Terrible Game Mode Ideas

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Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #126037

Nuke Cops: :newcop: :heart: :disk: , but they love publicity even more.
It's like Nuclear Operatives, but there's 2 cameramen. They get points for how many action shots they have, basically dead rising, points for dead bodies, guns being shot off, or erotica if there are nude crewmen
Reign of Steel: 2 AIs, 3 borgs each, borging machine, with the objective to kill the other AI. No cameras in Bar, or Engineering. No robotics consoles boards, or ability to be developed.
Cops and Robbers:Every other game has it, a Prison station, most of the crew are prisoners, can make improvised weapons, try to break out. Some prisoners are Revs, traitors, changelings, wizards, if you break out you get an antag token for a later round, where you were the prisoner that made it out and infiltrated the station. Be in custody during a regular round? You can start the next prison round as the same character. Break out and accomplish your previous objective.
Last edited by Helios on Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #126082

Badowling You are an alien, but all your other aliens are incompetent! Guide their shitty AI to victory against literally the entire station
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Remie Richards
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Remie Richards » #126106

Helios wrote:Nuke Cops: :newcop: :heart: :disk: , but they love publicity everymore.
It's like Nuclear Operatives, but there's 2 cameramen. They get points for how many action shots they have, basically dead rising, points for dead bodies, guns being shot off, or erotica if there are nude crewmen
No I want this.
I want some kind of joke gamemode about filming an SS13 film in SS13 except the events are real.
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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Cheimon » #126138

Cameras would have to take slightly more than a 3x3 picture, but Nuke Action Movie could be great. Crew wins if they can break the recording equipment, Syndicate wins if they can get an awesome spread of pictures back to base. Bonus points awarded by badmins for cool roleplaying (witty one liners, non-posed but still awesome shots, all that good stuff).
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Byond Username: Krutchen

Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Krutchen » #126142

Quota :engie: :cardborg: :shades:
A mode based around Cargo or Science trying to pump out enough shit to appease Nanotrasen, keeping them from shutting down the station. Shutting down means "You signed a waiver, so we're just going to blow the station up with bluespace artillery, or maybe even leave you to rot!".
Quite simply, send X amount of rare materials & experimental equipment to centcomm. Raw materials could do the job but you'd have to mine half the asteroid for that, but whatever. More developed stuff like R&D Xray rifles or say BIG STOMPY MECHS would bring in the dosh. Things that the station shipped out with wouldn't count for your points, and might even give you negative points for trying to trick centcomm, you'd have to actually show you're producing stuff.
Pretty much, the more complex, the higher the value.

For extra !!FUN!! you could have random antag slots. You could have the chance to have no antags, and the station just focusing on X with all the mishaps that may happen, like meteors and power failures and whatnot, to dealing with several traitors and lings attempting to keep you from meeting the station's quota.

Patriarch & Matriarch :xeno: :monkey: :salt:
Think a combination between Changeling & Blob/Xeno. Although, it would be changelings.
Changelings are these weird alien creatures that eat people right? They can morph into whoever, and fuck your day up. But what if the changelings we all know and love (or hate) is just their infancy stage?
But where do these fuckers come from? How are they made? Are they science experiments, or some natural phenomena from some hellish sector of space?
Imagine, a good ol' fashion horrorfest, where the changeling is much more developed, and much more deadly. You would come aboard as a more developed changeling, ready to molt into your next step of evolution. The catch is that there would be only one, maybe two if you were in a high pop round. Your objectives are a lot less about stealing and sneaking, and much more along the line of making this station a fancy buffet for you and your kin.
You'd start out as a "Pariah", thing a ling that has eaten dozens of people, and adapted to be much stronger than your average changeling. You'd decide if you want to be a Patriarch, or a Matriach.

Patriarch would play somewhat like changeling, but more along the goon variety, you would eat and gain more powerful abilities as you go on, with the ability to shed your human form and turn into some hulking fleshy monstrosity. This would be a lot less about sneaking about, and a lot more about ambushing and eviscerating. You're a monster, ready to fuck people's days up, sort of like a Blobbernaut but smarter, and therefore much more deadly.

