The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

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The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #683519

I think that all these jobs that lack any substance from as old as the curator to as new as the Psych need some serious reworking. I'm not looking for anything terribly complex among most of these, but there is untapped potential that can make the job more fun here.

These jobs are:

The Chaplin gets a pass here, as there is an amount of progression you can have through the different sects and also they play a role against certain antagonists, and while the chap might have other problems it would be unfair to include them on this list. I'm counting the many ways you can work with the game's systems to prank someone as job content for the clown.

Conversely, I don't consider hiding in a corner and writing smut as significant content for the curator, and while they can get a cool whip and maybe tame a few carp really none of that has to do with the position of "curator." Prescribing drugs doesn't really count as job content for the psych, and neither does therapy. Not to say that this can't be "fun" but there is positively zero mechanical sensitivity or really sense of doing anything at all other than talking. Trials are always fun for lawyers, but they are so rare that you probably won't be able to organize one, and while they usually have important story beats for the round, your job consists almost entirely of trying to get people to interact with you, nothing inbetween or otherwise. I don't know if you would try to call the prisoner's job content, but is by far the most useless job on this list.

In the broad spectrum, there are two forums of job content, progressive, and reactive. Progressive content is content meant to be preformed as a way to create some boon yourself and the station at whole, and is atleast somewhat independent from the main events that are ongoing. Examples of this are Xenobiology, genetics, and virology who pretty much just sit in their gamer chairs and get crazy abilities and items. Reactive content is in reaction to some event, usually another person experiencing a problem that your job can solve. Examples of this include medical doctors healing people, bartenders serving drinks for customers who ask for them (not robots), security officers who react to crimes, or even janitors who react to messes and clean them up.
A job must not necessarily fall into one camp or the other. Chemists make chems they want to but also for the people who ask for chems. Even scientists might be expected to hand out tools printed at an protolathe, a purely reactive action. The most obvious example of this is the roboticist, who both borgs and augs people on reaction, and builds mechs for progression.

Both of these forms of job content represent a threat to the balance of the game. Progressive content adds some boon to the station that could vary from a useless waste of time to completely busted.
Reactive content on the other hand implies the implementation of a problem that the content serves to solve. For example, the existence of the janitor mandates the existence of messes, and the existence of engineers mandates the existence of a power grid that must be maintained. If we added a fingernail clipper job who goes around clipping people's finger nails, we must implement a mechanic for growing fingernails, and probably downsides for having long fingernails so people have the desire to allow the fingernail clipper to clip their finger nails.

Now that we've laid down some foundation for what "job content" is, and what the pitfalls are, we can start brainstorming some ideas for our problem 4 jobs.

"Reactive" idea: The psychologist has a machine or tool that allows them to inspect the mental ailments and moods that a spaceman might be facing. Perhaps we remove the ability for medical doctors to detect some of these ailments with medical scanners. Maybe the machine or scanner progresses the more the person talks while hooked up, encouraging some good old cognitive behavioral therapy. If we implement a psychological trauma or stress system, the psychologist would be one of the only ways to treat such ailments, although maybe you could drown your troubles in the bar.
"Progressive" idea: You can "study" behavior to generate research points or unlock new research. This could be done by putting a monkey or willing participant in a observation chamber and then exposing them to various stimulus. Taking pain, eating banana, getting angry, falling asleep, dying, being revived, experiencing drugs, etc. Maybe there are some cool things you can do once you have "mapped out" a particular monkey's brain. Perhaps you could reprogram it's AI, or assume direct control of it. Maybe traitor psyches could use this to induce traumas in people, or otherwise fuck up their mind in a way irreversible without psychology. Maybe a psyche can "condition" themselves or others to gain mind-themed bonuses

"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.

Prisoner is interesting because there roll is not "station sided" really. sure they can pound space license plates to make the station some cash, and maybe that counts as content, but really the whole prisoner roll has kinda been a big thematic and gameplay fail until people decide what direction we wanna take this. Prisoner also suffers the curse of not being able to have any helpful unique machines or items, otherwise the normal crew owuld have them to. Perhaps prisoner is doomed to be a the most constrained sandbox job until its removed, or maybe they'll just make good content for sec officers who want to abuse someone indefinitely.

