[DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

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[DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Yobrocharlie » #726698

BYOND account: Yobrocharlie

Ban/note type (Check what applies):
() - Server Ban

Ban/note length: 1 day
Ban/note reason:Welderbombed and killed someone for deconstructing a tool vendor
Time ban was placed:2024-04-16 07:26:24
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 227300

Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):

() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh

Why should this appeal be accepted?: In order to explain this round in which I got banned were going to have to go back a round to the round prior things started off good i got my dyed gloves and some tools and medkit and I even got a really cool pAI friend who i managed to download this round seems like it might be fun! But first i got to fix an audio bug so i can actually hear the game audio so i sit down in my bed behind my bar and i do that, I come back and im robbed completely blind by somebody who beforehand I had literally never interacted before for quite literally no reason- He was a spy although this does not give him justification to rob the bartender just to gear up and this is explicitly stated in the rules "The goal of antagonists on MRP is to create stories and make rounds interesting, for both antagonist players and crew-sided players alike. Antagonists are expected to put in at least some effort towards playing their designated role, though may break with it given sufficient in character reason." I a-helped this and during the a-help i tried to talk to the chef to try and get some help to get my stuff back however i should've known better then to try to roleplay on the roleplay server because as i do so they kill me and give me an all expenses paid trip to the mansus which was actually the better ending because they told me in OOC the next round that they infact intended to turn me into one of those cringe heretic zombies. I infact survive being in the mansus and am not round removed and where am i sent to when I escape? the chefs backroom (my luck is incredible) however i manage to just barely escape through disposals before they notice that i infact survived so now I've been robbed and sent to the mansus when i was foolish enough at the start to think I was going to roleplay instead i was going to spend the entire round trying to get stuff to get revenge on both of them but fail miserably if I only knew this at the beginning I wouldn't have even tried. (And I want to take this moment to just say that Dunham your a good admin) After I get out of disposals I crit because I happened to roll the trauma that makes me punch myself while also already being on deaths door here Dunham has mercy on me and heals me even of the brain trauma (Seriously thank you) from here I then try and get a medkit and do succeed quite easily and then i try to get my tools which was easier because they weren't even stolen.

Now I try to go get gear to go get revenge because there is not nearly enough security staff to deal with the BS im dealing with (literally one person at the time) and when you want a job done right- you do it yourself so first place I decide to go to is the holodeck for some easy good gear to get revenge- then I spend five minutes struggling with the ai as they just fuck with me bolting the doors not letting me in turning it off ect ect until i decide I just want to make a borg to do it so I got to robotics hack in and oh there is a roboticist I probably should've just asked him instead of breaking in- Then the roboticists goes "Ah sorry I was afk bro there is a dragon fly in my room" (or something along the lines of that)

._. yup this is the roleplay server

I ignore him try to tell him that he shouldn't just fucking remark on that and tell him to say that he just had to go ssd or something better like that and he refuses. I try to make a borg to no success no ghosties wanna be a aborg, then with good luck a borg walks in! and after hes done charging I just ask him instead and again shenanigans insue and its at this point i find out that they are infact not on asimov but some weird reporter lawset, well then that means no die there so in order to get some good gear well then i got to go to the gateway instead it should be up by now anyhow. and so i go up to the top floor of northstar only to find that its all space thankfully there is a spacesuit right there! so i put it on and start walking to the gateway i start deconstructing an r-wall and do deconstruct it and start breaking the glass to enter the gateway when I run out of oxygen oh no problem ill just go to eva and get a large tank its right there, i go back and the tank storage was destroyed by a rod- and so i just barely make it out alive and have to heal up a bit more before going back to the gateway and i turn it on and my preview is one standard metal wall this bug happens often so i decide to just risk it and go in- mfw I happen to get lucky again and its outpost45 the singular gateway destination with no redeemable qualities or loot. I escape that gateway asap and then decide fuck it and go to the armory instead, its been spaced for a while now by a rod and ive already communicated my intentions to kill these two people to the captain so i should be fine, i get there and gear up and now head down to evac because the shuttle is coming and im hoping to catch the person who sacrificed me and the person who robbed me for no reason there only to find they are not there- so i go rush to the escape pods and then snap a beartrap- a static spawn ready beartrap gets me because this is NorthStar and so i immediately start taking it off and ten seconds in the shuttle is hacked and before i can take it off the shuttle leaves. To say the least and I didnt even mention a lot it was by far one of the worst rounds ive ever had the displeasure of experiencing and I cope'd hard in ooc the next round.

