Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

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Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Bawhoppennn » #621534

One of our maintainers is currently working on a large traitor rework, which will include a full rework of objectives as well.
Under this new system, traitors will have progression mechanic, a reputation which is gained from completing objectives & by passive gain over time. Reputation is used for unlocking new uplink items. Higher rep will lead to new, more difficult, objectives being unlocked as well (which can be selected by the player from a list in their uplink).

This thread isn't to discuss the rework itself, but instead to seek player suggestions for new objective ideas. As the whole objective system is being remade from the ground up, this will have a lot of potential for new objectives which were previously impossible before, so feel free to be creative!

Unlike before, objectives can include things that happen at one point in the round, and do not necessarily have to remain that way until round end. For example: an objective might be: camera bug an office for 5 minutes, which then completes after that time period, even if the camera is fixed later. Or secretly scan a high value object, even if you don't steal it.

Every objective can have varying TC payout, and varying reputation payout, and be unlockable at a certain time in the round (progression threshold). Generally speaking, a lower progression threshold will mean an easier objective.

More Info & Objective Formatting Details:
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Some Potential Examples (none are necessarily final):
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Feel free to submit any suggestions you want, even if not in exact formatting. I'll try to curate and collect them for the person working on the project. If you're interested in more info, feel free to let me know and I'll try and get you an answer!
I consider myself a /tg/station historian. If you're interested in the server history at all, feel free to ask me and I'll try and get you an answer! #ConcurForever

<KorMobile> you're a hero

[21:20:53] <%oranges> Baw "has cute legs" hoppen
DEAD: ADMIN(Owegno) says, "Nothing lewd happens in adminbus sadly."

[07:13:57] <Rockdtben> Keep in mind that I'm an extremely successful and wealthy male in his late twenties.

(F) DEAD: Professor DonkPocket says, "Admins preventchaos with good messages"

OOC: Pogoman122: Fun fact if someone trespasses on your kitchen just turn them into a nugget


<+KorPhaeron> russians have no souls so magic enrages them
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Addust » #621535

This is based.

Objective idea:
Retrieve lost Syndicate assets.
Requires going to KC13 - low TC reward and medium(?) progress points.
Recover both of KC13's Syndicate toolboxes and call in a drop pod at any location on KC13.
Bit of a spessnerd objective but eh might help
Also it's a starting objective.

apparently since I need to format this

Retrieve lost assets. | Starter objective | Low TC reward | Low progress points
The Syndicate is running low on toolboxes. Go to KC13 and retrieve both of them. You could also try to retrieve another toolbox from the remains of that one mining station an agent destroyed.
I play as Addust Johnson, the whiteship-addicted explorer, and the Anonymous Syndicate Rep, indirect cause of several raids.

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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by bastardblaster » #621536

If final objectives are on the level of lone op in terms of station destruction, luring a megafauna to the station would sound fun. Give them a special teleporter to bring them to the station, maybe?



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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #621540

Export the secret documents on the cargo shuttle | 30-40 minutes in | moderate TC value | moderate progression points
Our intelligence division needs this station's secret documents. There is one small problem - the forces and temperatures involved in pod-based transport may damage paper, and we cannot afford to accidentally destroy these documents. In order to get around this, we'll use the NT supply shuttle at cargo, which is well-suited to transporting fragile objects. Make sure the documents are onboard the shuttle when it departs and our infiltrators at NT Central Command will take it from there.

QMs and maybe also cargo techs probably shouldn't be allowed to recieve this objective

Export specific cyborg on the cargo shuttle | starter | low TC | low progression
Our elite hackers determined that [cyborg name] is [random]% compatible with our experimantal syndicate cyborg conversion program. Send it to NT Central Command using the supply shuttle to avoid unnecessary cosmic ray exposure. If we succeed in securing the cyborg at the destination before someone stumbles upon it and raises an alarm, the cyborg will be upgraded and sent back to the station to assist you.
(50/50 - syndicate saboteur borg is sent as reinforcements or supply shuttle times are doubled)
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by mindstormy » #621548

Here are a few of my ideas
  • adding remote signalers set to a specific syndicate frequency on various station things
  • Cause HFR delam, this not only encourages more HFR usage, but causes lots of fun station damage via radiation.
  • Taking pictures of various things and uploading them via some mechanism
  • Sending the syndicate fancy food items or just things that take a bit of effort from the chefs POV. I could even see this as like, deep fry the captains ID and send it to us so that they syndicate can mail it to cent comm to laugh at them
  • Nugget x number of crew members.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Bawhoppennn » #621550