"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: ???
- Sincerely itseasytosee
See you later
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by TheLoLSwat » #683521

not all jobs need super robust experiences. Its fun to be an unimportant job and rping in your department, or finding clients and other whatnot.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683523

The other day I logged in to Terry and saw every finite job slot full except the psychologist.
One hundred players, thereabout, and not one wanted to be the psychologist.

As to the prisoner, its content is escaping.
Breaking windows and spacewalking or growing bluespace tomatoes.
Maybe waiting for the right moment and ordering the AI to set you free. Maybe stealing the warden's gloves and stuffing him in a locker.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683526

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm Psychologist
I like the idea that the psychologist is uniquely equipped to handle antags that are based on mental illnesses and nonmagical brainwashing(magic is the chaplain's field of expertise). They should be equipped in some way versus Revolutionaries, Brainwashed Victims, and Obsessed. Your progressive study idea is interesting.
I feel like prisoners' gameplay loop should revolve around escaping. They should be allowed to do crime up to a point(no don't just run around murderboning the crew) if they get out. Sec should be incentivized to stop them from escaping/contain them alive, even if it's just a rating on the end round screen that calls them shitsec if all the prisoners were free or dead. Something to make them care more. Maybe there's an implant in each prisoner that tracks if they're alive and in the permabrig, and if they leave or die without killing themselves, then sec is alerted & they lose access to their departmental orders console.
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: ???
Not sure about Reactive. They used to have exclusive counters to Devils, but those were removed, I think. They could be uniquely geared to handle Revenants, from the angle of paranormal researcher instead of just 'holy being'. Maybe they can use a ouija board to communicate with potential revenants and figure out what their goals are, how powerful they are, the place they spend the most time, etc. in exchange for the revenant being told that the curator's on their ass.
For progressive, they should be incentivized to collect things from/involving famous people. Have their 'museum' displays start empty. They need to collect things that noteworthy people(heads of staff, sec) have touched or signed, or just pictures of them. As an example, one could interview a head of staff and have them sign the transcript as proof. These objects can be put into or removed from the museum's display cases. If the cases are full, objects can be sent off to central command's archive for [some kind of bonus, whether it be money directly or curator funbux that go to a special machine full of fun loot]. Objects that fulfill multiple purposes reward more for each box they tick; with signed photographs that have been touched by the same person probably rewarding the most. Obviously, you cannot remove objective items(the hand teleporter, reactive teleport armor, the nuke disk etc.) from the round using the display cases. Collecting stuff from the same person has diminishing returns.
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by warbluke » #683527

Give Curator some Anti-Heretic tools, maybe reflavor the Codex into being an anti-heretic thingy.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by dirk_mcblade » #683528

Lawyers and prisoners aren't RP jobs fight me
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683529

datorangebottle wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:12 pm sec is alerted & they lose access to their departmental orders console
Awful idea. We don't use that anyway, most of the time. It would also be unfair relative to other departments. You don't see Engineering losing its console after it lets the SM blow up.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Armhulen » #683530

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm The Chaplin gets a pass here, as there is an amount of progression you can have through the different sects
Armhulen winning big again with his feature prs
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Armhulen » #683531

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm Lawyer
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.
I'm mostly interested in Lawyer. I would love Lawyer being a role that rolls in the cash.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Chadley » #683532

On the github, ever so long ago. Escaped prisoners were supposed to become fugitives and possibly spawn a hunter team to go after them.

It'd be cool if prisoners had x amount of time to escape before the space police, etc come and collect them. Or just if they break out hunters come to deal with them.

