[Oklews] Muffindrake - Nonsensical admin remark

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Byond Username: Muffindrake

[Oklews] Muffindrake - Nonsensical admin remark

Post by Muffindrake » #634636

BYOND account: Muffindrake
Character name: Baal-Fur
Ban type: Admin Remark
Ban length: -
Ban reason:
2022-03-22 08:15:00 | Manuel | Round 180347 | Oklews | 703h Living Playtime

Had to be informed that bombs shouldn't be used for self defense on MRP, let alone at all. , very combatative to the idea

Time ban was placed: 2022-03-22 08:15:00
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 180347
Your side of the story: Admin was hell-bent on nailing his idea that bombs 'shouldn't' be used for self-defense on Manuel because they think they're use of unreasonable force, whatever that means in the context of the wide range of destructive capabilities that different types of bombs have. Applied a nonsensical admin remark because of disagreement and butthurt, after the use of bombs on said server had been seen countless times by other admins, even referenced in tickets. This was the first time I was told that bombs = bad, and that I should feel bad for using them. Apparently of the conviction that even welderbombing of any kind is a blanket bwoinkable offense on Manuel. Also likely to ban you from the server for dropping a fart bomb in the same room as them.

My use of bombs extends to using them against confirmed round-ending antags (whereever I can avoid collateral damage on other crew through very destructive singlecaps), as an antag to do crime, as well as self-defense. In that particular round, I had a chemist thief repeatedly break into engineering. After I called security on them, I was informed by another engineer that they threatened to kill me specifically. I got to work on a singlecap explosive mix, which is very trivial to make, and which I commonly use to detonate in toxins, though I have yet to figure out how to do the new 'write a paper' on it thing, so that could have been a different way to spend the round than what happened. I constructed an singletank assembly bomb that was remotely-triggered. During construction of the bomb, the chemist thief (who was spending half the shift in the engie hallway) spotted me printing bomb equipment and had the HoS, who was very upset that I called them on a thief breaking into my department with no traitor uplink, run into atmos after jawing several airlocks open and baton+gulag me for bomb possession, which is fine, but I remark that the HoS was a butt and a poo poo head.

I then asked for clarification where in space law it says you can be arrested for having bombs, which is indeed covered by 305, so there's an IC reason to arrest someone at least. What it does not say in either space law or the OOC server rules is that you can't use bombs for self-defense.

First, let me clarify what singletank bombs you can make. There are 200.01C singlecaps, and 400.01C singlecaps. They refer to the temperature of the plasma inside said tank, which should be filled at a T2 canister with plasma to 3039kPa. The latter type of singlecap has a fairly generous heavy destruction radius of 3, meaning within a radius of roughly three tiles, you will get gibbed by it. The former type does not have heavy destruction, and causes minimal damage to structure, and cannot gib anything, but can tear off limbs. Then you can reduce the power of each type by filling the tanks will a different proportion of gas, and perhaps even just hot oxygen to make a significantly weaker bomb. Non-viable bomb mixes (i.e. not hot enough/no plasma/no oxygen) just have their contents dumped into the atmosphere. Singletank assemblies whose maker forgot to weld a pressure hole into also don't explode, they just dump their contents. Wrap them in a package and sticky tape for more fun.

Rule 1 Precedent Number 6 states:
You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.
There's also the escalation rules on Manuel, which are moot here, since the antagonist repeatedly broke into the workplace, refused to stay out, and threatened to kill my character.

The admin falsely claimed that all those times I had used bombs on the server and hadn't been bwoinked specifically for it were covered under 'Rule 0', which is a stretch because this is the first time I had ever been told to not use bombs in several hundred hours of play on Manuel. The use of different types of bombs as a non-antag against other crew is well-covered by the self-defense and escalation rules. I had broken the latter before with a singlecap due to overly vindictive behaviour, which I did recognize. I had also blown up a HoP alone in a room before, but that was due to a genuine mistake in identifying confirmed cult members, which was remarked in good faith. I also sometimes prepare double-digit amounts of singlecaps at times for the emergency shuttle. Not to use them as a non-antag on the emergency shuttle before or after round end, but to speedrun CC tide any% by blowing up any airlock in my way, and also EORG combat outside the shuttle. The great thing about singletank bombs is that they don't explode if their container is damaged, they just leak their gas, so even if my character and items are harmed through explosives in any way, the worst thing that would happen is a small-ish plasma fire.

I'm pretty sure admin remarks don't exist for some admins to assert their invalid beliefs on what, in good faith, should and shouldn't be done on the server, and especially shouldn't be used to bully someone after they asked for simple clarification in ahelp, with absolutely no rule break or even ingame situation whatsoever having had occurred on the server in that round.
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Re: [Oklews] Muffindrake - Nonsensical admin remark

Post by TheFinalPotato » #634894

Just an fyi, the bomb you're discussing here is an assembly bomb. Not a singlecap.
The distinction is important because A: Singlecaps are maxcaps and B: They have no controlled detonation, once they're primed they are on a timer until detonation.

I mention it cause it makes things look a lot worse then they really are at first brush. Still self defense bombs, but it's not self defense unstoppable maxcaps.
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Byond Username: Muffindrake

Re: [Oklews] Muffindrake - Nonsensical admin remark

Post by Muffindrake » #635046

Er, yeah. Assembly bombs. Not the borderline exploit-y gas timer maxcap bombs.
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Re: [Oklews] Muffindrake - Nonsensical admin remark

Post by oklews » #635090

Hello again!
First things first, your note will be removed due to the circumstances surrounding the ticket. I don't want to give the impression that your note will remain regardless of what I briefly touch on, however it is important to reinforce the premise of the note itself.

Self-defense bombs are generally speaking frowned upon, MRP or not. You damage the station and cause a breach just for self preservation, maybe even catching other players in the explosion. Furthermore, it can be seen as powergame-y and play-to-win, which have no place on MRP. Dying is unfortunately a part of the game and causing undue harm to people other than the instigator leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If you're to do it, it should be done in heavy moderation at best, while also fixing damage the bomb has done.

Regardless, I sincerely apologize for the late response and I'll remove your note from your record.

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