Matriarch, however, would be somewhat like a mix between being a Blob & an Alien Queen.
You would hunker down and become some sort of hideous bio-reactor hivemind, corrupting the station and creating headslug-crab-things.
There would be mobile and immobile stages - in mobile, after you've shed your human form, you would be able to create your minions and consume corpses, just basic stuff because you don't have a lot invested in your nest at the time, but upon anchoring, with which you make the commitment to mold into your surroundings and become a full fledged bio-reactor matriarch, you would have access to a much more RTS orientated perspective.
You would have basic units controlled by yourself in a Blob-like perspective, who you could send out through vents to go fuck somebody's day up, and bring them back to consume or convert. Consuming would give you more bio-matter to play around with for various thing.
Bio matter would regenerate over time, like ling chemicals, and you could use it to create new basic units & structures - Blockages and whatnot that would be really hard to destroy, Gas pumps to make an area spew toxic miasma (Effectively blocking the area off from the unprepared, you would need a hardsuit or bio suit to really get through these areas), and various other countering defensive growths that would help you in the long run.
Conversion, however, would make a corpse into a lesser changeling. Think an armbladed husk thats sole purpose is to defend the matriarch. These would be how changelings come to be, through this form of reproduction. You wouldn't, of course, turn into a regular ling after some time, you would just be a lesser ling without the ability to revive and whatnot, just a few abilities like a lesser form of fleshmend and your blades and whatnot. This would bring people back into the round and make Matriarch lings less of a annoying fuckfest to deal with, less people calling bullshit, more people having fun, but this would also be a double edged sword - if you saw lesser lings, you'd know that the matriarch has anchored down, so it's a matter of search and destroy for the crew at that point. If the matriarch dies, all the lesser, hivemind linked lings, would die as well. This would only apply to the ones THEY have created, in case there's two matriarchs aboard (70+ pop rounds)
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #126170

Krutchen wrote:Quota :engie: :cardborg: :shades:
A mode based around Cargo or Science trying to pump out enough shit to appease Nanotrasen, keeping them from shutting down the station. Shutting down means "You signed a waiver, so we're just going to blow the station up with bluespace artillery, or maybe even leave you to rot!".
Quite simply, send X amount of rare materials & experimental equipment to centcomm. Raw materials could do the job but you'd have to mine half the asteroid for that, but whatever. More developed stuff like R&D Xray rifles or say BIG STOMPY MECHS would bring in the dosh. Things that the station shipped out with wouldn't count for your points, and might even give you negative points for trying to trick centcomm, you'd have to actually show you're producing stuff.
Pretty much, the more complex, the higher the value.

For extra !!FUN!! you could have random antag slots. You could have the chance to have no antags, and the station just focusing on X with all the mishaps that may happen, like meteors and power failures and whatnot, to dealing with several traitors and lings attempting to keep you from meeting the station's quota.

Patriarch & Matriarch :xeno: :monkey: :salt:
Think a combination between Changeling & Blob/Xeno. Although, it would be changelings.
Changelings are these weird alien creatures that eat people right? They can morph into whoever, and fuck your day up. But what if the changelings we all know and love (or hate) is just their infancy stage?
But where do these fuckers come from? How are they made? Are they science experiments, or some natural phenomena from some hellish sector of space?
Imagine, a good ol' fashion horrorfest, where the changeling is much more developed, and much more deadly. You would come aboard as a more developed changeling, ready to molt into your next step of evolution. The catch is that there would be only one, maybe two if you were in a high pop round. Your objectives are a lot less about stealing and sneaking, and much more along the line of making this station a fancy buffet for you and your kin.
You'd start out as a "Pariah", thing a ling that has eaten dozens of people, and adapted to be much stronger than your average changeling. You'd decide if you want to be a Patriarch, or a Matriach.

Patriarch would play somewhat like changeling, but more along the goon variety, you would eat and gain more powerful abilities as you go on, with the ability to shed your human form and turn into some hulking fleshy monstrosity. This would be a lot less about sneaking about, and a lot more about ambushing and eviscerating. You're a monster, ready to fuck people's days up, sort of like a Blobbernaut but smarter, and therefore much more deadly.

