Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

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Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #626872

Bottom post of the previous page:

I'm an ss13 player, and I've been playing almost only on Sybil for the time I've spent with TG station (I have a prior history with other servers of which I will not go into depth).
Sybil was probably once the best place to go for an RP experience in ss13 (perhaps I look at the past with rose-tinted glasses). But now the mighty have fallen.

This will be a journal and recounting of my experiences playing only on Manuel for an entire month. I have played on Manuel before, only in brief skirts just to see what it was like, and my opinion was not too high of it.
I plan to play about once a day (realistically less) participating in a different job as often as possible to get the full experience from every perspective.

I've reviewed the rules thoroughly and it is mostly stuff that I already abide by when playing on Sybil, Chain of command and security are important, Play as a coherent, believable character, not murderboning, but there are a few that I think are too harsh and against the spirit of roleplay in general. In addition, many of these rules are poorly defined and up to interpretation. The "The not-so-secret rule of sticky situations and mayhem" at the bottom seems to imply that you need in-character permission to instigate any conflict with another player as a non-antag, which somewhat contradicts rules 2 and 9. Generally, I'm unimpressed but doubt I'll eat a ban. If not for the fact that I follow them, for the fact that they are so vague that admins will have difficulty interpreting and applying them. But I've not seen any of these rules in action, so perhaps my complaints are baseless.

I'll be playing "Edgar Rohtin" as a static. A Human 31-year-old male with a ponytail, beard, and without dyed hair. Personality-wise, I will define him as an understimulated hedonist who takes much pride in his job and values the word of his employers above all others. This personality will likely adapt or change over time, and it's possible I might have to start anew on the off chance I piss off the wrong meta-clique. I don't intend to go out of my way to make friends or enemies with people, I'm hoping that comes naturally.
Edgar.png (9.57 KiB) Viewed 10483 times

I will have all antagonists enabled, and as an added challenge I will restrict myself from the 'suicide' and 'succumb' commands under all circumstances.

I can honestly say that I am not too optimistic. Not to say that people are going to hate me, or that I'll get banned, I'm just afraid that it's going to be really boring.
Somewhere inside me has hope that I will learn something important by doing this. Otherwise, I have no reason to.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Farquaar » #630468

There are different flavours of HoS, but I prefer the soviet commissar style. It takes a talented HoS to be a villain in his own right without crossing the line. Hugbox HoS makes the round safe, but evil HoS makes the round interesting.

I might explore this later in a longform post if I find the time to play more HoS in the coming weeks.
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #630477

InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:49 am I couldnt break out of gulag, since it almost virtually impossible to me to escape.
you can either 1 use the water cooler or 2 fucking bail for the lava and run over it fast enough then hope you roll good.
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #630966

Day 22 (Horder HoP)

I'm not gonna lie, I got kinda pissed at the end of this round due to being a victim of (mostly) circumstances. But hey, after some reflection I decided that it was pretty cool and made for a pretty cool story. Losing is part of the game after all, and sometimes you don't control whether or not you lose.

I rolled HoP round start, with some excitement to be a paper-pushing Buerocrate that makes everyone groan. I also rolled Hoarder, with the objective to steal a whopping seven (7) stun batons. I immediately decided that I would order non of these from cargo (despite my ease of access) because I wasn't a massive coward who hates conflict and player on player interaction. Seriously what would even be the point of ordering a bunch of baton crates and stacking them up somewhere in maint and then wordlessly green texting at the end of the round. It's the thief equivalent of murderboneing in some fucked up way.

I refrained from any theft-based activity for the beginning of the round. I performed my job at the speed and efficiency that any good paperwork user would, that is to say very very slowly. I required a form for any and all access changes. I required tickets for the line and went through them one by one. Not to say that I acted without personality.

There is something about playing paperwork HoP that compels me to speak in a posh but overly friendly old British manner. You must know the type, Cheerio, Good Heavens, One of the Lads. (This stereotype was someone instilled to me by the Rupert in the All Guardsman Party if any of you have ever read that.) I don't know what attracts me to it. Perhaps it is the nice exterior plus the Boring to Condescending mannerisms that also embody paperwork HoP. Regardless, I think it fits well.