And so now we get around to the next round the one I was actually banned in and so things are going fine im hoping its going to be a good day for rolepaly and stuff there are a good few players online sadly no pAI friendo :<
so im running the routes getting the basics tools and a medkit and dyed budget insuls because i like the way they look. and then all of the sudden for quite literally no reason with no prior interaction while im buying a multi-tool a random (assumedly) non antagonist engineer comes up deconstructs the tool vendor in front of my face while im using it and flushes the board and then hits a grin emote,
this just fucking sets me off so much because ive just already been dealing with nothing but shitters all day and not to mention just how before i even logged on i just had a shitty day at work so i grab a fucking fuel tank explode it in his face get good RNG for the fire spread and delimb and then kill him and leave his body there.

From there the rest is history I am bwoinked and banned, the ban reason is valid this is over-escalation but I feel like he also definitely got what he deserved for fucking with me, for literally no reason other then to just fuck with me and be a dick. He fucked around he found out however I also found out that my rage blinded me and I probably shouldn't have gone as far as to welderbomb or kill him crit maybe but still. This isnt actually what this has been in the past of a kind of buried self destructive personality which I've dealt with now but simply just raw and pure rage. Regardless of the outcome of this ticket I thank the staff at tg for always striving to make the game a better and im sorry that sometimes you got to deal with little schizophrenic shits like me.
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Yobrocharlie » #726699

i am going to go to sleep now but i will take the time to reply to any questions or inquiries in the morning.
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Vekter » #726711

It's worth noting that the person who antagonized you in this round was an antagonist.
The spies were:
Overwatch_voice was Has-No-Pigment the Atmospheric Technician and died as Gorilla (773)
- They completed 4 bounties.
- They received the following rewards: Combat Knife, Energy Sword, Composition C-4 and Reagent Dartgun
Objective #1: Deprive the station of as many foods as you can.
Objective #2: Die a glorious death. Success!
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Dunham » #726720

I wanna start off by saying I feel for ya. The previous round you had was a very chaotic one for you, from beginning to end. I know how difficult it can be by wanting to hop on a game that you enjoy and get a round where you're just destroyed from beginning to end.

However, Space Station 13 is a very chaotic game. There will be times that an Antag will full strip you when you SSD so they can do their tasks with your starting gear, and there will always be cheeky antag assistants that do the most mind boggling things to create conflict. With each scenario presented, you had every right to escalate both the Spy that stole your bartending gear, and the other Spy that broke the tool vendor right in front of you with a cheeky grin.

This also means that both the antags were in the right to cause these conflicts with you. This is how stories are created, though in this case, these are stories that ended not in your favor. This will happen, losing is part of the game. If a spy wants to instantly incriminate himself by stealing your stuff, you can talk to sec or beat his ass until you get your stuff back. I did say you had the right to, and if you asked about the Spy that deconstructed the vendor, I would've gave you permission to beat his ass into the concrete.

With me saying that, there is a fine line between escalation and over-escalating the situation. As you are a seasoned player, you should know the difference of what to do in these situations. Welder-bombing a person for breaking a vendor is not only extreme over-escalation, but you're also at the risk of endangering bystanders who had nothing to do with the conflict in the first place.

The ban time for this ban is solely because you are a seasoned player who has a history of notes and experiences under your belt. There's a time to escalate in a natural way that influences the story that is presented. I understand the frustration of people who can't take the time to write out a dialogue or roleplay out their actions, but you also gotta understand that not everyone playing this game is as good at rp as you want them to be. That's something that comes with time playing on the server, and even then, they have every right to not RP exactly like everyone else does. As long as they are abiding the rules and guidelines that we provide, everyone should have a fair chance in having fun. That's what this game is all about, after-all, even in the frustrating rounds that you personally experienced. At the end of the day there are people behind the screens of the statics that you know and all have different expectations of what fun is to them. It's best that in these times where if you believe this game is seriously hindering you from having fun, to take a deep breath and take a SSD break.

