/tg/station P&P Night

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Hey there /tg/station! Play games?

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I would be interested in a traditional games night!
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I would not be interested in a traditional games night!
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I would be interested, but [SYSTEM] or [PLAYSTYLE] isn't my choice. (Please elaborate in post)
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't want to play with tg-station and/or you as the DM.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Incomptinence » #43328

Bottom post of the previous page:

Yeah can't do that Tuesday time slot I will be working at that time.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #43332

thinking about running a decker

i'll get at dezz when i see him on steam sometime
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43339

Get hacking or cybercombat to 6, probably hacking if you only get one, but try to get both, don't forget EWAR, hardware, and software as skills to at least 4, make sure your logic is good, don't overspend on a deck but don't underspend either.

Hard to fuck up deckers.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Incomptinence » #43344

Can we get the Tuesday slot on another day it is a convenient time just a bad day for me.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43347

dezzmont wrote:Get hacking or cybercombat to 6, probably hacking if you only get one, but try to get both, don't forget EWAR, hardware, and software as skills to at least 4, make sure your logic is good, don't overspend on a deck but don't underspend either.

Hard to fuck up deckers.
It's easy to be good at decking on a character sheet, but having the player knowledge to understand how decking works and what you should be doing is different.

Also it's a really big help if you make sure your decker isn't totally helpless in a fight, that they could at least hold a pistol or smg and hit something with it most of time, and on the random chance that they do get shot they don't explode into a cloud of blood and gore.

There will likely be occasions than you want where you have to actually get off your butt and go inside with everyone else. Alternatively if you're super sly you can make a Face/Decker that can smooth talk or disguise his way into places and then setup backdoors and tricks ahead of time. But that's an even bigger challenge for a player and if you screw it up you.are.fragged.

That's top-tier MLG pro decker shit though, ignore most of what I just said and just focus on:

Reading the chapter(s) on hacking and what you can do with it
Buying the right programs to get that stuff done
Making sure you have a deck that can run all that stuff and has the stats to make it work
Making sure you have the combined skills + attributes to get it done right
Spend a couple points on a small, concealable firearm of your choice
Get a bulletproof vest or an armored jacket
Don't have a Body of 1.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #43376

What about a Street Sam? I just like the idea of it, but mechanically I have no idea what I should be doing.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43392

I'll be playing a Street Sam as well.

Quick and dirty guide to street sam:

Get some skills for fighting and shooting
Get some cyberware that helps you fight and shoot better
Make sure you're a tough bastard who can eat a bowl of broken glass WITHOUT MILK
Think about skills and gear you can pick up to become more versatile to help the team.
Have at least one social skill or something so you aren't completely useless in that arena
Buy some fun skills that round your character out and represent some random stuff they picked up on the way

Street Samurai, to me, is actually a really really broad term when it actually represents a really specific kind of character in the game. I (incorrectly) call anyone whose primary purview is fightan or shootan a Street Sam when in actuality a Street Samurai character is more like a underprivileged anti-corporate rebel type fighter that comes from the streets and is kind-of an anti-hero.

Every Street Samurai is a fightan and shootan character first and foremost. But not every non-magical cyber combat dude focused on fightan and shootan is a Street Samurai. You might just be in it for the money, you might be an ex-military dude, a mercenary, an ex-company man, ex-ganger, etc. etc.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #43410

An0n3 wrote:I'll be playing a Street Sam as well.

Quick and dirty guide to street sam:

Get some skills for fighting and shooting
Get some cyberware that helps you fight and shoot better
Make sure you're a tough bastard who can eat a bowl of broken glass WITHOUT MILK
Think about skills and gear you can pick up to become more versatile to help the team.
Have at least one social skill or something so you aren't completely useless in that arena
Buy some fun skills that round your character out and represent some random stuff they picked up on the way

Street Samurai, to me, is actually a really really broad term when it actually represents a really specific kind of character in the game. I (incorrectly) call anyone whose primary purview is fightan or shootan a Street Sam when in actuality a Street Samurai character is more like a underprivileged anti-corporate rebel type fighter that comes from the streets and is kind-of an anti-hero.

