Rip trump

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Re: Rip trump

Post by MisterPerson » #582777

Bottom post of the previous page:

Grazyn wrote: What I don't understand is, why? Why would Trump do it? The international success of the alt-right was only made possible by the ability to write untrue stuff on the internet. So why stop it now? The way I see it, there may be 2 reasons

-The alt-right has already won and they don't need it anymore. Whining about censoring and freedom of speech was only functional to seizing power and now it's time to silence the opposition by removing any tool they may use for a comeback. Counterargument: doesn't look like they won, Trump himself allegedly just lost the election and populist parties are still struggling in Europe
You're right that Trump is bluffing, but let me explain something about fascism. They way fascism works is you need to pretend to have an enemy that is all powerful (so that defeating them requires any means necessary), incompetent (so defeating them is fairly easy) and evil (so you don't join them). Trump is just using Facebook/Twitter as the enemy. Not "beating" them is intentional. If it wasn't them, he'd find someone else to scapegoat and blame all the problems on. It's all just to feed a victim complex of conservatives to turn them into fascists.
Timonk wrote:unless someone develops an ungodly filter that picks up the slightest amount of bigotry, yes.
Copyrights are actually the bigger problem I think. As always.
Grazyn wrote:You didn't but there's a lot of scared people in here who seem to believe this has a non-zero chance of happening

Trump can only veto, he can't force it. They can stall it and wait for Biden to take over, and even if Trump stays president, it still requires real, living human beings to vote for something that will destroy the economy more than a thousand covid plagues
There is no chance whatsoever that any bill removing section 230 will pass the House. Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco. Say what you will about lobbying, but if nothing else it's effective.

Trump vetoing the military budget and leaving it up to Biden to pass it is the biggest own goal imaginable. It makes Democrats look responsible and reasonable while Republicans look stupid and incompetent.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #582779

MisterPerson wrote:
Grazyn wrote: What I don't understand is, why? Why would Trump do it? The international success of the alt-right was only made possible by the ability to write untrue stuff on the internet. So why stop it now? The way I see it, there may be 2 reasons

-The alt-right has already won and they don't need it anymore. Whining about censoring and freedom of speech was only functional to seizing power and now it's time to silence the opposition by removing any tool they may use for a comeback. Counterargument: doesn't look like they won, Trump himself allegedly just lost the election and populist parties are still struggling in Europe
You're right that Trump is bluffing, but let me explain something about fascism. They way fascism works is you need to pretend to have an enemy that is all powerful (so that defeating them requires any means necessary), incompetent (so defeating them is fairly easy) and evil (so you don't join them). Trump is just using Facebook/Twitter as the enemy. Not "beating" them is intentional. If it wasn't them, he'd find someone else to scapegoat and blame all the problems on. It's all just to feed a victim complex of conservatives to turn them into fascists.
Timonk wrote:unless someone develops an ungodly filter that picks up the slightest amount of bigotry, yes.
Copyrights are actually the bigger problem I think. As always.
Grazyn wrote:You didn't but there's a lot of scared people in here who seem to believe this has a non-zero chance of happening

Trump can only veto, he can't force it. They can stall it and wait for Biden to take over, and even if Trump stays president, it still requires real, living human beings to vote for something that will destroy the economy more than a thousand covid plagues
There is no chance whatsoever that any bill removing section 230 will pass the House. Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco. Say what you will about lobbying, but if nothing else it's effective.

Trump vetoing the military budget and leaving it up to Biden to pass it is the biggest own goal imaginable. It makes Democrats look responsible and reasonable while Republicans look stupid and incompetent.
Do you realize that by your definition of fascism either the Holocaust never happen or Hitler wasn't a fascist?
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Re: Rip trump

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #582780

MisterPerson wrote:
Grazyn wrote: What I don't understand is, why? Why would Trump do it? The international success of the alt-right was only made possible by the ability to write untrue stuff on the internet. So why stop it now? The way I see it, there may be 2 reasons

