Trialmin Review: Alexch2

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Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by CitrusGender » #422016

Alexch2 has now been in the .txt as a Trial Admin for roughly two months.

Please use this thread as public review; it's encouraged for players to comment on how well/badly the trial admin has done and whether or not they think the trial admin should be made a full admin, if they should be removed from the .txt or if their promotion should be delayed.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by oranges » #422017

They seem to be a good admin, in fine form, I say promote
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by subject217 » #422033

For brevity's sake, it's been just about two months since Alex was trialed. Alex is a very knowledgeable player, as well as a very rational and calm admin. He should be promoted.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by kevinz000 » #422047

good admin good player promote him
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Stickymayhem » #422063

He's a good boy, promote him.

Remember alex, when you're promoted, you get to spawn one free singularity/tesla/megafauna on the station. Use it well.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by SpaceInaba » #422067

a little rash and bullheaded sometimes but it's heavily outweighed by him actually giving a shit which is an interesting gimmick for a trialmin but it checks out
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Arianya » #422069

Alex sometimes get's a little meme-y and bullheaded, and it can be frustrating to deal with him if he's in one of those moods.

That said, what I've seen of them they're an active admin with a good grasp of the rules, strong verbiage and in spite of his heritage doesn't try to run sticky events.

Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by oranges » #422074

a thread has been stolen
my valour is rolling
the headmin will not take
my first trialmin cake

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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Limski » #422111

Very good admin, has a solid understanding of the rules and his memes are non intrusive and fun

Also lets me grief when I ask nicely

promote immediately
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Bluespace » #422113

alexch2 is my other account so obviously promote
I play Boris Pepper.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Qbmax32 » #422120

promover por favor es muy bueno administración
my admin feedback thread

wesoda25 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:02 am Qbmax32 is quite literally one of the dumbest individuals I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. He has zero redeemable traits, and honestly I have to suppress my gag reflex every time he shows up in a conversation.
Malkraz wrote:YES
angelstarri wrote:qbmax is a retard
imsxz wrote:mythic please stop you’ve hit rock bottom and you KEEP DIGGING
deedubya wrote:I'll defend to the death your right to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on a constant basis, but I'll also equally defend the right of people to call you a fuckin' pillock for doing it.
datorangebottle wrote:what, not having to act like customer service in a volunteer customer service position?

Here's a rebuttal: you're literally in a customer service slash celebrity position. Volunteer or not.
Malkraz wrote:can you stop posting this shit
Nalzul wrote:Fuck Blob (can you imagine how hot it would be to be gangbanged by a bunch of blobbernauts, the blob, and spores)
Wyzack wrote:qbmax your pathetic display of abhorrent burgercraft has brought shame onto the omnivores
Plapatin wrote:i AM the senate
BONERMASTER wrote:I am a big thinker, and it would only be logical if my character had a big head as well. And glasses. Because only people that think, wear glasses.
feem wrote:i tried to send canisters of urine to the station but ended up turning all oxygen into urine and breaking lavaland and also breathing
Anonmare wrote:Each post in this thread can't settle on what it wants to be, but yet, each one is more cursed than the last.
Beesting12 wrote:please write an apology to this forums, this community, the host, and the internet as a whole for the data storage space you wasted with this complaint.
Vile Beggar wrote:i don't like this thread
imsxz wrote:nervore
FantasticFwoosh wrote:I will whisper sweet nothings that will confuse and perhaps scare you a little, but enhance the experience no-less.
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:By the way, the person who posted that catgirl porn on the github page was me. If anyone wants my private stash just PM me
Nervere wrote:Anything for a femoid.....
Qbopper wrote:I'm a dumb poopy butthead
CitrusGender wrote:god i love it when people feed me my own fried legs
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Nabski » #422122

Stickymayhem wrote:He's a good boy, promote him.

Remember alex, when you're promoted, you get to spawn one free singularity/tesla/megafauna on the station. Use it well.
Half of this comment is a lie.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by BebeYoshi » #422131

Stupid anime random name admin. I mean, great admin and a fun guy. I like them and the way they act.
Stop speaking japanese and petting cats, we should promote them.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Dax Dupont » #422205

Has calmed down a lot, was a bit problematic till about halfway in when they shaped up!

I'd say promote!
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #422987

I liked their communist event
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by feem » #422992

Very motivated and seems to handle most administrative duties well, but I've been concerned in the past with their attitudes regarding guidance from other admins. For awhile it seemed like they enjoyed annoying and antagonizing people intentionally, but they've calmed down a bit.

There have also been a few instances in which they've seemingly made rulings that things which were wildly abusive were IC issues, but those don't seem to have been borne out through the appeals process, so it might just have been poor communication in the admin channel.

If they're able to accept that being a shit to other admins isn't going to fly then there's likely no issue.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Sometinyprick » #423010

a good trial admin, never had any problems with him
i play leo bonhart, feel free to grief me
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by Rustledjimm » #423133

He memes well.

At first had issues taking criticism and discussing things nicely with other admins but has improved on that greatly.

Takes adminning on the server very seriously.
So uhh, I'm an admin. Please leave feedback! Oops took me a while to strike that through.

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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by jcll » #423382

Promote. But please be more mindful of how you act with the rest of the admin team and the players. :heart:
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by gum disease » #423387

Good admin, has helped me a lot and has always been friendly.

Please promote.
Image no aim, smooth brain, i'm a borg main.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Alexch2

Post by CitrusGender » #424373


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