Every Street Samurai is a fightan and shootan character first and foremost. But not every non-magical cyber combat dude focused on fightan and shootan is a Street Samurai. You might just be in it for the money, you might be an ex-military dude, a mercenary, an ex-company man, ex-ganger, etc. etc.
Sounds like my kind of job. I'm off tomorrow, so I'll be reading up on it with what time I'm not wasting on WoW.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43431

When an0n3 said "A social skill" he insert etiquette.

Etiquette is the skill that allows you to be professional enough to ask a contact for a favor without majorly pissing him off. It is what lets you buy gear (A dicepool of 6 lets you have a 50/50 shot at buying anything rating 6 or bellow at a marked up price, basically allowing you to keep stocked on essentials like ammo and medicine as well as replacement shitfit guns while the face handles large buys for you). It lets you go to a meet posing as gangsters to do a sting for a johnson without blowing your cover right away. It allows you to fit in and get along essentially.

Having a dicepool of 6 in etiquette, a dicepool of 6 in sneaking, and a dicepool of 8 before smartlink on an automatic weapon (or some other combat stat at a higher value) while wearing an armored jacket and rocking a body of 2 means you are never going to be left in the van.

A dicepool of 6 in sneaking lets you avoid the detection of trained guards as long as they are not specifically looking for you, even if you are in the same room. You may not be an ace infiltrator but you are capable of now immediately blowing the ace infiltrator's cover.

A dicepool of 8 in automatics or pistols allows you to carry a concealed burstfire weapon that smartlink turns into a dicepool of 10. 10 on a short burst versus the average guard is an almost guaranteed hit if he is out of cover, and while the damage may not be impressive most people in shadowrun are not sucicidal and will drop to cover if you shoot them. Without the ability to project threat with a gun your poor decker is basically going to view any guard stumbling upon him as a horror monster chasing him rather than an enemy. Furthermore a dicepool of 12, including smart link, gives you 4 net hits on a suppression test, which is enough to make it impossible for a cop or guard to be able to avoid the supressing fire area. They must take cover and take a -4 to everything or they must get hit.

A body of 2 allows you to not die in embarrassing and pathetic ways, like being outside for a couple of hours in the winter even with a snow jacket on. With an armored jacket you end up with 14 armor, which can handle the average assault rifle with 1 success well enough to reduce the damage from lethal to stun. It is possible to have more armor at gen by using the high fashion armored clothing from R&G but the armored jacket is your lowest level choice to be consistently safe. I noticed multiple people starting without this, and while it is not as vital as the gun, etiquette, or sneaking you will want to consider upgrading after the firt run.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43478

An0n3 wrote: Don't have a Body of 1.
dezzmont wrote: A body of 2 allows you to not die in embarrassing and pathetic ways, like being outside for a couple of hours in the winter even with a snow jacket on. With an armored jacket you end up with 14 armor, which can handle the average assault rifle with 1 success well enough to reduce the damage from lethal to stun. It is possible to have more armor at gen by using the high fashion armored clothing from R&G but the armored jacket is your lowest level choice to be consistently safe. I noticed multiple people starting without this, and while it is not as vital as the gun, etiquette, or sneaking you will want to consider upgrading after the firt run.
Pay attention to these. They're important.
You don't want to just flat out die because you didn't bring enough armour. Sometimes you're not the one shooting first, and if they get lucky and hit you then you will want to make sure it doesn't disable or even kill you right off.

This is very important. You might be a great, overskilled hacker with loads of powerful guns and awards in data management, but if you don't wear armour you may as well just be some random unskilled nooblet from the street for as far as combat will take you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43484

If you don't know what you are doing don't put ANY stat at one.

It is terrible for different reasons for each stat.

1 Charisma nukes your social limit and prevents you from being able to do things that you take for granted as a human.

Willpower 1 makes it stupidly easy to hack you, stupidly easy to enchant you or cast at you, and stupidly easy to fuck with you using social skills.

Reflexes 1 makes it so you can't operate vehicles effectively and nukes your initiative, your best initiative score would be only 1 above the human average if your intuition is maxed out. Your defense pools likewise would be pathetic and you would eat bullets even in cover, meaning you will die.

