[hotelbravolima] doctorscratch - Explanation for Murder

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[hotelbravolima] doctorscratch - Explanation for Murder

Post by RunsThroughAirlocks » #45083

Byond account and character name: doctorscratch (Runs-Through-Airlocks)

Banning admin: hotelbravolima

Ban reason and length: Murdering another player as a non-traitor. Ban Length is permanent, although the admin stated it was "not a real permaban."

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-11-20 22:15:18 (NA Eastern Time)

Your side of the story: On the round that resulted in my ban I picked Chef for the first time and was kind of struggling with the role. While I'm figuring out this fairly easy job, the guy who I eventually murdered (his character and account names both escape me) was invading the kitchen area while I was returning from Cargo with some chickens I ordered. From what I remember, he was attempting to take my microwave, and someone else was trying to get him to leave. I stepped in and told him to leave, but he insisted for a while. Admittedly, my memory of the details is limited, but after a while he started to go away, appearing to make off with one of my chickens. Assuming that was the case because of the microwave situation, I retaliated violently with a kitchen knife. He fled to the backroom and the fight continued there, eventually leading to me kicking him to death. That's about all I remember about the event.

Why you think you should be unbanned: My actions weren't exactly justified, but considering that the admin stated they were "not exactly sure what happened" and asked me to explain myself on the forums, I can only assume that the dude I murdered sent an adminhelp stating that I killed him for no reason other than simply being in the Kitchen.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:33 pm
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Re: [hotelbravolima] doctorscratch - Explanation for Murder

Post by Hibbles » #46010

That was pretty much how it was presented, yeah, and you weren't there to be questioned; hence the permaban for explanation, standard procedure and all that. Sorry for the bit of a slow response time.

Yeah, it's not great, but given the circumstances it is understandable. I'll lift this.

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