[iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

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[iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by Sk1Wass3r » #704960

BYOND account: sk1wass3r
Character name: Talon Mckendrick
Ban type: command, Captain, Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer, Quartermaster, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director, Head of Security
Ban length: 30240 minutes
Ban reason: First off, rude to other players. I understand if you make mistakes, but wasting other folks time in shift is lackluster. You can't just AFK then dissconnect on captain and also do 15 things, which was mostly putting on your clothes and asking for nuke codes. I expect better for the people that want to play you.
Time ban was placed: 2023-09-19 16:02:44
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 214916
Your side of the story: I got captain which I forgot I had set to medium on a 40 player round with no admins on at roundstart, made a few announcements and gave spare captains ID to the HoS, then sat tabbed out in the bridge command chair before completely leaving without ahelping before.
The round after that I got PM'd by iansdoor asking about last round:
From Ticket #2 during round 214916 on Terry:

---- Log Begins ----
2023-09-19 15:27:02: Ticket Opened by iansdoor: Hey, what happened last round?
2023-09-19 15:27:47: Reply from sk1wass3r: it was a orange star round and nothing particularly interesting happened for like the first 30 minutes
2023-09-19 15:28:13: Reply from sk1wass3r: and I already didnt want to play captain that round, I forgot I had it set to medium
2023-09-19 15:32:02: Reply from iansdoor: I am confused. why didn't you tell anyone about that? you sat at the coms computer for 20+, spoke two lines. I am be honest, I have an issue with that for other players.
2023-09-19 15:32:58: Reply from sk1wass3r: I did a few centcom messages and gave HoS the spare captains ID, no admins were on at roundstart and also like 20 minutes in when I last checked
heres where iansdoor thought I meant I sent centcom messages about leaving, which was bad wording by me
2023-09-19 15:47:02: Ticket Opened by sk1wass3r: honestly is this gonna be 4 paragraphs and a ban, if it is tell me so I can stop putting effort into this round
heres where the "rude to players" part comes from I assume, at this point it had been 15 minutes since the last response
2023-09-19 15:57:41: Reply from iansdoor: Sorry, it takes a bit of time. Checking logs. I am sad about your lie you said, you tried to seek out help from centcom and all I get is "hey talon"
again, this was about me saying I messaged centcom referring to him saying I did nothing but say 2 things for 20 minutes, not lying that I sent a CC message about me leaving
2023-09-19 15:57:51: Reply from sk1wass3r: what
2023-09-19 15:58:04: Reply from sk1wass3r: I didnt mean I sent centcom a message saying I left
2023-09-19 15:58:23: Reply from sk1wass3r: I just mean I sent a few random messages and got no reply because there were no admins on
2023-09-19 16:01:09: Reply from sk1wass3r: I said I sent centcom messages and made other announcements because you said I just sat there for 20 minutes saying 2 things
2023-09-19 16:02:47: <a>Iansdoor</a>/(Vents-Hot-Air) has created a temporary 21 days role ban from 8 roles for Sk1Wass3r.
2023-09-19 16:03:46: Reply from iansdoor: we can talk about on the forums. have a good one.
2023-09-19 16:03:48: Resolved by Iansdoor

Why you think you should be unbanned: I know I should have ahelped before leaving, but when I awho'd there was 0 admins online, so I just left without thinking about it. I think a 21 day roleban is a bit excessive just for not playing and also that Iansdoor should have communicated with me more before applying the ban. I don't expect a full roleban removal since I did fuck up, but atleast to get it reduced from almost a month.
References of good conduct:
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by iansdoor » #704964

Sure, let's talk about this!

First off, we both have hiliarious amount of hours in this foolish game. The rudeness you shown is two-fold, to players and myself. I hundred percent understand if you burnt out or real life crap is happening. Hell, I get the circumstances if you communicate anything vague like those above. I snap that up and send a monkey replacement if I could.

What I don't understand, how it is that you don't see the big picture of a playing round. RP, or not if you are the most important character with the sacred privileges. Every player is expected a bare minimum of interaction and I did not see that from you. In past rounds, it's heartbreaking feeling if players, or interns, were trying their darnest, to learn something and that round ends out of no where, simply cause the player that played captain, didn't care about them. This assumption is not every shift.This one. you connect to, is not right.

