/tg/station P&P Night

Talk about non-ss13 stuff here.

Hey there /tg/station! Play games?

I would be interested in a traditional games night!
I would be interested in a traditional games night!
I would be interested in a traditional games night!
I would not be interested in a traditional games night!
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I would not be interested in a traditional games night!
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I would not be interested in a traditional games night!
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I would be interested, but [SYSTEM] or [PLAYSTYLE] isn't my choice. (Please elaborate in post)
I would be interested, but [SYSTEM] or [PLAYSTYLE] isn't my choice. (Please elaborate in post)
I would be interested, but [SYSTEM] or [PLAYSTYLE] isn't my choice. (Please elaborate in post)
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't have the time.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't know how to play these games.
I would be interested, but I don't want to play with tg-station and/or you as the DM.
No votes
I would be interested, but I don't want to play with tg-station and/or you as the DM.
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I would be interested, but I don't want to play with tg-station and/or you as the DM.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45135

Bottom post of the previous page:

One guy who puts priority A as skills, priority B as resources, and priority C as attributes can easily become "The Brain" of the group who perceives everything and has all the cracking/technical skills to double as both the groups decker and lab nerd.

Add to him a magician who isn't completely retarded and you're done. The Brain does most of the heavy lifting outside of the random assensing or magical knowledge skill that's required, which the magician fills in the gaps and pulls double-duty as the combat blaster of the group. Be even smarter, and make them a charisma-heavy conjurer for face/magic-knowledge/spirit army trifecta.

If you must you can crowbar a third cyber infiltration/combat spec into the group, but now you need to start adding scenes just for that person to go do their thing in. Hey there's this juicy relevant macguffin you guys should go get...IF ONLY ONE OF YOU WAS SNEAKY ENOUGH TO PULL IT OFF (DUN DUN DUNNNNNN).

In my experience if you want to run Shadowrun games that focus on intrigue, drama, and investigations you need to cripple the PC's (as in street level PC's) and then burden them with a bunch of extra responsibilities (being a legal SINner, actually spending time running a business, requiring them to dig up hard evidence vs. "yeah we shot the guy who was responsible trust us everything is okay now".)
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45163

An0n3 your experience, while numbering more years than I am alive, is pretty much completely wrong, because you are assuming the players move in a blob, which doesn't work in a regular shadowrun game let alone one focused on intrigue where you may not even be able to be in the same neighborhood at times let alone the same.

First of all you assume being sneaky in a game about intrigue is a 'side thing' which is, I am sorry, completely stupid. I mean powerfully fucking stupid. "What the fuck is this guy talking about?" tier. B&E is a pretty standard trope in these stories. In case you didn't notice, shadowrun already requires you to add scenes to display the skill of one character, even with the streamlined experiences of 5e astral and decking. The infiltrator is probably going to be more consistently useful in a group scene than the hacker because he easily could help out without diving into the digital world by just lifting something from someone's pocket, planting something on someone, or fuck with something in the scene without anyone noticing.

The lab nerd is blowing pretty much everything he has on being smart. 46 active skills and 10 skill groups doesn't take you as far as you seem to think when you have to cover cracking, electronics, half of engineering at best, biotech, and your basic skills. Many of your logic linked skills are either going to be sub-10 or you are going to have to ditch stuff like etiquette, sneaking, and a combat skills. I am having a hard time fitting in perception on this character, which in a game about intrigue is not really cool. With priority C attributes you either will end up being an amazingly shitty hacker or just physically and socially incapable with multiple 2s and 1s in attributes. You effectively make a contact rather than a character doing this, and his hacking ends up starting at around 12, which is really not that good to start out with but works in this game because most targets will probably be civilians and you beat them around 80% of the time with that pool. He actually fares a little better if one ignores your advice and rolls him up as an Sherlock adept as the power points make him less dependent on putting 5 in most of his skills, or if he slots cash C and take a less powerful deck to start with so his stats other than willpower, logic, and intuition are not complete garbage.