I will stand firm on the ban time and will not change it. I hope you understand my choice and take this opportunity to do some self reflection.
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Yobrocharlie » #726735

Dunham wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:59 pm I wanna start off by saying I feel for ya. The previous round you had was a very chaotic one for you, from beginning to end. I know how difficult it can be by wanting to hop on a game that you enjoy and get a round where you're just destroyed from beginning to end.

However, Space Station 13 is a very chaotic game. There will be times that an Antag will full strip you when you SSD so they can do their tasks with your starting gear, and there will always be cheeky antag assistants that do the most mind boggling things to create conflict. With each scenario presented, you had every right to escalate both the Spy that stole your bartending gear, and the other Spy that broke the tool vendor right in front of you with a cheeky grin.

This also means that both the antags were in the right to cause these conflicts with you. This is how stories are created, though in this case, these are stories that ended not in your favor. This will happen, losing is part of the game. If a spy wants to instantly incriminate himself by stealing your stuff, you can talk to sec or beat his ass until you get your stuff back. I did say you had the right to, and if you asked about the Spy that deconstructed the vendor, I would've gave you permission to beat his ass into the concrete.

With me saying that, there is a fine line between escalation and over-escalating the situation. As you are a seasoned player, you should know the difference of what to do in these situations. Welder-bombing a person for breaking a vendor is not only extreme over-escalation, but you're also at the risk of endangering bystanders who had nothing to do with the conflict in the first place.

The ban time for this ban is solely because you are a seasoned player who has a history of notes and experiences under your belt. There's a time to escalate in a natural way that influences the story that is presented. I understand the frustration of people who can't take the time to write out a dialogue or roleplay out their actions, but you also gotta understand that not everyone playing this game is as good at rp as you want them to be. That's something that comes with time playing on the server, and even then, they have every right to not RP exactly like everyone else does. As long as they are abiding the rules and guidelines that we provide, everyone should have a fair chance in having fun. That's what this game is all about, after-all, even in the frustrating rounds that you personally experienced. At the end of the day there are people behind the screens of the statics that you know and all have different expectations of what fun is to them. It's best that in these times where if you believe this game is seriously hindering you from having fun, to take a deep breath and take a SSD break.

I will stand firm on the ban time and will not change it. I hope you understand my choice and take this opportunity to do some self reflection.
Thank you for taking the time to reply I fully accept this and I do understand your choice.

However I do just want to say that the actions of the engineer as the antagonist in the round before fully stripping me while i was ssd was just straight up against the rules. it does say in the MRP rules "Antagonists are expected to put in at least some effort towards playing their designated role, though may break with it given sufficient in character reason." I dont think there is any real way you can spin what he did besides just powergaming and metagaming because at the time they didnt even bother to set up power- and they specifically targeted somebody who was SSD so that they could get the gear without risk.
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Vekter » #726742

Yobrocharlie wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:24 pm However I do just want to say that the actions of the engineer as the antagonist in the round before fully stripping me while i was ssd was just straight up against the rules. it does say in the MRP rules "Antagonists are expected to put in at least some effort towards playing their designated role, though may break with it given sufficient in character reason." I dont think there is any real way you can spin what he did besides just powergaming and metagaming because at the time they didnt even bother to set up power- and they specifically targeted somebody who was SSD so that they could get the gear without risk.
This isn't the intent behind that rule, nor does it really fit with how it's implemented. The rule is intended to prevent "friendly antags" on MRP, as antags are expected to at least somewhat act antagonistically while having some room to be slightly friendly to people who assist them or in cases where it benefits them.

There are other rules this could be covered under, but getting into that would likely be considered peanut posting, so I'll go over it in the peanut thread instead.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: [DunHam] Yobrocharlie - Context

Post by Yobrocharlie » #726766

Enough said then.
Thank you for your time the both of you again.

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