Intuition has the same problem, but instead of vehicles it makes it easy to fool you, as well as some hacking issues. Your perception and street knowledge skills suck, it puts your knowledge down to a default of 0 on street knowledge checks meaning you are the opposite of the guy who knows a guy.

Strength 1 nukes your physical limit. It makes doing basic athletics like hopping a fence hard and certain tasks impossible beccause your limit is too low. And it makes carrying gear, which is a big deal in shadowrun, impossible because you can only lift 10kg easily. 10kg is basically a gun with a reload and your armor and perhaps some light equipment. God help a strength 1 rigger.

Agility 1 i bad because it kills your sneak, gymnastics and combat pools. Pretty standard, pretty bad, and like strength makes doing relatively easy tasks you take for granted really hard.

Logic 1 destroys your mental limit, which affects perception and knowledge rolls. It makes you default to 1 on academic knowledge, first aid, medicine, and fixing shit. And shadowrun is a game about being smart, or at least clever. Don't be a drooling idiot.

Body 1 is bad because you die to embarrassingly mild environmental issues. And bullets.

1's are REALLY bad. 2's are generally sufficient for being "bad" at something but a 2 in body, willpower, reflexes, or intuition is still really dangerous because all of those stats keep you alive. I would not put 2 into both reflexes or intuition and would never put 2 in willpower. 2 body works if you are REALLY careful about not getting shot.

AND BUY ARMOR. You know how important armor is in SR? Most standard clothing for the middle class is armored. And almost all but the most extravagant clothing is heavily armored. Moderate bulletproofing is considered important enough to pay for for CIVILIANS in setting, let alone criminals.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43519

dezzmont wrote: AND BUY ARMOR. You know how important armor is in SR? Most standard clothing for the middle class is armored. And almost all but the most extravagant clothing is heavily armored. Moderate bulletproofing is considered important enough to pay for for CIVILIANS in setting, let alone criminals.
And speaking of clothing
While you can show up to meet Johnson wearing full body armour and carrying an LMG
Generally this is considered suspicious if the meeting is somewhere even slightly public.

If Johnson asks to meet you in his favourite restaurant, don't go in full combat gear. The other patrons might not apreciate.
Showing up dressed for the job is one thing, but until you actually get to the shooting part your job is also to not go 'Hey! This guy here is hiring a group of heavily armed thugs! Take pictures everyone!' with your dress choices.
Get at the least a lined jacket or something else moderately subtle
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43593

I ended up going with the door-breaching specialty. That should be covered
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43647

Life isn't so shitty that everyone is walking around wearing bulletproof clothes, but life is shitty enough that nobody would look twice at a wage slave riding the subway to work with a kevlar vest on under his suit.

Shit's bad in some places. Bad things happen a lot. It's not a PMC ruled military state but some manufacturers of weapons and armor make sure their cuts and lines are stylish enough that their new 10mm pistol is considered "trendy".

As a Shadowrunner, not owning good armor is just plain suicidal. Unless your physical attributes are so crippled that you can't handle wearing them, or you're trying to be sneaky, don't leave the house without either a Vest w/ Plates, a Lined Coat, or an Armored Jacket on.

You will get shot. You will stop and be amazed at how badly being shot just once can fuck you up in this game. You will stop and look at how long healing times and things are. You will regret not owning better armor.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43698

Actually life is shitty enough that almost everyone is walking around with armored clothes, though its implied to just as much be for hazards as it is for bullets. Its the same reason why gun advertisements get regular TV airtime and entire lines are aimed at playing off the fear of non-corporate SINners. The Sporter for instance is a gun is often targeted towards housewives and in 4e there was a running joke where all of Jackpoint lost their minds when they found out there was a single shot gun for children with cartoon characters on it that ended up being more expensive than the slick operating guns everyone was using. Was designed for the children of executive and management types though to ward off extraction.

Not everyone wears armored clothing. It is expensive, and if you live in an archaeology there is no real reason to do so. Most lower end people get by with synth-leather to prevent a devil rat from messing them up too bad on their commute. But it is important to notice every piece of designer clothing in setting has an absurd level of armor woven in, and many of them will protect you better than that shitty armored vest made for poor people who use the subway. Even a run of the mill suit that is armored is a bit old hat at this point and would make many wageslaves in management snicker, the actioneer used to be the go to suit of anyone who was anyone but now its a bargain basement line.

