[Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

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[Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #657450

BYOND account: CoolDude22333
Character name: Jack Anton
Ban type: Security, Captain.
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Warden, Detective, Security Officer permanently - Cannot be trusted with weapons, as a Detective, when his bag containing a syndicate Radio another officer wanted was taken while he was SSD, shot them 6 times before asking where the bag was. This is MRP, it was another officer who took your bag and they didn't even have it. Your history with poor escalation and execution continues outside of roles that can authorize executions.
Time ban was placed: 2022-06-28 22:41:05
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round 185722
Your side of the story: This was a bit ago, so my memory might be hazy. I was playing detective and had a syndicate radio on my bag. I went AFK for some reason or another and returned to lacking my bag. After asking and checking logs, I believe I discovered who did it, and tried to obtain my bag. I ended up shooting them after arguing with them for a while.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It's been a few months since this incident, and for the most part I've being doing well for myself. However, as we all know, sooner or later you go back to spessmans. I love playing security due to the fact it's a mobile role that has the perfect excuse to jam pack as much interaction as possible into a round, rather then lock one's self into a workspace. My notes, while a fair negative few exist, also still get around to pointing out how I am not unreasonable and that I am willing to talk to people. I can play by the rules, and feel like it's about time I put that HOS beret back on.
References of good conduct: I've been playing Fallout 13 (Atom bomb, and tried Mojave Sun) a bit, I've been playing plenty of SCP-13 site 53 and having a ton of fun guarding light containment zone, I've played shiptest for a bit, I've done some writing for a player-made security manual, and I also played TGMC. On top of many people suggesting I appeal.
Anything else we should know: I'd just like to thank you for taking the time for reading my appeal. I hope you have a good day.
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by Cheshify » #657458

Alright let's look into this ban. To start off, I cannot unban you from HOS/Captain because that is an entirely separate permaban.
[2022-05-16 03:13:57 | note by raveradbury]
Banned from Roles: Captain, Head of Security permanently - MRP - Has a significant history of executing without appropriate reason or evidence. In this last instance, executed what was believed to be an ex-headrev for a failed welderbombing of the captain.
Let's look at your playtime on our servers since your bans. It's not great.

Additionally, your last 3 notes don't paint a great picture, especially when lined up with playtime and roles chosen. The first was the aforementioned Captain - HOS ban from rave for executions without warrant. Your next was the ban you're currently appealing, where as a detective you lethally escalated against someone else, and the most recent one was shortly after the security ban, where...
As a lawyer had an intense threat round and was recruited by security to augment thier strength. Due to thier security Ban they have been informed that they are not allowed to be a lawyer that is armed or empowered by security to act on thier behalf. If it happens again it will be considered ban evasion. They did not intend to evade the security ban and was responsive and understanding when informed.
This note was placed on: [2022-08-31 03:49:39
Following that, you observed for three rounds, and have been off TG entirely.

While you have had hours on other servers, I can't confirm if these hours were positive and productive with you showing the changes we're looking for (far more willing not to escalate to execution, far less of an "itchy trigger finger"). I would like to see some more hours on TGstation as non-security aligned roles. We have a whole lot of very different jobs that I believe you can show some positivity on.
Shout out to Riggle
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #657499

I can understand everything about this, but I am just trying to handle this, if I need to make another appeal, I will. The playtime tracker seems to not account for the time spent on TGMC lately. As I said, sec is my favorite role, so being perma banned, I played lawyer, a service role near it that I enjoy mostly because It has sec's RP potential without the responsibility of being sec, and get noted for a round where xenos got loose. I understand the note, and it's one I'd actually say has merit, but at the time it was clear I wasn't going anywhere, and that I shouldn't continue to burn myself out when it was clear playing would likely just get me more notes, so I did what anyone else would do, and took a break from SS13 entirely. You also forget to notice the part of the note that specifies that I wasn't going out of my way to join sec, and that I was perfectly reasonable with the admin. And I am honestly sick of being stuck as someone who has a "itchy trigger finger" when I do alot more then just validhunt. While it's not the case, it's honestly felt like a bunch of admins, many of them I'd argue are mostly reasonable, just seem to have it out for me, and even if it isn't true, it still gets tiring. If you could consider this, I'd be thankful. I am willing to get onto manuel to play some not-sec rounds, but I just want to get this appeal here, because usually whenever I think about manuel, I think "oh wait, I can't play sec" and do something else, and if I didn't appeal, I'd still see not much reason to go back , especially when a single misstep could just outright get me permabanned, considering it takes one blob or round with xenos to put a gun in my hand, that will then justify hitting me with ban Evasion. I'd like to also thank you for responding fairly quick. Have a good night.
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by Cheshify » #657524

