Trialmin Review: Exavere

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Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Karp » #524421

Exavere has now been in the .txt as a Trial Admin for roughly two months.

Please use this thread as public review; it's encouraged for players to comment on how well/badly the trial admin has done and whether or not they think the trial admin should be made a full admin, if they should be removed from the .txt or if their promotion should be delayed.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by HommandoSA » #524429

Good trialmin, very helpful both with game mechanics and admin tools, fastest draw on answering ahelps. Very patient and often willing to meme.

Easy promote.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by cynic716 » #524436

I regularly admin along side him, great admin, best plasmeme, ADMIN NOW.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by MortoSasye » #524441

He's an extremely promising admin, admins frequently, makes good calls, what is there not to like? Not promoting him would be a mistake.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by wesoda25 » #524496

Good admin, always fun to have on. Sometimes does OOC stuff which is kind of immersion ruining but I guess no one really cares about that so promote
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by bobbahbrown » #524498

Exavere has been a very active administrator during his trial, and is one who which I have known personally to always perform his administrative duties to the best of his abilities. He has no problem admitting when he may need help with something, and to a greater extent is self-driven to learn and understand the tools he uses.

Promotion is a no-brainer.

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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Naloac » #524506

hes helped me all through my AC and trialmanship. Makes good judgement calls and has helped me track down annoying logs to make judgement calls, A really cool kid even though hes from par***se
Timberpoes wrote: Lepi was right all along.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by NecromancerAnne » #524545

Helped me track down some logs in a situation someone only gave me a loose description about after it had happened. It helped me handle an administrative matter and I had a good time talking with him too since he's a good fella to hang out with. Definitely promote.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Kangtut » #524667

Pretty good admin. Can get a bit silly with the admeming like spawning himself in for giggles but it's not a deal breaker.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by yeeye » #524669

While I'm not an admin and thus can't say for sure, Exa feels like the kind of guy who actually knows how to be an admin and handle its responsibility. He also knows how to use his admin powers for fun as well, as evidenced by his mass amount of events that at least I enjoy.

He also lets me play around at centcomm sometimes so thats a plus.
i dont know what to put here
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Exavere » #524670

Oh yes, the Tritium Death Trap SM, good times.
The Plasmeme life is not an easy one.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by UrsoTheLobster » #524867

great guy in general, both in game and when talking to him on discord. Is on bagil almost everyday doing admin things. From what i've seen he knows his way around the admin powers, and sometimes does silly things to spice up rounds, which i personally enjoy a lot.

that being said, he plays a stinky plasmeme so DEADMIN NOW!!

just kidding i only had good interactions with him he's a good boy ok bye
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by BigGrease » #524917

Literally made a forum account to say how great of an admin I think Exavere is. I love playing on Bagil when he's on. He always responds to ahelps and prayers quickly, and his sense of humor is also a big plus for me. I've been playing on Bagil for a few months, and Exa has always stuck out to me as an exceptional admin in the time that he's been a trialmin.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #524921

I've seen him on bagil frequently, hes been doing good work. Promote!
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Analbifida » #524940

He is quick to answer ahelps, handles them well, and does neat events.

Good jannie, promote.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by yeeye » #525222

Active admin and admeme, fun events and good admin-ing. Keep him.
i dont know what to put here
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by RiskySikh » #525483

Active, and good admin.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Ordo » #525532

Consistently impressive performance. Pleasure to admin with. An example of what should be encouraged as regards balance of nonsense and non-nonsense.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Nervere » #525734

Highly knowledgeable and friendly. Good admin.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by tinodrima7020 » #525762

Plays coomer meme midis. 200 IQ. Very based and cool.
If you see this image please show Subject217 some love. He's in a dark place right now :(
Fikou wrote:
The problem is that the autistic fucking admins on these SS13 servers, so drunk with power, so intoxicated on the scent of their sweaty ballsacks as they drown in 'decision making' and 'responsibility', things they've never had before, hand out permabans for next to nothing. Why not a 3 month ban? Why not a 6 month ban? No. A fucking perma ban. Nevermind that people change, nevermind that people have shitty days or good days, nevermind that FOREVER IS A FUCKING LONG TIME, no... Permabans. And then they expect you to appeal on the forums so they can have MORE POWER, MORE DECISION MAKING. "HOO HOO, LOOKIT ME MOMMY, I GET TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS MAN HOOOO HOOOOOO WOWEEE SO EXCITE, MY LITTLE WINKY WILLY IS GETTING CHUB-CHUB, MOMMY." And let's be fucking absolutely real here, the only reason admins want people to sign up for the fucking forums to fucking ban appeal is so they can sell the members e-mails to, like, Chinese realtors or some shit.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by angelstarri » #525764

exavere is my boyfriend admin him NOW NOW NOW

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I strongly suspected the borgs were one humaned by the Captain because of their increasingly strange behavior throughout the round after the Captain had entered their upload and seemingly changed the laws. I had asked twice if I could blow the borgs to no response (because there was no admin online apparently). They were constantly complimenting the Captain and calling her pretty and essentially threatening people who called the Captain ugly - Pepper Oni.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Exavere » #525782

The Plasmeme life is not an easy one.
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Re: Trialmin Review: Exavere

Post by Plapatin » #525789

just like naloac it seems like exavere is a pretty unanimously liked admin, and as a result they're getting the promotion.
wesoda25 wrote:i had a dream that me and some friends were like in this tribal village and we were all doing cocaine around this massive bonfire and I kept seeing all these foreshadowing elements that we were gonna die but i just did more cocaine
OrdoM wrote:Argent, a swan argent over a saltire vert - the vert representing the vomit cast upon the floor by the vomitgoose

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