Matriarch, however, would be somewhat like a mix between being a Blob & an Alien Queen.
You would hunker down and become some sort of hideous bio-reactor hivemind, corrupting the station and creating headslug-crab-things.
There would be mobile and immobile stages - in mobile, after you've shed your human form, you would be able to create your minions and consume corpses, just basic stuff because you don't have a lot invested in your nest at the time, but upon anchoring, with which you make the commitment to mold into your surroundings and become a full fledged bio-reactor matriarch, you would have access to a much more RTS orientated perspective.
You would have basic units controlled by yourself in a Blob-like perspective, who you could send out through vents to go fuck somebody's day up, and bring them back to consume or convert. Consuming would give you more bio-matter to play around with for various thing.
Bio matter would regenerate over time, like ling chemicals, and you could use it to create new basic units & structures - Blockages and whatnot that would be really hard to destroy, Gas pumps to make an area spew toxic miasma (Effectively blocking the area off from the unprepared, you would need a hardsuit or bio suit to really get through these areas), and various other countering defensive growths that would help you in the long run.
Conversion, however, would make a corpse into a lesser changeling. Think an armbladed husk thats sole purpose is to defend the matriarch. These would be how changelings come to be, through this form of reproduction. You wouldn't, of course, turn into a regular ling after some time, you would just be a lesser ling without the ability to revive and whatnot, just a few abilities like a lesser form of fleshmend and your blades and whatnot. This would bring people back into the round and make Matriarch lings less of a annoying fuckfest to deal with, less people calling bullshit, more people having fun, but this would also be a double edged sword - if you saw lesser lings, you'd know that the matriarch has anchored down, so it's a matter of search and destroy for the crew at that point. If the matriarch dies, all the lesser, hivemind linked lings, would die as well. This would only apply to the ones THEY have created, in case there's two matriarchs aboard (70+ pop rounds)
Is this an accurate picture of the Patriarch and Matriarch?
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Krutchen » #126206

The matriarch, yes, totally, fuck my sides are gone.

But lets say the patriarch would be more like The Thing, you know, the ling source material.

oh also, speaking of horror movies and spooky game modes.
Do any of you guys remember The Welder game mode?
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Super Aggro Crag
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #126208


skeletons spawn on the station. Their mission, if they choose to accept it, is to make the station spookier by smashing lights, making scary blood trails with their bottles of stage blood, and jumping out of closets. The spookier the station gets, the more powerful the skeletons ability to scare people gets, until eventually they can cause people to faint or have heart attacks. If the skeletons succeed, the station is warped into the skeletons home dimension of scariness. Skeletons can not be killed, but can be restrained, and can be converted to productive members of the crew by putting suits on them because if you can't see the bones, you can't be scared of them. Skeletons are not supposed to kill people directly, because dead people can't be spooked. If a skeleton tries to eat or drink anything, it just falls through them to the floor.
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Byond Username: Miauw62

Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Miauw » #126221

Super Aggro Crag wrote:SKELETONMODE

skeletons spawn on the station. Their mission, if they choose to accept it, is to make the station spookier by smashing lights, making scary blood trails with their bottles of stage blood, and jumping out of closets. The spookier the station gets, the more powerful the skeletons ability to scare people gets, until eventually they can cause people to faint or have heart attacks. If the skeletons succeed, the station is warped into the skeletons home dimension of scariness. Skeletons can not be killed, but can be restrained, and can be converted to productive members of the crew by putting suits on them because if you can't see the bones, you can't be scared of them. Skeletons are not supposed to kill people directly, because dead people can't be spooked. If a skeleton tries to eat or drink anything, it just falls through them to the floor.
wrong thread
<wb> For one, the spaghetti is killing me. It's everywhere in food code, and makes it harder to clean those up.
<Tobba> I stared into BYOND and it farted
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by confused rock » #126232

traitor except with every traitor having the same objective or something
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by AnonymousNow » #126234

The unloved rock wrote:traitor except with every traitor having the same objective or something
That actually sounds hilarious.

People are encouraged to work together on assassination and escape objectives... and then they've got to screw each other over on steal and hijack objectives.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #126237

The unloved rock wrote:traitor except with every traitor having the same objective or something
Changeling rounds are already like this
>Prevent Oldman Robustin from escaping on the shuttle
>Prevent Oldman Robustin from escaping on the shuttle
>Prevent Oldman Robustin from escaping on the shuttle
>Assassinate Oldman Robustin
confused rock
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by confused rock » #126279

AnonymousNow wrote:
The unloved rock wrote:traitor except with every traitor having the same objective or something
That actually sounds hilarious.

People are encouraged to work together on assassination and escape objectives... and then they've got to screw each other over on steal and hijack objectives.
Last time i checked anyone who is an antag does not count for hijack, so all traitors could escape on the shuttle just fine.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by DemonFiren » #126281

Miauw wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:SKELETONMODE

skeletons spawn on the station. Their mission, if they choose to accept it, is to make the station spookier by smashing lights, making scary blood trails with their bottles of stage blood, and jumping out of closets. The spookier the station gets, the more powerful the skeletons ability to scare people gets, until eventually they can cause people to faint or have heart attacks. If the skeletons succeed, the station is warped into the skeletons home dimension of scariness. Skeletons can not be killed, but can be restrained, and can be converted to productive members of the crew by putting suits on them because if you can't see the bones, you can't be scared of them. Skeletons are not supposed to kill people directly, because dead people can't be spooked. If a skeleton tries to eat or drink anything, it just falls through them to the floor.
wrong thread
Skeletons should totally be able to make people get dunked on, though.