Specifically: the issue isn't about you getting a gun because there's a massive threat on the station, but taking a security-adjacent role like Lawyer and then joining security when there's a threat. You're allowed to play other roles and due to the events of the round end up with a weapon to stop threats or defend yourself, but you're not allowed to take a different role and look to join security when there is a threat.
I am honestly sick of being stuck as someone who has a "itchy trigger finger" when I do alot more then just validhunt.
CoolDude22333, to be frank, you have a history of near constant overescalation and overaggressive play that leads me to the decision to deny this ban. You need to be on TG servers as any other role showing that you're capable of playing the game without executing people on a whim. Your history is atrocious, with zero signs of improving from the kind of play that earned these rolebans. You have notes from as far back as 2019 that show this exact kind of behavior, with enough consistent notes and bans over the years that don't lead me to believe you've changed without some solid playtime on TGstation servers to back up your claim. I'm willing to believe you've changed, and I really need to see some hours on our servers in order to prove this.

Below is your entire consistent history of this behaviour (as it's noted/banned) A dozen different admins over [EDIT:Four] years recorded the same behavioural patterns.
2019-03-25 17:31:00 Spoken to about overaggressive play as detective - shooting a clown nearly into critical for hitting them with a pie as an example. They seem cool with the warning and have promised to chill out a bit going forward.
2019-03-30 23:50:08 Last warning for excessive violence as security. Beat the clown to crit in the execution chamber and didn't expect the other officers around him to assume that the clown was valid.
2019-11-05 08:30:56 Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - As a security officer killed another security officer for performing a valid arrest just becuase the person being arrested was helpful to them previously in the round.
2020-04-10 09:44:32 Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - As HoS, tried to dispose of the body of a former sec officer because he was "causing trouble". Even if they're a problem, you shouldn't be destroying their body. Appeal and we'll discuss lifting this.
2020-04-10 09:44:38 Banned from Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 3 days - As HoS, tried to dispose of the body of a former sec officer because he was "causing trouble". Even if they're a problem, you shouldn't be destroying their body. Appeal and we'll discuss lifting this.
2020-06-11 02:04:14 Banned from Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 month - MRP - Executed an innocent for "not coming clean" despite them actually coming clean. You've been warned for executing people before. Cut this shit out.
2020-08-20 01:28:02 Warning. Chased down and executed an Assistant for hopping his bar (Albeit the assistant was impatient) under the legitimate impression the assistant was purposefully running around setting people on fire. Still does not excuse the excessive, straight up Execution of people on Manuel. You've been warned for executing people before.
2020-11-23 02:54:59 Murdered a clown for repeatedly flashbanging them as a cook instead of calling security or detaining them - warned to not repeat again.
2021-06-04 05:40:59 Warned, as detective, for escalating from demotion to murder of the HoS for uploading laws that resulted in the Captain (non-permanently) killing themselves. The reason given was due to a spider crisis making a demotion of the HoS difficult. Was understanding in ahelps and was informed to ahelp before taking similar actions like this again.
2021-08-17 04:17:10 Warned - Executed a clown on Manuel for having and using a clown car that resulted in no deaths or serious damage. MRP rule 6 obliges security to retaliate in proportion to the actual crimes of antagonists, and while a clown car is a threat that easily merits lethal force to destroy, executing the captured clown by firing squad after they have already been caught and detained is excessive.
2021-10-06 02:34:53 (MRP) As the Head of Security, executed a demoted Captain who tried to escape perma after saying they were going to sell someone to the Syndicate. As roleplay rule 6 states, deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime. Shooting them with lasers to death was excessive since the Captain was already downed by two stun baton hits. At this point, it was feasible to detain them when they shouldn't have been in perma in the first place without consensus from the rest of the Heads of Staff or given the chance explain themselves.
2021-11-01 05:25:23 Warned - Crit a clown with the detective's revolver for calling them a coward after a relatively long altercation between the clown robotics and security over the creation and destruction of a honk mech. Security's metaprotections and IC trust within the round is predicated on them being held to a higher standard of escalation and response, please don't physically attack people until crit/death because they were justifiably upset with you for previous in character action.
2021-11-02 04:25:01 Banned from Roles: Captain, Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 week - (MRP) As a detective, used lethals against a shaft miner who was known to have a power miner. The shaft miner in question was attempting to break into the bridge in order to attack an abductor who had already kidnapped and experimented on roughly four SSD people. The shaft miner was unaware that the abductors were seemingly friendly and was shot at with minimal explanation. As per roleplay rule six, killing the shaft miner while there was little to no attempt at de-escalation or explaining the situation to the irate crewmember doesn't fit the punishment for them nor does it fit the standards for security on Manuel. You already have a history of poor plays as security and your tendancy to use lethals when it isn't warranted is starting to be a common occurrence. Please be more careful in the future, any more instances of this will be met with a harsher punishment.
2021-12-02 23:26:56 Banned from Roles: Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 10 days - MRP - More inappropriate use of lethals as security. Suspected a clown wearing detective gear as a revolutionary, which is fair. However, used this information to shoot them dead. The revolution did not seem to reach the levels of chaos to justify this, and it's preferred that you either give them brute force to the head, which can deconvert, or arrest and hold them until you get implants.
VVV A previous security + command permaban, may not be entirely relevant if appealed, but I'm putting it here for consistency. VVV
2021-12-25 04:54:44 Banned from Roles: command, Captain, Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director, Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer permanently - Continued misuse of position as Security or Command. Round removed someone for threatening them in an extremely lax situation. We have video evidence showing that you were at very little, if any, actual danger. Security and Command are not positions I feel comfortable with you playing further.
2022-02-08 01:49:00 Was kind of convinced based on semi-reasonable grounds that someone was a traitor/operative and executed them, they were not either of those things and was asked to be more careful
2022-03-18 22:41:26 As a head of security executed a prisoner for being overly mouthy when their only actual crime was placing a powersink, the round nearing its end is not justification to over escilate.
2022-04-15 20:59:56 Banned from the server for 1 day - As the HOS executed the captain when they got out of perma, the captain was previously permad for killing another person who was believed to be a traitor. This situation had a lot of miscommunication and while I am aware of that fact you do have a history of situations in which you use excessive force and act in poor judgement. Please do make an effort in the future to reduce this sort of behaviour as it will lead to much stricter punishments in the future
2022-05-04 05:06:08 As the head of security executed two antagonists with little roleplay when said antagonists were attempting to perform interesting and admin-approved gimmicks. With the implimentation of rule 12 (Playing-to-win is to focus exclusively on a competitive victory condition, such as killing all antagonists. It is not empowering yourself to achieve personal goals, or taking measures to survive the shift) and your note history I am leaving this note as a final warning, this behavior is unacceptable especially on our MRP server. Disconnected before they could be properly spoken to about this instance."
VVV Your Captain/HOS permaban VVV
2022-05-16 03:13:57 Banned from Roles: Captain, Head of Security permanently - MRP - Has a significant history of executing without appropriate reason or evidence. In this last instance, executed what was believed to be an ex-headrev for a failed welderbombing of the captain.
VVV The ban you are appealing VVV
2022-06-28 22:41:05 Banned from Roles: Warden, Detective, Security Officer permanently - Cannot be trusted with weapons, as a Detective, when his bag containing a syndicate Radio another officer wanted was taken while he was SSD, shot them 6 times before asking where the bag was. This is MRP, it was another officer who took your bag and they didn't even have it. Your history with poor escalation and execution continues outside of roles that can authorize executions.
VVV The lawyer note we've discussed VVV
2022-08-31 03:49:39 As a lawyer had an intense threat round and was recruited by security to augment thier strength. Due to thier security Ban they have been informed that they are not allowed to be a lawyer that is armed or empowered by security to act on thier behalf. If it happens again it will be considered ban evasion. They did not intend to evade the security ban and was responsive and understanding when informed.
Breaking the "admin character" here for a second, holy shit dude. You need to see how we can't trust you to return to this kind of play with how long you've been doing it.