What I am saying is, don't be surprised if a civilian target decides to play hero when your back is turned and draw his shitty 200 nuyen pistol to take a potshot at you, or when someone you are assassinating has an armor of 9. It is pretty standard, and exemplifies why you should come stocked with zip ties.
On the ground NOW!
But as for the ultimate point on armor, it isn't even just about how bad it is to get shot without armor, with average body a single shot from a good assault rifle available at gen WILL put you into bleedout and it isn't hard for a heavy pistol or anything loaded with flechette. It is about how much low end armor improves your ability to survive.

The armored jacket isn't some bulky flack jacket. It is a regular street jacket. Not high fashion, but definitely not something that would raise any eyebrows. Its armor rating is 12. A human with 3s across the board being shot with an Ares Predator would take 9 lethal damage from a double tap, giving him a crippling -3 global penalty and outright knocking him down. And with a wound penalty he would actually need to make a rather challenging roll to even stand up to run away. A human in an armored jacket on the other hand would only take 6 stun damage, netting him only a -2 global penalty. He would still be knocked over but stun damage heals quickly, after 3 hours of rest he would be back in top shape as opposed to the other human who needs to be in bed for an entire week.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43706

dezzmont wrote: What I am saying is, don't be surprised if a civilian target decides to play hero when your back is turned and draw his shitty 200 nuyen pistol to take a potshot at you, or when someone you are assassinating has an armor of 9. It is pretty standard, and exemplifies why you should come stocked with zip ties.
On the ground NOW!
Zip ties. Always grab a bunch. They're cheap and you can grab them in batches of 10. They weigh next to nothing so you can carry more than 6 and they're incredibly useful. Aside from that, flashbangs and gas grenades will wreck your day if you're not prepared. Put on some sunglasses and wear a gas mask if you think there is even the slightest chance of going up against someone who has those. Like the cops if you frag up your run.
Cops in Shadowrun can be real brutal
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43719

You know we are being really doom and gloom. I mean I have seen everyone's sheet and they all have the essentials. Not everyone has masks for example but everyone who is a primary front line combatant does, and its acceptable for the team to not have everything it needs to survive.

I am going to try fluff it so you guys are really new as a team, with the experienced players coming together to form a team with the inexperienced ones under their wing ICly. Luckily it lines up so the less experienced players are running super talented characters who are not necessarily super experienced where as Rotwood, XSI, and I would assume An0n3 have operators with a lot of tactical knowledge that imply an amount of experience. We will see if we can make that set up work when we hash out character connections.

Essentially don't be afraid of not having every single gadget you need or not knowing exactly what to do, because if shit goes down you can blame the vets.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43741

Dezz: you've seen the team as it is so far, you're the fixer/Johnson putting this group together. Give me the archetype you think would best round this group out and I'll roll that up.

Seeing as how there's supposed to be someone selectively calling up people and assembling a group one by one to fit the mission (at least at first, as the team forms bonds they do start rolling as a group all the time) it would make sense to give you a chance to phone-in the last guy of the group.

I just want to make sure there are no gaps in anything, and I'm comfortable playing anything. It makes it a challenge for me.

So what's it gonna be? Rigger? Mage? Combat Life Saver? Engineer?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43745

The team is going to be 7 people if no one drops. We got a gunship pilot and a demolitions and destruction expert who double as front line combatants, as well as a christian mage who is a fantastic summoner and healer. The team's infiltrator is also skilled with a knife and bow and is legendarily good at assessing. The team is likely going to end up with a technomancer, and we also just picked up a blaster magician.

The team doesn't have noticeable gaps in capabilities, you honestly could play absolutely anything you wanted to at this point because the team is already diverse and packing a member in each role. but could possibly use a support focused rigger. Someone able to use powerful sensors, operate ground vehicles, and provide medical aid remotely by rigging first aid kits or combat back up by rigging smartgun platforms, and maybe some light hacking. The pilot is technically a rigger but he is much more focused on taking over his own gunship than he is on running drones or sensors or fixing things and people. Another thing is that the team could use a sort of front line commando type who can keep the team safe, alive, and moving forward. Able to throw down as well as the other two combatants but also able to fulfill a similar logistical role.

