[Francinum]nivuahhh - Forgive me

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[Francinum]nivuahhh - Forgive me

Post by nivuagg » #191966

Byond account and character name: Nivuahhh/Pays-The-Bills
Banning Admin: Francinum
Ban Type: From Bagil Server
Ban Reasons :
Repeated greytiding, firing on people as a non-antag, went braindead when arrested. Day-old player
-Francinum July 1st 2016
Ban length: July 1st2016 to (N/A)Permaban
Time Ban Was Placed : July 1[small]st[/small] 2016 at around 4:30 Eastern Time Zone
Your side of the story:
Today I was banned permanently From the Server Bagil.

There were multiple reasons To the ban, And I'll Try and explain all of them And Sorry Francinum in advance since my Grammar isn't the best for English is not my first language . If you read something that isn't understandable , please inform me so that I can Rewrite it .
Reapeated Greytiding: I'm guessing you're referring too Stupid things that I may have done the firsts times That I played this game. My only Defense here is that I was a noob(and Still am in some regards) , Thinking I could do whatever Whenever , But I have learned from my actions and keep learning from them. Like that time I learned that I should turn off the welder before trying to refuel it and that I shouldn't disconnect after doing something like that , after I blew myself up,depressurized Medbay and Reagequited(Got banned for a day). Even If I'm not into a position to make Request , Could you tell me about the errors that I Did? I would be very grateful.
Firing on people as a non-antag: There isn't much I can say other that I was stupid for doing so . The story is short , someone tried to disarm me from my shotgun , I emptied every Shell that was in it on him , scared that he would take it from me and use it on me while i was down. After I had killed him , I had A power rush that went in my head . So when the captain said something ,that I would normally ignore, I chassed him and fired multiple times in his direction , I missed a lot of times hitting bystanders with my buckshots. I was banned for a Day afterwards. Was mad at first , but after I calmed down , I realized the errors of my actions and came back on the station as a better player.
Went Braindead when Arrested: I'm guessing you're referring To today's round that I left from . I'll tell you why I left . When the Emergency shuttle Was caledl , I went to EVAC . When I arrived I opened another window (Youtube) to wait until it arrives. After A while , When I opened Space Sta. 13's window , I saw my character facing a wall , hiding his hands . Thinking the Shuttle went without me , I closed the window not knowing that I had been arrested.
Why you think you should get Unbanned: Personaly , I really would like to get un-banned from this server. It being my favorite , it saddens me to see it locked away from me Forever. And again , I learn from my actions
I won't do the same mistake twice , And if I do... Well , you know what to do .
Please Forgive,
P.S.: Could you direct me to the official rules of the server ? I remember Reading them , but I may have read the wrong ones.
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:46 pm
Byond Username: Francinum
Github Username: francinum

Re: [Francinum]nivuahhh - Forgive me

Post by francinum » #191969

The ban was meant for someone else and was the cause of a hand slip,You're currently unbanned, have a nice day.
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:19 pm

Re: [Francinum]nivuahhh - Forgive me

Post by nivuagg » #191976

1h of writting ..

Thank you!!!
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Re: [Francinum]nivuahhh - Forgive me

Post by Bawhoppennn » #192029

I think google translate would have been more effective probably

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