The mage fairs much better because you could roll a shaman and go mage-face, and because mages are less attribute dependent than hackers. Furthermore you can slot magic to priority C and metatype to D to get to magic 6 while placing skills B and attributes A. You just get decent spellcasting pools, a good conjuring pool, and learn assensing and you are set to spend the rest of your skills on the basics of facecraft. You aren't amazing but you get the job done.

But that still leaves quite a large skill gap, contact gap, and knowledge gap. The hyper nerd can really only afford to get 4-5 knowledge skills up depending on if he takes them at 4 or 5, assuming he completely dumps physical stats. If he doesn't then he is looking at only 3 at a dicepool level high enough to be notable. They likely will be lab work, leaving room for someone with street knowledge and contacts, because while the mage is a face they probably can only get 1 really good knowledge skill and a smattering of others, and magical theory is a prime candidate in an investigation game, as are the special professional skills in SG. A hypothetical third character could be an infiltrator/face, or the aforementioned Sherlock adept who is actually much better at finding clues in the field than the lab guy, and could bring in valuable knowledges at high ranks like underworld, fences, street life and gangs. Even assuming you absolutely don't value unique permutations of skill combos, which you really should because two people who know facecraft may play completely differently because one is a mage and one is a hardboiled combaty detective, you got room for about 4 concepts if one is the face-mage and one is the decker-nerd: a social infiltrator able to work a room full of people and then slip away, and a street detective able to find clues in the field for the nerd and keep him alive when they inevitably have to face down thugs with lead pipes. In reality you probably can handle 5 or 6 if your GM doesn't suck and makes sure to hold the hyper-autist nerd accountable for the fact he sucks at pretty much everything and can't actually go to those fancy dinner parties with the rest of the group to try to bug the ambassador's office, and if the plot requires the party to split up. Still, you got the l33t cybernerd, the weirdo mystic mentalist, the femme fatale, and your hard boiled self narrating private dick with only minor overlap. Pretty neat party for everyone on the same team.

Also, just the obvious point that social characters basically have no-overlap because you could always use more actors in a con.

But none of this matters for this game, because, I am going to bold this for emphasis it is a forum game where I can easily seperate out the players and don't plan to have you guys working together 100% of the time. That means you absolutely want to go out of your way to cover your bases so you are not worthless alone while still having a specialty to be useful to other people. If that isn't enough skill dilution for you then I guess that is fine. But you severely overestimate how far a character can spread and felt that having people just OOCly writing news stories was sufficient so I don't see the problem.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Ricotez » #45174

This all sounds pretty interesting. I'm definitely interested in joining as whichever gap needs filling up.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #45183

it sounds interesting but i also remember the last forum rpg i played when i was like 15 and that ended really badly so im kind of biased against them
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45204

Dezz you know you can disagree with someone without saying their perspective/opinion/whatever is "powerfully fucking stupid". I'm not going to bother to read any more of what you just wrote.

Let's not turn another thread into a sperg-y argument between the two of us.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45206

Ok, let me put it another way:

I am not interested in this thread turning into your soapbox for poorly grounded opinions about how a game who's premise you clearly didn't understand in the first place is going to suck.

If you want to run a street level journalism game or whatever, go ahead. I don't really care. I don't like you popping in going "Actually dezzmont this wont work and will be terribly unfun" and then acting incredulous when I point out you said something amazingly fucking stupid while shitting on someone else's parade.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45207

Pointing out some of the difficulties of running a game like that and making some suggestions based on how I've overcome them in the past is now shitting on someone's parade.

Do I need to repeat for you, or point out to anyone else, how fucking ridiculous your ego coupled with your insecurity can be to deal with?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45212

Let me put it like this an0n3.

You think the way I want to run this sucks?

Fine, PM me about it or make a small post on it.

When I adress that concern and try to tell everyone the game is still going to be cool, but you don't agree?

You could do a few things. You could PM me about them, you could decide not to play, or maybe just bite your tounge.

What isn't cool is trying to make me disagreeing on your unsolicited opinion into a thing. You are acting like I am just freaking out over nothing but I sincerely do not care to be told twice about how I am doing it wrong when you have very strange ideas about how characters work and only superficially addressed my response to it.