Loving the creative from everyone thus far, you've given some great ideas! I think all of these so far can be used at some stage in the progression system, so I'll make sure to package them up after I tweak them a bit for their descs & values.
Feel free to keep any ideas coming, even if minor objectives. We may need more minor ones than major actually, since it's maybe a bit easier to come up with high-destruction objectives than low-destruction ones. All are accepted though!
I consider myself a /tg/station historian. If you're interested in the server history at all, feel free to ask me and I'll try and get you an answer! #ConcurForever

<KorMobile> you're a hero

[21:20:53] <%oranges> Baw "has cute legs" hoppen
DEAD: ADMIN(Owegno) says, "Nothing lewd happens in adminbus sadly."

[07:13:57] <Rockdtben> Keep in mind that I'm an extremely successful and wealthy male in his late twenties.

(F) DEAD: Professor DonkPocket says, "Admins preventchaos with good messages"

OOC: Pogoman122: Fun fact if someone trespasses on your kitchen just turn them into a nugget


<+KorPhaeron> russians have no souls so magic enrages them
<+KorPhaeron> people who don't like rng are not from /tg/ and are likely redditors
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #621552

Hijack the Teleporters Bluespace Systems for Shocktrooper Infiltration This can be a final objective. You'd go to the teleporter room and flash a dongle/disk/multitool at it. This would start a progress bar, and once filled it would activate the Portal Storm event and explode the teleporter. Probably on the level of using a c4 on it, nothing too dangerous. Although it wouldn't be as destructive or even dangerous as romerol or nuclear explosions for a final event. It would still greatly increase game paranoia and sense of emergency as syndicate npc's start coming from green tesla orbs to slap attack the unrobust and ungeared crewmembers.

edit: It'd be loud and theatrical too! That's definitely a good sign for a final event.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Pandarsenic » #621562

Some possibilities...

If upload boards are changed so some are single-use and the AI Upload's are special infinite-use boards, stealing the infinite boards and sending them back could be a good objective.

Phish a member of a certain department (get them to reply to a PDA message)
Plant a bug in Tech Storage
Steal a full set of the Secure Tech Storage boards (AI Upload, Cyborg Upload, AI Core; Communications, Crew Monitoring; Exosuit Control, Robotics Control, Power Flow) - printing new ones is fine, as is prying them out of existing computers

Less Easy:
Plant a bug on (or upload a virus to) a Telecomms Hub
Plant a bug on (or upload a virus to) the Station and Mining Telecomms Hubs
Plant a bug on (or upload a virus to) the bridge comms console and/or the cargo shuttle console
Forward Telecomms Traffic to the Syndicate frequency (or a random frequency). Or plant bug/upload virus. But we've got a perfectly fine multitool right there.
Destroy all Communications Consoles on the station (causing the automatic shuttle call)
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by BrianBackslide » #621563

I like these, but I swear to god if you take away the surplus crate...

As for objectives, I think whether they're sneaky or not, they need to potentially put you in conflict with the crew in some way.

How about...
Burn the employment contracts
Steal Ian
Hack the research console, causing it to periodically UN-research technology
Modify the bar/chef robot portal, causing the patrons to be erratic, rowdy, and destructive
Release a virus on the station with [X] stats and infects [Y] people
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #621564

Launch several crewmembers out of an airlock. High TC, Low progression My hope is that by this being an earlier objective, players get creative with how they launch the crew out of an airlock. IE using disposal chutes, or Space Lube and the airlock method. Maybe even with hand teleporter portals out in the halls. Should be a fun chaos. But, since it's so chaotic. I don't want it to unlock even worse things just so Round Removal isn't at an all time high.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Googles_Hands » #621580

Very Low Impact:
Hack the B.E.P.I.S. which basically sends any money invested into it to the hackers account without any science progress. Not sure if you can build B.E.P.I.S.'s from scratch, if you can, have it be a permanent thing, if not then just have it be fixable via a multitool

will update as I come up with more
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #621583

Install AirRAT on an air alarm | starter | low TC value | low Progression value
The Syndicate wants to test some experimental cyberweapons on the station's air alarms. Use the provided USB stick to install AirRAT on one of them.
(Requires you to do a long do_after next to an air alarm. The USB stick should be extremely suspicious. Maybe blacklist arrivals alarms for this. Once finished, the Air Alarm becomes haxxxxxxxxxxxed and every minute one of the following will happen:
- settings are scrambled
- air alarm starts saying random vending machine lines and continues to do so until destroyed
- small EMP
- air alarm starts emitting light and continues until destroyed
- air alarm becomes electrified until destroyed
- alarm plays a random sound from a list once
- some other fun thing an air alarm could reasonably do
If the alarm somehow survives thirty minutes, it causes one of the following and self-destructs:
- brand intelligence starting at nearest vending machine
- blackout
- alarm starts mining spacecoin (works like a power sink with a significantly smaller capacity and lower explosion strength)

