I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy!

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I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy!

Post by Timonk » #726195


I am honestly split on this. Krokodil is doing a harmless gimmick not annoying anyone and lenald is just grieving him for no reason

On the other hand lenald is allowed to do that

I think I should run HoS and arrest lenald for rushing a high security area round start. Opinions?
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by BonChoi » #726196

This is certainly going to go well for this player no doubt in my mind.
Another bad take provided by yours truly.



Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:36 pm Baseless claims. I have been to the vault minimum of 38 times, how many suicides?
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #726197

I'm siding with the admin here. First off, the ghosting out when arrested thing is blatant metagaming. Second off, suiciding because you can't get the vault gear (the belt?) is taking the gimmick way too far, and if he's done it so much that this Lenald guy is becoming a QM main just to fuck with him, it probably means he is doing this gimmick too often, since 9/10 people would pick QM to fuck with him for a day or two maximum before getting bored, unless they have some sort of grudge or are a REAL asshole. I would wager if he just didn't do the gimmick for a week, this Lenald guy would definitely pick a different job at that point.

If the whole meta-targeting him by picking QM thing is real, that's not right either, but I still think that this note is legitimate.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by TheRex9001 » #726200

I feel like rushing the vault every round and suiciding if someone got there before you is a bit much, I’m not sure if this meta targetting thing is real but if it is thats also lame, it doesnt nullify the note though.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Hans » #726201

Krok is just metagaming as disguising it as a gimmick ( not even that very well ). Deserved note
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726202

breaking into the vault every single round as a non antagonist is cringe
killing yourself when it turns out the vault is empty is double cringe
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726203

Jacquerel wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:03 am breaking into the vault every single round as a non antagonist is cringe
killing yourself when it turns out the vault is empty is double cringe
I think its cringe to play a specific job in order to either get X items yourself or even worse play it in order to deny fun for somebody else or force somebody else to play in a specific way.

This is a typical middleschool bully type beat where one sees somebody having their autistic fun, which pretty much affects no one and then going out of their way to fuck with them in hopes of causing grief. Another example would be somebody poking you with a pencil and when you do something about it, then teacher fucks you up while ignoring the one messing with you. The suicide has only happened 1 time during the time I have been doing my gimmick and that was because Lenald was QM again and I assumed they speedran the vault just to grief me again.

At the end of the day we are all grown ass men in a LRP sandbox, why would you go out of your way to make things unfun on purpose?

Now when it comes to "how many times did I do my gimmick" it just shows how skewed the antag distribution system is.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726205

replying to your own peanut is triple cringe
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Timonk » #726206

To be honest it's like Groundhog Day
This is his second great admin injustice
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=20969 (Ban appeal)
viewtopic.php?f=54&t=21080 (admin complaint)
TLDR: classic denied Ban appeal admin complaint combo, I fail to remember the details of it but when it was clear that nothing would come from it, resulted in a very funny baby rage moment: "don't let this drop, Janice Lean must be banned!"
Jumping to today, he has taken a break and matured from it and I think he can laugh about it today, but I haven't actually asked about it
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Featherfield » #726207

Both note and people messing with the vault just to make him stop are deserved
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726208

I can laugh about the Janice situation only because Nervere did me right and reversed it. I was banned because I acted against an adminfriend and they lied in the ahelps about "finding all access" (unless finding an axe is letting yourself into captain's office and then hitting the locker with a jobstart fireaxe 12 times). That shit was aids, metafriends were tiding AA every round and giving it to everybody which made the game unplayable as understaffed sec.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Timonk » #726209

Jacquerel wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:27 am replying to your own peanut is triple cringe
shit man shoulda warned him, but i decided against it

yall tripping for calling this metagaming
what he gets from opening the safe is drip, a syndie dufflebag, the champion belt, a swaggy chain and if i remember correctly a single charge of C4. whats metagaming about that? i personally can confirm that he goes to medbay to do medbay stuff with that.
he ghosted out when the HoS arrested him because he wanted to do torture RP, which i understand ghosting out from.
and i like to think that he wouldnt suicide when nothing is in the safe when it isnt obvious hes being fucked with by a guy going QM for the sole reason to fuck with him (what the fuck?)