Gives more of a reason for sec to watch the prisoners since if they escape it's coming out of their budget to get the hunter team.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683533

ekaterina wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:31 pm Awful idea. We don't use that anyway, most of the time.
Sec also doesn't interact with roundstart prisoners most of the time.
If the console is such a minor, unnoticed thing, why are you complaining about the suggestion? Because it's not as minor as you want me to believe? Or because it's a change that would hurt security in some perceived fashion? I'm leaning towards the latter.
My goal was to find a way to slap security on the wrist that would make them care in some way about permabrig prisoners, and limiting their access to free gear is a decent way to do that.
It would also be unfair relative to other departments. You don't see Engineering losing its console after it lets the SM blow up.
Your example is possibly the worst to use, because many SM delams take out the console anyway, either with the explosion or with loss of power. Then they end the round several minutes later because that shit never gets fixed(and when it does, the shuttle gets called anyway).
Even using other departments as an example, they SHOULD lose central's support if they're not doing their jobs. Why would Central supply medbay/research/service with more free supplies if they aren't using the shit they started with? The only department where this sort of thing wouldn't make sense is cargo, because ordering cargo is literally their entire job.
In this case, security is prisoner's job content and vice versa. Prisoner's a boring roleplay role because they see little interaction even from the people they're supposed to be interacting with.
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Rageguy505 » #683535

The psych currently slows down the SM delam by being near it.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by TheRex9001 » #683538

Archeology for the curator (when its finished)
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Armhulen » #683553

Armhulen wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:41 pm
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm Lawyer
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.
I'm mostly interested in Lawyer. I would love Lawyer being a role that rolls in the cash.
Guys how do we make the lawyer rich as fuck
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Fren256 » #683560

The psychologist should have more involvement when it comes to curing brain traumas tbh
conrad wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:25 pm I want you to know that I value you as a person.
Avid lizard player
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683593

Armhulen wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 11:02 pm
Armhulen wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:41 pm
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm Lawyer
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.
I'm mostly interested in Lawyer. I would love Lawyer being a role that rolls in the cash.
Guys how do we make the lawyer rich as fuck
make it so he can sue the syndicate if sec catches antags alive
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683599

datorangebottle wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:46 pm If the console is such a minor, unnoticed thing, why are you complaining about the suggestion? Because it's not as minor as you want me to believe? Or because it's a change that would hurt security in some perceived fashion? I'm leaning towards the latter.
Fairness. Obviously. You've seen me in the forums enough to know that I complain about unfairness when I see it.
Also if the situation is so bad security remembers to use the console, shit has already hit the fan, and that is not the time to cripple security or worry about whether you released prisoners or not.
datorangebottle wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:46 pm My goal was to find a way to slap security on the wrist that would make them care in some way about permabrig prisoners, and limiting their access to free gear is a decent way to do that.
What you're doing is negatively affecting the rest of the station, by impairing sec's ability to combat the antags.
Especially revs, as the primary use of the sec order console is for mindshields. You're essentially fucking over every single command role, not so much security.
datorangebottle wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:46 pm Even using other departments as an example, they SHOULD lose central's support if they're not doing their jobs. Why would Central supply medbay/research/service with more free supplies if they aren't using the shit they started with? The only department where this sort of thing wouldn't make sense is cargo, because ordering cargo is literally their entire job.
I like the idea if you want to extend it to all departments. I despise the idea of singling out Security like you did before.
datorangebottle wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:46 pm In this case, security is prisoner's job content and vice versa. Prisoner's a boring roleplay role because they see little interaction even from the people they're supposed to be interacting with.
Security is primarily a combat role. The roleplay comes as an accessory, when you find antags that don't spend the entire round without speaking a single word and/or ghost the moment you catch them.
You can be a good officer without being able to roleplay well. You can't be a good officer without being able to fight.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683603

ekaterina wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:10 am Also if the situation is so bad security remembers to use the console, shit has already hit the fan, and that is not the time to cripple security or worry about whether you released prisoners or not.
ekaterina wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:31 pm We don't use that anyway, most of the time.
Is it crippling, or nothing? Make up your mind.
What you're doing is negatively affecting the rest of the station, by impairing sec's ability to combat the antags.
Especially revs, as the primary use of the sec order console is for mindshields. You're essentially fucking over every single command role, not so much security.
They start at peak ability to fight the majority of antags and the armory is a hefty supplement to that. The quartermaster is able to order mindshields, and if they aren't because they're dead/the revs rule cargo, you weren't getting your departmental order anyway.
I like the idea if you want to extend it to all departments. I despise the idea of singling out Security like you did before.
Security was the only department mentioned because it was the only department that was relevant. Ideally each department would have its own reasons for having orders cut off, but security was the one I was mentioning at the time. Engineering's orders shutting off wasn't relevant to the discussion.
Security is primarily a combat role. The roleplay comes as an accessory
Excuse me, what?
Are you saying that roleplaying is largely optional in my multiplayer sandbox roleplaying game?

