[subtlegraces] evilkyle24 "murder, rad-poisoner"

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Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:39 am
Byond Username: Evilkyle24

[subtlegraces] evilkyle24 "murder, rad-poisoner"

Post by evilkyle24 » #20117

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: evilkyle24, Chip Matthews
Banning admin: subtlegraces
Ban reason and length: "Murdering people, running around with a Syringe Gun, and exposing them to PA radiation. Essentially a griffon in their natural habitat." 4320 Minutes (72 Hours)
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-07-18 01:34:53 Server Time, 8:35 PM Alaska Standard Time
Your side of the story:
This is a lengthy one, but I want to make sure we get all the details down since this is my first ban, so please bear with me.

The beginning of the round, I told my fellow chemist that we should lube some areas and fill the Janitors bucket with space lube as a prank. Admittedly, a mean prank and more of the Clown's job, but nobody gives the clown space lube, ever. My fellow chemist doesn't react, so I create 80 units of Space Lube and throw it into three bottles. I empty one and a third into the space cleaner spray bottle I snagged from right outside chemistry, and walk around looking for the janitor.

After about 30 seconds of not finding him, I spray the outside of the HoP office and book it before the storm happens. Almost immediately people start saying it got lubed, which was the idea to begin with. Almost immediately, my fellow chemist, Tom something-or-other, starts calling for my blood. This irritates me, so I run over and spray the front of medbay. Almost immediately he starts calling for a lynch mob.
Well, I'm a little freaked at how fast THAT escalated, so I run off to escape and hide in the O2 locker. Almost immediately, Tom walks down the hallway with a syringe gun, looks around, and opens the locker. I run to arrivals and dodge a syringe he shoots at me, and hide in an escape pod. The AI starts tracking me at his request.

Well, that plan didn't work out too well, because after 15 seconds of hiding in an escape pod, some random MD finds me. I bolt past her, hearing the AI continue to locate me, and I hide in the bathroom. I brought a change of jumpsuit and a hat, but didn't have a gas mask so I couldn't disguise myself. I request that the AI not try to locate me anymore as a law 1 directive, because Tom was trying to kill me. It obeys this for about 10 seconds before immediately resuming its tracking at Tom's request.

That plan failed horribly, so I start making my way to engineering. Tom finds me, and once again tries to syringe me, but he can't get a clear shot. I would have flipped on Yakety Sax at that point if I had the time, because I was doing a lot of running and dodging. The AI finally decides Law 1 means something, and sets off fire alarms to lock us apart.

That or it was to stop the air leaking from the bomb that blew up the HoP's office, but I only found out about that after Tom tried to blame me for it.

I ran off to engineering, getting the AI to let me in, and snag a rad suit and some Brain Dead's ID, and hide in the Particle Accelerator room. I amp the sing from a level 1 to a level 3 in case Tom comes after me. After about two minutes, Tom runs in. I sit in front of the generator where Tom can't shoot me, and after calling me various insults and stating I was disgracing space lube for 5 lines, he steps over to shoot me.
He promptly stares at the singularity, and falls to the ground in a fit of radiation. Deciding not to just let him die, I pull him away from the Particle Accelerator, leaving his syringe gun on the ground, and drag him to relative safety.

After he stands up and starts trying to bash my head in with a fire extinguisher despite me saving his life, Brain Dead comes back, and starts trying to brain me with a wrench for taking his ID to hide from the mad chemist. Some other engineer joins in the game of "Whack the chemist", and Tom shoots me. Fortunately the rad suit stops the syringe. In red level health now, I load the bottle with my last space lube, and spray the ground, slipping the lynch mob. I drag the murderous Chemist to the front of the Particle Accelerator, the last weapon I have left, to kill him before he kills me. Then Brain Dead runs in, I threw his ID at him during the scuffle, and also falls down puking. I run out before the other engineer can grab a rad suit and beat me to death with a toolbox. I grab the syringe gun, determined to go down fighting this time, and leave Tom puking his guts up in and seizing in front of the Singularity. The moment I step out the door I get bashed by a fire extinguisher, and then I get beaten to death and banned for things I did not do.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
I wasn't even guilty of two of the things on the list, and the last was out of my hands the first time and in self defense the second time. I didn't kill anyone, I had a syringe gun for a total of 10 seconds because the person who was trying to murder me dropped it and I didn't want him to shoot me with it, and the first time he was exposed to PA radiation is because he followed me in there trying to murder me. The second time was because after I saved him from the first exposure, he still tried to kill me.

Yes, lubing the ground is a dick move, but I was not banned for lubing. I was banned for "Murdering people", despite not taking a single life to my knowledge, "Running around with a syringe gun", despite picking it up after it was shot at me, never firing it, and dropping it after perhaps ten seconds, and "Exposing people to PA radiation", which is the only thing on the list I was guilty of, and it wasn't my choice the first time and the second time was in self defense.

I request the Ban be lifted, as I was banned for breaking rules I left unbroken.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:45 pm
Byond Username: SubtleGraces

Re: [subtlegraces] evilkyle24 "murder, rad-poisoner"

Post by Subtle » #20122

Fair enough, I'll admit when I've been hasty and outright foolish.

There was a far more malicious picture painted by the investigation. That said, please don't use chemist as an excuse to do the Clown's job.
Lifting this as we speak.
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:39 am
Byond Username: Evilkyle24

Re: [subtlegraces] evilkyle24 "murder, rad-poisoner"

Post by evilkyle24 » #20123

Thank you for understanding, Subtle. Locking the thread.

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