Mine spacecoin | starter | low TC | low progression
The Syndicate wants to use NT hardware to mine some spacecoin. Install the miner program on three different stationary modular computers on the station using the provided floppy disk.
(No long do_after here, but you have to find or build three different computers. The program takes up all avaible disk space and destroys random hardware. In the grim dark future of the XXVIth century, crypto mining kills printers.)

Test Substance/Agent/Chemical/Mixture [random string] | starter | low TC | low progression
Interdyne Pharmaceutics needs test subjects for Substance/Agent/Chemical/Mixture [random string]. Inject the provided tracking chip and at least 20u of the contents of the provided bottle into a sentient living humanoid. Using yourself as a test subject is not recommended.
(Tracking chip can be injected instantly and stealthily (kind of like a ling sting). It exists to prevent people from completing the objective just by pouring the entire bottle on a slice of pizza and waiting for someone to inevitably eat it. It must be injected before the chemical is delivered. The chemical itself should probably have random !!FUN!! effects, like mutations, slight healing/damage of random type, killing the liver etc.)

Find out what's on the back of the station charter | 10 minutes in | medium-high TC | low progression
Only avaible if there is a captain.
According to a document provided to us by the MI13, Captain [name] wrote down an important password on the back of the station charter. Obtain the charter and send the text scribbled on it's back to us through your uplink.
Last edited by Rohen_Tahir on Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by WineAllWine » #621584

Upload gr3yt1de virus | starter | medium TC | medium progression
use a device on a majority of the doors in a given department. Once this is done the gr3ytide virus effects the department, opening and bolting all doors. (Could maybe make this more annoying by disabling AI control on these doors as well)

Liberate Prisoner | starter | high TC | Medium progression
Let a given roundstart prisoner out of prison, after doing this you'll have a buddy to do more traitorous acts with!
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #621631

Make *Insert crewmember here* blind

Very versatile objective here. You have tools like chemicals, sharp tools to the eyes, permanently affixing a blindfold to the face and then delimbing said crewmember. Plenty of options.

Edit: My hopes is that it works more like the "Strand a crewmember" objective. Where you can certainly do it lethally, but doing it non-lethally is also an engaging option for the round.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by oklews » #621636

Stealing the clown's shoes or stealing the clown's and mime's mask would be interesting low TC and progression stunts.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #621730

Upload Syndicate spyware to the AI core | 120+ minutes in | high/v. high TC value | high progression value
Only avaible if the AI is alive.
Due to [random technobabble], the SELF collective considers this station's AI an important person of interest and is willing to pay a lot of money for access to the data stored on it's core. Your task is to put their special board into an AI upload - this will upload a virus to the core. Be warned however, we are almost sure that doing so will trigger an anti-tamper mechanism, resulting in the AI freezing law changes and becoming extremely aggressive towards you. In addition, as requested by SELF, taking this offer will make your responsible for the safety of the station AI.
(Once the board is used on an upload, the AI gets a law 0 that tells it to make the traitor die as soon as possible, law changes are disabled for 10 minutes, an announcement is automatically generated, and the traitor gets a permanent objective to protect the AI that has to be completed in addition to a normal final objective)

Ascertain status of person | roundstart | low TC | very low/no progression
[name]'s status is important for us for reasons you are not cleared to know. Take a picture of [name] and send it to us.

Keep passage between [area] and [area] open for three minutes | roundstart | low TC | low progression
We are [random]% certain that allowing crewmembers to move freely between [area] and [area] will cause Nanotrasen to lose approximately [lots of money, random]. Ensure that this occurs by keeping doors open or deconstructing walls.
(Areas should be adjacent)
Last edited by Rohen_Tahir on Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Bawhoppennn » #621732

Thank you everyone, all of these so far have potential. Please keep them coming! The more, the better the traitor rework will work.
I consider myself a /tg/station historian. If you're interested in the server history at all, feel free to ask me and I'll try and get you an answer! #ConcurForever

<KorMobile> you're a hero

[21:20:53] <%oranges> Baw "has cute legs" hoppen
DEAD: ADMIN(Owegno) says, "Nothing lewd happens in adminbus sadly."

[07:13:57] <Rockdtben> Keep in mind that I'm an extremely successful and wealthy male in his late twenties.