Anyway, I regret the fact that SoS is no longer a thing or else I'd make a meme about werewolf mode where you get admin powers on antag roll.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #126288

AnonymousNow wrote:
The unloved rock wrote:traitor except with every traitor having the same objective or something
That actually sounds hilarious.

People are encouraged to work together on assassination and escape objectives... and then they've got to screw each other over on steal and hijack objectives.
There's a button which does this for the whole crew
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by AnonymousNow » #126340

Lots of like-this-but-not-this posts missing the point, really.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by lumipharon » #126351

All Traaitors having the same steal objective for a unique item, and all having a pinpointer for it (nuke disk being the obvious contender here, since it would require no coding really to do) would be pretty hilarious.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by PKPenguin321 » #126405

>inb4 somebody comes to this thread and just says "changeling" thinking they're being clever

anywho, here's my shitty gamemode idea:

i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Zilenan91 » #126417

how about we add a group of dudes who spawn with parapens and can gib people
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by BillWilson » #126458

Traitor variant where you're notified there's been budget cuts and you can only buy really garbage shit with your TCs - like pre-made improvised weapons (batons, pneumatic canon), a garbage bag filled with glass shards, PDA bomb that can only blow up your PDA when you get any message, a miniature welding tank, cryptogaphic sequencer that always bolts doors shut, Service radio encryption key, toy cap gun that is actually a russian revolver, syringe with clown DNA that makes it so others can't use weapons and lots of different soaps and balloons.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Ricotez » #126476

a free-for-all CTF with the Green Text
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Steelpoint » #126483


A unknown force has established a shield surrounding SS13.

This force is slowly eating away the station from the outside, and is closing into the centre. That or the shield simply instantly disintegrates anything that touches it.

The crew cannot stop this force, but they can ensure their survival and delay the inevitable.

This force deploys robotics/whatever forces to areas of the station to guard Shield Generators, these Shield Generators increase the speed of which the outer shield eats away/encompasses at the station. Destroying a shield generator will slow down the process.

The only way the crew can survive is for them to construct individual survival pods in the centre of the station. These pods can hold a single crew member on board and will protect them from the incoming shield.

The catch is these survival pods are very hard and expensive to make, requiring materials taken from the station as well as from the Shield Generators.

This means not only do the crew have to fight against time, but there will not be enough pods to save everyone. Most of the crew will die outside of the crew preforming above and beyond the call.

Not only do the crew have to fight off this unknown force, but they have to fight themselves to survive.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by BillWilson » #126485

Round where all the antags get no powers or uplinks, and just the mission objective "Die a glorious death"
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Screemonster » #126488

Steelpoint wrote:Entrapment

A unknown force has established a shield surrounding SS13.

This force is slowly eating away the station from the outside, and is closing into the centre. That or the shield simply instantly disintegrates anything that touches it.

The crew cannot stop this force, but they can ensure their survival and delay the inevitable.

This force deploys robotics/whatever forces to areas of the station to guard Shield Generators, these Shield Generators increase the speed of which the outer shield eats away/encompasses at the station. Destroying a shield generator will slow down the process.

The only way the crew can survive is for them to construct individual survival pods in the centre of the station. These pods can hold a single crew member on board and will protect them from the incoming shield.

The catch is these survival pods are very hard and expensive to make, requiring materials taken from the station as well as from the Shield Generators.

This means not only do the crew have to fight against time, but there will not be enough pods to save everyone. Most of the crew will die outside of the crew preforming above and beyond the call.

Not only do the crew have to fight off this unknown force, but they have to fight themselves to survive.
Reminds me of this episode of Star Trek with the baryon sweep.
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Byond Username: Newfren

Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by newfren » #126501

BillWilson wrote:Round where all the antags get no powers or uplinks, and just the mission objective "Die a glorious death"
Not gonna lie this sounds fantastic.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Screemonster » #126519

newfren wrote:
BillWilson wrote:Round where all the antags get no powers or uplinks, and just the mission objective "Die a glorious death"
Not gonna lie this sounds fantastic.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #126532

