[MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

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[MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by Alexeivichi » #669826

BYOND account: Alexeivichi
Character name: Aleksey Kinovichi
Ban type: Blacklist: Discord + Server + Community
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Included in the blacklisting of Chaznoodles for encouraging of a doxing, according to MrStonedOne himself.
Time ban was placed: 29th November, 2022, approx 16:00 EST.
Server you were playing on when banned: N/A - Issue occurred on TerraGov Marine Corps's discord server.
Round ID in which ban was placed: N/A
Your side of the story: A TL;DR is included below. Okay, starting off - I'm aware that blacklists of this nature is unappealable, and I'm aware many have tried and failed. Despite wanting to do this for a long time, I was unsure of how to proceed, and was discouraged from this happening in the first place. However many of the TGMC's administration reached out to me to query what had happened, and many of them have stated that the blacklisting was done unfairly, and encouraged me to follow up on appealing. Under the advice of a few, including a Head Administrator at the time, I waited a few months before writing this.

During the incident, I was sick for a week, so I decided to get up and talk with the community of TGMC in the general chat. I joined in on the random topics, until I saw someone who had previously tried to warn me to be careful of a certain person who hosts a certain notorious server (Figure it out) who was named after a very troubling political figure. In my sickly fever-induced stupor, I made the mental link in my mind that said host was actually said political figure (note the political figure is long dead), and for some reason attributed it to a notorious doxing forums (Figure it out again) and stated that to the person who had warned me of it. Chaznoodle (God bless his soul) saw this and joined in on the conversation, and later posted links to the site linking to a piece of information on the previously mentioned site.

Due to being sick, it didn't hit me that the site was what it is and I in my bullshittery ways not to look like a moron said "Yeah that's it!" despite... The site/forum had nothing that I had said and instead touched on other things the person had done. The thing that sealed the blacklist for us was when he mentioned the person we were talking about was not as bad as Person B - as I'll refer to them - and then when I asked who that was, they proceeded to find Person B's full details on the site, without realising it's their full details/dox as Chaznoodles only did google searches using the name and forum name. Regarding me talking about Person B, I grabbed only their ckey/online pseudonym and checked the images tab for which lead me to their public social medic... Via their ckey ( I understand why their social media names are the same as their ckey/pseudonym, it's essentially for their online presence to be easily traceable with most the time the intent of creating an online following.)

After that, the rest is history. Chaznoodles was completely community blacklisted and I was blacklisted from TG to my knowledge, and the head administrators at the time fought to keep me in TGMC although my admin status was revoked after approximately a year as administrator. Do note, neither of us checked the details on what was posted until it was raised as an issue, personally speaking I was too sick to effectively do my duties as an administrator at time and review content posted, I can't speak for Chaznoodles but I believe he was being helpful instead of malicious as that's generally his track record.

TL;DR: I woke up sick, talked about a controversial person being ousted by a group/site/forum (they did but in a completely unrelated way), fellow admin posted links to it and I was stupidly encouraged it without realizing what was exactly being encouraged, or not even processing I was encouraging it. We were axed from the community in general, other admin completely, me mostly from TG.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I have no malicious intent except for certain servers to promote illegal activity or hedonistic indulgence, I haven't been banned anywhere else and my only Centcom records are two joke bans that were seconds in length. I've done generally nothing but try to give back to the community of TGMC as they've been my mainstay of entertainment for well over two years, even participating in the 2021 Toolbox Tourny to represent them.
I've spoken to other admins, even former headmins of TGMC who reached out to me first and they generally stated "a hammer was used instead of a scapel where it was needed" repeatedly Many people believe my blacklisting is unfair, so hence why I'm making this appeal.

References of good conduct: TerraGov Marine Corps (TGMC) is my mainstay. I've got well over 2,000 hours in and I'm a known community member as well as a former administrator. You can query with any of the staff and some of the former staff as a lot of them stated they are willing to vouch for me in this situation.

Anything else we should know: On a serious note, as a former victim of attempted doxing, I don't support or indulge or condone it. I do condemn it heavily since it's personally the reason why I hide behind a VPN 24/7. A screenshot was sent to me by MSO regarding the incident. If any of the TG-staff involved in the thread needs it, please let me know as I can edit it to omit anything that needs omission to avoid informing people where to go to find personal things, and post it for clarity's sake. Honestly wish I wasn't sick back then so the incident could be avoided, or wish I had just stayed in bed.
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Byond Username: SilencedMP5A5

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by SilencedMP5A5 » #669844

My name is Ocelot, and I am one of TGMC's staff members.