-The alt-right has already won and they don't need it anymore. Whining about censoring and freedom of speech was only functional to seizing power and now it's time to silence the opposition by removing any tool they may use for a comeback. Counterargument: doesn't look like they won, Trump himself allegedly just lost the election and populist parties are still struggling in Europe
You're right that Trump is bluffing, but let me explain something about fascism. They way fascism works is you need to pretend to have an enemy that is all powerful (so that defeating them requires any means necessary), incompetent (so defeating them is fairly easy) and evil (so you don't join them). Trump is just using Facebook/Twitter as the enemy. Not "beating" them is intentional. If it wasn't them, he'd find someone else to scapegoat and blame all the problems on. It's all just to feed a victim complex of conservatives to turn them into fascists.
You're making the assumption that Trump is some genius fascist dictator in the making.

If you note the actual fascist powers - the leaders are passionate. They believe they know the path to fixing the broken world. They spend their whole lives writing books, leading protests, trying to lead armed coups. Their lives revolve around "I'm going to fix everything fuck everything else".

Trump is not. Trump's 'passion' goes as far as "I hope people like me :(" and "Grr they're being mean to me >:(". Trump's life revolves around "fuck I hope everyone thinks im the manliest man that ever manned".

Trump's rallies are "I am so great wow look at me :) wow if I could suck a dick it would be mine". Trump isn't leading some great fascist wave to shape the world, he's being a baby trying to stay in the spotlight.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Farquaar » #582781

no you don't understand trump is a fascist put in power by the russians
he's an evil genius whose gonna make a coup and do genocides
democracy dies in darkness
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Armhulen » #582782

I put "trump is going to coup" on the same level as "trump is going to win" on concepts that are 100% not based in reality but rather the intake of believing what you want
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Re: Rip trump

Post by thehogshotgun » #582784

If you think trump is a fascist....Im sorry I didn't know you were mentally impaired.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by cacogen » #582787

why doesn't tump just shoot biden?
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: Rip trump

Post by thehogshotgun » #582788

cacogen wrote:why doesn't tump just shoot biden?
Trump too old gun would break wrist would be very sad I would cry
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Armhulen » #582789
















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Re: Rip trump

Post by MisterPerson » #582800

Rohen_Tahir wrote: Do you realize that by your definition of fascism either the Holocaust never happen or Hitler wasn't a fascist?
Fascists also use real threats, not just imaginary ones. Hitler got away with quite a bit because of the threat of the Soviet Union and France. He also scaremongered about the threat posed by academia, the Jews, globalists, marxists, etc. This muddies the water between real threats and imagined ones to the point people think they're surrounded by threats and the fascist leader is the only solution to those problems.
XivilaiAnaxes wrote: You're making the assumption that Trump is some genius fascist dictator in the making.

If you note the actual fascist powers - the leaders are passionate. They believe they know the path to fixing the broken world. They spend their whole lives writing books, leading protests, trying to lead armed coups. Their lives revolve around "I'm going to fix everything fuck everything else".

Trump is not. Trump's 'passion' goes as far as "I hope people like me :(" and "Grr they're being mean to me >:(". Trump's life revolves around "fuck I hope everyone thinks im the manliest man that ever manned".

Trump's rallies are "I am so great wow look at me :) wow if I could suck a dick it would be mine". Trump isn't leading some great fascist wave to shape the world, he's being a baby trying to stay in the spotlight.
You are absolutely correct; he is not a passionate fascist dictator-in-waiting. He talks about how great dictators are, sure, but he's ultimately just stroking his ego by telling conservatives what they want to hear to get them to chant his name and adore him. He doesn't actually care about "the cause" or anything like that.

Now the people who want to cancel the elections and stop the counting of votes? The ones who claim communist globalists have infiltrated the DNC and push the "gay agenda" and are ruining this country with "socialism"? The ones calling for "traitors" to hang for this "election fraud"? The ones who claim Trump's "many fine people on both sides" comments on Charlottesville are taken out of context? Those people actually are fascists. They'll happily glob onto an actual fascist. And they'll drag the rest of the GOP with them.
Armhulen wrote:I put "trump is going to coup" on the same level as "trump is going to win" on concepts that are 100% not based in reality but rather the intake of believing what you want
Oh sure, but we can only say that because of what we know now. If the election was closer, if the GOP secretaries of state had less of a spine, if there was more grassroots energy for Trump to do so, or whatever, then yeah he'd absolutely do it. So before the election it was a legitimate concern, depending on how you define "coup".
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Farquaar » #582801

