Martial Arts needs to be useful

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Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by srifenbyxp » #153168

I'm aware that there's a pugilist scroll in the skelly realm away mission and the Sleeping Carp Gang also has access to it, I've only had one go with the scroll was a gang leader and found it absolute trash. So I wager I'll give another one of my great revisions through my experience, I can't recall the exact names of the moves so if anything sounds similar neat, if not deal wit et.

Needless to say you're not a KFM unless both hands are be empty, you are trading off the use of ranged weaponry for this shit of course

Item:Kung Fu Scroll

Passive Skills

1.Deflect: All ranged projectiles Energy|Ballistics are deflected, if on the floor this is reduced to 50% chance.
I know it's explained in the pugilist scroll that you can deflect shit, but I've been shot at and taken down.

2.Vigilance: Melee attacks has a higher chance of missing, you also have a chance to catch all throw items, disarming a firearm is guaranteed while melee is not but has a higher chance of.

3.Conditioning: You gain an extra 10 HP stacked on top of your normal 100 HP, stun time is reduced, running speed is slightly increased, you can move when stunned/slipped but at walking pace, has a chance of ignoring any melee-base-stun at the cost of double melee damage, punch damage is 15 per hit with a higher chance of knockdowns.

4. Iron Grip: When a enemy is grabbed they must resist regardless on how tight the grip, the higher the grip the less likely they'll break it.
I know there's a few grab intent moves in the pugilist scroll but that doesn't mean shit if you grab somebody and they instantly walk away. Grab + [action]? Good luck doing that shit to anyone who isn't downed.

Special Skills:

0. Some Special Skills should really have an Icon to quick use, depending on the intent special skills will either be useable.

1. Iron Shoulder: While in the Disarm Intent, within 3 tiles in the facing direction the player will charge and whoever is hit will be knocked backwards five tiles and is downed for a stun duration of 3.
Cool down time of 20.
Icon Enable

2. Judo Flip: While in the Grab Intent, any grappled enemy will be thrown down to the ground in the moving direction of the player with a stun duration of 5 and a damage of 10. The enemy will still be grappled until the player let's go.
Similar to how one would Alt+click a person/item to move them but you move.

3. Corgi Fist: While in the Harm Intent, pierce the enemy while knocking them back one tile and causing 45 Brute Damage.
Cool down time of 45
Icon Enable

4. Flying Carp: While in the Disarm Intent, any body within 3 tiles of the player will be hit for 10 damage and be knocked back three - five tiles with a stun duration of 5.
Cool down time of 60
Icon Enable
Bonus points if the player either zig zags really fucking quick or has an after image on all victims when this happens.

5. Cobra Strike: While in the Harm Intent, on a grappled enemy punch them for 20 Brute Damage and 10 Toxin Damage. When this skill is used the grapple is broken.
Cool down time of 30
Icon Enable

6. Spider Strike: While in the Disarm Intent, on a grappled enemy punch them to knock out the enemy for a duration of 20. When this skill is used the grapple is broken.
Cool down time of 30
Icon Enable

7. Pressure Point: While in the Help Intent, click on anybody next to you to heal for 10 (stacks on damaged types) and if downed instantly get them back up. The player can use this on himself as well but doesn't has the perk of instantly getting back up.
Cool down time of 15
Icon Enable

8. Awakening: When enabled for a duration of 60, click limit is removed, all skill cool down is halved and all projectiles ranged or melee based are reflected back towards the enemy. The player will also be able to input his battle cry before hand. Anything worn over clothing including the backpack will be removed.
Charge time of 15
Cool down time of 300
Anyone within visual range will hear:
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by PKPenguin321 » #153363

i kinda like the whole berserk mode thing you have going on with Awakening, it paints a funny mental image of a greyshirt throwing off his clothing and just beefing up suddenly
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by srifenbyxp » #153379

The pugilist scroll is neat but virtually impractical, that's why I'd suggest to simplify the move set. But I can image niggers doing: Iron Shoulder / Flying Carp > Grapple > yer fuged. Think of Ip Man but it's a naked assistant running around disarming everybody with terrifying efficiency. When in the awaken state the size of the player's sprite should increase slightly as well, I didn't suggest being able to punch through walls and have it that everything is removed because running around reflecting shit with no click limit for 60 seconds. You have no right to duck into maintenance when your atatatatatatatatatatatatatatat niggers left and right. This might seem OP at first glance but besides the reasonable cool down ya gata know that there's only three ways of getting the pugilist scroll and all of them takes alot of work or luck. The skelly realm which is hard as balls if not equipped right, being a sleeping carp gang member which is purely RNG, or admin dick sucking.