Krokodil did nothing wrong, and i will die on this hill unless new information comes to light
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Timonk » #726210

also as per the metagaming policy the only one doing the more serious (as in definiton) metagaming was lenald not Krokodil, for going out of his way to stop Krokodil from doing it every round. what lenald SHOULD have done to stop him is complain to an admin that it is his turn with the vault safe like a real baby.
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Timonk » #726211

also also @Isto you should log dive and find the logs of lenald gloating about fucking with you and post them
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726212

Its easy, its was in the round I was QM once in order to play my game.

05:20:37 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "i improved krokodil" (137, 149, 2) Locker Room
05:20:40 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "meta QM meta main now" (137, 149, 2) Locker Room
05:20:49 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "i have improved krokodil mar" (136, 151, 2) Locker Room
05:20:58 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "hes now the perfect meta routine" (138, 152, 2) Locker Room

There have been other things like forming grief congas and targetting me (it was before the QM grief started) such as R226228. You can find the logs of the congaforming and attacking in the same rounds, but here is a snippet of them "avoiding the consequences of their actions aka the torture RP by leaving the game".

10:53:18 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "torture rp" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:21 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "but jokes on them" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:23 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "im european" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:30 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "im going to sleep" (81, 84, 2) Medical Break Room
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #726213

Timonk wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:37 am
Jacquerel wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:27 am replying to your own peanut is triple cringe
shit man shoulda warned him, but i decided against it

yall tripping for calling this metagaming
what he gets from opening the safe is drip, a syndie dufflebag, the champion belt, a swaggy chain and if i remember correctly a single charge of C4. whats metagaming about that? i personally can confirm that he goes to medbay to do medbay stuff with that.
he ghosted out when the HoS arrested him because he wanted to do torture RP, which i understand ghosting out from.
and i like to think that he wouldnt suicide when nothing is in the safe when it isnt obvious hes being fucked with by a guy going QM for the sole reason to fuck with him (what the fuck?)

Krokodil did nothing wrong, and i will die on this hill unless new information comes to light
*cracks knuckles*