Anyway, asking you to check in on and roleplay with the prisoners every once in a while isn't a huge request, especially when there's a member of security whose literal job is to babysit the brig and prisoners.
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683606

datorangebottle wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:56 am
ekaterina wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:10 am Also if the situation is so bad security remembers to use the console, shit has already hit the fan, and that is not the time to cripple security or worry about whether you released prisoners or not.
ekaterina wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:31 pm We don't use that anyway, most of the time.
Is it crippling, or nothing? Make up your mind.
What part don't you get? It's nothing on normal rounds, and crippling in niche situations. Do you need some reading glasses?
datorangebottle wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:56 am [Excuse me, what?
Are you saying that roleplaying is largely optional in my multiplayer sandbox roleplaying game?
Yes, I am saying that roleplaying is largely optional for some roles in your multiplayer sandbox light roleplay server. Are you seriously about to argue that ninjas or nuclear operatives are going to roleplay with you?
Security officers don't really have to roleplay if they don't want to when they have a Head of Security like me who can do it for them. They just have to be able to frag the antag and bring him to the brig.
datorangebottle wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:56 am Anyway, asking you to check in on and roleplay with the prisoners every once in a while isn't a huge request, especially when there's a member of security whose literal job is to babysit the brig and prisoners.
It is if you don't have a warden and the HoS is busy looking for the dead seccie in sci maint.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by TheFinalPotato » #683607

This felt weird reading the first time over, and I think I've pinned down why.

Jobs don't inherently need to have like, unique mechanics, but it is important that they have a unique role, a fiction that gets people interested.
A good job will have reasons to do its role, and will pull other players into genuinely interacting with it.

Mechanics can help with this. Psychologist comes to mind as a kinda crummy job, because the fiction is totally unsupported by the state of the game.
People don't have a reason to interact with you, so the most you can do is try and pull people into roleplay, which is good, but we end up failing people on that front because there's not a ton of material.

I don't think this means mechanics are the only way to go tho, at least like "hard" progression or task stuff.
Chaplin sans sects comes to mind as a good example of a roleplay job done well.

Having a church you can deck out, stuff to dress up in, unique tools to pick, and a strong "vibe" means that even without hard mechanics the role is fun.
It's fun to pretend to be a chaplin. Players will believe you, or at least humor you. You've got a role and identity and that's enough.

I haven't actually played all that much since we got sects in full swing, but they seem neat. I don't think they "save" chaplin from itself or anything tho.
Jobs based on roleplay aren't bad. Lawyer isn't really bad unless you can't get people to buy in to the story you're trying to tell, in which case we need to do more to make that buy in easier/less of a leap.

The whole progressive vs reactive thing is useful for looking at more mechanical job content, but I don't think it's a good way of thinking about things as a whole.
Particularly "progressive" gameplay tends to lose its charm quite quick when done poorly/not properly expanded on, and we've already got a lot of stuff like that. Traitor objectives and experisci come to mind.
I'm not sure it's useful to start using that as a tool for other roles when we don't have the existing ones fleshed out fully.

I think it's more useful to think about how you can use mechanics to get the game to match the feeling people want from a job, while keeping them open to the stuff that makes this game special, interactions with others.
Janitor I think does this quite well, it's very freeform without much progression. It isn't a job you play to like, get the largest tile cleaning streak, but it serves as an excuse to mill around, be "on station", get merced, find a cult, etc.

The fiction of being a janitor is lived up to, and it keeps the player in the round with the chance for something unexpected to happen pretty easily.