Wanted to add that the player has to stand still when charging for awakening, he's shouting in caps while every piece of article is being destroyed and during the awakening state is unable to pick anything up. Besides that to clarify Iron Grip the enemy can't walk/run away they have to resist and break the grip in order to move away.
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by kevinz000 » #153396

You realize the sleeping carp scroll ALREADY gives you 100% projectile resistance as long as you are 1. standing upright 2. Concious (obviously) 3. Not hulk
Also, you can stunlock about 4 people with it by spamming disarm-disarm to wrist bend them or something
I do not see a single case in which this kind of "martial arts" would be balanced unless you give it to a goddamn space ninja. I mean really? Knock out for 20 with two clicks and a hotkey? Stun EVERYONE AROUND YOU easily?
You're talking 100% everything ranged deflection and there's no physically possible way someone is going to deflect lasers with their hands, expecially when they are stunned or blinded in my case as I'l just rely on a flashbang, on the ground
Conditioning sounds overpowered. Being able to move while stunned. What's the point of a stun?
Awakening sounds like murderbone mode. And it probably is as you're reflecting all damage back to the enemy and you don't have a click delay. You're already faster then them. You can just mash that mouse button and they'll be dead in seconds and in the 60 seconds duration you can kill an entire crowd and most of it just reflected damage.
>Found sleeping carp scroll absolute trash
Well personally I find it a very good power. If you're still getting wrecked either stop hogging the scrolls to just yourself or get robust enough to click someone twice. Disarm-disarm instant stun 5 and 10 damage(or wasit 5 brute)
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by PKPenguin321 » #153405

Yeah kevinz is right for once this is unbalanced as shit
Awakening would still be funny as like an admin item though
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by srifenbyxp » #153831

kevinz000 wrote: >Found sleeping carp scroll absolute trash
Well personally I find it a very good power. If you're still getting wrecked either stop hogging the scrolls to just yourself or get robust enough to click someone twice. Disarm-disarm instant stun 5 and 10 damage(or wasit 5 brute)
I'd agree conditioning seems OP as fuck along with Awakening and should be nerfed hard or removed all together, but it's not like anyone is going to not chase an enemy at walking speed. On a side note I actually brought up a conversation about crawling in dead chat and some other homely nigger agreed it'd be nice to have that feature in general. Also it's nice that you can stun lock like that but it only takes some nigger with a stun prod to take you down and in the middle of a cluster fuck you can very well count on somebody with a stun stick and while you have to be robust enough to click a person twice when they have to click you once all while dancing, well hat off to ya. If anything the grab techniques should be kept along with Iron Grip and while Awakening could be kept with the click limit halved along with it being from 60 to 30 duration while being restricted to not being able to pick anything up.

Also saw this post in the feedback section about sleeping carp.
Zilenan91 wrote:They usually get dunked on instantly because they can't use ranged weapons of any form. So it's all just them getting stunned/pushed over once then lased/shot to death when they're on the ground and can't deflect shit.

That is if they even used a scroll. Sleeping Carp are honestly terribad. Even carp who haven't used the scroll can't use ranged weaponry, so they have actually no use for the armory or for any other gangs weapons, just their own shit, which means they're super inefficient points wise.
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by XDyou » #506721

Bro sleeping carp is very good,imagine this you are an sec guard and there is a man you need to arrest you chase him into maints and he just turns around disarms you twice while you try to shoot disabler at him then he grabs you stomach knees you and kills you with bare hands takes your stun baton and glases and he can now defeat anyone.
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Re: Martial Arts needs to be useful

Post by iksyp » #506728

this post is years old what are you doing lad

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