what shows are you watching?

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Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by IcePacks » #148029

Bottom post of the previous page:

the blacklist is still fantastic, despite the fact that it should be shit (probably because james spader is one of the best goddamn actors on the planet)

i've been trying to catch up on manhattan

waiting for all of marvel's shit

venture bros soon
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Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by lumipharon » #148040

ThanatosRa wrote:
TheWiznard wrote:
Malkevin wrote: - Stargate:Universe -
was universe ever good? In my opinion I saw like the first couple episodes on syfy and was like "this is shiet". mostly because it didn't seem (in my brief memory of it) at all like SG1 or Atlantis. I think I'm gonna try re watching all of SG1 and Atlantis again, maybe I'll give universe another shot too
It's by no means as bad as people seem to think it is from what I understand, but it doesn't stand up to SG-1 or Atlantis. I've seen a little, thought it was neat. Should sit down and finish it. Unfortunately, it did get cancelled, so.... yea.
It was radically different from SG1 & Atlantis. Universe had a bunch of whinging civilians crying all the time about shit that I didn't really give 2 shits about, and generally lots of internal drama. With SG1 & Atlantis, the good guys all good along pretty well except for characters that are obviously antagonistic and usually get killed off in 5 seconds (like colonel dickcheese from the first ep of Atlantis, or that sg2 dude that was giving alien tech to those dudes with the other earth gate in sg1 etc).

Now that doesn't necessarily make it shit, it's certainly not what the sg1 & atlantis audience were used to, which probably killed it.

Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by Malkevin » #148087

X-files is coming back.

Maybe I should download and binge on the original series to know what the hell is going on in it, seeing as I never got around to watching it when it was first on (because it was past my bed time)
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Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by Amnestik » #148118

Nothing since The Knick ended

Really well-written, depressing and in some parts (for me at least) emotionally taxing show

Darker than The Sopranos, or even Boardwalk Empire, which is saying something

Fantastic soundtrack

Gotta thank Anon for mentioning it in another thread (edit: actually on page 1)

Most episodes end with me feeling like shit, which is saying something because no other show has had that effect on me
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Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by Timbrewolf » #154188

I finally got around to watching Making a Murderer.

While I want to get really angry at Wisconsin law-enforcement (and the jurors on the case) for being fucking retarded...

I can't help but assign the lion's share of blame for this whole thing to the actual retards involved, specifically Branden Dassey and Kayla Avery. If it weren't for both of them providing a bunch of false testimonies because they're potato-headed fucking morons this whole shitshow never would've kicked off in the first place.

I guess what we need here is some kind of IQ test before a person can provide any kind of testimony that is admissible at all, and anyone under the level of "not a savage idiot" should be barred from speaking on or against anyone's behalf.

Though I especially hope there's a special place in hell for Ken Klatz, James Lenk, Andrew Colburn, Len Kachinsky, and a few others.

Perhaps what's most mind-boggling about this whole shitstorm is what a tremendous suspect Scott Tadych (Steven's step-brother and Barb's husband) makes. He has a history of sexually assaulting/stalking women, access to all the places of interest in the case, and proper motive (incriminating Steven increases his potential share of the business inheritence through Barb, and as a surprise bonus his idiot step-son Branden incriminated himself and removed him from his life).

What a fucking hot mess this whole thing was.

It's funny but I don't remember this being on the news at all back then. I guess I just didn't pay any attention to shit like this because treating ongoing murder trials and investigations like entertainment is fucking disgusting.
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Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by Incomptinence » #154200

I looked it up and the interrogative technique they used on poor dumb Branden was called the Reid technique and basically lying to the subject and telling them they are lying for hours on end is proven to produce tons of false confessions especially from children. Like a quarter of all exonerated gave false confessions and some cases establishing the technique by John E Reid himself have been overturned. Even if say Steven Avery did it the details from the confession by Branden don't match at all so they sent an innocent imbecile down with him as a best case scenario.

Re: what shows are you watching?

Post by Malkevin » #154249

Been watching a new 'sci-fi' called Colony.

Sawyer's made it back to his wife and kids after getting off the Island, then: ALIENS!
They blow up earth's defences in the space of an hour, and section off commifornia into blocks with big fuck off walls.

You never see this.

Instead you're straight into the present day, human toadies have kissed arse with the aliums to live the luxury life whilst dictatorially ruling the survivors on behalf of ALF.
There's still a human resistance, though they can't touch the aliens at all (because they fucked off to orbit to rule from the skies via their human proxies) so they have to make do with bombing checkpoints and shooting up the jack booted, red and black wearing, 'homeland security' thugs.

In the next couple of episodes (probably the finale) I think we'll get to see a glimpse of what the aliens are doing and what they look like, I think the aliens will look like this:
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