine: yes, i reported it over the radio
00:39:08: Reply from-yobihodazine: i don't need the cutesy attitude, do your job and be done with it
00:40:56: Reply from-coffeedragon16: why ddid you steal her id though you're just being a prick to 'em, they need it to do their job (same with the tools)
00:42:24: Reply from-yobihodazine: I literally just told you. because she decided to chase me after i reported her toolbelt was being returned. that is obviously not doing her job
00:43:04: Reply from-yobihodazine: The toolbelt is because I was being a shitter. Sue me. ban me. I think it's retarded that I can't keep people on their toes.
00:43:28: Client disconnected
00:49:42: CoffeeDragon16/(Mythmi Aguilar) has created a temporary 2 days server ban for Yobihodazine.
00:49:43: Resolved by CoffeeDragon16
---- No futher messages ----
This ticket was generated by Statbus v.0.14.0
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #639715

The ban is over the fact that you repeatedly interfered with the CE's ability to play for little reason. Tiding is fine, to reasonable extents, but when you keep taking from someone, you go over the line into grief. This normally would have not warranted a ban, but you demonstrated no empathy for the other player or any willingness to understand that you were being a poor sport. When I went to orbit you, you were breaking into the security outpost. I was under the impression, given what you said, you just spent the round powergaming and giving people trouble. This kind of play is un-fun to have on the servers.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't care. I would rather contest a bad admin than a bad ban. I'm following your beaurocratic procedures in order to show I was banned for an excessive amount of time simply for being rude after the admin first messaged me without even knowing who I was. I tattled on myself by saying I stole the toolbelt. If you're going to pursue a ban like this, you need to come in with clear information and a professional attitude. Not talking to me like a kid and using your admin powers to get me for being mean in response.
If you don't care, then why are you appealing this? I don't really understand what you want, and I don't have much to say here. I was a bit abrasive, but I was soley to illustrate to you that you were having a detrimental effect to the round, and being frustrating by being quite rude in the ahelp. I certainly don't find this to be conduct-breaking, and I'm sure the headmins wouldn't find it either, as I assume you want a second opinion from them?
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #639727

I think you're showing a lack of listening skills, and you're trying to embellish or paraphrase a story that you did not see happen in a way as to present me in as negative a light as possible. I stole the belt from him, it got returned, he(and a few others) chased me, I took his ID and ran off. Then I returned it when I realized I was in trouble for it. That is barely "repeatedly" and it wasn't for "little reason", what exactly do you think the CE was chasing me for? And once again you admit you banned me based on what I said. For the record: I have empathy, I can admit fault, I tell the truth, and I don't appreciate you acting like I'm supposed to feel bad about being a shit eating greytider in a video game. It's not real life, it's not a show of character, and on re-reading our convo I wasn't even that rude. You should have seen the earful I've given some other admins, and they didn't let it affect their decision making because they do their job FOR THE SERVER and not because they enjoy banning people.

"If you don't care, then why are you appealing this?" This question is an attempt to muddy the waters by deliberately ignoring the reason I said I was appealing it. Either that or you can't read.
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Wed May 04, 2022 12:55 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #639731

Yeah, I would like a second fucking opinion, obviously. It's my weekend, I work nights, and I had precious little to do as it was.
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Wed May 04, 2022 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #639733

Considering the pace at which this appeal is progressing, I expect to be unbanned before the matter is over. However please do not close this appeal just because the ban expires, because I need a ruling on it before I can continue with an admin complaint, as per your beaurocracy.
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Re: [coffeedragon16]yobihodazine - 2 day ban

Post by Mothblocks » #639742

We're not upholding this.

Emphasizing this sentence from Coffee:
CoffeeDragon16 wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 10:24 pm Tiding is fine, to reasonable extents, but when you keep taking from someone, you go over the line into grief. This normally would have not warranted a ban, but you demonstrated no empathy for the other player or any willingness to understand that you were being a poor sport.
yobihodazine2 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 12:02 am I don't appreciate you acting like I'm supposed to feel bad about being a shit eating greytider in a video game.
The point she was making is that if you use your rounds to make the game frustrating for other people, and make this blatantly clear at every opportunity ("I was being a shitter. Sue me. ban me.", among other points), you should not be surprised when admins step in for the better of the server.

You have yet to show any reason to trust that you are a benefit to the server, and your shitty attitude to someone who is just trying to make the server better has afforded you absolutely no favors. Coffee doesn't "need to work on their approach", you do.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<

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