I pissed off ALOT of people. Many silently stewed in their anger, and many others were much more vocal (Going as far as calling me a "Retarded Asshole and then walking away.) I swear I'm not a sadist, but the feeling you get from pissing someone off like that is very much compatible with the bloodlust one might get while slaughtering someone as an antag.

On a side note, the adrenaline-fueled blood craze that I experience when landing a perfect ambush or winning a decisive combat encounter as an antagonist is like no other. I really think it's because the cost of losing is so severe, that my mind overclocks itself into a frenzy. Death is very likely permanent in those scenarios, and the emotional stakes in all of the time you have spent to get to this point add so much weight. It's something I have experienced in no other game, not even other games with high stakes like battle royals, with battle royals you can always just queue again. I'd never played Tarkov but I would imagine that games like it would be about the closest you could get within the multi-player shooter genera. It is something Unique to SS13 for me, and it's definitely a proponent of why I play.

I'll spare you the details of all the ways I tortured those waiting in line (threatening to go on break while there were people in the line who had waited over 7 minutes was a good one.) Eventually, I caught myself a moment alone to give myself pretty much full security access (for stealing batons of course.) After officially going on break, to the large dismay of the moth whose ID card I was currently going through the process of modifying, I headed up to sec. When no one was looking I searched through the lockers. My efforts resulted in one (1) stun baton being achieved. Fuck, 6 more to go.

My designated place for hoarding was not that good, I just picked a random locker and tossed it in there. I continued to put the hard-working crewmates of the station through bureaucratic hell for quite some time. Although eventually, my poor placement caught up with me.

The HoS interrogated me in my office for quite some time about why there was a baton found in maint with my fingerprints on it. Luckily I already had a story prepared. I told him that earlier I had wrestled with an assistant over it when I saw that he had one, concluding that he escaped with it. I realized a flaw in my story that I had no name for an assistant ready. To take out my PDA and check the names list would be too obvious, so I stalled for a bit as I checked the crew logs on the computer. I'm not really sure if the HoS believed my story or not, but he was definitely not a fan of the cheery and carefree attitude I gave him during the interview.

I went for a walk and saw an abductor stuck in chemistry. I saw this as an opportunity for glory. I opened a door into maint promising him freedom and then stunned him with my telescopic baton. I tied him up as well. I figured that because the abductor baton was a subtype of the classic baton that it would count for my objective, so I nabbed it and stuffed it in my bag. I tried to explain to him for a long awkward period that if he could bring me more batons, I could help him do whatever crazy things aliens do. The conversation did not go very well (He flipped me off), so I cut him loose into the hallway for his buddy to pick him up.

The way I stole that baton from him inspired me to do the same thing to security. My plan was to dress up disguised and ambush a sec officer (This would be very high risk). I would then tie them steal their baton and ID, and cut them loose in maint to wander around until someone would help them. Even after completing that I would still need five (5) more batons to complete the objective (without using cargo like a spineless weasel,) so supposedly I was to repeat this process 5 more times without somehow compromising my very exposed and already known stash location. I was probably already fucked at this point, but the hoarder doesn't hoard because it believes it can win, the hoarder hoards because the hoarder hoards.

I made a new ID with HoS trimming and named after some assistant to assist me in my goals. I adorned a balaclava and other swag (see: Purple beanie, fingerless gloves) as a disguise. The ID card would show up as a HOS ID on sec huds, which would pretty much make me baton on sight for any security officers alongside my suspicious appearance.

My first attempt at an ambush went poorly. I managed to incapacitate an unrobust catgirl security officer quite handled even though they already saw me coming. I nearly got the baton off her (which would have taken her out of the hunt as there were no backups) before the HoS showed up and started to rush me with his baton. The HoS clearly had better combat sense as he tried to go for the capture instead of firing a few disabler shots and letting me run away. But run away I did regardless, firing lethal from my laser gun to cover my retreat. Not to kill of course, but it sure scared him off.

I ducked back into maints and bantered with the HoS over command comms. He did a poor job at hiding his suspicions that I was the masked man (the laser gun was probably a pretty big clue.) I acted offended at his aggressive questioning and he refused to talk with me any further. I chilled in maints for a while, now knowing that both of my faces were compromised in the eyes of security.