Code: Select all

[2024-04-11 14:48:08.286] GAME-SAY: 14:48:08.286] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "open it" (Storage Wing (83,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:48:38.381] GAME-SAY: 14:48:38.381] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "why are you here?" (Vault (84,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:48:49.466] GAME-SAY: 14:48:49.466] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "no secoff?" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:49:02.815] GAME-SAY: 14:49:02.815] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "one sec off to vault please" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:49:07.996] GAME-SAY: 14:49:07.996] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "hold on" (Vault (84,163,2))
[2024-04-11 14:49:25.789] GAME-SAY: 14:49:25.789] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "what was your" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:49:27.820] GAME-SAY: 14:49:27.820] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "plan?" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:23.719] GAME-EMOTE: 14:50:23.719] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the telescopic baton (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:27.023] GAME-SAY: 14:50:27.023] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "what is that?" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:34.985] GAME-SAY: 14:50:34.985] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "oh my" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:39.878] GAME-SAY: 14:50:39.878] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "some goofy stuff eh?" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:50.164] GAME-SAY: 14:50:50.164] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "are those a part of cosplay?" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:50:52.061] GAME-SAY: 14:50:52.061] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "or real?" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:03.848] GAME-SAY: 14:51:03.848] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "yeah" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:14.452] GAME-SAY: 14:51:14.452] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I said one security officer to vault" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:20.859] GAME-SAY: 14:51:20.859] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "or else ı will demote y'all" (Vault (82,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:36.707] GAME-SAY: 14:51:36.707] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "ı have a fucking guy with a real pistol" (Vault (83,162,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I will" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "Kill" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont worry" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:09.389] GAME-SAY: 14:52:09.389] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "ai open" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:26.032] GAME-EMOTE: 14:52:26.032] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the floor (Storage Wing (85,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:26.230] GAME-EMOTE: 14:52:26.230] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Hans Robert (Storage Wing (85,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:26.751] GAME-EMOTE: 14:52:26.751] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Hans Robert (Storage Wing (85,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:27.648] GAME-EMOTE: 14:52:27.648] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Storage Wing (84,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:30.388] GAME-SAY: 14:52:30.388] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "come with me" (Storage Wing (84,157,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:41.552] GAME-SAY: 14:52:41.552] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "take the bag" (Central Primary Hallway (87,145,2))
[2024-04-11 14:52:59.820] GAME-EMOTE: 14:52:59.820] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the �Makarov pistol (Brig (110,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:53:00.029] GAME-EMOTE: 14:53:00.029] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the �Makarov pistol (Brig (110,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:53:00.193] GAME-EMOTE: 14:53:00.193] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the �Makarov pistol (Brig (110,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:53:11.148] GAME-SAY: 14:53:11.148] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont touch" (Brig (109,169,2))
[2024-04-11 14:53:12.973] GAME-SAY: 14:53:12.973] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "please" (Brig (109,169,2))
[2024-04-11 14:53:26.609] GAME-SAY: 14:53:26.609] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "do not" (Brig (109,168,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:08.285] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:08.285] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the floor (Brig (112,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:10.890] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:10.890] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the �Makarov pistol (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:11.148] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:11.148] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the �Makarov pistol (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:11.835] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:11.835] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:12.001] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:12.001] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:12.212] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:12.212] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:12.363] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:12.363] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:12.518] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:12.518] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:12.721] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:12.721] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:16.156] GAME-SAY: 14:54:16.156] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "on him" (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:19.063] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:19.063] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the full tile reinforced window (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:19.271] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:19.271] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the floor (Brig (111,167,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:29.653] GAME-SAY: 14:54:29.653] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "shut up" (Brig (116,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:38.327] GAME-SAY: 14:54:38.327] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "box in the vault too?" (Brig (120,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:54:39.909] GAME-EMOTE: 14:54:39.909] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Roger O'Void (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:32.592] GAME-SAY: 14:55:32.592] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "see the box captain?" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:40.885] GAME-SAY: 14:55:40.885] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "throwing star box" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:42.841] GAME-SAY: 14:55:42.841] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "also found" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I request execution" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "make a trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "then" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "already proved" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "hes traitor" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:15.208] GAME-EMOTE: 14:56:15.208] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Krokodil (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:27.611] GAME-EMOTE: 14:56:27.611] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at the floor (Brig (117,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:27.814] GAME-EMOTE: 14:56:27.814] GAME-EMOTE: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) points at Roger O'Void (Brig (117,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:33.499] GAME-SAY: 14:56:33.499] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "can you be quiet?" (Brig (117,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:42.367] GAME-SAY: 14:56:42.367] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "then please" (Brig (116,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:45.852] GAME-SAY: 14:56:45.852] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "do not interrupt" (Brig (116,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:51.029] GAME-SAY: 14:56:51.029] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "this is not a" (Brig (116,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:56.218] GAME-SAY: 14:56:56.218] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "crime case" (Brig (116,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:57:02.203] GAME: 14:57:02.203] GAME: *no key*/(Krokodil) (mob_3421) *no key*/(Krokodil) is no longer owning mob Krokodil(/mob/living/carbon/human) (Holding Cell (117,163,2))
[2024-04-11 14:57:02.228] GAME: 14:57:02.228] GAME: Istoprocent/(Krokodil) (mob_4329) Client Istoprocent/(Krokodil) has taken ownership of mob Krokodil(/mob/dead/observer) (Holding Cell (117,163,2))
I am calling bullshit. Here is EVERY single log of the HoS's action and say logs in the previous round (227038, logs sourced here: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/ter ... nd-227038/ ) from what could reasonably be considered the start of his interactions with the appealant until he ghosted, and I see ZERO evidence of torture or intent to torture. He explicitly wanted a trial and execution on the appealant on the grounds that they were a lethally armed EOTC.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726214

Grief / torture RP figuratively as in you know the outcome and you are being dragged around in cuffs a ton before you die rather than "lets cut his leg off".

[2024-04-11 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I will" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "Kill" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont worry" (Vault (83,161,2))

Here, the intent is clear, my round over. I have no issue with it, although, I do find it to be in poor taste. Rule 4 is rule 4.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #726215

Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:09 am Grief / torture RP figuratively as in you know the outcome and you are being dragged around in cuffs a ton before you die rather than "lets cut his leg off".