From my position, you are trying to pick a fight with me over something I am trying to do for people on the threads and absolutely do not care what I say to defend it. It was incredibly passive aggressive. Think about it, do you enjoy it when someone comes in and starts giving an unsolicited opinion about something you are doing? And then will not even acknowledge what you say to assure them you have it under control? It is sitcom mother in law material, it is a universally unwelcome experience to have someone critique you and then refuse to start a legitimate dialouge.

So now I am telling you to your face. Back off, and self evaluate. You are not in a position to lecture me about undue aggression. This whole experience just got ridiculously awkward and unpleasant and I regret bringing the idea up.

Or to put it another way, if you really thought I was getting irrationally upset for personal reasons the fact you are now trying to goad me in 2 sentence personal attacks is shitty behavior and I am almost positive you would know that would just escalate the situation even more. Which is why I don't think you are acting like someone who's opinions I should respect at all currently. You are not an easy person to deal with yourself but I am not going to try to drag personal stuff out of your closet to prove it.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45221

I don't care for you blowing up in my face and taking all this shit as a personal insult when I was just relating personal experiences with the same kind of game and some stuff to look out for/ways to deal with it.

You're injecting weird implications like "...and if you don't do it the way I did it you're stupid/it's doomed" when I never said anything like that. I don't like having people stuff words in my mouth and then trying to act like a victim.

I'm not trying to pick fights over the way you want to run the game, you're the one who veered this whole conversation into "NO YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID" territory.

Let me put it this way:

I didn't say my way was the only way. I never had the thought that your game was going to be doomed or that you were somehow going to do it wrong. I've been looking forward to hearing how that game develops and what kinds of characters people bring to it. I'm angry mostly because I'm startled to come back to this conversation chain and hear you treating suggestions and past experiences as personal insults.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #45272

lean by the bottle
goop by the bottle
who go full throttle
boof by the bag boy its sad boy
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Maccus » #45281

dezzmont wrote:So now I am telling you to your face. Back off, and self evaluate. You are not in a position to lecture me about undue aggression.
Because you're the expert on undue aggression, right?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by miggles » #45288

holy shit shut the fuck up dezzmont you fucking autist
you cant acknowledge the fact that someone has been playing a game longer than you have been alive and then say everything they know about it is wrong and you're better than them
how much of an ego do you have to have before you can do that, then proceed to call them "powerfully stupid" (as well as gratuitous amounts of other insults) and on top of THAT, play the victim card?
no, nobody is shitting on your fucking parade. you brought this on yourself. nowhere before you started talking down on an0n3 did he or anyone else insult you or your ideas.
you know who needs to back off and self evaluate? you. take a look at how petty you're being and for once, try not being an egomaniacal lunatic.
screw whatever i said about joining your game. i should have known earlier that having DEZZMONT as the GM would be a big problem.
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by InThePooPoo » #45292

holy fuck drama
go away
i lov myself
world is volcano an big bun dickit signs
i lov myself
but it can do my in the but an i dont mine
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by ExplosiveCrate » #45296

Holy shit everyone shut the fuck up and stop arguing
i dont even know what the context for my signature was
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night


So how bout them pen and paper games eh?

There's this one upcoming RPG called End of the World that's about various apocalypse scenarios. Seems like it could be good fun, playing as yourself and watching plans crumble in the face of the unexpected and unplanned.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45304

Yeah this has become unfun central. We can salvage this. Someone give me an Electronics (B/R) roll.

If you guys are going to do an investigator game can someone play an awakened great dane?


No particular reason.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by miggles » #45306

im gonna run a game of dnd some time, but with a really different setting
5th edition
so yeah
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night


miggles wrote:im gonna run a game of dnd some time, but with a really different setting
5th edition
so yeah
I don't think I ever looked at the settings for any of the D&D games.

Regardless I'd be down for that. For reals.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by ExplosiveCrate » #45312

I thought the 5th ed DM's handbook hasn't been released yet.
i dont even know what the context for my signature was
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Maccus » #45313

It hasn't. That doesn't stop people.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #45336

You can play the game with just the Player's handbook if you're a pro-tier badass.

