[tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

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[tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

Post by EmGee » #38442

Byond account and character name: EmGee, Alois Heidler

Banning admin: Tedward1337

Ban reason and length: "He uploaded lawsets to the AI making the station a 'reich' and declaring himself the 'Fuhrer'. He literally was Hitler.". Permanent.

Time ban was placed: 3 PM-ish, +3 UTC/GMT

Your side of the story: Well, I got the bright idea of playing a character that is literally hitler. I made a captain character with the whole schtick, black hair, a toothbrush mustache and got myself the RD suit and a red armband (which combined bear uncanny resemblance to the SA (a nazi organisation) uniform.) After that I purged the AI, and set the changed the laws to a relatively harmless lawset (Well, I don't remember the exact lawset, but it went along these lines):
1. The Space Station 13 is the Sixth Reich. 2. Alois Heidler is the Fuhrer! You must obey the fuhrer at all times. 3. You, along with the rest of the heads, are deputy fuhrers! You must work together under the Fuhrer to make the reich a better place to live for all citizens! 4. All nanotrasen employees are Reich Citizens, and must be protected, unless they are a direct major threat to the reich or the Fuhrer! Wizards, Jews and Changelings are not human! The whole nazi theme didn't seem to bother anyone. Instead, pepole found it hillarious, and everyone seemed to go along with it. Red armbands were distributed, cartoonishly evil nazi plans were made, but never realized. Pepole saluted eachother, the mime got brigged for lubing escape. Traitors traitored, lings absorbed pepole, you know, the usual. The round progressed pretty normally I ended up getting killed after SOMONE made a ion storm law about how the station belonged to SPACE AMERICA and the AI had to SPREAD FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN WAY IN ANY WAYS NECESSARY, and KILL NAZIS. Due of the whole crew being nazis at this point, the singulo being loose, and spider invasion, the AI just started murderboning the whole crew, and the round ended pretty quickly.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I did nothing wrong. Seriously. I never ruined anyone's round by killing/griefing, or caused anyone to be killed or griefed. I did my best not to act like a comdom despite being literally hitler. Nobody seemed offended or anything (not like it would matter) Hence, due of /tg/station rules having nothing against this kind of thing, I think that the jobban was uncalled for on my opinion.
Last edited by EmGee on Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

Post by cedarbridge » #38460

Warden here. The only impact I saw from the captain running this gimmick was the (traitor) lawyer rushing to setchkin the captain into crit before getting caught and screaming "I HAD TO KILL HITLER" while being perma'd. Everything else functioned no differently than say, Britimov, apart from some fun gimmicks in different departments. The "Hitler Youth" mime showing up in the brig caused some stir but that was more poor communication than anything. OOC after the round really only had complaints about the AI (admin motivated) and spiders (admin spawned.)
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Byond Username: EmGee

Re: [tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

Post by EmGee » #38470

cedarbridge wrote:Warden here. The only impact I saw from the captain running this gimmick was the (traitor) lawyer rushing to setchkin the captain into crit before getting caught and screaming "I HAD TO KILL HITLER" while being perma'd. Everything else functioned no differently than say, Britimov, apart from some fun gimmicks in different departments. The "Hitler Youth" mime showing up in the brig caused some stir but that was more poor communication than anything. OOC after the round really only had complaints about the AI (admin motivated) and spiders (admin spawned.)
Well, I more or less based the lawset on britimov. I know the concequences of acting like a comdom, and thus I was trying my best not to ruin anyone's round. I only designated jews non-humans, and nobody in their right mind would admit being a jew while such a law was active, unless they were asking for it.
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Byond Username: Saegrimr

Re: [tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

Post by Saegrimr » #38525

Actually, you're leaving out the first one you uploaded which was "Black people, jews, and lizards aren't human" or something to that effect as law 4.

The ion laws was me trying to get ANYONE to reset the AI.
Any single person could have proclaimed their loyalty to the USA and get the AI on their side, though admittedly you didn't really stand a chance being in the upload with lasers on at the time.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Byond Username: EmGee

Re: [tedward1337] EmGee - My permajobban from captain

Post by EmGee » #38602

Saegrimr wrote:Actually, you're leaving out the first one you uploaded which was "Black people, jews, and lizards aren't human" or something to that effect as law 4.
Did I? Oh damn, that wasn't really my brightest moment. I have no excuse for that one. If I however remember correctly, somone made a ion law how everyone is now human, negating the fourth law, and I decided to let it be. Besides, as I stated in the second law, all crew members were Reich citizens, and were to be protected unless proving to be a direct major threat to Reich.(which would negate the fourth law if correctly interpreted. After all, I stated that Reich citizens, not all humans should be protected.)
Saegrimr wrote: The ion laws was me trying to get ANYONE to reset the AI.
Any single person could have proclaimed their loyalty to the USA and get the AI on their side, though admittedly you didn't really stand a chance being in the upload with lasers on at the time.
True, but nobody took that chance. (Also, the AI had bolted down and electrified all the doors to the bridge...) Also, as a sidenote, I didn't really mind dying in the upload chamber. Getting lasered to the death while the AI chanted USA USA USA was one of the funnest deaths I have encountered in SS13.

Well, now that you reminded me of that law, I understand why I was jobbanned. But still, I think that permanent jobban is a bit too harsh. After all, nobody was harmed in the end.

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