Free this man.

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Byond Username: PlaysTauIn40k

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by PlaysTauIn40k » #669853

Hello. I'm a friend of Alex, and I promised I post something to advocate for Alex. I apologize if this breaks any rules, but since his defense is based on intent and character I felt it only be fair if I say something since it's related. I have contributed to the server, and have remained on relatively good terms despite me deciding TGMC is no longer for me.

I can safely say that Alex does understand what it's like to be a victim of doxing, as I am someone has been abused and a victim of doxing myself: He has shown me nothing but respect and patience, despite my paranoid tendencies. I understand Alex might not always be the most stable but to me at least he has been a consistent character with a good heart. I understand this will not make a major difference in the decision but I felt it's only fair I say something.
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Byond Username: Nova_epee

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by novaepee » #669859

My name is Elsa, and I am one of TGMC's staff members. You may know me as Psi Delta Unga in YouTube.

I've worked and played with Alek, and I can endorse that his character warrents enough for him to not be blacklist anymore and bring him back to TGMC staff as admin. The incident is not an indicative of his character. He plays as a corpsman in TGMC, an unforgiving, unrewarding, undesirable, and unmerciful job that entail him the responsbility of healing uncooperative marines in the face of relentless xenomorphs. I know no better corpsman than Alek since he always gives without expecting much. Check his notes for TGMC, and he is practically a saint.

I urge MrStonedOne to reconsider Alexeivichi's status as he was a collateral damage to the incident.
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Byond Username: Zaffinomlb

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by Zaffinomlb » #669993

Speaking to Alex’s character he is a good egg, a trusting person to a fault. While I do understand the reason for the blacklisting, I plead the court grant leniency. He was naive in this matter as he didn’t know the history and reputation of the site to which the other person had linked.

If it so pleases the court a one-two year probation with time served would be fair but not permanent expulsion considering the context of the case.
Last edited by Zaffinomlb on Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Byond Username: Zachary09

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by Zachary09 » #670497

I have read the rules of this subforum but I'd like to break them in order to vouch for the positivity of the appealing person. I firmly believe they were unable to fully understand what was being posted by them at the time. In all other, unrelated situations, the appealing person was constantly found by myself to be mature and level-headed.
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Byond Username: Nutric

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by Nutric » #670502

My name is Nutric and I am a merely a mentor on TGMC

But as a long-term and regular player in all my time I have had nothing but positive impressions when interacting with Alek as a player, a member of staff, and simply a fellow man.
I vouch for him as he is a responsible, kind and level-headed member of staff and the TGMC community as a whole.
I find the current ruling of the incident towards Alek disproportionate to his actual involvement and I urge the administration to reconsider his punishment and grant him a chance to return into our fold.
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Byond Username: DevinXoptoh

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by DevinXoptoh » #670506

To add to this,

Alek was one of the admins that I saw active the most when I played TGMC quite actively before going back into a fulltime job.
Alek was always responsive and active in round and ahelps. Im aware this appeal isnt for his adminship, but he was always proactive.
As mentioned in his appeal, the DOXXing wasnt intentional and from what I am grasping, he is collateral to this.
Aleks was a great person to play with aswell who always encouraged a certain teamship in round and actively made rounds simply, better. Members of the tgmc community that do such are a rare gem in the rough and it would be a shame to loose someone who actively tries to make light in that gamemode as it is quite rushed/intense.

I cant add much more as I no longer play TGMC as much as I used to but it is a shame that that community has lost someone due to a simple mistake
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Byond Username: Timberpoes

Re: [MrStonedOne] Alexeivichi - Blacklist Appeal

Post by Timberpoes » #671490

MSO was pinged twice when this appeal went up. Firstly in the headmin channels, then again in the general admin channels. As per my experience with MSO, if he doesn't respond within a week it's either because he doesn't care or he hasn't changed his mind.

I have received fair critique from our admin team for allowing the various peanut posts above. I stand by my decision. And I'd do it again. But that's as far as my or any other headmin's influence extends as far as this appeal goes.

Doxing or even assisting/being complicit as part of a doxxing incident is utterly unacceptable. It breaches the veil of cyberspace and impacts people in the real world.

The line between first, last and only warning versus blacklisting is razor thin and you fell squarely on the wrong side of that line. Naivete is no excuse.

The blacklist will remain in place.
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