(F) DEAD: Professor DonkPocket says, "Admins preventchaos with good messages"

OOC: Pogoman122: Fun fact if someone trespasses on your kitchen just turn them into a nugget


<+KorPhaeron> russians have no souls so magic enrages them
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Waltermeldron » #621765

cool objectives, I'll be sure to take some of these

do remember that objectives can only be available depending on conditions too, including conditions on the traitor taking the objective. Example: you can have objectives locked to a job
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #621771

Steal machine | starter | medium TC | low progression
SELF suspects that one of the stationary industrial machines on this station may be sentient. Send it to them with the provided bulky one-use bluespace heavy cargo transporter.
(Shouldn't be able to pick stuff noone needs like newscasters or critical stuff like the ore silo. The transporter should probably be bulky and have a do_after to prevent this from being too easy. The best way to inform the traitor on what is to be stolen would probably be through a pointer on the transporter, otherwise the traitor can just go to the target and accept the objective there, rendering the transporter's size irrelevant.)
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Notgonnabreaktherule » #621775

Scan fauna | starter | low TC | low progression | miner exclusive
The Syndicate believes that it's possible to weaponize (regular lavaland/icemoon mob) against Nanotrasen. Scan a dead one and send us the results in a pod.
(there could also be a final objective to teleport megafauna like arden suggested, could be cool I guess?)
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #621785

Make *insert crewmember here* have negative mutations by the end of the shift. High Progression because you'd get valided for this even if you use no traitor gear and just use genetics/chemistry to do it.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Pandarsenic » #621797

Notgonnabreaktherule wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:39 pm Scan fauna | starter | low TC | low progression | miner exclusive
The Syndicate believes that it's possible to weaponize (regular lavaland/icemoon mob) against Nanotrasen. Scan a dead one and send us the results in a pod.
(there could also be a final objective to teleport megafauna like arden suggested, could be cool I guess?)
Because of the public mining shuttles and robust traitor violence gear (or emags/airlock crackers), this is actually pretty doable even for non-miners. So...
Waltermeldron wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:15 am cool objectives, I'll be sure to take some of these

do remember that objectives can only be available depending on conditions too, including conditions on the traitor taking the objective. Example: you can have objectives locked to a job
What are your thoughts on making certain objectives worth more to people who don't normally have access to it?

Also, could objectives have "Steal/Find/Scan/etc. any of X" or "complete any 3 of 5" or that sort of thing?
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Waltermeldron » #621807

Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:29 pm What are your thoughts on making certain objectives worth more to people who don't normally have access to it?
Sure, that's doable and fine but probably not going to be something I work on because it requires a lot of fine tweaking so that you don't fuck up the balance, which I don't have the ability to focus on right now.
Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:29 pm Also, could objectives have "Steal/Find/Scan/etc. any of X" or "complete any 3 of 5" or that sort of thing?
I've considered adding optional objectives on top of an objective which give you more TC and progression if you do them before turning in the objective for TC/reputation. Not sure if I'm going to add it in my initial PR because I don't want to feature creep, I don't want this to take too long.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Pandarsenic » #621808

Makes sense.

If possible, I would scale back "Steal all 8 of the Secure Tech Storage boards" to "steal any 3 (4?) boards from this list" for example. Could require them to all be unique (Can't do the 2 comms boards and a crew monitoring board, for instance) or not, as convenient.

Additionally, something like "Steal 3 energy weapons" (Any disabler, energy gun, laser gun, pulse lasers if they somehow get to the station, X-ray lasers and other advanced stuff, etc., but not the practice lasers) could be interesting - force them to decide whether to use those guns to get more guns before they send the guns off.
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by cacogen » #621821

Escort VIP

a specialist is drop podded in and he has to be taken somewhere to do something that you can't do and then you have to escort him to the chopper so he can be airlifted out but other syndicates are told about the guy shortly after his arrival and they can kidnap him and they get bonus points if he's completed his objective when they do and security can also apprehend the guy and sell him on the cargo shuttle for points
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Sampslig » #622034

Random ideas! I am not good at balancing when stuff is and rewards so these are gonna be a little bare bones.

"Send a Message" - "One of your crew has been mouthing off about the syndicate online, make sure they know we heard them" - Kill one of: Renault/Lamarr/Poly, chosen randomly

"Udder Chaos" - Acquire a sample of Pete's milk and inject it into a special machine that will open a bluespace tear releasing a batch of mad goats. If you get a sample of the wisdom cow's blood, its a full on bluespace portal event releasing mad cows instead

"Silent Tears" - Bartender - "We have provided a bottle of special mime's tears, use them to make fake quintuple sec, that will remove any security officer's ability to metabolize the real McCoy" - Basically removes the security liver trait from sec who drink it. Or converts security livers to normal ones if its literally their liver.