(Note, interacting with others is a spectrum, and it's natural that some jobs will have more/less. People will gravitate to the ones they like, and that's fine. It is important that there's at least a little tho, since it helps prevent self inflicted burnout and leads to better stories)

Extending this idea to curator, I think it'd be most useful to try and make the library a thing that people like, want to use/read, or at least check.
There's flavor to the role from the whip, the devil hangovers, the space exploration, and you could expand that, but I think a consistent problem is that very few people actually use the library.

I think the way to "fix" him is to add more content there. Ratings, awards, maybe a requirement for a few signoffs before something gets entered into the db permanently (tho that's a bit mean). Maybe a collecting system, hunting artifacts or keeping records of the station.
Not all of this needs to be tied down with mechanics either, tho it could be. Part of the beauty of the game is that there's like, people in it. You can be an undercover reporter, and genuinely be a pain without like a report progression system and a bounty on good stories. Mechanics are a method to get people to care, they aren't the reason a job exists.

Viewing jobs and roles in general purely from a reactive vs progressive standpoint seems to me to miss the point. People don't play jobs because of the goodies, at least not at first, they play them for the fiction they have of the job in their head.
Mechanics are good when they feed into that fiction, but a job not having mechanics doesn't mean we need to pump it full and then we'll be done.

I don't think prisoner IS a bad job. It fulfills its fiction pretty well, and not all jobs need to appeal to all people. If there's a problem with it it's that security doesn't have a reason to interact. That doesn't mean prisoners need more content, but it means we should try and give sec a reason to care about them. That might involve adding mechanics, but I don't think it's useful to think about it like you are.

Quick digression on prisoners. They exist because some players would go to sec at roundstart to get locked in perma, so they could roleplay. That may be the long and short of it.
We're likely not gonna make them breakout specialists or wanted by the law because it leads to weird escalation, and the admins get real upset when you have a role that's a roundstart antag (that isn't assistant)
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by TheFinalPotato » #683609

ekaterina wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:42 am Are you seriously about to argue that ninjas or nuclear operatives are going to roleplay with you?
Roleplay is a spook. Posting like this makes me sad.

Roleplay in the context of ss13 is acting in a way that's consistent with your character, and creating a story out of that.
Freaking out because of nuke ops, or hunting/running away from a ninja is roleplay. Hiding in a plasma fire is roleplay.
Going all hands to kill a blob is roleplay.

Talking is not inherently roleplay. Talking is a part of making a story, but it's not the be all end all. People who act like it is make me really upset, from both perspectives.
MRP is bullshit. LRP is bullshit. Just play the damn game, and put a slight effort into playing along. S all.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683610

ekaterina wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:42 am What part don't you get?
Two parts:
1) That niche situation where it's supposedly highly impactful(a revolution) is also the situation that is most likely to have someone interfere with your supply chain by sending back or hiding the crate.
2) There's typically more than enough other gear in the armory that anything else coming from the console is a luxury.
Yes, I am saying that roleplaying is largely optional for some roles in your multiplayer sandbox light roleplay server. Are you seriously about to argue that ninjas or nuclear operatives are going to roleplay with you?
Yes, actually!
Source: some guy walked up to me when I was playing nuke op recently and tried to get a photograph. We had a short exchange and I let him take the picture, giving him an opportunity. He took a picture and we talked a little more. Then someone else called out the captain's location so I fucked off to provide support.
Does this describe the majority of encounters I had while playing a nuke op? No. Did it happen? Yes. It's in the logs, as brief as it was. I did roleplay extensively with the newbie that I was paired up with for most of the round. We didn't win, but the roleplay wasn't at fault for it. This was on Sybil.
Security officers don't really have to roleplay if they don't want to when they have a Head of Security like me who can do it for them. They just have to be able to frag the antag and bring him to the brig.
You said it yourself; this is a light roleplay server. Not a no-roleplaying server. Some amount of roleplaying is to be expected, even if it's a few curt words at the scene of the arrest. If they ghost immediately, that's on them for being a salty fuck, and you get to loot them and chuck them into the depths of space.