MisterPerson wrote:Now the people who want to cancel the elections and stop the counting of votes? The ones who claim communist globalists have infiltrated the DNC and push the "gay agenda" and are ruining this country with "socialism"? The ones calling for "traitors" to hang for this "election fraud"? The ones who claim Trump's "many fine people on both sides" comments on Charlottesville are taken out of context? Those people actually are fascists. They'll happily glob onto an actual fascist. And they'll drag the rest of the GOP with them.
By that logic you could point to left-wing crazies in Portland and Seattle calling for the execution of Trump say that the Democratic party is ripe for a communist takeover.

There are crazies everywhere. It isn't restricted to party.
MisterPerson wrote:The ones who claim Trump's "many fine people on both sides" comments on Charlottesville are taken out of context? Those people actually are fascists.
Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn't put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down -- excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?"

Reporter: "I do love Thomas Jefferson."

Trump: "Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

"So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
Last edited by Farquaar on Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #582802

MisterPerson wrote:
Rohen_Tahir wrote: Do you realize that by your definition of fascism either the Holocaust never happen or Hitler wasn't a fascist?
Fascists also use real threats, not just imaginary ones. Hitler got away with quite a bit because of the threat of the Soviet Union and France. He also scaremongered about the threat posed by academia, the Jews, globalists, marxists, etc. This muddies the water between real threats and imagined ones to the point people think they're surrounded by threats and the fascist leader is the only solution to those problems.
To be honest, Hitler also got away with a lot more because

A: Germany was basically being made France's bitch because of the treaty of Versailles
B: Germany had been a ~democracy for all of like 10 years after the last Reich collapsed post WW1
C: The Weimar Republic was saddled with almost the full blame of A, since one of their first acts was to sign it.

The moderates sort of started to dissolve because of how absolutely fucked the country was. Hitler basically accelerated it, but it's quite likely it would have gone to either the communists or the fascists excluding any sort of foreign interference to stabilise it (hell maybe another kaiser who knows).

Tbh, I think it's interesting to think about how WW2 would probably be completely different with a communist Germany, would the fascists suddenly be "well they're not us but they did kill Hitler with us so they're alright" like the Soviets ended up being? Or would Mussolini join with his old socialist buddies?
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Armhulen » #582804

Armhulen wrote:I put "trump is going to coup" on the same level as "trump is going to win" on concepts that are 100% not based in reality but rather the intake of believing what you want
Oh sure, but we can only say that because of what we know now. If the election was closer, if the GOP secretaries of state had less of a spine, if there was more grassroots energy for Trump to do so, or whatever, then yeah he'd absolutely do it. So before the election it was a legitimate concern, depending on how you define "coup".
I mean like, now. Trump is going to win was widely thought until now, but if you're sitting here, on december 5th, and you still think trump's getting to 270 one way or another i just don't see it
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Re: Rip trump

Post by MisterPerson » #582880

Farquaar wrote: There are crazies everywhere. It isn't restricted to party.
What matters is whose in charge of the party. Trump says crazy shit. Biden does not. Trump embraces crazies, Biden drives them away.

I mean yes you can go find followers of Louis Farrakhan or whoever, and you can and should point out how crazy that kind of talk is, but let's not pretend that a handful of campaign staffers and activists being mislead by assholes on the DNC is in any way comparable to the fucking president repeating baseless conspiracy theories about how the election was fake and all news is fake and thus we should just cancel it and stop being a democracy.
Farquaar wrote: And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
There was nobody there other than neo-Nazis and counter-protesters. The rally was started by /pol/. It was nominally about renaming a park named after Robert E. Lee, an issue nobody other than white nationalists has any business giving an iota of a shit about. There were flags of swasticas, the confederacy, general white power, the Daily Stormer, the Proud Boys, and "kekistan". They engaged in a march carrying tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil". They engaged in violent scuffles with the counter-protesters and one guy murdered a girl and injured 7 others with a car.