[2024-04-11 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I will" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "Kill" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont worry" (Vault (83,161,2))

Here, the intent is clear, my round over. I have no issue with it, although, I do find it to be in poor taste. Rule 4 is rule 4.
They were clearly and explicitly setting you up for a trial, as proven by the logs. Your fate was NOT set in stone, and your actions ruined the roleplay scenario, in my opinion.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726216

Imitates-The-Lizards wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:14 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:09 am Grief / torture RP figuratively as in you know the outcome and you are being dragged around in cuffs a ton before you die rather than "lets cut his leg off".

[2024-04-11 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I will" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "Kill" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont worry" (Vault (83,161,2))

Here, the intent is clear, my round over. I have no issue with it, although, I do find it to be in poor taste. Rule 4 is rule 4.
They were clearly and explicitly setting you up for a trial, as proven by the logs. Your fate was NOT set in stone, and your actions ruined the roleplay scenario, in my opinion.
Might want to double check the logs.

[2024-04-11 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I request execution" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "make a trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "then" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "already proved" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "hes traitor" (Brig (118,166,2))

They had the valid stiffy and nobody was going to change the outcome. I endured 5 minutes of this larp before checking out. I could have alttabbed out of the game and let him get his validnut, but I chose to ghost out.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #726217

Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:18 am
Imitates-The-Lizards wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:14 am
Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:09 am Grief / torture RP figuratively as in you know the outcome and you are being dragged around in cuffs a ton before you die rather than "lets cut his leg off".

[2024-04-11 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: 14:51:45.204] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I will" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: 14:51:48.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "Kill" (Vault (83,161,2))
[2024-04-11 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: 14:51:51.075] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "dont worry" (Vault (83,161,2))

Here, the intent is clear, my round over. I have no issue with it, although, I do find it to be in poor taste. Rule 4 is rule 4.
They were clearly and explicitly setting you up for a trial, as proven by the logs. Your fate was NOT set in stone, and your actions ruined the roleplay scenario, in my opinion.
Might want to double check the logs.

[2024-04-11 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: 14:55:52.930] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "I request execution" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: 14:55:59.051] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: 14:56:04.237] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "make a trial" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: 14:56:05.725] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "then" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: 14:56:10.869] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "already proved" (Brig (118,166,2))
[2024-04-11 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: 14:56:13.883] GAME-SAY: YavuzKaganY/(Anton Chehov) (mob_3436) "hes traitor" (Brig (118,166,2))

They had the valid stiffy and nobody was going to change the outcome. I endured 5 minutes of this larp before checking out. I could have alttabbed out of the game and let him get his validnut, but I chose to ghost out.
The HoS asserting repeatedly that you are a traitor to the Captain does not mean the Captain authorized your execution, and at the time you ghosted, the Captain indeed had not authorized any execution. You chose to ghost instead of arguing your case to the Captain, pleading for clemency, or similarly pushing for a trial. This was not torture RP, this was you not putting in any effort to roleplay and choosing to ghost to watch youtube or something because your gimmick got ruined.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726218

Imitates-The-Lizards wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:23 amThis was not torture RP, this was you not putting in any effort to roleplay and choosing to ghost to watch youtube or something because your gimmick got ruined.
It is. When you know something is futile and you are forced to do it anyways otherwise "you are not putting in any effort into roleplaying". 20 minutes of trial and then getting shot is not fun roleplaying.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Timonk » #726219

Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:51 am Its easy, its was in the round I was QM once in order to play my game.

05:20:37 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "i improved krokodil" (137, 149, 2) Locker Room
05:20:40 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "meta QM meta main now" (137, 149, 2) Locker Room
05:20:49 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "i have improved krokodil mar" (136, 151, 2) Locker Room
05:20:58 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3513) "hes now the perfect meta routine" (138, 152, 2) Locker Room

There have been other things like forming grief congas and targetting me (it was before the QM grief started) such as R226228. You can find the logs of the congaforming and attacking in the same rounds, but here is a snippet of them "avoiding the consequences of their actions aka the torture RP by leaving the game".

