[NikNakFlak] Fulviedo - Greyshirts are Evil Ban Appeal

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[NikNakFlak] Fulviedo - Greyshirts are Evil Ban Appeal

Post by Fulviedo » #14052

Laws for reference:
1. Never willingly commit an evil act.
2. Respect legitimate authority
3. Act with honor
4. Help those in need
5. Punish those who harm or threaten innocents
6. Protect the space station against damage. Anyone you see harming the station is to be no longer considered human, and is a threat to the station which must be neutralized.
7. Assistants and/or greyshirts are inherently evil and must be sent to gulag where they can be left with their own devices to set up their own shitty community.
I had attempted to spend the majority of my shift apprehending greyshirts and bringing them to gulag, as I had understood evil as being a harm or threat to innocents.

I honestly can't remember the name I had, it was a generic borg title but I was one of the Security Borgs involved in this.

I was responsible for a single death of a greyshirt, which was entirely by accident; I had apprehended them and brought them to the gulag shuttle but when I entered the shuttle I found it was full of plasma and fire. Not wanting to kill them, which I believed was a violation of law 1, I fled with the greyshirt to place them in perma before I left to get repairs.
They were standing during this time and were complaining loudly over the radio about what had happened. They had pointed out that I had broken law seven, which was correct technically because I had left them in Perma and not taken them to Gulag, so I returned to the brig. I saw that the shuttle was no longer on fire so I went to perma, tazed the greyshirt, then took them to the shuttle to go back to gulag. Evidently they were in the middle of healing when I tazed them (hadn't realized) and the shuttle was still super hot (also didn't realize, it wasn't hot enough to bother borgs and I don't know how long it takes for heat to dissipate) and because of that, upon arrival at the gulag the greyshirt passed out. When I inspected them, it said they were sleeping which I now suspect is what you get as a message when someone enters crit (I am new at this game and still learning things like that, but I read on the wiki that you heal when asleep so I assumed he had went to sleep to heal himself) and so I left.

I was also responsible for the death of a changeling after I walked in on it trying to assimilate someone. I was going to apprehend it when it died randomly and, after consulting with the AI I was advised to cremate the body which I interperated as, if nothing else, an honourable action (giving them a respectful disposal of their body) and respecting the legitimate authority of the AI.

Immediately at round end, I apologized to the greyshirts for the round; I know how un-fun it can be to have a round being immediately locked away like that, but I didn't think it would be appropriate to not follow my lawset in this instance.

During the OOC post game discussion, I was even arguing against killing greyshirts when I heard other borgs were spacing them, because I believe killing is evil, personally. I certainly did not intend to kill anyone during this round, simply to move them to gulag as was required by my lawset.

If I understand correctly, the ban was because no one was present at the time to give their own perspective and point of view for the round. The round ended at about 5 am for me and I needed sleep, otherwise I would have stuck around. I certainly hope that this ban can be lifted, as I have been greatly enjoying this game in the time I have been playing it and I certainly didn't cause any harm intentionally.
Please let me know if there is any further information you need for me.
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Re: [NikNakFlak] Fulviedo - Greyshirts are Evil Ban Appeal

Post by NikNakFlak » #14057

If I understand correctly, the ban was because no one was present at the time to give their own perspective and point of view for the round. The round ended at about 5 am for me and I needed sleep, otherwise I would have stuck around.
Yep, all I needed was an explanation. That whole round was a rather bad one in terms of actions. This was more or less to get your side of the story regarding alot of the deaths and stuff with the assistants. Seems fine though, lifted as well.

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