There were fine counter-protesters and scumbag neo-Nazis. There were no fine Nazis and no "bad people" on the other side. End of story. To claim otherwise is to attempt to normalize fascism within mainstream right-wing politics, which was literally the entire fucking reason the rally was held in the first place.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582889

A scary thought:

What if all the right wing-tending parties (QAnon, antivaxxers,...) didn't have overlapping members and would come together with one common goal: overthrowing the government.

For example: Germany is just about 80 million people, it would be easy for 10 or 20 million to walk into the Reichstag, right?
We got AfD (not really right wing but might as well be with the amount of right wing politicians they had to fire), QAnon (second largest QAnon community, even has some well-known German people supporting them), antivaxxers, NPD, regular ole extremists, closet fascists, crazy conspiracy theorists, antimaskers and maybe some more smaller communities. Hell, some AfD politicians let some antimaskers into the Reichstag (I believe) recently. What if all of these groups came marching, armed to the teeth and with 100% group strength, into the Reichstag? You think our military will solve this? Germany has like 200,000 active military personell. That means 1 soldier would have to kill about 200 armed Karin without dying. And if the red army didn't teach us Germans something it is that they can use manpower as ammo.

Just a thought.
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #582890

Timonk wrote:A scary thought:

What if all the right wing-tending parties (QAnon, antivaxxers,...) didn't have overlapping members and would come together with one common goal: overthrowing the government.

For example: Germany is just about 80 million people, it would be easy for 10 or 20 million to walk into the Reichstag, right?
We got AfD (not really right wing but might as well be with the amount of right wing politicians they had to fire), QAnon (second largest QAnon community, even has some well-known German people supporting them), antivaxxers, NPD, regular ole extremists, closet fascists, crazy conspiracy theorists, antimaskers and maybe some more smaller communities. Hell, some AfD politicians let some antimaskers into the Reichstag (I believe) recently. What if all of these groups came marching, armed to the teeth and with 100% group strength, into the Reichstag? You think our military will solve this? Germany has like 200,000 active military personell. That means 1 soldier would have to kill about 200 armed Karin without dying. And if the red army didn't teach us Germans something it is that they can use manpower as ammo.

Just a thought.
You need way less people to coup a goverment with good planning. Mussolini did the the March on Rome with less than half a million people in his movement. And less than 30K of them participated in the actual march.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582892

that was 80 years ago

we have better weapons now
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #582894

Timonk wrote:A scary thought:

What if all the right wing-tending parties (QAnon, antivaxxers,...) didn't have overlapping members and would come together with one common goal: overthrowing the government.

For example: Germany is just about 80 million people, it would be easy for 10 or 20 million to walk into the Reichstag, right?
We got AfD (not really right wing but might as well be with the amount of right wing politicians they had to fire), QAnon (second largest QAnon community, even has some well-known German people supporting them), antivaxxers, NPD, regular ole extremists, closet fascists, crazy conspiracy theorists, antimaskers and maybe some more smaller communities. Hell, some AfD politicians let some antimaskers into the Reichstag (I believe) recently. What if all of these groups came marching, armed to the teeth and with 100% group strength, into the Reichstag? You think our military will solve this? Germany has like 200,000 active military personell. That means 1 soldier would have to kill about 200 armed Karin without dying. And if the red army didn't teach us Germans something it is that they can use manpower as ammo.

Just a thought.
You're assuming "the right" is a monolithic entity that all agree with each other. The same way righties often tend to group the entirety of the democrats as "oh they're all just AOC".
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582895

i said one common goal not they fully agree with each other

they can work out what they really want when the government is overthrown
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582900

lol they already did this
i just found this, they basically conquered the stairs and there were only 3 policemen between them and the reichstag, it gets shown in the first minute but its in german

Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582901

and those people were the "querdenker" only. if you translate it into english it literally means "lateral thinker"
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Armhulen » #582902

Timonk wrote:A scary thought:

What if all the right wing-tending parties (QAnon, antivaxxers,...) didn't have overlapping members and would come together with one common goal: overthrowing the government.