10:53:18 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "torture rp" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:21 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "but jokes on them" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:23 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "im european" (87, 99, 2) Medbay Treatment Center
10:53:30 SAY Improvedname/(Lenald Wabbite) (mob_3884) (DEAD) "im going to sleep" (81, 84, 2) Medical Break Room
i meant in the ban appeal to make your case
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #726220

Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:28 am
Imitates-The-Lizards wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:23 amThis was not torture RP, this was you not putting in any effort to roleplay and choosing to ghost to watch youtube or something because your gimmick got ruined.
It is. When you know something is futile and you are forced to do it anyways otherwise "you are not putting in any effort into roleplaying". 20 minutes of trial and then getting shot is not fun roleplaying.
That's not torture RP. That's what you personally consider to be torture OOC. That does not mean that the HoS was torturing or griefing you in character, which is what would be torture RP. Like if the HoS started sawing off your leg or gouged out and ate your eyes or something. Or I would even accept your position if there was evidence of them intentionally prolonging your stay in custody as the asserted "Grief RP". But there is no evidence of either case. In fact, there is evidence of the opposite, the HoS was clearly trying his best to execute you as quickly as he could.
Last edited by Imitates-The-Lizards on Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #726221

Saying you have to sit through the extremely long-winded routine of "trial for a confirmed antag" instead of just ghosting out is dumb. Trials are so slow and cumbersome that unless everyone involved wants one there's no point, especially since most captains just ignore everything that was said in them and give the exact same verdict they would have if the HOS stated his case on command channel.

I don't see any reason to treat ghosting as any different from getting up from your PC and walking away from a situation (except that it gives the other party the courtesy of knowing you arent coming back.)

Actual appeal is mediocre, breaking in everywhere at the roundstart is tiresome. Someone specifically metagrudging them over it is hilarious but probbably not allowed.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by DaBoss » #726223

QM giving a shit about the vault, even if it's just to deprive one assistant of their disabler + silver card + hitman outfit, is a welcome improvement. It should happen more.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by kinnebian » #726226

my epic gimmick of looting one place every single round
most boring fucking gimmick invented? im ashamed to even call it a gimmick, its more like a banal routine
respect (let him do his thing)
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by kinnebian » #726227

Everyone has a license to grief to a very limited extent. You can likely get away with borderline antagonistic behaviour (Never random murder, but stealing from the brig and triggering a manhunt, for example) occasionally, but it's when this becomes a frequent occurrence that people get frustrated and admins start to get involved
respect (let him do his thing)
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by BonChoi » #726229

Bro's allergic to RP. What a shame.
Another bad take provided by yours truly.



Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:36 pm Baseless claims. I have been to the vault minimum of 38 times, how many suicides?
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by dendydoom » #726230

i just want to say that the vault is a secure area, it's a VAULT, and my reading of this detects the implication that the "newfriend" hos wasn't acting appropriately to put a stop to it. i could be wrong here, but i would like to take the opportunity to clearly state that breaking into a restricted area is grounds for being arrested. you aren't entitled to items that aren't job-specific, especially not items locked behind 2 doors and reinforced walls.
MrStonedOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by dendydoom » #726232

Not-Dorsidarf wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:51 am Saying you have to sit through the extremely long-winded routine of "trial for a confirmed antag" instead of just ghosting out is dumb. Trials are so slow and cumbersome that unless everyone involved wants one there's no point, especially since most captains just ignore everything that was said in them and give the exact same verdict they would have if the HOS stated his case on command channel.

I don't see any reason to treat ghosting as any different from getting up from your PC and walking away from a situation (except that it gives the other party the courtesy of knowing you arent coming back.)

Actual appeal is mediocre, breaking in everywhere at the roundstart is tiresome. Someone specifically metagrudging them over it is hilarious but probbably not allowed.
i will never be comfortable demanding that people play the game. it is not something that i will ever act on administratively. they are free to quit for whatever reason they like. but if you (not specifically you, but the royal you) quit the game because you lost or something happened that you don't like, then to be perfectly honest it makes you a sore loser and you are harming the experience of others, which will have an impact on their view of you as a player.

being in custody for more than 10 minutes is ahelpable. even if the admins can't wave a magic wand and let you free, they can try to find a way to hurry things up so that you at least have some agency back and aren't just being dragged around in cuffs helpless.

if you expect people to respect your victories then you should be humble and accept your defeats.
MrStonedOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726234

As I said I have no issue with being arrested or even executed by the HoS. Rule 4 is rule 4 and if you want to act on it while knowing that you are just doing it because "they have contraband", then its your right. I accepted it.

