[SweaterKittens] AI+Cyborg Jobban

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Byond Username: JarekTheRaptor
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[SweaterKittens] AI+Cyborg Jobban

Post by Jarek » #238115

Byond Account and Character name: Jarektheraptor , Character AI name L.I.Z.A.R.D

Banning admin: SweaterKittens

Ban type [what were you banned from]: AI and Borg

Ban reason and length: Copied directly from the game - You, or another user of this computer, (jarektheraptor) is banned from playing AI. The ban reason is:
(MANUAL BAN) As an Asimov AI, ordered his borg to kill the lizard clown for unknown reasons. Both the borg and the clown did not know why. Logged out before he could be questioned personally. Rule 1 Week ban from Silicon roles. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID)
This ban was applied by sweaterkittens on 2016-12-23 18:48:10. The ban is for 10080 minutes and expires on 2016-12-30 18:48:10 (server time).

Time ban was placed [including time zone]: 2016-12-23 18:48 GMT+0 and also server time

Your side of the story: The non-human clown had ordered the meteor shuttle during a shuttle call, Probably to be funny, but the meteor shuttle is a pretty dangerous shuttle, and people were immediately up in arms about it and, atleast from what I remember but I cant remember exactly what they said, wanted whoever baught that shuttle to get fucked up in some way. Being an assimov AI, and the clown being a non-human that just baught a shuttle that is pretty big on the whole "destroying a large chunk of the station and bringing a few humans with it" and people asking for the head of whoever ordered the shuttle I figured via law 2 I had to take action. It's entirely possible I've mis-interpreted what people really wanted because the anger died down when the shuttle got recalled and everyone completely forgot about the clown and the fact they'd done anything at all, I forgot all about it too because of the law 2 requests to open doors and such. About 40 minutes later the shuttle docks and smashes some people to bits who were sitting at escape and I remember that the clown was the one that ordered the shuttle, and nobody had ever told me not to take them out. The borg asked on robotic comms if I still wanted the clown dead and I said I did, because as far as I'm concerned they basically just caused atleast one human to explode into giblets by ordering the shuttle that smashes into the station. I logged off when the shuttle was about to leave since I had places to be and I figured people wouldnt mind if I left early since the round had been going on for atleast an hour and they wouldnt need me after the shuttle was gone anyway.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I gave the side of the story that I wasnt able to give when I logged, which probably looked like I gave the clown a death warrant for no reason and DC'd to escape trouble, which wasnt the case. I wasnt aware there was even any problems with me hunting the clown considering that I was hostile to the clown 40 minutes or so earlier when they first ordered the shuttle and people were first calling for the head of whoever ordered the meteor shuttle.
Last edited by lzimann on Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Adds the banning admin to title
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Re: AI+Cyborg Jobban

Post by Okand37 » #238117

As a note, people calling for vague things without ordering the AI or a silicon to perform said actions doesn't require you by law 2 to act. If someone says 'lynch the clown!' you aren't required to chime it on a law 2 basis unless they use a varying form of 'AI, lynch the clown!' Thank you for including the full, provided reason however! : )

The banning admin has been informed of the appeal and will hopefully get back to you when they're available, thank you for your patience!
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: [SweaterKittens] AI+Cyborg Jobban

Post by Armhulen » #238175

as your borg, you basically just said 'lynch the clown'. I didn't ask you if you wanted the clown dead.

on the OTHER hand of things, the clown-ai feud lasted a fairly long while and you did announce that you wanted to kill the clown earlier, I think, so I at least think your ban should be lowered.
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Re: [SweaterKittens] AI+Cyborg Jobban

Post by Sweaterkittens » #238207

Hey Jarek,

Thanks for telling your side of the story and clearing things up for me. Based on what you've told me, the clown did open himself up for recourse by being responsible for the deaths of several of the crew, and you were acting within your laws to order your Cyborg to kill him. Without being able to contact you in-game, it seemed like you'd just gotten tired of the clown's shenanigans and decided to off him, then log. I'll go ahead and unban you.

I will reiterate what Okand said; you're not required by Law 2 to act on vague 'orders' that aren't specifically addressed to you, so it's not required of you to hunt down the clown if people are crying for him to get lynched. And if someone *does* directly order you to kill a non-human player, you are absolutely welcome to do so. If the person who gave you the order wasn't an antagonist, the responsibility will fall on them for giving the order, not on you for following your laws. You can always Ahelp if you're unsure about a situation.

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Re: [SweaterKittens] AI+Cyborg Jobban

Post by Okand37 » #238211

Since it looks like everything here is cleared up, I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread! Have fun and make sure to follow the rules! Cheers! : )
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?

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