Just a thought.
They can't even overthrow the popular vote, LOL
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #582903

because theres more sane voting citizens than insane voting citizens
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Stickymayhem » #582904

deport all rural americans

increased profit for the country
average education level increases
no more hookworm
no more republican party

human rights

rural americans don't believe in human rights anyway
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #582905

Stickymayhem wrote:deport all rural americans

increased profit for the country
average education level increases
no more hookworm
no more republican party

human rights

rural americans don't believe in human rights anyway
This is beyond racism
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Stickymayhem » #582907

Rohen_Tahir wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:deport all rural americans

increased profit for the country
average education level increases
no more hookworm
no more republican party

human rights

rural americans don't believe in human rights anyway
This is beyond racism
rural americans are a separate race now?

did they inbreed that hard?
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #582909

Stickymayhem wrote:
Rohen_Tahir wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:deport all rural americans

increased profit for the country
average education level increases
no more hookworm
no more republican party

human rights

rural americans don't believe in human rights anyway
This is beyond racism
rural americans are a separate race now?

did they inbreed that hard?
That's why it's beyond racism.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Grazyn » #582921

Rohen_Tahir wrote:
Timonk wrote:A scary thought:

What if all the right wing-tending parties (QAnon, antivaxxers,...) didn't have overlapping members and would come together with one common goal: overthrowing the government.

For example: Germany is just about 80 million people, it would be easy for 10 or 20 million to walk into the Reichstag, right?
We got AfD (not really right wing but might as well be with the amount of right wing politicians they had to fire), QAnon (second largest QAnon community, even has some well-known German people supporting them), antivaxxers, NPD, regular ole extremists, closet fascists, crazy conspiracy theorists, antimaskers and maybe some more smaller communities. Hell, some AfD politicians let some antimaskers into the Reichstag (I believe) recently. What if all of these groups came marching, armed to the teeth and with 100% group strength, into the Reichstag? You think our military will solve this? Germany has like 200,000 active military personell. That means 1 soldier would have to kill about 200 armed Karin without dying. And if the red army didn't teach us Germans something it is that they can use manpower as ammo.

Just a thought.
You need way less people to coup a goverment with good planning. Mussolini did the the March on Rome with less than half a million people in his movement. And less than 30K of them participated in the actual march.
That's because they had already probed government response by occupying a major city a couple months before the march so they knew it was possible. Also it was a period of serious clashes between fascists and communists all around the country, the king just opted to hand the power to Mussolini with the hope he would put a stop to it. Which he did
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Farquaar » #582922

MisterPerson wrote:
Farquaar wrote: And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
There was nobody there other than neo-Nazis and counter-protesters. The rally was started by /pol/. It was nominally about renaming a park named after Robert E. Lee, an issue nobody other than white nationalists has any business giving an iota of a shit about. There were flags of swasticas, the confederacy, general white power, the Daily Stormer, the Proud Boys, and "kekistan". They engaged in a march carrying tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil". They engaged in violent scuffles with the counter-protesters and one guy murdered a girl and injured 7 others with a car.

There were fine counter-protesters and scumbag neo-Nazis. There were no fine Nazis and no "bad people" on the other side. End of story. To claim otherwise is to attempt to normalize fascism within mainstream right-wing politics, which was literally the entire fucking reason the rally was held in the first place.
If there were only /pol/tard white supremacists at the rally, and Trump condemned white supremacists, wouldn’t it be more logical to interpret “on both sides” to mean on both sides of the statue debate, rather than the UtR rally specifically? Especially since he goes on to talk about the statue debate in his follow-up? Is it logical to believe that he condemned neo-nazis and white supremacists, and has repeatly condemned them over the years, but still aims to court some supposed neo-nazi /pol/tard voter bloc?

Listen, Trump’s pretty retarded. But the idea that he secretly tried to court some supposed fascist voter base is laughable. Only left-wingers in echochambers still believe that at this point. Even /pol/tards think he’s a shill puppet owned by Israel.

