[Pumpkin0]-[NuckenMcFuggets] Atmospherics prank gone wrong

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[Pumpkin0]-[NuckenMcFuggets] Atmospherics prank gone wrong

Post by NuckenMcFuggets » #654289

BYOND account: NuckenMcFuggets
Character name: Shaun Shirley
Ban type: Job Ban
Ban length: Temporary - 7 days
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Chief Engineer, engineering, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician for 1 week - As a non-antagonist atmospherics technician, placed water vapor into the distro which ended up freezing most of the station. When arrested for it, claimed they 'just wanted to be the janitor' and then suicided after, disconnecting before I could talk to them. This is a long ban because I would like you to appeal it on the forums so that I can hear your side of the story.
Time ban was placed: 2022-10-18 05:33:16
Server: Manuel
Round ID: Round 192569

Just going to preface with this; I understand why I was banned, I am not necessarily asking for the ban to be reversed. I am just making this appeal as I was asked to.

During the shift I was making tritium and I got the idea to use the water vapour inside the space cooling waste loop for some funny purposes. Harm was not my intention, although that's basically what happened. I siphoned excess gas from distro to clear it for my water vapour. I had three cans filled with 25k moles of Water vapour each. The idea was to heat the water vapour back up to 293k, primed for release into distro once it hit that temperature. Distribution was pretty empty at this point so I was ready to commence my super evil plan to fill the station with water and cleaning literally every tile on the station and cause extreme slippage. However the water vapour wasnt quite hot enough and was still below freezing when the CE caught on to what I was doing and assumed it was totally malicious and I was sabotaging distro(which I was, I make no defense on that). He's combative right away and unwrenches my cans before I have even turned anything on and I just went full retard and decided to wrench them back on and fill distro cause I put alot of time/effort into this and REFUSED to see my work undone. Then I got ganged up on, stunned, and the rest is history.

If I could go back I'd just let CE unwrench and restore distro, however, I really wanted the prank to happen against better judgement. Maybe If I got atmospherics access as clown no one would have done anything. Honestly the outcome really annoys me. I stayed on for about 5-10 mins afterwards and wasn't contacted by pumpkin0 by that time and disconnected.
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Re: [Pumpkin0]-[NuckenMcFuggets] Atmospherics prank gone wrong

Post by Pumpkin0 » #654290

Thank you for making this appeal, and I'm glad that you understand what you did probably wasn't the best. I'll be keeping the ban, but updating the note to reflect that you appealed it and are understanding of the whole situation and reducing the ban to three days.

Doing stuff like this (putting gasses in the distro that affects the whole station, even if it's just water vapor) is a form of self-antagging, and is generally just grief. You're free to do this as an antagonist (encouraged, even) but as a non-antagonist you shouldn't be doing this sort of thing. I was distracted by other tickets during the round and was unable to talk to you in time, so I apologize for that one. Please make sure this sort of thing is curbed in the future, as it's probably going to get you into far deeper trouble if it goes on.
hi i play Manuel Morgan (cowboy) and Bincee Bee (not a cowboy)
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Re: [Pumpkin0]-[NuckenMcFuggets] Atmospherics prank gone wrong

Post by Vekter » #654611

I'll be marking this resolved if OP doesn't respond in the next 24 hours.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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