DM's guide comes out 12/9
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #45408

Keep it civil in here or I'll start pruning the thread. There are ways to have discourse without throwing ad hominem attacks around.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #45685

Now that we got all the knives out r we still doing tomorrow session
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45737

Depends. I need to take a train home for thanks giving and I may be borderline unconscious due to the all nighter I am pulling now.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #45846

Shall we call it a week off this week, or schedule it for later in the week(end) so that Dezz isn't dead trying to run it?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #45855

It would be nice to hear for sure whether or not were playing today

Besides, if you can't run due to falling asleep, that's going to be a short session
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45860

Yeah gunna say no game this week.

NSOS you still need to work with me on your sheet.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by nsos » #45898

i would've been surprised if if i didn't need to
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #45981

Does mine look good to you dezz?
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #45989

Bit schitzo but completely functional.

Its hard to fuck up when you have 7 edge. The pile of AKs is actually a good choice in this setting because you can store them near running sites in case you cant retrieve them later, as opposed to losing your ares, and because you can ditch them easily.

If you wanted to you could easily make this character a rigger as well by getting gunnery, EWAR, a control rig, and an RCC.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #46012

I actually bought the pile of AKs because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to spend the rest of the nuyen on, and I figured I might as well have some extras in the van for the other Runners.

And I thought about doing a rigger, but I have no experience in it and I recall someone else wanting to do the job.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #46112

Since we seem to be asking anyway, is my Face up to scratch for what we'll be doing in our sessions? Or am I going to get geeked the moment shit hits the fan?
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #46119

Vekter wrote:(...) pile of AKs(...)
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #46121

XSI wrote:
Vekter wrote:(...) pile of AKs(...)
Well I am the arms dealer.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #46132

As the arms dealer, please make sure you actually have the ability to get weaponry, or at least a contact that helps there

Nothing more awkward than the arms dealer calling the fixer and asking to buy a gun from there. Kinda like seeing a rigger on a scooter
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #46135

XSI wrote:As the arms dealer, please make sure you actually have the ability to get weaponry, or at least a contact that helps there

Nothing more awkward than the arms dealer calling the fixer and asking to buy a gun from there. Kinda like seeing a rigger on a scooter
I have a 4/2 Armorer contact (Named Hephaestus, since my alias is Zeus)
That help at all? Even if I'm not the assigned party arms dealer.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #46165

He'd be able to build guns and repair them, so it does work yeah

He probably can't get any of the shiny stuff though, or lasers
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #46172

XSI wrote:He'd be able to build guns and repair them, so it does work yeah

He probably can't get any of the shiny stuff though, or lasers
Well yeah, he's only connection 4. We'd probably need something like connection 7 for lasers.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #46176

Akkryls your negotiation and etiquette are both rocking like a 14 yeah?

That means you, you personally, without any help from contacts, can generally obtain any item with an aval of 14 without paying extra. For every aval above that you can get a 50/50 chance by paying an extra 25%.

Essentially any time your PC wants he can pick up a laser pistol. For double the listed price he could get a laser rifle, or he could edge.

Contacts are frankly there to teamwor test for you or to get you favors or act as labor for you.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Akkryls » #46179

dezzmont wrote:Akkryls your negotiation and etiquette are both rocking like a 14 yeah?

That means you, you personally, without any help from contacts, can generally obtain any item with an aval of 14 without paying extra. For every aval above that you can get a 50/50 chance by paying an extra 25%.

Essentially any time your PC wants he can pick up a laser pistol. For double the listed price he could get a laser rifle, or he could edge.

Contacts are frankly there to teamwor test for you or to get you favors or act as labor for you.
Yup, both 14.
So, after payday we can stock up on all the laser weapons ever. Yaaaaay. (I'm not really going to do this, unless other people want me to buy laser weaponry for them)
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by XSI » #46195

And here I was thinking you'd buy a red laser pistol to see if the catgirl would chase it
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #46267

XSI wrote:And here I was thinking you'd buy a red laser pistol to see if the catgirl would chase it

Rules rules rules. The new limit on attacks per combat turn is nifty, combined with the variable ways you can make that single attack now.