My second ambush attempt was much more brazen, and I got punished accordingly. I tried to ambush a sec officer with long and colorful hair (Suprise surprise, they weren't too robust either) but a nearby Quartermaster scared me off with a baseball bat before I could claim my prize. Cornered into maint, more security officers converged on my location. After taking another baseball bat blow from the quartermaster, and hearing an accusation of being a changeling, the hoarder in me realized that my best odds at hoarding relied upon surrender. I stopped attacking, but down my weapon and yelled that I didn't want it to go this far. I then proclaimed that I was not a changeling. My voice did not match my ID, which should have been a clear giveaway that I was a disguised person, not a shapeshifted one.

No attempt was made to remove my mask or confirm my identity, the Felinid officer alongside the colorful-haired officer beat me into crit and then death. They then failed at shuttle gibbing me once, almost killing themselves in the process, This sent them into a crazed frenzy of stunning my dead body repeatedly convinced I would get up at any moment. I did not get up, for I was not a changeling. Despite this, They moved to shuttle gib me again, succeeding this time and congratulating themselves on a job well done.

So much for punished in accordance to crime am I right? I talked to one of them after the round in OCC and their defense was "Bad Intel", so take that as you will. I'm obviously not upset anymore, my somewhat unrightfull death was the result of someone else's foolishness. You can not control other people in ss13, sometimes you just die.

I suppose if you don't want to get executed by sec as a changeling, you shouldn't have ever given them the slightest hint you were one. The blood of my death lays on the hands of myself for screwing up, and the security officers whose negligence, or perhaps bloodthirst, or even as I hate to suggest revenge for outrobusting them.

But ultimately this is a game of paranoia. If suspecting the perpetrator of a relatively minor crime of being a shape-shifting alien, just because you heard something about someone being stung in medical isn't paranoia I don't know what is.

The highest highs of ss13 are signified by the pain you feel when you die coldly and harshly.

I'd like to play HoP again, but I would probably disable antagonists for it.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by InfiniteGalaxies » #631018

I have no idea but security is so fucking paranoid on manuel. Maybe its just because they don't have anything to do, cant blame them they are really asking for crime
I once got killed from entering engineering. Thats all. And thats it. Killed. Didn't complain, because I got revived later. Weirdest tator round ever. Il explain a bit more later.
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Plays Manuel and TGMC.

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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631019

InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:37 pm I have no idea but security is so fucking paranoid on manuel. Maybe its just because they don't have anything to do, cant blame them they are really asking for crime
I once got killed from entering engineering. Thats all. And thats it. Killed. Didn't complain, because I got revived later. Weirdest tator round ever. Il explain a bit more later.
My current theory doesn't look upon them too favorably, but here's kind of where my mind is right now. If they get outplayed by someone, they get really fucking kill-happy because they think that they will always lose in a one-on-one confrontation again. Maybe some subconscious desire to remove the thing that they are scared of, or it's a reminder of their failure and they want it expunged. Perhaps my own ego gets in the way of this theory.

The big takeaway is that Manuel security tends to be pretty bad at fighting, although both the HoS's I've gone toe to toe with had some decent combat sense in them.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by InfiniteGalaxies » #631021

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:56 pm
InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:37 pm I have no idea but security is so fucking paranoid on manuel. Maybe its just because they don't have anything to do, cant blame them they are really asking for crime
I once got killed from entering engineering. Thats all. And thats it. Killed. Didn't complain, because I got revived later. Weirdest tator round ever. Il explain a bit more later.
My current theory doesn't look upon them too favorably, but here's kind of where my mind is right now. If they get outplayed by someone, they get really fucking kill-happy because they think that they will always lose in a one-on-one confrontation again. Maybe some subconscious desire to remove the thing that they are scared of, or it's a reminder of their failure and they want it expunged. Perhaps my own ego gets in the way of this theory.

The big takeaway is that Manuel security tends to be pretty bad at fighting, although both the HoS's I've gone toe to toe with had some decent combat sense in them.
I can see what you mean, Ive played security before, and its pretty boring. Best action you can get is a blob/nukies during the round. I recently opted out for security jobs because of how boring it usually is, even playing warden is super boring. Most of the time you end up redecorating the brig with turrets because you don't have anything else to do. None of the roleplay elements kick in usually with security, its a mad hunt for anyone thats breaking space law, or is valid. This makes it actually harder to play traitor, since detectives are actually competent on manuel.
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Plays Manuel and TGMC.