Essentially the team could use a classic "sarge" type who focuses on making sure everyone can be doing what they need to be doing. A sort of jack of all trades vet type both comfortable walking the rookie face through what the Johnson will be grilling him for and hanging onto the landing strut of an attack copter firing down on people to clear some people away from a downed friend you intend to revive.

Also whatever you end up rolling buying any vehicle with more than one seat would be helpful. Not necessarily a van, but perhaps a sports car. The team has enough raw seating space to get everyone to a run, as there are 3 bikes and a chopper, but no one has room to spare in terms of carrying things, as everyone has one seat vehicles and the rules explicitly only allow you to exceed seat count at the cost of performance for people. Things need their own space.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43751

You say "hybrid combat / logistics" guy and I hear "bring back Radar".

Is that right?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43755

Radar was a hacker who could shoot if I recall correctly.

I am talking a street samurai with enough logic and charisma to do stuff like first aid, pass leadership tests, and use combat maneuvers from R&G. More of an Ironman or Captain America than an Ant Man.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43762

Buy a truck. You know, in case we end up going somewhere on a mission to just make a lot of stuff 'disappear'

Sure, we could blow it all up or burn it. Or we could swipe it and make a neat little profit. Shit, we could probably disassemble anything we grab too. Last Shadowrun group I was at looted everything from their runs that didn't explicitly tell them not to. They loaded up entire crates full of shit into a van and tore off cameras for scrap. Dead guards? Sold to ghouls. The adventurer mindset right there. If they could sell the stuff the building was made from, they'd break it into pieces to cart it away
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43766

Looting everything is a really bad idea in SR actually because anything you don't move quickly is something the corps may actually be tracing. The difference between stealing a prototype to sell and stealing a prototype to give to Johnson is that the corp isn't going to come looking for you when they activate the tracers, and when you sell something on the black market that is really valuable there is a risk the real owners, who by the way run the black market in lore to some extent, will get you despite erasing the tag.

Make no mistake, its often profitable to steal equipment for personal use or untracable valuables (Like hunks of gold or magical materials) but stripping a place like it is a dungeon is a bad plan, especially when it isn't actually a dungeon, it is a corporate complex in the city and the cops are on their way.

Of course you also need to remember there may be jobs where you are hired to retrieve something that takes up space. Or some one...
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #43773

ran into a busy strretch IRL, working on the charsheet for the technomancer though
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #43777


So, we need a Krieger style rape van to escape in as a crew.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43778

Oh yeah, it is a bad idea to steal stuff that's valuable like that

But if, like the group I mentioned, you're called in to destroy a warehouse and remove the goods from their owner's hands?
Several containers of consumer goods that would otherwise have gone up in smoke...But now turned you a tidy profit.
Several containers worth of metals, and there's a rigger working on their own armour plating? That's great loot that nobody is going to be able to trace easily enough. And if they are, it's likely not worth tracing

Anything that can be reasonably well traced and is valuable enough to put effort into is a bad idea to steal
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43786

Whoop whoop. I forgot Radar was a "prime runner" and I can't really convert him over to this game. I'll dig up another old friend who fits the bill for this group, though.

EDIT: Oh god my face when seeing the Fianchetti Military 100

Fianchetti Military 100.png

Last edited by Timbrewolf on Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #43794

Akkryls wrote:Image

So, we need a Krieger style rape van to escape in as a crew.
Look up the rules for "Pimped Van". Which I will be purchasing.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Incomptinence » #43806

So the session time is set to be Tuesday now? If so I hope we get enough people for a second group so I can play.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #43826

checks out to me
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43834

Some oldfag observations:

1) Certain bits of Cyber and Bioware have become ridiculously more expensive than they previously were. Some of the old stand-bys for attribute boosting ware I'm used to picking up now cost 3x-4x as much. Holy shit.

2) The priority system gates you out of going nuts on skill groups. You have to get in there and either manually purchase the whole group per-skill or just cherry pick what you would use the most out of it and forget about the rest.

