Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

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Byond Username: Starfirejordan

Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by Starfirejordan » #634173

BYOND account: Starfirejordan
Character name: Wraith main
Ban type: jobban
Ban length: 3 weeks
Ban reason: "Xeno Queen, Xenomorph for 3 weeks - As xeno, refused to fight marines to the detriment of team. "Smite me if you want" after warned"
Time ban was placed: 2022-03-17 11:47:31 ... 5501266010
Predatory_Neesan told me to quote them on this so another min can look at it (TGMC discord server)

my attitude is very laxed and I don't take the game that seriously
The culture of the server is LRP more then anything in my experience, people just try not to break the rules and admin will enforce the rules when needed. it very common for someone to speak out of character or be doing memes messing about, it a game and majority of the people treat it as such, and where here to have fun. So this might be my fault for being too laidback.

(((do note i am trying to have it as close as to what happened but memory not great and wasn't recording)))

I had died as marine and my fellow marines didn't save me in time to revive me, so i joined Xeon queue (((gamemode: crash))) so I spawned in as larva and whatnot, marine where pushing in to secure nuke as you do, then my dumbass ran into the heat of combat without meaning too, so i try to get out only to get shuffled by runner and shrike pushing me further in trapping me RIGHT next to marines and me being larva i have almost no health a few bullets can kill me easy. so what should i do? well the server no stranger to friendly marines and Xeons where player are just chilling.

So i go friendly, what else can i do? run though a fire and insta die? and so marine where friendly back and they drag me along having a friendly moment and whatnot then a marine start shooting at me, so i ran was at half health in the first shot, the friendly marine stop them. seeing this i stopped and we went back to friendly times, was dragged awhile resting all the way to the ship entrance, a marine started to disassemble a turret so I wouldn't be shot at and other marine where being friendly with other Xeons. runner(noodles) went into dropship after turret was disassembled and chilled with 7 marines Viben (((Marine grabbing them getting stun then doing it again, classic))) and shrike(stall)? didn't know what todo so was standing around with tow other marine last time I saw. as for the other Xeons I didn't hear combat near ship during this time so assume marine where friendly towards them and vis-versa. (((If i remember right there was 3-4 Xeons on at the time)))

at this moment i get bwoiked and told to stop being friendly and that it isn't intended. i do not recall the content of the message that well nor to what i say. i understood the rule and what not so i did as i was told and had stopped being friendly. felt bad and honestly it kinda killed the mood, So now this is stupid on my part but using "Me:" i had said to the marine "i cant be friendly anymore admin orders" and then ran. of course my dumbass trying to be polite to the marine didn't consider the consequences of this action, i get bwoiked a again i defend myself saying i didn't want to be rude and that i felt bad, because we where all just viben yea know?

now this is where the Jobban come in, i didn't want to kill friendly marines, the whole mood was ruined everyone was viben and yet we where told No more. i just couldn't do it. so I simple said to to my fellow Xeon's "I refuse" and to the admins "smite me if you must" as I didn't want to kill friendly marines. ((( they had threat to smite Xeons who kept being friendly, so i assume most Xeon where being friendly at this time)))

the reason i think this jobban is unjust, is because these actions are common in the general TGMC community. why now am I being punished for it, when the community does stuff like this daily
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Re: Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by Timberpoes » #634175

I believe this is probably a TGMC ban, so I've shifted it over to the TGMC appeals forum so their staff can see and handle it.
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Byond Username: Predatory_Neesan

Re: Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by zxcion12 » #634198

We have looked into it and discussed it with a few other mins. So far the consensus is that the ban was justified and will remain.

I'll give it 3 days from your posting, more time for discussion between mins to see if anyone disagrees enough with the ruling to lift your ban. After this time, the application is essentially rejected.

Also why were you on the Frontlines as a larva close enough to be killed? Worse you were trapped in the Canterbury because the shrike and runner shuffled you in there? Putting yourself in a situation like that as a larva by itself is also an issue.

For context:
-you blatantly refused to follow the ruling despite being warned more than once, taking one of the only 3 xeno slots and refusing to help your team as your shrike needed help to play the game as it is normally intended. The shrike ahelped about this issue and I feel they were strongly justified.
-violated rule 3, rule 4
-if you didn't want to be the one that turned back on the marines by fighting them, feeling bad for it, you could have ghosted and gave your xeno slot to someone else

I am certain on this issue that you broke server rules and more importantly that the rules needed to be maintained here, as it was causing problems for another player, the xenos as a team, and the normal flow of the game.
Understand that on this topic, you were in the wrong here and stayed adamant and refused on it despite being warned multiple times.

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Byond Username: Starfirejordan

Re: Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by Starfirejordan » #634203

zxcion12 wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:09 am Also why were you on the Frontlines as a larva close enough to be killed? Worse you were trapped in the Canterbury because the shrike and runner shuffled you in there? Putting yourself in a situation like that as a larva by itself is also an issue.
as larva i was trying to get to the area where combat was happening so when i can evolve i can instantly join it. as for where combat was. it was near the area where nuke spawns on ice caves. next to fog surrounded silo. which i would have been safe in, now i dont remember fully what happened around this point. all i remember is getting shuffled back into combat and getting trapped. as other xeno where trying to flee gun fire is a small space. so as far as im aware i could have over shot it or gotten shuffle in then shuffled further in
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Byond Username: Starfirejordan

Re: Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by Starfirejordan » #634307

It has been 2 days. I had made this in frustration knowing full well that it was unlikely to get appeal since the ban was justified for the rule breaking and the refusal on my part. I would like to say sorry to Predatory_Neesan for how I may have acted, as for this appeal it can just be closed as I had only cared awhile frustrated.
Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:23 pm
Byond Username: Predatory_Neesan

Re: Predatory_Neesan - Starfirejordan - xenomorphs jobban - Round ID 13826

Post by zxcion12 » #634308

Discussed with Starfirejordan. He understands the warning and accepted the ruling. It's been 2 days, lifted the jobban early out of lenience. Note to be more harsh if it's repeated.

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