Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

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Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by Balut » #58220

Alright, tl;dr some newguy came on last round and I offered to meet up with him in OOC and help him figure the game out. Immediately I got called out as 'colluding to metagame' or what the fuck ever and was threatened with a permaban if I were to actually do so. I'm not even playing this round, I'm pretty fucking mad about this.

My reasoning for doing it in-round is because I remember trying to give someone tips a longass time ago and it just wasn't that effective. I totally just spaced on telling them basic interaction stuff like 'if you click on something in your and it might do shit' or 'drag a guy onto you to strip him' kinda stuff, while whatever tips I gave him probably just got totally fuckin' forgotten as he was playing because he was overwhelmed.

So basically, can I get an official say-so whether or not trying to help a new player get his feet in Spacemans means I should get fucking permabanned or not.

Also some logs, partially and lazily edited to cut out some of the irrelevant shit:
OOC: Blujay123: hey, im new and dont really know whats goin on, i picked assistant (some other helpful howe2spaceman stuff in OOC happens)
OOC: Tomatoman: new here, apples in my hand how do i comsume it (I thought this guy was Blujay - wasn't paying attention to names)
OOC: Balut: You're the new guy right? Look for Chang Ling next round and I'll try to halp you out.
OOC: Plat251: metaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You slipped on the synthesized banana peel!
[Common] Ben Griffin gibbers, "THE CHAPLAIN KILLED ME!"
OOC: DarkNightSin: no dont do that
[Common] Ben Griffin gibbers, "ITH-H-H AN E SW-W-W-WOR-RD-D-D!!!"
[Common] E-102 'Gamma' states, "Giovanni Jardine has signed up as Scientist."
OOC: DarkNightSin: because thats a good way to get banned
OOC: Vekter: That's metagaming, do it and I perma both of you.
You slipped on the synthesized banana peel!
You slipped on the synthesized banana peel!
OOC: Balut: What, mentoring a new guy?
OOC: DarkNightSin: in fact thats ban baiting
OOC: Nubsly: ^
OOC: Vekter: Yyyyyyyyyyyup
OOC: DarkNightSin: so ban balut

OOC: Max271: whatever you do
OOC: Lecherstein: that's not metagaming
OOC: Nubsly: Whats wrong with helping a new person?
OOC: Max271: never help anybody
Mabelle Wilkerson has thrown the synthesized banana peel.
The reinforced window was hit by the synthesized banana peel.
OOC: Plat251: it counts as meta
Fitz Thistlewits says, "Nyans"
Mabelle Wilkerson has thrown the synthesized banana peel.
Fitz Thistlewits buckles in!
Chang Ling has thrown the synthesized banana peel.
OOC: DarkNightSin: adminhelp that
Henry Bennett puts the advanced energy gun into the security backpack.
OOC: Plat251: and is genearlly frowned upon
OOC: Vekter: There's nothing wrong with mentoring
Chang Ling has thrown the lockbox (telescopic shield).
Unknown has been hit by the lockbox (telescopic shield).
[Common] E-102 'Gamma' states, "Guillermo Catleay has signed up as Assistant."
OOC: DarkNightSin: and they can like teleport you to the thunderdome
Richard Long says, "Hey fitz"
Ben Griffin examines himself.
Ben Griffin unbuckled!
OOC: Vekter: But if you collude with someone outside of the game that IS metagaming.
Richard Long says, "I have to do the same to you"
Ben Griffin buckles in!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Terry Pinney trying to get him up!
OOC: Nubsly: My lord man...
Richard Long says, "THis is awkward"
Giovanni Jardine buckles in!
Luke Haze buckles in!
Richard Long says, "Dank"
OOC: Ohnopigeons: Teaching is not the same as colluding
OOC: Nubsly: Yeah
Nyan The Cat is buckled in to the chair by Cluckers Colonels!
Richard Long says, "Thanks buddy"
OOC: Violaceus: What if I have a friend and we want to play miners, for example
Nickolas Koster buckles in!
Luke Haze unbuckled!
OOC: Vekter: I'm saying if you guys RP it out in game, that's one thing
OOC: Chillingsworth: Play cargo tech and hope the QM isn't a dingus, and they usually help you
Luke Haze buckles in!
OOC: Balut: I'm not fucking colluding with him you dip, Imma teach him shit like 'how to eat and strip people'. Christ Vekter. (I am pretty fucking salty.)
Ben Griffin drools.
OOC: Vekter: But you can't tell someone to meet you in game next round

OOC: DarkNightSin: balut thats metagaming by defintion
OOC: Nubsly: Vekter, meet me IG next game, RED SLIDE
OOC: TechnoAlchemist: metagame outside ooc
Jeremy Enron tries to remove Nickolas Koster's backpack.
Siera Southbrook is trying to put cable restraints on Unknown!
OOC: Nubsly: i'll rek yu m8
Nickolas Koster was unbuckled by Jeremy Enron!
Yig has disarmed Miyamoto Musashi!
OOC: DarkNightSin: you're getting salty with vekter for him -doing what he is supposed to do-
Siera Southbrook tries to remove Unknown's black space helmet.
Cluckers Colonels puts the gold into the backpack.
Siera Southbrook tries to remove Unknown's black and red space suit.
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Unknown trying to get him up!
Siera Southbrook tries to remove Unknown's black and red space suit.
Nickolas Koster attempts to remove the cable restraints!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Unknown trying to get him up!
Unknown's face lights up in fire, and after the event a horse's head takes its place!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Unknown trying to get him up!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Unknown trying to get him up!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Unknown trying to get him up!
OOC: Plat251: You may ask to add him on steam/skype/whatever else metacomms you come up with
Mabelle Wilkerson hugs Tye Rone to make him feel better!
Luke Haze unbuckled!
Siera Southbrook tries to remove Tye Rone's black and red space suit.
Trinity Sybilla's flash emits a blinding light!
Mabelle Wilkerson tries to remove Tye Rone's cable restraints.
OOC: Ohnopigeons: That kind of metagaming is the SAME AS HAVING THE WIKI OPEN
Richard Long puts the hybrid taser into the backpack.
OOC: Balut: What, stopping new people from learning to play the game?
OOC: Plat251: But using OOC to coordinate is just... not classy
Luke Haze buckles in!
OOC: DarkNightSin: no its not.
Siera Southbrook has stunned Tye Rone with the stunbaton!
Siera Southbrook puts the stunbaton into the security satchel.
Priority Announcement

The Emergency Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 2 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.