3) I need to re-read how initiative scores and combat turns work in relation to using different melee combat maneuvers because the concept of spending your initiative before it's even your turn is totally alien to me. You're saying if someone even lays a finger on me, I can immediately respond by attempting subduing combat on them? Shit's about to get nuts.

4) Speaking of melee combat, I like how they've added more options for subdual, clinching, ground and pound, etc style ass beatings. Have fun getting knee'd in the fucking face for 6P damage with 9 dice behind it. I can seriously clinch up and knee someone's head off this is fucking great.

5) I'll have 8 dice for our small unit tactics tests. The book doesn't say there's a limit but I'm guessing it uses my mental limit of 5. Unless I use edge we're going to struggle to complete basic maneuvers if you guys aren't pitching in and trying to help (defaulting to Intuition -1 if you don't have small unit tactics). If your Intuition is really bad don't worry about it, it's better you not try to help and avoid glitching. If you have no idea what any of this is IC or OOC don't sweat it. My character has a background in this stuff and I can explain what it does OOC when the time comes. If your character doesn't come from some kind of military/security background there's no reason they would have this skill or experience in using it, and that's fine. The short version of it is: I can bark orders to the group during combat to give us all bonuses to attack or defense if we roll well as a group.

6) I have a ballistic face mask with a respirator built into it. Nobody cared who I was until I put it on.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43857

1) Cyberware was nerfed, really efficient general boosting cyberware was made more expensive and niche cyberware that allowed you to pump non-defensive dicepools ridiculously high is borderline gone to give the adept some purpose in life. N

2) Skills to A makes skillgroups better than they used to be however because you can put an entire skillgroup to 6 now, allowing you to save buckets of points. Also players overall end up with more skillpoints because they are not as horrifically awful to buy at gen.

3) Oh yes, high reaction in melee combat is really good. Think of your initiative now like money. Everyone takes a turn to buy... a turn... in order of who has the highest initiative to lowest, then everyone gets a chance to buy a turn again. But sometimes you get the chance to buy a reaction.

4) Martial arts overall were buffed very heavily, as was melee. You are limited to only one attack action a turn so guns can't double the damage output of melee, and strength to damage scales much better now. A katana stab from a troll deals 11 AP 3 damage now rather than 5 AP 3.

5) Half the team has SUT or similar skills so you are good there.

6) If I take off your mask, will you die?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43863

I've been meaning to look into that

Where did multiple initiative passes go? Is that still a thing? I tried to put my initiative at 2 passes (3 seemed like overdoing it and powergaming is no fun), but instead Chummer just listed a normal number of initiative.
Edit: It is, I just checked and noticed that I didn't get things working right

And whats this limit stuff? Does that mean I can't even use most of my high dice pools?
Going to go check the pdf for answers
Edit: Only of interest if you're being superman, shouldn't be a big deal unless we're consistently wrecking everything
Last edited by XSI on Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43864

You get an action each turn for every 10 initiative points you generate, rounded up.

The average human, for example, has an initiative of 6+1d6, meaning that on 1/3r of his turns he acts twice.

They made it harder to consistently get initiative passes. Wired reflexes gives you 1 initiative from increasing reaction and adds another initiative dice to your character allowing them more consistent bursts of activity, but it is nearly impossible to consistently get 3 actions a turn and you will rarely ever get 4.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43865

Well, I think my character is about done. I'll send it over so you can double check it

Edit: I appear to be doing something wrong.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #43868

XSI wrote:Well, I think my character is about done. I'll send it over so you can double check it

Edit: I appear to be doing something wrong.
Chummer unfortunately seems to bug out at times. A couple of times during character creation it completely reset my attributes, so perhaps just run through a fresh character and copy all the stats / items over.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43877

XSI wrote:Well, I think my character is about done. I'll send it over so you can double check it

Edit: I appear to be doing something wrong.
Have you given yourself any enemies?

What other "downsides" are there to your character that might be rewarding you with more karma?