But I may hear the cliche response: “but why do so many racists support him then?”
The answer is: they don’t anymore. Sure, any candidate that wants to restrict immigration and pisses off the left is going to get support from extreme and slimy elements of the far right. But as it became clear thay Trump was not the white nationalist hero they envisioned, they jumped ship back into the scummy internet waters of irrelevance they emerged from. Trump may have said racially insensitive things in the past, but the alt-right wants a racist, which Trump isn’t. At the very least, he hasn’t governed like one.
In b4 I get linked some irrelevant wackjob spewing something about the Jews at some stupid QAnon protest. Wow, I was totally wrong! The alt-right is totally on the rise you guys! It’s 1933 all over again!!
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Grazyn » #582927

Well I mean he is blocking funding to the military unless they remove the part that allows renaming bases named after Confederate heroes.

Imagine if a base in a place with a high Jewish presence was named after Heydrich or something like that, it would be hilarious
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Re: Rip trump

Post by oranges » #583134

Farquaar wrote:Listen, Trump’s pretty retarded. But the idea that he secretly tried to court some supposed fascist voter base is laughable.
The idea you think he wouldn't court whoever would keep his pride and vanity intact and keep him out of prison is laughable.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Farquaar » #583137

oranges wrote:
Farquaar wrote:Listen, Trump’s pretty retarded. But the idea that he secretly tried to court some supposed fascist voter base is laughable.
The idea you think he wouldn't court whoever would keep his pride and vanity intact and keep him out of prison is laughable.
Explain how retards on Stormfront can keep anybody, let alone a former president, out of prison.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Stickymayhem » #583139

Farquaar wrote:
oranges wrote:
Farquaar wrote:Listen, Trump’s pretty retarded. But the idea that he secretly tried to court some supposed fascist voter base is laughable.
The idea you think he wouldn't court whoever would keep his pride and vanity intact and keep him out of prison is laughable.
Explain how retards on Stormfront can keep anybody, let alone a former president, out of prison.
biden has pretty clearly expressed as well as a politician can that the reason he wouldn't lock up trump is because those maniacs would never let it go and probably be violent
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Rip trump

Post by MrStonedOne » #583150

Biden is going to, and has, take the position that he won't be the one to decide that because doing so would be a perversion of justice. But I doubt it won't come up in talks with AG nominations. so meh
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Re: Rip trump

Post by IkeTG » #583172

XivilaiAnaxes wrote:You're assuming "the right" is a monolithic entity that all agree with each other.
You're assuming you have to have a monolithic entity to perform a coup
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Re: Rip trump

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #583176

IkeTG wrote:You're assuming you have to have a monolithic entity to perform a coup
No I'm not.
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #583180

You're assuming I'm assuming that they all agree on every topic
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by oranges » #583222

You're assuming I'm assuming
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Re: Rip trump

Post by IkeTG » #583223

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Re: Rip trump

Post by wesoda25 » #583224

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Re: Rip trump

Post by IkeTG » #583252

you were trying to cross the border, right?
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Re: Rip trump

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #583253

Damn you Stormcloaks! If it hadn't been from you I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell.
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Rip trump

Post by IkeTG » #583379

we're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Farquaar » #583383

Shut up back there!
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Timonk » #583410

Ah, you're awake!
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583424

Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Whoneedspacee » #583537

man i thought covid denial on the right was the most retarded thing ever but thinking trump is going to go to prison and thinking racists support him man you guys prove me wrong every day
retired ss13 coderman
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Re: Rip trump

Post by cacogen » #583562

There are multiple criminal investigations into him at the moment (Google it or just say I'm wrong I can't be bothered to provide examples) so while I agree it seems unlikely based on his track record of getting away with things it's not outside the realm of possibility. As for racists not supporting Trump, as though we haven't seen evidence of this time and time again, I don't know what to say.
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: Rip trump

Post by Grazyn » #583611

Even if it was remotely possible for him to be indicted, found guilty, and sentenced to prison, Trump is just going to preemptively pardon himself before he leaves office
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Lumbermancer » #583615

Grazyn wrote:Even if it was remotely possible for him to be indicted, found guilty, and sentenced to prison, Trump is just going to preemptively pardon himself before he leaves office
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Rip trump

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583632

Last edited by Rohen_Tahir on Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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