Ticky tocky goes clocky, you did an icky ocky!
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #631025

InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:37 pm I have no idea but security is so fucking paranoid on manuel.
security is paranoid all the time, the game is about being paranoid. Also the seccies were in the wrong semi but also greytiding is banned so they can assume your a traitor on manuel.
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631445

Day 25 (Traitor Paramedic)

Manuel is really spoiling me with these antag rolls. The antagonist is a lot of fun, but I think I need a break from it once and a while to remind me of the stakes. If I roll antag every round it makes me care a lot less than I might fuck up and die on the grounds that I do have it. I would assume these increased odds are a direct result of fewer people having antagonists' preferences, leading to people who do getting it much more often. I also dislike the meta thoughts of "This guy has rolled traitor in the past, so we should suspect him more, and not this other guy because we have never seen him roll traitor" that might result from this culture.

But who knows maybe I'm just lucky,

For reasons, I don't have a lot of time to write this report tonight. To save on time and energy I am going to cut back on the flowery language and write this one in Greentext Form So I apologize if that's not your style (Tell me if you hate it or like it more)

>Be me Traitor Paramedic
>Like 3rd or 4th antag roll in a row holy shit
>Make small talk with co-workers, grab syringe gun and stash it in maint.
>Paramedic access makes everything easier
>Check potential objectives: Bug CMO office, kill runtime
>Mfw there is no CMO.
>Collect tools and break into CMO office through maint.
>Buy thermals, disguise them as Health HUD
>Kill the cat and stuff it in maint, plant the bug
>Set up a fake wall, none the wiser
>Probably would have been safer to leave runtime's body in the office, rather than leaving it exposed in maint.
>Get that sweet TC
>Walk around a bit, another traitor Doorjacked almost every door in the bridge
>Have an objective to bug captains office
>Don't mind if I do
>Mime suspects me of bugging the captain's office, but I talk the cap off of my trail when they notice it
>See objective to brainwash someone
>Make a traitor cave in maint with an operating computer.
>Get objective to steal Hypospray
>Use false wall +emag + storage implant to store the hypospray and the emag to steal it
>Sec stops me in the hall, suspects me of killing runtime (Probably found paramedic clothing fibers)
>The want to search me
>Deactivate my PDA uplink right in from of them, they do not seem to notice
>I give them my bag and empty my pockets, telling them I got the flash from the bridge when it was hacked open (in reality I stole it from the CMO's office)
>They do not take my glasses so they do not realize they are thermals, I am free to go.
>Formulate a plan to kidnap someone using knockout drugs from the poison kit.
>Lawyer texts me that security is on my ass and that they want me to hire them.
>They refuse to tell me why I am suspected so I tell them to put their briefcase where the sun fails to shine
>Go to security myself, talk with the HoS a little, I don't think he suspects me anymore.
>Check uplink, have final objective available because apparently, I got a shit ton of rep from the hypospray.
>Spend remaining TC on suitcase launchpad and cutting comms
>Aquire disguise
>From a secure location, I bounce into the captain's office hack the console and bounce out, right as hostiles enter the room
>Sleeper agents activated bigger syndicate presence on the ship, hell yeah.
>MFW I forgot to remove my PDA as part of my disguise
>Run back into maint, and run into a sec officer who is none the wiser that I am a confirmed traitor because comms are cut.
>Say something to dodge suspicion and keep running.
>Comms come back on
>Hunt around sci-maint for a scientist to behead as an objective
>Soon see two security officers coming to my location on thermals.
>Forgot to turn off suit sensors, fuck
>Im at a dead end
>Buy Esword, despite the fact that I probably won't be able to handle two security officers in an enclosed location.
>Manage to bleed one of them, but I catch a stun baton hit, and then it's over for me.
>One of them is incapacitated by bloodloss and is sent to medbay, and the other one takes me to sec.
>I play dumb for a bit in front of all of sec, refusing to agnolage I did anything wrong.
>I question the HoS on the way he classifies traitors, making a distinction between "Hostile" and "Non-Hostile" and tell him that every agent wants to see him dead.
>HoS talks about putting me in Perma
>I would rather not go to Perma, and my character is too prideful to submit.
>I goad him by calling him stupid for not killing me and insulting his insinuation that he might have let me go if I didn't attack his officers.
>Say that no cell can hold me (partially true, I have an emag in my storage implant)
>He takes me to be executed instead, and I tell him he's doing the right thing.
HoS: "last words?"
Edgar: "It's what I deserve, no?"
HoS: "I suppose it is."
Edgar: "Why would you give me any less"
Edgar: "You would be an idi-"
>I am shot point-blank and then stabbed to death.