My Street Sam is ready. I couldn't afford a vehicle when all was said and done. Just buying my senseware, weapons, and some body augments cleaned me the hell out. On the plus side I got a lot of gear that I'm familiar with using OOC that'll help us out that most players always totally forget about. Thrown grenades like smoke and flashbangs, RFID chips, very strong ranged stunning weapons, etc.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #43880

An0n3 wrote:
XSI wrote:Well, I think my character is about done. I'll send it over so you can double check it

Edit: I appear to be doing something wrong.
Have you given yourself any enemies?

What other "downsides" are there to your character that might be rewarding you with more karma?


My Street Sam is ready. I couldn't afford a vehicle when all was said and done. Just buying my senseware, weapons, and some body augments cleaned me the hell out. On the plus side I got a lot of gear that I'm familiar with using OOC that'll help us out that most players always totally forget about. Thrown grenades like smoke and flashbangs, RFID chips, very strong ranged stunning weapons, etc.
XSI has a shit ton of grenades, of all kinds. I have a Defiance EX taser and some RFID tag bullets. Dezz has been pretty good with his advice for stuff.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43883

I've got an underbarrel shotgun loaded with stick-n-shock rounds. Good times ahead.

I can work locksmith on maglocks to get us into doors, but while I have some demolitions skill I neglected to pickup any explosive compound to use as breaching charges. Anybody else have that covered?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43892

An0n3 wrote: Have you given yourself any enemies?

What other "downsides" are there to your character that might be rewarding you with more karma?
I got it working
Just plain remade the character exactly as it was put in there and then it worked.

I also picked up 2 extra points of karma from somewhere which I have no idea where they came from. That's probably going to be a skill I forgot all about, but I can't find the thing now and it seems like I have everything exactly the way I did before
So....Okay then
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43895

Still looking over character sheets.

An0n3 confirmed for edgelord.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43902

Why the hell am I an edgelord?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43903

It is a mocking way to refer to an edge-master character.

AKA: One who has really decent skills across the board and then a high enough edge to be able to boost any of them to "amazing" a couple of times per-run.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43905

You're just making up terms for characters now.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43906

Nah. Edgemaster is a term for exactly what you made.

Nothing exceptional but everything is above average, and anywhere from 5-7 times per day they can boost their dicepools by 5-7.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #43909

Not that frequently. You refresh edge at roughly 1 point per day, potentially faster if you're accomplishing a lot and resolving story stuff.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43910

True. I guess "Per-run" is more accurate.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43930

Well, I should be done anyway. Got Dezzmont the link to a chummer file(I kept a backup, nothing to worry about).
It seems I can't have a full riot gear set(Armour+helmet+shield) without slight encumbrance penalties. Makes me wonder, is the standard riot gear made for orcs and trolls? Maybe the idea is to extensively augment every last cop? Pretty sure that's not intentional

Still, 6 armour at a cost of 2 agility and 2 reaction. Painful, but it could be good if we know we're going to be in a lot of combat.
Would be a cost of just one each if I boost my strength later with something
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #43979

It is because you are exceeding your strength in bonus armor. Riot shields require 6 of your strength and the helmet another two. That is why you don't see cops running about with riot shields doing kung fu and shooting people in the head, and instead they are always holding their initiative to make the interception action for their buddies behind them. The average human is pretty much crippled by donning riot gear, and security forces are not much better, usually only managing a 2 in agility and reaction after getting decked out. A -2 penalty to both of those stats is actually really crippling.

Of course in shadowrun you now have orks who with a ton of conditioning can deck out in full riot gear and still be plenty mobile, which is a huge reason why they see a lot of military and security employment. And the average troll is fully capable of just picking up riot gear and going to town with a drumfed shotgun in their other hand.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #43997

That does make sense. I forgot about the whole thing where riot control wasn't running around as much and more just working together in a defensive line which they slowly move around.

Quite different from running around doing adept backflips off walls
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #44000

Yeah. The point of a riot gear set up is your armor sits at 22. A heavy pistol will on average hit you for 1 stun, forget about a thrown rock or someone trying to bean you with a metal pipe. Against full rifles you actually fare much more poorly as they can do full auto brain blasters into you for 5-6 damage a pop, and while your riot armor prevents that from knocking you down, you are slow as shit and unable to effectively retaliate because you now have -2 from your wounds and -2 from your bulky armor.
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