Tye Rone exclaims, "NEEIIGGGHHHH!"
Nickolas Koster is buckled in to the chair by Jeremy Enron!
Mabelle Wilkerson shakes Tye Rone trying to get him up!
Nickolas Koster attempts to unbuckle themself!
Mabelle Wilkerson hugs Tye Rone to make him feel better!
Mandy Vanderslice examines herself.
Mabelle Wilkerson puts the black space helmet into the medical backpack.
Jeremy Enron tries to remove Nickolas Koster's backpack.
Jimmy Duncan buckles in!
Siera Southbrook has stunned Mabelle Wilkerson with the stunbaton!
Siera Southbrook puts the stunbaton into the security satchel.
Luke Haze unbuckled!
OOC: Plat251: ^
Siera Southbrook has pushed Mabelle Wilkerson!
OOC: Aloraydrel: U NOOB U DIE
Helps-The-Humans buckles in!
OOC: Plat251: One time engineering was so easy that I aced it
OOC: DarkNightSin: jeeze.
Richard Long's face lights up in fire, and after the event a horse's head takes its place!
Ben Griffin gibbers, "EFFFNIIIIIICSSSS!"
OOC: Nubsly: lol scrruuuubb
Nickolas Koster was unbuckled by Jeremy Enron!
OOC: Plat251: and so did every other engie because it was ez
OOC: Aloraydrel: -GRABS KATANA- WHOSE FIRST HEHE -tips fedora swings cape-
Nickolas Koster attempts to remove the cable restraints!
OOC: Plat251: and then I got fired
OOC: Plat251: ;~;
OOC: Amelius: > engineering hard
OOC: Plat251: it's not hard.
Unknown's face lights up in fire, and after the event a horse's head takes its place!
Richard Long exclaims, "HAAAWWW!"
OOC: Vekter: So I don't think you get what I('m trying to say
Helps-The-Humans unbuckled!
Ben Griffin drools.
Helps-The-Humans buckles in!
OOC: Plat251: it's painfully easy that I can't take pride in being skillful with it
Richard Long giggles.
Giovanni Jardine is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Jeremy Enron fires the advanced energy gun!
Richard Long unbuckled!
Ben G

OOC: Cocothegog0: sorry i cant teach you how to play its metagame
Restarting in 25 seconds
OOC: Desucake: Helps, I KNEW you were after me.
OOC: CaptainNikCheese: thanks fitz
OOC: Bawhoppennn: teach them in a private server
OOC: DarkNightSin: you guys are exaggerating for the purpose of being dicks
OOC: HankMoody: good job captainnikcheese
OOC: Desucake: You kept following me, watching me, and wouldn't stop.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
Sakura Wars
Malkevin wrote:
No no, I don't want to be surrounded by spergs
An0n3 wrote:
Why are you here then?
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Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by Ikarrus » #58225

It's okay to OOC in IC if its used to teach a new player. IC in OOC should be avoided if you can help it, though.

But admins are right to be very apprehensive about any kind of metagaming. So long as you aren't using metacomms or going out of your way to help a metabuddy out it shouldn't be a problem.

Still, though, if you simply let admins know beforehand we could avoid a really nasty misunderstanding. I'm confident most admins would be okay with it if you did this. We just shouldn't have to catch anyone in the act before they say anything.
Former Dev/Headmin
Who is this guy?
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Byond Username: Balut

Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by Balut » #58227

OOC in IC beyond just telling him to meet up the next round wasn't intended, nor was metacomms or metabuddy stuff beyond I guess taking his side if he was like 'oh hey I'm a tator'. Which probably wasn't gonna happen. That shit sets a bad precedent for learning to play the game. Besides, they new guy was pretty understanding of how that shit was a terrible idea.

Anyway alright, cool. Thanks.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
Sakura Wars
Malkevin wrote:
No no, I don't want to be surrounded by spergs
An0n3 wrote:
Why are you here then?
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:07 pm
Byond Username: Dezzmont

Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by dezzmont » #58240

I think a good policy to personally adhere to is also to adminhelp your intent and both opt out for antag.
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Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by cedarbridge » #58279

Best practices has always been to inform the adminship of what is going on and what you're going. Opting out of antag is also fairly important to this too for obvious reasons. As long as we know what is going on and all parties understand that it is a temporary allowance and not a license to metabuddy, then there's usually not an issue.
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Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by Saegrimr » #58422

What Dezzmont and Cedar said. Just ahelp at the start or in the lobby "Hey I got a new guy i'm teaching, so sorry if I OOC in IC a bit telling him how to do things."
Haven't seen much of that recently but i've gotten a few of them before.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Mentoring Newbies: metagaming or not?

Post by Vekter » #58452

dezzmont wrote:I think a good policy to personally adhere to is also to adminhelp your intent and both opt out for antag.
This. I had no problem with you doing it past that. I apologize if I was a bit harsh about it last night. It was getting late and I had no plans to stay up for another round.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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