As an aside, the way you're framing your statements makes it really easy to read it as if you're saying that Secoffs never have to roleplay at all(which is objectively untrue, and I don't think that's what you're saying), instead of saying that they don't have to roleplay with antagonists. If that is what you're actually saying, it's a really weird point to try and make.
It is if you don't have a warden and the HoS is busy looking for the dead seccie in sci maint.
If there's a roundstart prisoner on lowpop, they fucked up. Lowpop usually doesn't have security, at least on Sybil. You're also not going to get into a situation where you desperately need any of security's departmental orders, though; revolutions and blobs won't spawn, and the armory is enough to take care of most other threats.
On higher populations, it's the HoS's fuckup. The HoS should be getting somebody promoted to warden before he wanders around maintenance to get murdered. I don't remember if it's possible for the HoS to actually change someone's title/trim to another security title/trim, but I do remember him being able to do the access himself.
TheFinalPotato wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:52 am Roleplay in the context of ss13 is acting in a way that's consistent with your character, and creating a story out of that.
Freaking out because of nuke ops, or hunting/running away from a ninja is roleplay. Hiding in a plasma fire is roleplay.
Going all hands to kill a blob is roleplay.

Talking is not inherently roleplay. Talking is a part of making a story, but it's not the be all end all. People who act like it is make me really upset, from both perspectives.
Even the act of creating a character with a believable name is roleplay. You're trying to make sure your character makes sense in the story, yeah? That's the whole point of the naming rules that we demonize so much.

Also, yeah. Talking isn't always roleplay. See: a validhunter being basically mute unless he's trying to get something that'll help him get the valids.
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683613

datorangebottle wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 10:17 am As an aside, the way you're framing your statements makes it really easy to read it as if you're saying that Secoffs never have to roleplay at all(which is objectively untrue, and I don't think that's what you're saying), instead of saying that they don't have to roleplay with antagonists. If that is what you're actually saying, it's a really weird point to try and make.
That's true. I suppose handing off a prisoner to the head of security in itself is roleplay, you are playing as your role - an officer who has just arrested somebody - even if it is a short "here you go, boss"
I believe the point I was trying to make was that sec officers don't need to roleplay with prisoners (antagonist or otherwise).
When I read "roleplay", I think of dialogue. I take the obvious thing of acting as your role for granted. Otherwise, picking your job would just be picking what gear you want.
I don't remember if it's possible for the HoS to actually change someone's title/trim to another security title/trim, but I do remember him being able to do the access himself
It is. There's an ID and PDA trim painter in my office, and the access itself can be updated in the console.
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by zxaber » #683615

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.
You could roll Lawyer into a sort of "Safety Inspector" too, since ultimately your job is, in part, to protect NT from lawsuits. So go get pictures of engineers wearing hardhats and constructing something, or a roboticist repairing a borg/mech with their welding hood down.

Alternatively, you could make the lawyer do the opposite; find engineers not wearing proper PPE, roboticists blinding themselves, medical procedures with no anesthesia, and submit picture proof to get NT to dock their pay (and give you a bonus).
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Tegun » #683618

Psychologist job content: randomly chosen R exercises using cars data.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #683620

TheFinalPotato wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:48 am -nip-
Indeed I think you agree with me. I don't think these jobs necessarily need expanding xeno-bio/atmospherics type content, but they could really benefit from some simple stuff like janitor has. Something to get them moving, something to get them talking to people, whatever.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by TheFinalPotato » #683811

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 1:19 pm
TheFinalPotato wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:48 am -nip-
Indeed I think you agree with me. I don't think these jobs necessarily need expanding xeno-bio/atmospherics type content, but they could really benefit from some simple stuff like janitor has. Something to get them moving, something to get them talking to people, whatever.
Sure, I'm down with that. Sounds about right
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #683815

zxaber wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 11:18 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 pm
"Reactive" idea: ???
"Progressive" idea: As a lawyer hired by nanotrasen, you would expect them to engage in doing some legal paperwork for them. This might include getting some signatures from important individuals on the station, taking picture of things on the station, etc. When a contract is filled successfully, you and the person in question get a cash payout. This is pretty simple, but it might be something to drive some engagement.
You could roll Lawyer into a sort of "Safety Inspector" too, since ultimately your job is, in part, to protect NT from lawsuits. So go get pictures of engineers wearing hardhats and constructing something, or a roboticist repairing a borg/mech with their welding hood down.

