[AdipemDragon ] DaxYeen - Nothing happens in a vacuum

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Dax Dupont
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[AdipemDragon ] DaxYeen - Nothing happens in a vacuum

Post by Dax Dupont » #650471

BYOND account: DaxYeen
Character name: Caroline Dupont
Ban type: Note
Ban reason: As a captain on a low pop shift with no security, permabrigged a mime while they were visibly SSD over B&E and other earlier misinterpretable actions (like drinking something spiked with haloparidol that the mime put down and pointed to and then acting as if it was a direct forceful poisoning). When the mime returned, the captain was not receptive to any discussion whatsover and left them perma'd, which lead to the mime being left to rot in a lethal self-defence act from the cap. I know that being the sole security member is hard, but putting people in the quiet box until they're no longer a problem at the second offense ain't it. Deal with people in proportion to their crimes, espetially if they're willing to talk (or in this case, pass a message on a paper).
Time ban was placed: 2022-08-22 13:58:58
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 189015
Your side of the story:
So I'm the captain, there's no security. 5 Minutes in the SM starts to delam, all good I deal with that but it was off to a chaotic start.
Let's go over what the mime all did:
Breaking into several areas, including eva/engineering(including CE's office)/chemistry
Admitted to drugging people, tried to drug me by handing me a drink that has haloparidol
Slammed me into a table and tried to steal my satchel
I arrest him, let him go. Give him another chance
I come back and he's broken into chemistry(the break ins happened after the arrest). I find him ssd but I decide to check what he's working on since his pills for drugging people were removed. What do I see? Clear components and parts to create lethal grenades. Fluo acid and foaming solution and bunch of other stuff he was holding. I drag him in because enough is enough.
I think to myself, what can I do? He's obviously trying to murder someone with all the drugging and grenades he's making. He's also broken into some pretty bad areas. Surely he'll come after me since he tried to make me drink spiked drinks with emote begging and pointing for me to try it.
I'm alone, no security to keep an eye on him, he's clearly using chems to down people and making grenades. Perma seemed as the only solution. When I asked AdipemDragon what I should've done instead to keep me and the station safe in this scenario he didn't have a concrete answer. I wanted to give him a trial but I got interrupted by the attempted murder of the HOP by Baal.
Additionally I did find paper and a pen and gave it to the mime but it was ye olde I DIDNT DO IT and IT"S NOT FAIR, so after back and forward I stopped and went to deal with yet another situation. At this point I've helped fixed the SM, had to run cargo, made food in the kitchen and a lot of other tasks to keep the station running.
The whole situation about the death of the mime is also irrelevant to the note, as he notes it's in self defense. The mime and Baal were breaking out of perma and tried to murder me with spears and other stuff. As it was more than fair to defend myself, also there's irrelevant info in the note.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I felt I acted fair if you consider the circumstances. I was alone, i was running the entire station, dealing with murders and incompetent departments. The note is painting me in an unfair light, isn't fully factual and I would argue is omitting a lot of information like the grenades part.
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Re: [AdipemDragon ] DaxYeen - Nothing happens in a vacuum

Post by AdipemDragon » #650486

From the top, I fully agree, even if I don't fully execute, that Nothing Exists In A Vacuum. While I (kinda badly, now that I look at it again) try to just focus on the issue that I'm going for, that being the combination "arresting someone while SSD" along with "permaing on the 2nd offense" (is it usually the 3rd?), it kind of just missed the mark on how much you were all over the place that shift, trying to take care of everything. Yeah, the whole situation culminating into something you had to lethaly protect yourself from is unrelated to that but it is what the whole thing eventually lead to, so I felt like having to include it.
I still kind of genuinely feel like There's Something There, something about being too harsh too quick, but I see why you did it and I'm just conflicted on what to realy do about it.
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Dax Dupont
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Re: [AdipemDragon ] DaxYeen - Nothing happens in a vacuum

Post by Dax Dupont » #650494

I'll plead guilty on the SSD part. I will add I was short on time and he was in the process of making grenades.

Pemaing seemed fine since I had no backup what so ever and I had evidence of the mime being a lethal problem and they had a crime spree and trying to roofie me + grenades + slamming me into a glass table and looting my bag made it seem he was out to get me. There was no way to pacify a threat like him without having backup from sec. The chemistry break in and grenade fabrication was the threshold where I started being very worried. I would've given him a third chance if we had some security. Traditionally we've been more lenient on non security personnel punishing people if there's no security.

I'd be more lenient if I knew that security was around to keep him reigned in while I was dealing with all the unstaffed departments and other assorted messes (from cooking and cargo to repairing the swiss cheese that was the hop office).

I'd be fine if the note gets reduced to "Arrested an SSD person for an assortment of crimes" but ymmv
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Re: [AdipemDragon ] DaxYeen - Nothing happens in a vacuum

Post by AdipemDragon » #650568

Yeah that's really what it boils to, I'll cut it to just that.

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