[Cheshify] Saturniidae - Note

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[Cheshify] Saturniidae - Note

Post by Saturniidae » #648871

BYOND account: Saturniidae
Character name: Timothy Empyrea
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: "Warned not to use OOC terms like "Antag" and discuss not playing antagonists IC"
Time ban was placed: 2022-08-06 17:23:01 | Sybil | Round 188030
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 188030
Your side of the story: I was sitting in the roundend shuttle in the sec room with HoS and another sec officer when we were looting the body of a confirmed traitor, they were "legendary" status in the uplink and the HoS reacted with "holy shit" or something and I was curious to why, so when we were talking about it I asked what that meant as an Antag. This all happened in the roundend shuttle. Admin bwoinked me and told me to not use OOC words in IC, and very rudely told me to cut it off while referring to a warning i got over a year ago.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I feel the admin was very rude, and frankly it felt like they were acting out of spite. This was the message I recieved "Yeah can you lay off the OOC terms in game? Talking about antag rolls and whatever isn't allowed" when getting admin notice. and this was their last response: "You've been noted for this before, lay off" and then i got a warning with no chance to explain myself.
References of good conduct: Dayton Waer HoS this round, I don't know their Byond name only their character name for the round. They were helping and explaining things to me for most of the round.
Anything else we should know:
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Re: [Cheshify] Saturniidae - Note

Post by Cheshify » #648873

Hey Saturniidae. I'm going to strip away any of the admin stuff and just talk to you honestly.

I apologize for being rude, I was being far too rudely brief within the ticket for how minimal of an issue it was. It wasn't right for me to just hurry the ticket along, even if it was a pretty simple case. I hope you can forgive me for that, since it was absolutely improper as I just wanted to get the ticket done and over with, and I'd like to discuss the note itself.
[2022-08-06 17:16:28.435] SAY: Saturniidae/(Timothy Empyrea) "I never antag" (Escape Shuttle Brig (96,48,2))
In your discussion with the HOS, you are discussing your lack of knowledge with antag roles by talking in OOC terms, saying "I do not play antag", this is why the note was placed. Even if we're on an LRP server, we're all still spacemen within a space station, and I believe that discussing the concept of rolling antags is OOC in IC.

How do you feel would be best to proceed, do you think my reasoning for the note makes sense? Do you want to discuss how it could be re-written?
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Re: [Cheshify] Saturniidae - Note

Post by Cheshify » #649776

After a discussion with Saturniidae, we've elected to resolve this and keep the note as-is.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: [Cheshify] Saturniidae - Note

Post by Cheshify » #649779

Hey there @Saturn! . We currently have a note appeal up on the forums, and I'd really like your opinion on what's going on with it. Here's how I responded to you:


If you could get back to me, either here or on the forums, it'd be greatly appreciated. Basically, I want to ask what step you think we should take next. Do you believe my expanded reasoning for the note still warrants it, do you believe we should change it up a little/reword it, or are you just comfortable with my apology as-is.


Hey, thanks for the apology, really! I forgot to check the forums and been busy with stuff have barely played spaceman, did you reword the note by the way? I checked and yeah either i'm forgetful or

I haven't reworded the note, I want to hear what you think we should do


I don't really mind the note, even though I think it was a little unnecessary . I was mostly bothered by the attitude, but I accept the apology and all that. Thanks for notifying me here
I guess it's not that bad of a note, i mean.

It's really my own fault, I was in a rush to finish the ticket up and move on that I was incredibly rude, and it means a lot to me that you can forgive me
Honestly, this can genuinely go either way and I'd like your input and I'll follow through. Do you want the note removed or edited in any way, or do you feel like it suits the situation?

The note is correct but I didn't understand why it was such a big deal, being round end and all that, I was also genuinely curious and wasn't just talking air. Came back to spacemen after a long time and it has changed a lot. The HoS was pretty robust, so i was just chatting with them about it. The thing that bothered me the most was just the rudeness, I probably made that appeal out of frustration more than anything. I would prefer it removed but I don't really mind it, cause after all I did technically break the rules. I have no problem with the way it's worded though
It does really mean a lot that you apologize, by the way. Thanks!

So lemme fill you in here, just to remove misunderstanding: round end occurs exactly when the stat panel showing who the antags of the round were, anything before that, even if it's a second, is still during the round and we can't really allow any breaches of that

anyways, seeing as we both understand this, I'll close your note appeal with a message stating we had a discussion about this and have resolved to end this amicably

Oh alright, I understand!

Yes, no worries! Thanks!

Thank you for being understanding!

Would you mind if I posted this to the ticket itself for logging purposes?

Not at all c:

Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta

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