I might lower this to two weeks, but the ball is in your court.
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by TheBibleMelts » #705015

Code: Select all

02:31:32	ACCESS	Login: Sk1Wass3r from -censored(ip/cid)- || BYOND v514.1589		
02:31:34	ACCESS	Mob Login: Sk1Wass3r/(Sk1Wass3r) was assigned to a /mob/dead/new_player		
02:31:35	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Sk1Wass3r) Client Sk1Wass3r/(Sk1Wass3r) has taken ownership of mob Sk1Wass3r(/mob/dead/new_player)	(8, 248, 1)	start area
02:32:30	GAME	*no key*/(Sk1Wass3r) *no key*/(Sk1Wass3r) is no longer owning mob Sk1Wass3r(/mob/dead/new_player)	(8, 248, 1)	start area
02:32:30	ACCESS	Mob Login: Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human		
02:32:30	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) Client Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has taken ownership of mob Talon Mckendrick(/mob/living/carbon/human)	(123, 137, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:32:45	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has proposed to name the station as hey talon	(123, 137, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:33:05	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey talon"	(123, 137, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:33:53	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has renamed the station as hey talon.		
02:34:01	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) reset a fire alarm.	(117, 129, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:34:14	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (priority announcement) "He talon"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:34:22	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) is about to send the following message to all: hey talon	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:34:32	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (message to the other server) "hey talon"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:34:49	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "orange"	(106, 135, 2)	Bridge
02:35:01	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey"	(103, 137, 2)	Bridge
02:36:34	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason "hey talon"	(106, 136, 2)	Bridge
02:36:52	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey talon"	(101, 136, 2)	Bridge
02:37:03	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (priority announcement) "Hey talon"	(106, 135, 2)	Bridge
02:37:34	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey"	(106, 135, 2)	Bridge
02:37:35	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "talon"	(106, 135, 2)	Bridge
02:37:46	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (message to CentCom) "hey talon"	(106, 135, 2)	Bridge
02:37:53	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:37:54	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "talon"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:38:03	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "ok"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:38:06	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "the code is"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:38:09	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "in my bathroom"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:39:04	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "I dont wannaaa"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:41:16	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason "hey"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:41:32	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:41:33	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "talo"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:45:25	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) is about to send the following message to all: hey talon	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:45:34	EMOTE	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) points at Bridge Deliveries	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:45:35	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (message to the other server) "hey talon"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:45:44	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hello"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:46:00	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "ok"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:46:12	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "thats crazy"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:48:07	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:48:09	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "talon"	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:50:51	GAME	Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) is no longer owning mob Talon Mckendrick(/mob/living/carbon/human)	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
02:50:51	ACCESS	Logout: Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick)		
03:04:29	COMPAT	ADMIN: Kubisopplay/(Hungry Newbern) checked the individual player panel for Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick).		
03:04:40	EMOTE	Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...	(107, 134, 2)	Bridge
03:04:53	GAME	Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) was fireman carried by Unknown.	(100, 135, 2)	Bridge
03:04:55	GAME	Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) is no longer riding Unknown.	(100, 135, 2)	Bridge
03:10:12	ACCESS	Login: Sk1Wass3r from -censored(ip/cid)- || BYOND v514.1589		
03:10:12	ACCESS	Mob Login: Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human		
03:10:12	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) Client Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has taken ownership of mob Talon Mckendrick(/mob/living/carbon/human)	(102, 135, 2)	Bridge
03:10:21	ACCESS	Mob Login: Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer		
03:10:21	GAME	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) Client Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) has taken ownership of mob Talon Mckendrick(/mob/dead/observer)	(102, 135, 2)	Bridge
03:10:25	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (DEAD) "hey talon"	(102, 135, 2)	Bridge
03:11:05	SAY	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) (DEAD) "hey talo"	(173, 82, 13)	Syndicate Control Room
03:14:42	COMPAT	ADMIN: Misdoubtful/(Hugs-The-Humans) checked the individual player panel for Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick).		
03:17:18	OOC	Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick) "hey talon"	(42, 146, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
03:18:04	GAME	Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) Sk1Wass3r[DC]/(Talon Mckendrick) is no longer owning mob Talon Mckendrick(/mob/dead/observer)	(42, 146, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
03:18:04	ACCESS	Logout: Sk1Wass3r/(Talon Mckendrick)
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by TheBibleMelts » #705016

a few things i noted just from skimming the above logs, it looks like a couple admins were checking your player panel even near your leaving, but you claimed there weren't any available when you adminwho'd to alert of your departure?
otherwise i don't see you trying to hand power off to anybody IC either indicated by the logs above either.

the relevant ruling iansdoor operated off of.

Code: Select all

5. Players in a head of staff, AI/Silicon role, or a team conversion role require a minimum amount of effort; generally considered to be not logging out at or near roundstart.
Notify admins if you cannot play these roles and must leave near round start and make an attempt to inform other players IC as well for head of staff or AI roles. Abuse of a job position, particularly Rule 1 breaking abuse, is not allowed.
and a couple of related precedents.

