VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

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VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by LNGLY » #86411

Your byond account: LNGLY
Your character name: Random
Their character name: VPR-6/Alison Moon
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): summoner99
Server and time: Sybil, ~20 minutes before time of post
Logs and/or screenshots: Too complex of a situation to be explained with screenshots or logs that I have access to.
Description of what happened: The round is cult. Some cultists grab a lizard in the dorms, remove its headset and take it into a dorm, then bolt the door shut and start converting it. The door never opens to anyone except the detective, who doesn't realize that a conversion is taking place (they stuff the lizard in the locker and play it cool) and leaves. He never communicates with the AI. The dorm has no security camera.

About two or three minutes later while the cultists are waiting for another guy to come and help convert or something, VPR-6 says this on silicon chat: "Robotic Talk, VPR-6 states, "Cabin 1 was bolted, I bolted them in."#Robotic Talk, VPR-6 states, "There is two humans in there."#(F) "Robotic Talk, VPR-6 states, "Both seem to be cults."

Looks like clean-cut metagame unless I, and the other ~6 ghosts watching this, missed something.

Also notable is that he had a lizard executed for being near a human who was hurt (thought she hurt him, leaped straight to 'BORG KILL THAT LIZARD')

Why they should be banned:

Other than for the above, this round occurred directly after a round in which VPR-6:

- had asimov lawset from round start till round end
- called the shuttle with no human input
- dismantled all communications consoles once a human recalled it, then called it again
- dismantled all cyborg control consoles to prevent humans from blowing him
- walled me in with the RCD for stating on the radio that he had done these things, and needed to be stopped
- had someone in a gygax following him around, protecting him irrationally and for no apparently reason against anyone who tried anything, with near-psychic reaction times to him getting in trouble
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by kevinz000 » #86412

I was there in a locker, engiborg opened door and started screaming about one of them being a cultist. Pretty sure Hugs was still locked in the locker and silent.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by LNGLY » #86414

kevinz000 wrote:I was there in a locker, engiborg opened door and started screaming about one of them being a cultist. Pretty sure Hugs was still locked in the locker and silent.
Just to be clear for those reading, the engiborg went there because the AI told him there were cultists inside.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Desucake » #86421

I also had a bad run in with the AI during that round, someone left some golem runes out, so I summoned a golem. Me and the golem were just sitting in the bar, when people started to surround us, talk about "Hey, lets have a drinking match". Suddenly, they attack me, drug me with neruo, and cuff me. Thinking they were cultists, I told the golem to help me and so it came to the rescue. The golem kept them off me and I was uncuffed by a nearby officer. The fight wasn't over and the group again attacked, so me and the golem fought them. We were pretty much winning, when a sec borg rushes in to stun the golem and proceeds to beat them to death. I pull them away, telling them to stop, I hit them once, they cuff me and continue to beat him to death. I found out later that the AI ordered that they be murdered, since they were "Harming humans and were not human".

This bothers me to the fact the Golem was trying to prevent me from being harmed and the borg wasn't trying to save me, so thus attacking the golem was leaving me open for harm. I don't think that poor golem deserved that, it wasn't like the borg was even concerned that I was being attacked, it just went straight with its orders from the AI.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by imblyings » #86424

removed until things are scrubbed

Those are some relevant logs, if anyone wishes to search through them for free.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by ThatSlyFox » #86425


From what I saw: Bones and hugs chilling in a dorm room bunch of people just chilling around in the dorms and fitness area. Cooper goes into said dorm room and they start stunning hugs, no screams. Detective spears shows up after hearing the AI tell security to go to dorms before this all happened and sees the cults. I imagine everyone is mad because the AI purely assumed it was a cultist area?
Last edited by ThatSlyFox on Thu May 07, 2015 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Summoner » #86428

Oh boy, guess I'll have to go down the list of what happened in the two rounds he mentioned. These rounds were pretty hectic due to Gangs on one and Cult on the other, the cultist one wasn't as bad though.

We'll do the Cult one first - (Click here for the logs)

Since he mentions it too, I'll have to describe the incident between Jacqueline Ritter and the lizard Lizzy Ari. Ritter is an engineer and Ari is a lizard cargo tech. I watch Ari trip and kidnap Ritter and then drag them into maint. They come back out of maint and Ritter is bleeding and screaming for help to kill the lizard. I get my security borg to beat the lizards face in and space it but the borg asks if we can borg it instead so we send them to Robotics.

Now onto the one with the Detective and the Cultists in the Dorms. The former CMO states that they found and cloned Bones who we thought died earlier even though his Suit Sensors were basic and stated "Alive" for a good amount of time, just a small blackout period existed. I check up on the CMO and see him walking around cuffed and then laying down in Dorms so I send the Security teams to retrieve and check them out. This takes place at the start of the logs listed above and explains why Security is all over Dorms. The Detective then asks to open the bolted door, I open it and then close it once I see multiple crew members in there. The Detective then states that a cult is confirmed and runs off into maint towards Security.

Code: Select all

[Common] Spears-And-Serves (Detective) slurs, "Oopen ttthis door."
Now tracking Spears-And-Serves on camera.
[Common] Diego Picard (Head of Personnel) says, "One must've joined later on."
[Common] Spears-And-Serves (Detective) slurs, "Righttt"
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "Oh my god."
VPR-6 states, "Oh my god."
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "Theres Bones."
VPR-6 states, "Theres Bones."
[Common] Spears-And-Serves (Detective) slurs, "Cult' confiirmmed."

