[HBL] My notes

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[HBL] My notes

Post by Malkevin » #63213

02-Apr-2013 | being shitcurity ~calasmere
Laughable as it is that Calasmere accused someone else of being shitcurity the note itself is complete BS.

I was the detective, I'd gotten xray.
Someone had bombed the station, shuttle was then called.

I was sat in my office when I saw someone plodding about in sec maint, naturally I'm suspicious so spray him in the face with pepper spray and apprehend him for a search.
I then realise he's got the same name as the guy we've confirmed as the bomber, don't find anything on him except some contraband.
Shuttle docks so I take him to the shuttle brig instead of abandoning him on the station for a timed sentence.

Turns out the guy wasn't the bomber, the bomber had stolen his name.
I can't really be blamed for smart antag play, can I?

Note should probably be removed based on its age alone.

15-May-2014 | Don't pick this person for admin events. ~hotelbravolima
No idea what this was about, must've offended HBL in some way.

The only thing I can think of around this time might've been when I signed up as Morhamhead Al-Bin-Bomber, toxins researcher, to hone my rusty bomb making skills, HBL got their panties in a twist and admin-pm'ed to ask me to change it.
I told them no because stereotypical names are not against the rules, HBL tried to bribe me by promising me anything I wanted the next round - and as tempting as space ninja is I'm a man of principles and told HBL quite squarely to fuck off.

Conjecture aside, the only admin events I've been involved with to do with HBL were him spawning me as a xeno larva in the xeno science a few times - which I'd say I did rather well.
And I've never intentionally gone out my way to to ruin an admin event, in fact I'd like to say I'm one of the people that will play along with a decently planned event.

HBL either needs to provide a better note or I'd like this removed, because having such a blatant ambiguous order from a former Headmin on my notes clearly sets an unfair bias against me if admins are wanting to pick people for events.

22-Nov-2014 | Warned for Polyacid shuttle griff. ~mrglasses91
Wasn't grief.
I actually posted a play by play of this on singulo, but thats gone off page ten so can't repost it.

Long story short:
I was the HoS
It was a cult round
I'd taken a bottle of polyacid off a cultist and put it in my backpack to keep safe until I got a moment to throw it in the armory. That moment naturally never happened.

Cult got to the point where they were openly communicating, shuttle is called.
Board shuttle
Jugg is spawned in the shuttle brig just the shuttle departs
Shuttle leaves
Unload my egun into it, killing it
Queue usual shuttle grief disguising unknown quantity of cultist escapees
Some guy disarms me of my now empty egun, suspect him of being a very likely cultist
Stun him and drag him away
HoP bags another cultist and drags him down the row of chairs next to me, and starts harm batoning he
I'm about to cuff the dude I got when I see someone running towards us, and another dude coming towards us from the other side, who starts disarm spamming the HoP.

Realise cuffing wasn't going to be viable so switched to lethal mode, remembered I had poly acid - grinned like a bastard irl
Stunned the two dudes nearest me, grabbed the poly acid from my pack and spray them both.
Sprayed the cultist the HoP was beating.

The guy who'd been shoving the HoP had backed off at this point, trying to play the "I dint do noting, ima innocent" card.
No fooling me, I'd seen him attack the HoP so sprayed him without remorse.

With the immediate threats neutralised I calmly took a seat and lit a cigar, and I'm proud to admit that after that point it was the most peaceful, quiet, and grief free shuttle ride home I'd ever enjoyed. (and not the shuttle was not empty)

All of the above happened in the space of around 40 seconds, I'd killed four people.

End of round report said three of those were cultists.
The fourth was a non-antag, but this was the last dude who I'd seen attack the HoP and attempt to assist the cultists. As the old saying goes: act like an antag get treat like an antag.
The person also happened to be Pybro, aka Brayan Frayer, who I'm sure any sec player will testify is someone that fucks with sec almost constantly.