Minor complaint, it doesn't seem like you can just shoot a single round each at two seperate targets with a semi-auto weapon. It's one round or three rounds. The "double-tap" action fires two rounds at a single target. While you can split the attack between two targets you're going to waste that damn third bullet for a measly -1 on your targets defense test. Maybe I'm mistaken and it's an "up to three rounds" action.

Free RC and only one attack per combat turn makes dual wielding pistols or SMG's with Akimbo really robust. With gun mods and decent strength a guy dual wielding SMG's could easily stuff 2x 6 round bursts into people. If they're using special ammo like explosive or (god forbid) APDS rounds that guy is fuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

That's always been the case, but the limit of only one attack per phase pulls a tooth out of everyone not using two weapons...whereas before a guy with an LMG or Assault Rifle could do two kill-bursts per turn now they're stuck taking one attack, splitting it between two targets, and halving their dice pools.

...and while the two-gun guy is ALSO doing that, to make up for it he's adding more bullets to his attacks which in turn hampers his targets defense test that much more. If you can handle the recoil it's clearly the way to go. Twin SMG's are the new hotness in SR5.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #46300

You can't use multiple attacks to hit the same target more than once, so it doesn't actually increase your lethality versus one target. Furthermore, you seem to be discounting the fact that you need to split your skill pool by 3 to fire that burst at multiple people.

The downside to using two weapons is that you can't use assault rifles, shotguns, or sniper rifles with it, which is problematic because those will generally have more than twice the damage and AP of a heavy pistol, let alone a machine pistol.

An assault rifle will deal roughly 6.33 lethal damage and apply a -2 pain penalty to a target hit to a beat cop, not even using APDS and will almost certainly knock them down. A brainblaster or aimed burst would deal 8.33 or 7.33 respectively before net hits, and you will have more net his than an SMG.

And SMG meanwhile will generally deal 1.66 stun damage to a beat cop. With APDS that gets upgraded to 3 stun damage. 5 if you make a brainblaster with full auto or 4 from an aimed burst.

When you factor in the fact that your skill pool is divided up by the number of shots you take, an automatics pool of 14 is required to consistently hit two officers with an aimed burst each using a machine pistol, with 1 net hit. With an assault rifle that 14 will let you deal an extra 2.33 damage, which will be instantly lethal to a police officer.

Dual wielding gets really strong when you are using pistols, which have a much stronger damage profile than SMGs or machine pistols. Even so the primary benefit of dual wielding is that you can make twice as many called shots a turn.

To hit 12 shots at cops requires a total dicepool of 84. Which is absolutely not happening.

Also the rule is one attack per phase, not per turn. If you get 2 phases in a turn you can shoot twice.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Vekter » #46301

XSI wrote:As the arms dealer, please make sure you actually have the ability to get weaponry, or at least a contact that helps there

Nothing more awkward than the arms dealer calling the fixer and asking to buy a gun from there. Kinda like seeing a rigger on a scooter
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #46377

The "Multi Attack" free action is fucking confusing. One page says it's for use against multiple targets, while the page it's defined on doesn't.

It's your game so your rules Dezz, but hashing this out for my own understanding is tough.

It makes sense that you could take a three round burst and split it up between three separate targets. Total your pool up, including recoil, and then divide it as evenly as possible three ways. Roll each attack. Each person resists and soaks like they got hit by 1 bullet (not a full burst, like some idiots online are suggesting).

(I would also add a house-rule that a person with a pistol using the "semi-auto burst" action can choose to fire two rounds, not having to fire all three)

This gets a liiiiiittle wacky when you start talking about dividing bullets up from 6 and 10 round bursts. I would consult the "not enough bullets" rule and treat each attack against each person appropriately. Again, not allowing someone who is firing a 10 round burst at two people to force both of them to resist an attack like they were targeted by all ten rounds. The player would have to divide the rounds up between the two targets. If you want to shower a group of people with bullets, that's supressing fire Omae.

When it comes to deciding whether you should allow someone to declare multiple attacks against the same person...it gets wacky.