Alternatively, you could make the lawyer do the opposite; find engineers not wearing proper PPE, roboticists blinding themselves, medical procedures with no anesthesia, and submit picture proof to get NT to dock their pay (and give you a bonus).
I like playing Lawyer as an Internal Affairs type (not the antag flavour). Walk around the station and look for people breaching protocol, keep track of every time people fuck up, who fucked up, what they fucked up, how badly they fucked it up. Fax it to CentCom at the end. Rarely does anything come of it, but it's a fun flavour to play at least.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by oranges » #683903

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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by johnfulpwillard » #683931

Admins took away Curator's job content when they banned WGW
Your admin button here, coder!
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Fikou » #683937

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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #683980

what if the psych had HUD glasses that display peoples' mood gauge?
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by ekaterina » #683983

datorangebottle wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 8:14 am what if the psych had HUD glasses that display peoples' mood gauge?
That would be cool - making it a job whose responsibility it is to try to keep people's moods up!
I have a confirmed grand total of 1 merged PR. That basically means I'm a c*der now. 8-)
toemas wrote: ekaterina is really funny because they just consistently say what should be complete common sense (...) and then they get dogpiled by everyone in the thread
kinnebian wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:51 am i agree with ekaterina but in a less aggressive manner
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:03 am Marina is actually a very high quality roleplayer, believe it or not, and a pretty fun and good-faith player in my experience.
warbluke wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:03 am Suboptimal research play detected, deploying lethal force.
Timberpoes wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:50 am No deviations allowed. All must know the meta. All must power the game.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by dirk_mcblade » #683991

oranges wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 10:20 pm Image
Roleplayers aren't real.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Misdoubtful » #684000

datorangebottle wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 8:14 am what if the psych had HUD glasses that display peoples' mood gauge?
New psych antag items

Fuck You In Particular
This item ruins someone's mood, it really makes their day suck (2 tc)

Fuck Everyone
This item ruins everyone's day on the station, forever, fuck em (12 tc)
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by dirk_mcblade » #684002

Slows everyone down by like 25% right? Nice.
I think there should be an antag item for psychiatrists to enthrall a small number of people nearby them. Basically a hypnoflash but with only 3 charges and it passively converts the first three people not wearing masks.
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by datorangebottle » #684031

Misdoubtful wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 1:06 pm Fuck Everyone
This item ruins everyone's day on the station, forever, fuck em (12 tc)
I could see that second one actually being an item, though. Like a syndicate bomb, you have to wrench it down somewhere and it has a timer, beeps ominously but with a different sound. When it goes off, it inflicts traumas/negative mental quirks on everybody, with a small chance of a special nonmagical trauma. I'd be split on whether they should be permanent or not- on one hand, everyone goes to medbay, on the other you just spent 12tc to temporarily debilitate everyone including yourself.

Imagine becoming a permanent pacifist as a security officer because some asshole planted a bomb on the other side of the station.
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by kinnebian » #684033

a bomb that makes really annoying sounds that fuck up everyones mood until its destroyed is a good idea yeah
respect (let him do his thing)
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Re: The "Roleplay" Focused jobs.

Post by Misdoubtful » #684046

datorangebottle wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 5:37 pm
Misdoubtful wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 1:06 pm Fuck Everyone
This item ruins everyone's day on the station, forever, fuck em (12 tc)
I could see that second one actually being an item, though. Like a syndicate bomb, you have to wrench it down somewhere and it has a timer, beeps ominously but with a different sound. When it goes off, it inflicts traumas/negative mental quirks on everybody, with a small chance of a special nonmagical trauma. I'd be split on whether they should be permanent or not- on one hand, everyone goes to medbay, on the other you just spent 12tc to temporarily debilitate everyone including yourself.

Imagine becoming a permanent pacifist as a security officer because some asshole planted a bomb on the other side of the station.
I've always liked quirky things that throw a wrench into the station routine that isn't just murder or bombing. Its nice to have some spice.

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