I then had to recharge my security borg who died out of power in Robotics and instead sent Engiborg and Security to Dorms. When security arrives the officer gets knocked down and a lizard takes his gun and shoots him and starts fighting the downed security alongside the other suspected cultists. A security officer tells me that I can kill the lizard cultists but I question it, but once I saw the human harm occuring I authorized and told my borg to get back in there and kill the lizard and make sure it's dead.

Code: Select all

[Security] Claire Gideon (Security Officer) says, "Just kill any lizard cultist."
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) declares, "This is too much for me!"
VPR-6 declares, "This is too much for me!"
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "Kill them? We dont know because we are only using the Detectives words"
VPR-6 states, "Kill them? We dont know because we are only using the Detectives words"
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "We cant see those kind of stuff if there is anything."
VPR-6 states, "We cant see those kind of stuff if there is anything."

--Cutting out some nonsense like radio and me screaming at engiborg to get out, you can see the uncut logs up above.--

[Common] SALT-E (Engineering Cyborg) states, "Major cult infestation detected."
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "OH GOD"
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "SECURITY"
VPR-6 states, "SECURITY"
[Security] VPR-6 (AI) states, "THEY SHOT THE WARDEN"
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "BORG"
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "GET TO DORMS"
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "ENGI BORG"
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "GO KILL THE LIZARD"
Robotic Talk, VPR-6 (AI) states, "KILL THE LIZARD HUGS"
All I did this round was make a guess at the cultists inside the room itself, which the Dectective said the Cultists are in. I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to make a guess like that, it's pretty clear what the Detective was meaning. I also saw them swarm Security only seconds later, giving me all my information needed to send the security sqauds and eliminate the lizard (Asimov, ladies and gentlemen).


The Gang Round, the real reason LNGLY pretty much did this ban request. [I have no logs of this, this was too far back for my own private logs. I only have logs up to the Dorms Event listed above.]


This one was a bit crazy, it was a Gangs round where the station pretty much wanted to leave and even the AI but the Gangs kept recalling it so they could win I guess. I was a engineering borg built by the Roboticist Ivy late into the round using Positronic Brains and unhooked from AI completly so I was just a normal Asimov borg. I was built alongside another Positronic brain who became a Ripley then a Gygax, we somehow became friends just by being made together and some small talk around this time. After I left the Robotics lab the Gravity Generator went off and I repaired it, the AI told me I'm now it's number one henchmen and I made a joke about a Vapour Gang to be the third party on this station. The shuttle get called by the AI then recalled by the humans sitting in the bridge, the AI mentions that it wants it to stay called so without needing any orders I walked in and dismantled the Captain's computer with the AI watching. I then went into Bridge and dismantled the other to keep it called. Around this time, LNGLY who was playing a Janiborg named Anything, started being mad over binary about how I was dismantling Nanotrasen Policy and that they will hear about it. I ignored it and went into Science to talk to the Mech Positronic and Ivy and report that I dismantled the consoles. I walked into Science and told the AI over binary that I could dismantle the RD Console if it wants because I'm "Vapour Six the master Gunslinger and Dismantler". LNGLY posted over common that I was violating the laws and was rogue and that the "AI and VPR are planning Anti-Human things over binary." and kept saying to get me blown. After I asked him to stop and he kept saying I was rogue and malfunctioning I flashed him and drug him into the Gateway and walled the sliding door. I went to HoS and Security and helped them with some fire bombs and reported how the borg down in Gateway might be rogue and if I could have authorization to stop them. They authorized it but I told them I didn't really want to kill the Janiborg so if they could come and speak to him that would be nice. That happened and I called the Mech Borg over Common to get some help on the situation. We let the Janiborg out and the HoS ordered us to dismantle the Borg Controls so that the Janiborg can't pull anything. The round ends soon after due to one of the Gangs getting control over the station.

If you didn't read that, it pretty much means "Janiborg LNGLY tried to get asimov AI and Borg blown up, he got thrown in borgy jail."


That's my whole post, sorry for the large text but LNGLY is just really angry about that borg round that he is trying to get some revenge on it it seems. I also suddenly got set to arrest the round afterwards immediately the next round at the round start time, I don't know if it was LNGLY but it was someone involved with this thread. Just want to throw that out there. Heading to bed now, will respond in the mornin'
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by imblyings » #86431

The set to arrest thing was dealt with by another admin.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Saegrimr » #86548

As a player during that gang round, there were multiple recalls (some I suspect being admin forced, considering the power restore buttons being mashed) and the station was pretty chaotic. Niggas diein in the streets and all that, so it makes sense an asimov borg would try to stop these recalls if it didn't know about the gang recall power.

There was also a bit of a silicon conspiracy drama going on, the AI mentioning some of its borgs are "compromised", probably because they were unlinked.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Summoner » #86564

Wasn't the AI stating we were compromised, it was LNGLY repeatly saying I was compromised and rogue. After I declined to listen to the AI to let out LNGLY it just repeated things the Janiborg said over Radio and Binary.

Ivy, the Roboticist, had almost all borgs unhooked though even LNGLY was unhooked.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Laharl Monthy » #87335

Summoner wrote:Wasn't the AI stating we were compromised, it was LNGLY repeatly saying I was compromised and rogue. After I declined to listen to the AI to let out LNGLY it just repeated things the Janiborg said over Radio and Binary.

Ivy, the Roboticist, had almost all borgs unhooked though even LNGLY was unhooked.
Seems like to me that this isn't the first time this happens with LNGLY.

But this is another issue entirely.
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Re: VPR-6/Alison Moon/summoner99

Post by Vekter » #91353

I think this is just another case of "The AI saw me being evil".

Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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