[Sightld2] Bob Calistan - Appealing perma ban as psychcologist

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Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:20 pm
Byond Username: Bob Calistan

[Sightld2] Bob Calistan - Appealing perma ban as psychcologist

Post by BobCalistan » #647698

BYOND account: Bob Calistan
Character name: Filicondris Aggley
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As a non-antag,came upon a laser and started murderboning. 2 hours of playtime. DC'd upon being bwoinked.
Time ban was placed: 2022-07-25 05:09:30
Server you were playing on when banned: Basil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 187237
Your side of the story: So to make a somewhat long story shorter, I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that a nefarious individual with yellow hair named Decker Buzzard was attacking people in the hallways outside medical, and medical and security were doing little about it. I did mention to one of the guys in medical that it seemed like they were just letting "very bad people" roam around, and was simply told "no not really" which didn't really assuage my fears. Sometime after that I basically just followed the engineer as he broke into armory to get some weapons, and I believe we were later joined by the bartender and a chemist. We did all gang up on detective as he tried to prevent our access and (regrettably)had to beat him to death, however, he was one of the individuals that I thought was allowing a madman to roam the halls with no comeuppance, and this was before I got any sort of actual weapon. We armed up in armory which is where I got my laser gun, and my only target was Decker. While everyone else with me ended up massacring everyone in the bar area, I did not fire upon anyone else during this time and simply searched around for him, and even when I found the Decker and attacked him, (joined by my "compatriots") I'm pretty sure I was the first to go down and didn't actually even get to do any real damage, let alone kill him. I did leave the round directly after this because it was basically the middle of the night and I had to go since I needed to wake up early, and I have no real excuse for this, so I will take responsibility for how badly this made me look.
Why you think you should be unbanned: While I will agree that my actions were uncalled for and a little extreme, and will assure to not do them again in the future, I believe attacking only 2 people in the entire round under the circumstances given is far cry of being worthy of a permanent server ban, and most definitely not classified as "murderboning with a laser gun" which I was told was defined as going on a wanton killing spree. (especially since I think the only guy I may have finished off was the detective with a welding torch, and only injured Decker with the laser gun)
Anything else we should know: Looking at the public logs of the round in question (which I don't know how to insert sections of into these posts) along with the public ban list, I really think you may have mixed me up with one of my other "compatriots" who really did go on a complete rampage in the bar/med area and I just looked guiltier because I left early, because the only people I ever did harmful actions against were the detective and Decker. (which I will admit were still unjustified) I think I may have accidentally hit a doctor with a syringe of chloral hydrate from the syringe gun while attempting to pacify Decker earlier in the round, but this was purely accidental, along with any friendly fire incidents that may have happened when attacking Decker towards my "compatriots." I also don't know if that playtime in the ban reason is only for the session in question, but I did put in 5+ hours on the server earlier that day before this with little incident, so I hope that can be seen as me not just playing here in bad faith.
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Byond Username: Sightld2

Re: [Sightld2] Bob Calistan - Appealing perma ban as psychcologist

Post by Sightld2 » #647701

Hey there, thank you so much for making an appeal, off the bat I'd like to apologize, i placed this ban without doing enough investigation. From my perspective a ticket came in about a murderboner with 2 hours of play time who instantly DC'd when their griefing spree was done. I've gone ahead and unbanned you while I continue to investigate, a cursory look at the attack logs was not sufficient work on my part.
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:20 pm
Byond Username: Bob Calistan

Re: [Sightld2] Bob Calistan - Appealing perma ban as psychcologist

Post by BobCalistan » #647708

I appreciate you being so understanding, and I think it may have been either the chemist or bartender that was actually the perpetrator. I do remember both of them being in medical for quite a bit, and it might have actually been them who were being beaten in the hallways by Decker and gave me the impression that there was a madman roaming around. Anything about why or when they would've been fighting or perpetrated the rampage, I have no idea though, you'd have to ask them.

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