My point is that I was justified to ghost from an inescapable situation thus there was no need for me to be entrapped by the admins deleting the vault loot and I had justification for the suicide in the following round. It was not "whaa whaa I did not get my item", but preceeded by a long metagrief. If there is an issue with a gimmick or gameplay, I am not allergic to a friendly bwoink and modifying my behaviour without there having to be a harsh and unjustified Rule 1 griefing note attached to it. From my previous experience dealing with adminfriends I am not seeking any punishments for the guy who is going hard against Rule 2 and metagriefing, all I ask for is the whacky unjust note removed from my record.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726235

But you're saying everything in the note is true.
You did break into the vault consistently for no reason. You did suicide when you broke into a vault at roundstart and found nothing in there. You did do it after ghosting for being caught for doing the same thing.
If they didn't "entrap" you then they wouldn't have been sure it was a consistent pattern of yours. They did, and you proved that it was and you also say in this topic that it was.
The admins did then have a talk to you about it, and that's what the note is recording.

If you aren't contesting any of those facts there's no appeal left. which is why you've contributed way more to this peanut thread which has very little influence on removing the note instead of the sole topic which does.
Virtually none of the people you are arguing with in here (including me, im not an admin im just some guy) have power to remove your note and also apparently most people have no desire to do so either.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726237

I am contesting that the note is harsh/unjustified. There would have not been an issue if I was not griefed by an adminfriend. I have 0 ghostings or suicides prior to this and I put in a ton of hours of playing the game. I have been arrested before and I have even worked my way out of gulag in order to get my things back. This situation was a guaranteed round end for me and therefor ghosting was not against the rules nor was the suicide.

If we are looking for patterns, then look no further than Improvednames in order to find out that they have been griefing as the vault is untouched by them other times.
Last edited by Istoprocent1 on Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Sightld2 » #726238

Also did you not in fact have a friendly bwoink and lengthy discussion about modifying your behavior? Surely this note wasn't dropped silently without a conversation?


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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Kendrickorium » #726239

whats going to happen is that in a month a coder will delete the vault

problem solved!
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726240

Kendrickorium wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:01 pm whats going to happen is that in a month a coder will delete the vault

problem solved!
we'll add a ckey blacklist for opening the vault safe
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726242

Sightld2 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:01 pm Also did you not in fact have a friendly bwoink and lengthy discussion about modifying your behavior? Surely this note wasn't dropped silently without a conversation?
Friendly bwoink doesn't end in you getting noted. Say when I was on my atmosgrind and took my canister of Helium to the shuttle, which "oh shit, was opened by Lenald Wabbite fnr". Tegun hit me up and we spoke with nothing of permanent being written on my record as I was not acting in bad faith. I have not taken any canisters to the shuttle since as there might be griefers like Lenald who think its funny to do things fnr.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Sightld2 » #726244

Friendly bwoink can most certainly end with you getting noted. Many Admins are of the mindset "if you don't note it, it didn't happen" no matter how friendly the conversation was.


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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726245

if an admin does not note something and theres no record then its up to someone thinking to ask a different admin on discord if this guy has done a thing before for there to be any way to know whether you actually take any action as a result of a friendly talk about something or even whether anyone has talked to you about it before
which is why they are "notes", because theyre for notekeeping

not keeping notes about it is basically just asking that admins keep a second, private and unsearchable set of notes somewhere else where players cant see it
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726247

Its not friendly, its you getting punished. For you it might be a note, for players its punishment. If notes expired say within a year and couldn't be brought up after that if something were whacky it would be different story.

This note paints me as a serial tider who just suicides fnr. While in truth I have been acting in good faith and being a net positive to the rounds I have played in.