Throwing weapons and melee weapons use the same multi-attack rule as firearms and there's nothing that says you can target the same person twice in the descriptions of their attacks. I'm inclined to believe that the rules are just poorly written and in the text on pg 164 of the core book they're just saying "you can shoot multiple targets" as a suggestion or option and not "you MUST shoot multiple targets".

...but then you have options like:

(pg. 119 Run and Gun)

Code: Select all

Complex Action
This is an attack from a Burst Fire-capable weapon
(not Semi-Auto Burst) fired in such a way to increase
damage instead of making it harder to avoid. Since it is
a Complex Action tracking Progressive Recoil becomes
very important. The attack loses the –2 penalty to the
defender but gains +1 DV. It costs the firer three rounds
of ammunition.

(pg 120)

Code: Select all

Complex Action
A rapid pair of well-aimed shots from a Semi-Automatic-
capable weapon fired in such a way to increase
damage instead of making it harder to avoid. Tracking
Progressive Recoil becomes very important with this
Action. The attack gains +1DV and costs the firer two
rounds of ammunition. There is no penalty to defensive
rolls from this shot.
That lead me to believe NO YOU CANT. As these attacks both represent intentionally aiming better and putting more bullets into the same target...well there ya go.

But this STILL doesn't explain what happens when someone with two guns wants to point them at the same guy. Currently in RAW there's some magnetic force that pushes the guns apart. There's simply no rules for shooting the same target with two guns.

I would posit that it's an oversight, and using the multi-attack free action with guns while dual wielding is the ONLY time you can shoot the same guy twice. Once with each weapon.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #46448

I am going to allow dual wielding to hit one target twice because A: Against moderate targets like cops it 'merely' puts dual SMGs or heavy pistols on par with assault rifles despite being more expensive cash and karma wise, and B: it makes it so there is every a reason to melee dual wield.

Dual wielding is better than it was in previous editions but still isn't aces. As the game progresses one handed automatics fall off hard, making it so that dual machine pistol wielders really are more about making multiple called shots. Heavy pistols fare much better due to having damage codes generally comparable to assault rifles, but the buy in for dual wielding is still so intense in some ways that I don't mind letting you double down. It isn't like you are ever going to do better than a shotgun, it just lets pistol wielders do cool trickshots and automatic users be a bit more awesome at spray and pray ambushes. And for melee it means that facing down a ninja with two monoblades will be stupidly lethal.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #46489

A melee weapon user doesn't need two separate weapons to do so.

I actually don't think there's any benefit to wielding multiple weapons unless your martial style gives you one.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #46493

An0n3 wrote:A melee weapon user doesn't need two separate weapons to do so.

I actually don't think there's any benefit to wielding multiple weapons unless your martial style gives you one.
There is no benefit unless the weapons are different, and it is somewhat rare to be engaged in close combat with more than one person anyway unless you are dealing with people who underestimated you or you got lucky on an ambush. Hence my ruling that two weapons let you hit one guy twice. In melee it would fucking destroy people, which is good because specializing in dual wielding melee requires a ton of karma in the form of at least one martial art, high strength, high agility, and a lot of skill due to how melee dodge is higher than ranged dodge. But oh... when you hit someone with two DV 11 AP 3 attacks it is gunna really hurt.

Also the book doesn't make it amazingly clear but throwing weapons can be thrown at the same target with multiple attacks. In fact smartlinked throwing knives or shuriken have a bonus when doing this.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by Timbrewolf » #46749

smartlinked throwing knives or shuriken
how in the fuck would that even work? It's just a sharp piece of metal.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by ExplosiveCrate » #46754

It's a smart piece of metal.

Think it records the flight data and uses it to correct your aim, which is why you get +1 dice after throwing one as long as you or your target don't move.
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Re: /tg/station P&P Night

Post by dezzmont » #46756

You ever play a videogame where you see a little arc showing you where your grenade would land depending on the angle thrown?

That said it isn't actually a smartlink bonus. Its just a regular ass wireless bonus. You can stack a smartlink on top of it but its stupid expensive to do so.
Last edited by dezzmont on Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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