I am denying this appeal until you get some more hours on our server and show that this trend of yours has broken forever.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #657560

Ok. I could argue many of those notes and their validity, but clearly I am not changing your mind. This is the kind of shit I spoke about when I said I am tired of people writing me off as a bad actor. My note history at this point has been weaponized against me, and rather then simply say "You need more time on TG" you take the effort of listing everything I've ever done wrong, and this comes off as aggressive and somewhat of a personal strike, even if not intended to be. I already said I am willing to play more, and we could have left it at that, but I see little reason why you needed "to break admin character". I took a break for a good reason, because in spite of the fact I took time away from the game, this negativity around me persists, as well as re-evaluating how I play and coming back fresh. Maybe I did open myself up to this scrutiny with my first reply, but I wanted to write down how I felt with the ban, and some of the reactions I ended up with afterwards. Again , I am fine with spending some time back on TG before being allowed back into security, but I at least want you to understand why I feel like I am walking on eggshells when this is the kind of response I get, and how disheartening it is when it comes from someone I respect. I hope you have a good day.
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by Cheshify » #657574

It's important that I back up my reasoning for allowing the ban to stick. You've had a string of behaviour for four years, and now you're intent on showing that you're ready to change and be a great player. I'm excited to see how you've improved, but you'll need to prove that on our servers as non-sec roles. Please appeal again when you've had some more playtime without any more instances of what we've seen, and I'll be happy to remove the bans.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Re: [Cheshify] CoolDude22333 - Security Perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #657576

sounds good. I'll be playing more.

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