BillWilson wrote:Traitor variant where you're notified there's been budget cuts and you can only buy really garbage shit with your TCs - like pre-made improvised weapons (batons, pneumatic canon), a garbage bag filled with glass shards, PDA bomb that can only blow up your PDA when you get any message, a miniature welding tank, cryptogaphic sequencer that always bolts doors shut, Service radio encryption key, toy cap gun that is actually a russian revolver, syringe with clown DNA that makes it so others can't use weapons and lots of different soaps and balloons.
As long as this mode replaces Bombs and Holoparasites with a monkey covered in explosives you can send to blow stuff up
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by tuypo1 » #126925

i would spend a telecrystal for the ability to bolt a door shut and lock out the ai (as long as it turns off the bolt light)
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Zilenan91 » #127000

That's called the syndicate toolbox. If you want to do some serious prep work, pulse the door bolts and lights, then cut them, then cut electricity and AI wire, then cut every other wire that doesn't do anything.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by tuypo1 » #127039

but then i cant just lock people in a room as i walk by.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Screemonster » #127041

get a pair of remote signalling devices and attach them to the bolt and light wires
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by tuypo1 » #127071

those all require time and prep though I want to strike oportunisticly
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #127277

This mode would be by button press only.
If there's like 90 or so people, it's switched to Ministation, but with two stations.
The stations are at war, one is all lizard people, the other is all human.
They have different radio frequencies
Stuff happens
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by PKPenguin321 » #127304

Helios wrote:This mode would be by button press only.
If there's like 90 or so people, it's switched to Ministation, but with two stations.
The stations are at war, one is all lizard people, the other is all human.
They have different radio frequencies
silicons ruin everything as usual
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Wyzack » #127305

Lizard station could have lizardmov. Both stations could purge/subvert their respective AI
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #127317

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Helios wrote:This mode would be by button press only.
If there's like 90 or so people, it's switched to Ministation, but with two stations.
The stations are at war, one is all lizard people, the other is all human.
They have different radio frequencies
silicons ruin everything as usual
Lizard station obviously has Lizardmov.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Danowar » #128026


This could either be a side-"antag" or a potential addition to Cult. One person will spawn in with a slaughter demon inside of them. The host cannot inflict harm on himself by his own hands, nor can he interact with airlocks. The objective for the host is to survive the round by any means necessary. The slaughter demon, however, must try to get his host killed in order to be freed from his fleshy prison. The demon will be able to make his host shout whatever he pleases, cause hellish hallucinations, and can briefly take full control of the host to attempt to cause an assisted suicide. This could also be intertwined with Cult, with the Cult having an objective to hunt down the host and sacrifice him to summon the demon.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Zilenan91 » #128058

That actually sounds pretty awesome
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #128215

Danowar wrote:Possessed

This could either be a side-"antag" or a potential addition to Cult. One person will spawn in with a slaughter demon inside of them. The host cannot inflict harm on himself by his own hands, nor can he interact with airlocks. The objective for the host is to survive the round by any means necessary. The slaughter demon, however, must try to get his host killed in order to be freed from his fleshy prison. The demon will be able to make his host shout whatever he pleases, cause hellish hallucinations, and can briefly take full control of the host to attempt to cause an assisted suicide. This could also be intertwined with Cult, with the Cult having an objective to hunt down the host and sacrifice him to summon the demon.
As long as surgery can't remove it, sounds good.
Also sounds good as a side "antag" in nuke ops, considering how those rounds often go
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Wyzack » #128222

> nuke goes off
> slaughter demon floats around in radioactive space until it starves to death
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Helios » #128228

Wyzack wrote:> nuke goes off
> slaughter demon floats around in radioactive space until it starves to death
I was suggesting more
>Nuke ops open fire into crowd, crowd starts dragging bodies to genetics
>One person in crit explodes, slaughter demon pops out and starts killing crew and ops alike
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Void Slayer » #128239

Spy/Ninja Wars
Two or more teams of antags are placed on the station recruited from normal crew with five members each. They would have special traitor uplinks and equipment thematically appropriate, something like weaker versions of normal ninja gear and James Bond spy gear. The catch is they would not be told who each other are but could buy a free token demonstrating their team to be shown to other antags. At like 30 minutes in the team members would be revealed to each other somehow and combat/chaos ensues.

The objective would be to have at least 1 team member escape on the shuttle and no enemy team members escape.
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Re: Terrible Game Mode Ideas

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #128245


during the round certain people are randomly selected by rng. they recieve a message "YOU SUDDENLY REMEMBER YOU ARE A MASTER OF (randomly generated name) STYLE. ASSERT THE DOMINANCE OF YOUR STYLE AND BRING HONOR TO YOUR DOJO"

they become a sensei with super kung fu powers and must battle the other senseis. they will also be able to train people in lesser versions of their wacky martial arts. every attack will make a WHIPCRACK noise and lots of KIAI
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