Code: Select all

Minimum levels of effort for heads of staff, silicon roles, and team antagonist generally include not logging out/going AFK at or near round start due to the importance of those roles within the round for progression. Constant logging out or going AFK may be given warnings by admins, and may progress to jobbans.

Code: Select all

Let an admin know if you cannot or do not want to play any of the above mentioned roles. Admins will attempt to transfer the role to someone else. Obviously, if an admin does so for a player, the player must not use knowledge of that antagonist position existing.
on iansdoors side, i would like to hear what landed you on the length of 21 days for this.

additionally, while i understand that shirking your duties near the beginning of the round as an important role to being an indirect, overall rudeness to other players, i'm not sure it's worth starting off the ban reasoning with that.

typically, unless it's an additional action they performed along with the infraction you're noting/banning them on, it's an assumed that they're being reprimanded for some level of 'rudeness' to the players by breaking established rules at all.

(correct me please if i missed some other act of rudeness or maliciousness.)
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by iansdoor » #705021

TheBibleMelts wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 2:49 am
on iansdoors side, i would like to hear what landed you on the length of 21 days for this.

additionally, while i understand that shirking your duties near the beginning of the round as an important role to being an indirect, overall rudeness to other players, i'm not sure it's worth starting off the ban reasoning with that.

typically, unless it's an additional action they performed along with the infraction you're noting/banning them on, it's an assumed that they're being reprimanded for some level of 'rudeness' to the players by breaking established rules at all.

(correct me please if i missed some other act of rudeness or maliciousness.)
Well for one, that Talon's snide remark of a 4 paragraph essay and go ahead ban them. I took that as a greenlight to go ahead. So I asked for a general consensus from my peers and was sold on two weeks. I placed 3 weeks, in hopes that they would come here and talk about this poor play. I am aware that, a typical command ban for a first offense is 3 to 7 days, but with the hours they have and lack of respect for other players on Terry. I am sorry for Terry.

I blanked to mention the final nail of rudeness in the note as what started all of this investigation. This is that talon took all the captain loot on a nuclear ops round and didn't command and didn't make an effort to do notify that there no longer fit for duty. The next round, they complained to me in that ahelp that there "wasn't anything interesting that happened in the first 30 minutes".

From what I saw.
  • They already checked out of that round at 5 minutes by sitting their rear at com console.
  • Talon disconnected entirely at 18 minutes.
  • Ops didn't show up at 28 minutes
  • They killed Talon's SSD body at 34 minutes.
  • Talon returned at 40 minutes to witness the nuke going off.
So clearing my thoughts, I won't assume Talon has written this off and will just eat 3 week command ban. I want their reply, anything that will ensure that our community is looked after. I don't need another lie as I have already witnessed a few, I need a promise that if anything comes up, they will IC resolve it or ahelp it.
My view of the mind boggle.
My view of the mind boggle.
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by Sk1Wass3r » #705059

Yeah my main reason for the appeal was to just get it lowered, because it was my fault

I really felt horrible that day and then got a captain round I wasn't expecting or wanted to play, especially due to it seemingly being a very boring low threat round, I should have just given command to any other head or ahelp or anything instead of just leaving. its true that I didn't awho before disconnecting, more like 5-10 minutes prior with still no active admins, which doesn't excuse me not handling it IC either.
iansdoor wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:02 am I blanked to mention the final nail of rudeness in the note as what started all of this investigation. This is that talon took all the captain loot on a nuclear ops round and didn't command and didn't make an effort to do notify that there no longer fit for duty. The next round, they complained to me in that ahelp that there "wasn't anything interesting that happened in the first 30 minutes".
iansdoor wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:02 am
  • Talon disconnected entirely at 18 minutes.
to clarify it was a stealth ops round, and while I dont know how the pre roundstart server setup time affects logs, as far as I remember I disconnected the round timer was atleast over 20 minutes more like 27 or something but logs say otherwise.

I'll ahelp next time instead of just disconnecting as a head of staff again, and really did not mean to ruin anyones round like this.
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by iansdoor » #705075

Alrighty! Your reply is perfect! I do appreciate the time you took for it.
When I get home or online, I'll reduce the time down to 3 days. Which means it will clear up tomorrow. I hope you don't mind if modifying the *note to be easier to read for clarity. There was a miscommunication and misinterpretation between you and myself. I'll strive to be better about this.

Anywho, If you feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better!

*Something along the line of
Took a 3 day break from command with their violation of rule 5. Skr1wass3r understanding to what is a head expected to do and the outs of playing. There was a clear brain lapse of communication in IC and ahelps. They gracefully sorted the first time issue.
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by Sk1Wass3r » #705120

Alright cheers man
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Re: [iansdoor] sk1wass3r - 21 day command ban

Post by TheBibleMelts » #705369

looks like that's a wrap.

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