I'd like the note to be removed as it wasn't grief. It was a cult round and as we've agreed in the past if cult has got to the point where they're openly communicating or attacking sec/heads then its to get the same hands off treatment as rev from the admins.
At the very least I'd like the note to be altered to reflect the round type and actual situation, preferably ending with "Recommending the NT Star for Valour under fire" :)
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Re: My notes

Post by QuartzCrystal » #63242

This forum is for ban appeals. Talk to a headmin or the admin who left the note directly if you want a note removed.
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Re: My notes

Post by leibniz » #63248

QuartzCrystal wrote:This forum is for ban appeals. Talk to a headmin or the admin who left the note directly if you want a note removed.
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 592#p62592
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Re: My notes

Post by Hibbles » #63330

Until we find a better place for it I don't see why notes can't be appealed here.

As for my note, yeah, it probably had something to do with you being a jerk half the time. I don't remember. Any admin is free to remove it if they want.
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Re: My notes

Post by Ikarrus » #63331

None of these are really what I asked for from note appeals so I can't give you any promises here.

If HBL wants to lift his note I'll leave it to him.

I'll forgive you for the one calas gave you though, since A) It was years ago by an admin that more or less doesn't exist any more, B) It's horribly vague and C) I never really liked calas
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Re: My notes

Post by Malkevin » #63375

Hibbles wrote:Until we find a better place for it I don't see why notes can't be appealed here.

As for my note, yeah, it probably had something to do with you being a jerk half the time. I don't remember. Any admin is free to remove it if they want.
Nice of you to admit you placed what amounts to a ban from events to be a spiteful little dick, but thanks anyway.

Ikarrus wrote:None of these are really what I asked for from note appeals so I can't give you any promises here.

If HBL wants to lift his note I'll leave it to him.

I'll forgive you for the one calas gave you though, since A) It was years ago by an admin that more or less doesn't exist any more, B) It's horribly vague and C) I never really liked calas
Your own words:
I suppose if you need a place to appeal a note you can do it here too. Just keep in mind it's very unlikely we'll remove any of them unless you have evidence it was either for an overturned ban or it was an egregiously unwarranted note.
Calasmere calling me shitcurity for doing my job is egregious

mrglasses labelling me as a griefer is egregious, griefing is going out your way to ruin people's rounds.
Using lethal force, as a job which is expected to use lethal force under certain circumstances, against multiple hostiles with an unknown number of additional hostiles in a tight confined space with no escape but death - is not griefing.
Tossing a box of flashbangs about the shuttle would be shuttle griefing.

You could accuse me of power gaming but:
1. I did not immediately use lethal force, I only resorted to that when I realised the only NL-weapon I had was a half charged stun baton and an empty egun, and that the situation would've made cuffing near impossible.
2. I did not go out of my way to get poly acid, it fell into my hands.

You could even attempt to label me as play2win, but even that would be a misnomer
Despite what some might think I don't play2win, I mealy play the game and happen to be quite good at it.
In this situation I only killed the people I perceived as threats.
Being p2w would be:
-Going out of my way to get poly acid
-Shoving everyone into the shuttle brig
-Or aciding every non-implanted person on the shuttle

tl/dr - getting a black mark for playing my role is silly.
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Re: My notes

Post by Ikarrus » #63432

I said I wanted clear evidence for note appeals that were unwarranted. And these notes still hold merit.

You're totally overblowing the impact these notes would have on admin judgement. Notes aren't bans, and they sure as hell don't suddenly make you a lot easier to be banned. They are merely statements to show that you were made aware of a certain rule or something an admin had asked you to do.

For what it's worth, Malkevin, I have no problems with you OOC or IC, and I would still consider your notes to be "clean". But I'm not removing HBL's or mrglasses' notes. It's up to HBL if he wants to change his note.
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Re: My notes

Post by Malkevin » #63438

hbl gave permission for that note to be removed
Hibbles wrote:Until we find a better place for it I don't see why notes can't be appealed here.

As for my note, yeah, it probably had something to do with you being a jerk half the time. I don't remember. Any admin is free to remove it if they want.
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Re: [HBL] My notes

Post by Ikarrus » #63472

If any admin wants to remove it, then they're welcome to.
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