It was a very "Successful" traitor round, in that the syndicate was probably happy with the outcome, but I didn't do much interesting. Some minor BnE, calling in some reinforcements, and one count of attempted murder.

I think I'm gonna disable most antags for these last few days, need a break from being bad. Maybe that makes me part of the problem I identified at the start.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631446

Day 25 (Traitor Paramedic)

Manuel is really spoiling me with these antag rolls. The antagonist is a lot of fun, but I think I need a break from it once and a while to remind me of the stakes. If I roll antag every round it makes me care a lot less than I might fuck up and die on the grounds that I do have it. I would assume these increased odds are a direct result of fewer people having antagonists' preferences, leading to people who do getting it much more often. I also dislike the meta thoughts of "This guy has rolled traitor in the past, so we should suspect him more, and not this other guy because we have never seen him roll traitor" that might result from this culture.

But who knows maybe I'm just lucky,

For reasons, I don't have a lot of time to write this report tonight. To save on time and energy I am going to cut back on the flowery language and write this one in Greentext Form So I apologize if that's not your style (Tell me if you hate it or like it more)

>Be me Traitor Paramedic
>Like 3rd or 4th antag roll in a row holy shit
>Make small talk with co-workers, grab syringe gun and stash it in maint.
>Paramedic access makes everything easier
>Check potential objectives: Bug CMO office, kill runtime
>Mfw there is no CMO.
>Collect tools and break into CMO office through maint.
>Buy thermals, disguise them as Health HUD
>Kill the cat and stuff it in maint, plant the bug
>Set up a fake wall, none the wiser
>Probably would have been safer to leave runtime's body in the office, rather than leaving it exposed in maint.
>Get that sweet TC
>Walk around a bit, another traitor Doorjacked almost every door in the bridge
>Have an objective to bug captains office
>Don't mind if I do
>Mime suspects me of bugging the captain's office, but I talk the cap off of my trail when they notice it
>See objective to brainwash someone
>Make a traitor cave in maint with an operating computer.
>Get objective to steal Hypospray
>Use false wall +emag + storage implant to store the hypospray and the emag to steal it
>Sec stops me in the hall, suspects me of killing runtime (Probably found paramedic clothing fibers)
>The want to search me
>Deactivate my PDA uplink right in from of them, they do not seem to notice
>I give them my bag and empty my pockets, telling them I got the flash from the bridge when it was hacked open (in reality I stole it from the CMO's office)
>They do not take my glasses so they do not realize they are thermals, I am free to go.
>Formulate a plan to kidnap someone using knockout drugs from the poison kit.
>Lawyer texts me that security is on my ass and that they want me to hire them.
>They refuse to tell me why I am suspected so I tell them to put their briefcase where the sun fails to shine
>Go to security myself, talk with the HoS a little, I don't think he suspects me anymore.
>Check uplink, have final objective available because apparently, I got a shit ton of rep from the hypospray.
>Spend remaining TC on suitcase launchpad and cutting comms
>Aquire disguise
>From a secure location, I bounce into the captain's office hack the console and bounce out, right as hostiles enter the room
>Sleeper agents activated bigger syndicate presence on the ship, hell yeah.
>MFW I forgot to remove my PDA as part of my disguise
>Run back into maint, and run into a sec officer who is none the wiser that I am a confirmed traitor because comms are cut.
>Say something to dodge suspicion and keep running.
>Comms come back on
>Hunt around sci-maint for a scientist to behead as an objective
>Soon see two security officers coming to my location on thermals.
>Forgot to turn off suit sensors, fuck
>Im at a dead end
>Buy Esword, despite the fact that I probably won't be able to handle two security officers in an enclosed location.
>Manage to bleed one of them, but I catch a stun baton hit, and then it's over for me.
>One of them is incapacitated by bloodloss and is sent to medbay, and the other one takes me to sec.
>I play dumb for a bit in front of all of sec, refusing to agnolage I did anything wrong.
>I question the HoS on the way he classifies traitors, making a distinction between "Hostile" and "Non-Hostile" and tell him that every agent wants to see him dead.
>HoS talks about putting me in Perma
>I would rather not go to Perma, and my character is too prideful to submit.
>I goad him by calling him stupid for not killing me and insulting his insinuation that he might have let me go if I didn't attack his officers.
>Say that no cell can hold me (partially true, I have an emag in my storage implant)
>He takes me to be executed instead, and I tell him he's doing the right thing.

