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Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:08 pm
by Mickyan
This is more about server policy than development but I wasn't sure where to put it

I like playing as a monkey and I've gotten used to valid hunters (usually borgs) hunting me down hoping for an easy kill (they usually fail). I remember ahelping about it back in the day to make sure they were allowed and was told they were, fair enough I said.

But then I actually had a closer look at the server rules and I found this:

Silicon Policy
Mutations and Nonhumans
1. Nonhuman player-controlled mobs (slimes, monkeys, slimepeople, lizardpeople, hulks, etc.) are subject to server rules but are not considered human
2. Setting out to harass or harm a nonhuman player without cause is a Rule 1 violation.

Rule 1 refers to this:
Primary Policies
1. We’re all here to have a good time. If you’re intentionally trying to ruin everyone else’s good time, you won’t have a place here. Being a jerk in-character is fine to a point, but being a jerk out of character is not welcome at all.

All of this clearly states that non-human players are NOT valid kills without good reason.

I would like that either admins acknowledge this and start enforcing this rule properly, or for the rules page to be edited accordingly.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:21 pm
by Saegrimr
FNR Policy discussion is where it would go.

Going out of your way to hunt down lizards/monkeys is shit, and would be dealt with if ahelped.
If there's the legitimate known threat that there are changelings on the station, being a monkey makes you a prime suspect and liable for immediate removal.

Slimes themselves are ridiculously strong, and are an extreme danger to humans. Borg would likely be in the right to extinguisher one if found in the hallway. Slime person? Definitely not.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:31 pm
by Mickyan
Ah my bad, missed that section

But yes, changelings being about I can definitely see why it would be a good IC reason to be valid, on the other hand people automatically assuming that monkeys are changelings without previously known threat is meta as fuck (actually happens frequently).

I'll ahelp it next time and see how it goes, I'd just rather admins were on the same page because last time I did I've been told that if you're turning yourself (or ask the geneticist to turn you) into a monkey makes you valid (no mention of that anywhere in the rules).

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:59 pm
by Spacemanspark
Saegrimr wrote:FNR Policy discussion is where it would go.

Going out of your way to hunt down lizards/monkeys is shit, and would be dealt with if ahelped.
If there's the legitimate known threat that there are changelings on the station, being a monkey makes you a prime suspect and liable for immediate removal.

Slimes themselves are ridiculously strong, and are an extreme danger to humans. Borg would likely be in the right to extinguisher one if found in the hallway. Slime person? Definitely not.
I thought extinguishers didn't affect Slime people.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:02 pm
by Saegrimr
Spacemanspark wrote:I thought extinguishers didn't affect Slime people.
They don't, but you can still beat them with it I guess.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:00 am
by cedarbridge
Considering the last time I saw a monkey running around it shot a flamethrower at me. Fuck monkeys.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:12 am
by leibniz
It's also a deterrent so people dont just monkey themselves for the lulz and ventcravl into every room to fuck around.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:37 am
by Mickyan
cedarbridge wrote:Considering the last time I saw a monkey running around it shot a flamethrower at me. Fuck monkeys.
Seems like an oversight, monkeys can't operate guns, they shouldn't be able to use flamethrowers either.
Completely irrelevant, regardless.
leibniz wrote:It's also a deterrent so people dont just monkey themselves for the lulz and ventcravl into every room to fuck around.
The mere assumption that someone's going to start griefing is not a good enough reason to make someone valid, or the clown would be a valid every round.
Either way, the rules say otherwise.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:38 am
by paprika
Stop turning yourself into a monkey and fucking off from your job

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:35 pm
by Mickyan
Interesting accusation, do you even know what my ingame name is?
I don't think you do. So if you can't discuss this like a civilized person you can kindly fuck off

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:19 pm
by cedarbridge
Mickyan wrote:Interesting accusation, do you even know what my ingame name is?
I don't think you do. So if you can't discuss this like a civilized person you can kindly fuck off
I refuse to defend paprka, but I'm pretty sure this was a general statement to monkeymen.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:40 pm
by Mickyan
I know, I just refuse to acknowledge it as a valid argument because it's retarded.

When I want to be a monkey I go assistant because I'm considerate enough to not waste a geneticist slot and more often than not the geneticist has fucked off with hulk and is smashing random walls for fun or is too busy doing his own shit while there's a pile of bodies outside his door. Apparently doing all of that is fine, but as soon as I'm turned into a monkey that can be stunned with a punch apparently I deserve to die.

The geneticists turning themselves into monkeys at round start is an entirely different problem and for the record I already tried to fix that by suggesting making pun pun a "job", and nothing came from it.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:31 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
I'm pretty sure you can kill slimes without good reason. It works both ways. I'm not sure if it does for monkeys though, I don't think monkeynized geneticist can go murder humans left and right.

Re: Monkeys and muh valids

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:21 am
by mrpain
This has been policy for a while now

You dont get to dunk that monkey in front of you unless he's doing something annoying or shitty.

Remember, that monkey may not have had a say in him or her being transformed into a monkey. I'm tired of seeing victims getting forced syringed by tator geneticists and then lasered to death five minutes later because MUH VALIDS.