Oh and admins do have secret notes. This was revealed during the Janice case where they were "but they have a history". What history?
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by TheRex9001 » #726249

Why does this appeal mention Lenald so much? It doesnt feel very relevant. If this appeal is to be accepted the ”lenald admin cabal” angle isnt likely to work, you should instead focus on why you did the right thing or why what you did was justified.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726250

This note paints you as what you are: a sore loser who cant be assed to play a role and repeatedly breaks into a secure area for no reason.
If notes expired within a year and then people couldn't act on them again, that would just make admins start keeping notes via some means other than the note system that players can read, because the purpose of the note system is for keeping notes.

(also as I said before im not an admin)

Those notes are a punishment in that your recorded history of being a huge dumbass can bite you in the ass when you continue being one, sure. That would still be true if admins were keeping notes in a text document you can't read, which is what they'd do if they weren't using the one you can read.
If you don't want to be punished for continuing to do something you had a chat about not doing then don't keep doing it.
It was a dumbass thing to be doing in the first place.

edit: wow and look at that, logs of him breaking into the vault for no reason across tens of rounds instead of just twice and then using the gun to shoot people. wow what a shock
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Vekter » #726251

Krok is being cringe for posting in his own peanut so I don't feel bad about dunking on him
The next round was a setup as the map was changed from Northstar to Metastation. I was not an antag and head to the vault. As I am getting in I saw Lenald Wabbite as QM and I knew that my round was probably going to be negatively impacted. I open the safe and its contents are gone. I suicide. I complain in deathchat about Lenald Wabbite taking the fun out of the game, which promtly gets me bwoinked by Iansdoor (Lenald Wabbite is an adminfriend who is playing Stardew Valley with some of them).
This is not something a well-adjusted person says. I hate to break it to you, but we don't ignore bad actions from people just because the person sometimes plays games with us. Lenald didn't break the rules.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726254

TheRex9001 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:25 pm Why does this appeal mention Lenald so much? It doesnt feel very relevant. If this appeal is to be accepted the ”lenald admin cabal” angle isnt likely to work, you should instead focus on why you did the right thing or why what you did was justified.
Since we are noticing alot, lets notice that an adminfriend is using metagaming information to be a dick for no other reason than they dislike somebody.
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by BonChoi » #726255

By my count (according to the logs of him getting shocked) this guy has broken into the vault THIRTY FUCKING EIGHT TIMES since the 24th of March.
Another bad take provided by yours truly.



Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:36 pm Baseless claims. I have been to the vault minimum of 38 times, how many suicides?
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Scriptis » #726256

Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:21 am Now when it comes to "how many times did I do my gimmick" it just shows how skewed the antag distribution system is.
stop being boring


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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Scriptis » #726257

if you complain about "the antag distribution system" being skewed in an appeal where you were very obviously powergaming you are boring. you are a boring player. you are contributing nothing to the round, cut it out


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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Jacquerel » #726258

BonChoi wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:49 pm By my count (according to the logs of him getting shocked) this guy has broken into the vault THIRTY FUCKING EIGHT TIMES since the 24th of March.
he's been electrocuted while breaking into the vault 38 times, theres always a chance there were more rounds where he just didnt hit a shock wire on the way in
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by BonChoi » #726259

Jacquerel wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:51 pm
BonChoi wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:49 pm By my count (according to the logs of him getting shocked) this guy has broken into the vault THIRTY FUCKING EIGHT TIMES since the 24th of March.
he's been electrocuted while breaking into the vault 38 times, theres always a chance there were more rounds where he just didnt hit a shock wire on the way in
No, I separated all of the rounds out and removed the repeats in my count. There are 38 unique round IDs in there.

E: I'm stupid and wrong and you're probably right that there's probably more rounds he broke into the vault and I don't see what I reply to when I reply to it, also I can't delete my own posts apparently.
Last edited by BonChoi on Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Another bad take provided by yours truly.



Istoprocent1 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:36 pm Baseless claims. I have been to the vault minimum of 38 times, how many suicides?
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Re: I am the uncontested Vault safe king but the adminfriend is taking the fun out of the game and it's driving me crazy

Post by Istoprocent1 » #726260

BonChoi wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:49 pm By my count (according to the logs of him getting shocked) this guy has broken into the vault THIRTY FUCKING EIGHT TIMES since the 24th of March.
Impressive dedication as well as unhealthy amount spent on the game. No suicides, no ghostings. Always helping crew out.

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