HoS: "last words?"
Edgar: "It's what I deserve, no?"
HoS: "I suppose it is."
Edgar: "Why would you give me any less"
Edgar: "You would be an idi-"
>I am shot point-blank and then stabbed to death.

It was a very "Successful" traitor round, in that the syndicate was probably happy with the outcome, but I didn't do much interesting. Some minor BnE, calling in some reinforcements, and one count of attempted murder.

I think I'm gonna disable most antags for these last few days, need a break from being bad. Maybe that makes me part of the problem I identified at the start.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Farquaar » #631459

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:11 am >I question the HoS on the way he classifies traitors, making a distinction between "Hostile" and "Non-Hostile" and tell him that every agent wants to see him dead.
>HoS talks about putting me in Perma
>I would rather not go to Perma, and my character is too prideful to submit.
>I goad him by calling him stupid for not killing me and insulting his insinuation that he might have let me go if I didn't attack his officers.
>Say that no cell can hold me (partially true, I have an emag in my storage implant)
>He takes me to be executed instead, and I tell him he's doing the right thing.[/color]
HoS: "last words?"
Edgar: "It's what I deserve, no?"
HoS: "I suppose it is."
Edgar: "Why would you give me any less"
Edgar: "You would be an idi-"
>I am shot point-blank and then stabbed to death.
Chad antag behaviour, right there

A lot of Manuel security players are too afraid to bring the hammer down on known syndicate agents. They think they're being nice by being lenient, when to me it's the opposite. It's one thing to play dumb in the face of suspicious behaviour because you want to give the antag a chance to cause some chaos. It's another thing to look a confirmed syndicate in the eye and say "yeah, I know you want to destroy my employer and don't care how many of my crewmates die in the process, but I'm letting you go if you pinky swear that you'll be a good boy".

If I'm a big evil badguy, treat me like a big evil badguy.
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631563

Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Farquaar » #631565

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
Yikes, not fun. Glad you're okay man.
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by InfiniteGalaxies » #631568

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
how fucked up is your car
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by cacogen » #631603

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
This was probably the clique trying to have you killed, they can be quite Machiavellian
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Annihilite111 » #631607

Farquaar wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:05 am
Chad antag behaviour, right there

A lot of Manuel security players are too afraid to bring the hammer down on known syndicate agents. They think they're being nice by being lenient, when to me it's the opposite. It's one thing to play dumb in the face of suspicious behaviour because you want to give the antag a chance to cause some chaos. It's another thing to look a confirmed syndicate in the eye and say "yeah, I know you want to destroy my employer and don't care how many of my crewmates die in the process, but I'm letting you go if you pinky swear that you'll be a good boy".

If I'm a big evil badguy, treat me like a big evil badguy.
Letting antags go even if you know theyre bad due ti metainfo is good practice and prevents the round from going stale. There is nothing less fun than a round where security "won"
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631628

InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:39 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
how fucked up is your car
Looks like if you ground off the front bumper to the headlights zone with a giant cheese grater.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Annihilite111 » #631631

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:15 pm
InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:39 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
how fucked up is your car
Looks like if you ground off the front bumper to the headlights zone with a giant cheese grater.
Damn. Did you hit someone in the side?
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #631633

Annihilite111 wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:20 pm
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:15 pm
InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:39 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 am Got in a wicked car crash today. I'm miraculously unscathed but the car is totaled. I won't expect to be playing much ss13 but I might find the time.
how fucked up is your car
Looks like if you ground off the front bumper to the headlights zone with a giant cheese grater.
Damn. Did you hit someone in the side?
Turned onto a highway intersection and got shredded by a pickup going 50 mph.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
See you later
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Re: Easy Plays exclusively on Manuel for a month

Post by InfiniteGalaxies » #631641

hope your okay, man driving sucks sometimes, especially when people think they rule the road. they dont.
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