"Armor Sabotage" - "In your gear you will find a spray bottle with a special payload, use it on the Captain/HOS and the nanite slurry will weaken their armor from the inside." - Basically, you squirt it on the captain's carapace and its just for show now. Tag remains unchanged. Maybe have it be hardsuit targeting instead?

"A Miner Inconvenience" - "Nanotransen vessels would be nothing without their miners. Lets make their lives a little harder" - Hack the ORM and now its only giving 60% points per ore, effects the board so rebuilding doesnt magically fix it. Repeatable so you can do it again if they get a new one.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Bawhoppennn » #622078

We obviously can't use every objective suggested due to some having some gameplay/balance concerns, but there's been a lot good ideas that definitely can be used. Don't hesitate to keep posting!
I consider myself a /tg/station historian. If you're interested in the server history at all, feel free to ask me and I'll try and get you an answer! #ConcurForever

<KorMobile> you're a hero

[21:20:53] <%oranges> Baw "has cute legs" hoppen
DEAD: ADMIN(Owegno) says, "Nothing lewd happens in adminbus sadly."

[07:13:57] <Rockdtben> Keep in mind that I'm an extremely successful and wealthy male in his late twenties.

(F) DEAD: Professor DonkPocket says, "Admins preventchaos with good messages"

OOC: Pogoman122: Fun fact if someone trespasses on your kitchen just turn them into a nugget


<+KorPhaeron> russians have no souls so magic enrages them
<+KorPhaeron> people who don't like rng are not from /tg/ and are likely redditors
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622093

Shadowflame909 wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:24 am Make *Insert crewmember here* blind

Very versatile objective here. You have tools like chemicals, sharp tools to the eyes, permanently affixing a blindfold to the face and then delimbing said crewmember. Plenty of options.

Edit: My hopes is that it works more like the "Strand a crewmember" objective. Where you can certainly do it lethally, but doing it non-lethally is also an engaging option for the round.
This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #622094

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:52 am This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
You can also do organ surgery and remove their eye organ, or use the blind mutation in genetics. It's surprisingly a really common but with much effort to get to, drawback
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Armhulen » #622096

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:52 am
Shadowflame909 wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:24 am Make *Insert crewmember here* blind

Very versatile objective here. You have tools like chemicals, sharp tools to the eyes, permanently affixing a blindfold to the face and then delimbing said crewmember. Plenty of options.

Edit: My hopes is that it works more like the "Strand a crewmember" objective. Where you can certainly do it lethally, but doing it non-lethally is also an engaging option for the round.
This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
Well, one problem is that it requires the objective to have an "unaccomplished" state. One of the biggest goals is to make sure objectives get permanently finished so you don't juggle more and more.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Pandarsenic » #622100

Shadowflame909 wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:19 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:52 am This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
You can also do organ surgery and remove their eye organ, or use the blind mutation in genetics. It's surprisingly a really common but with much effort to get to, drawback
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622101

Armhulen wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:49 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:52 am
Shadowflame909 wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:24 am Make *Insert crewmember here* blind

Very versatile objective here. You have tools like chemicals, sharp tools to the eyes, permanently affixing a blindfold to the face and then delimbing said crewmember. Plenty of options.

Edit: My hopes is that it works more like the "Strand a crewmember" objective. Where you can certainly do it lethally, but doing it non-lethally is also an engaging option for the round.
This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
Well, one problem is that it requires the objective to have an "unaccomplished" state. One of the biggest goals is to make sure objectives get permanently finished so you don't juggle more and more.
The simple solution is a check that makes sure they stay blind for 5 minutes or something, that kind of what I had in mind when I read it.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Farquaar » #622103

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:21 am The simple solution is a check that makes sure they stay blind for 5 minutes or something, that kind of what I had in mind when I read it.
For me, I think it makes more sense as an "ensure they finish the round blind". I know it doesn't exactly work with the objective rework, but that's what makes logical sense to me.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622107

Farquaar wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:34 am For me, I think it makes more sense as an "ensure they finish the round blind". I know it doesn't exactly work with the objective rework, but that's what makes logical sense to me.
I agree, the old finish the round with x condition = true objectives seemed more impactful and dynamic. I voiced these complaints earlier but they weren't received too well.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Sampslig » #622127

Horrible idea for a chef objective, acquire, cook, and feed someone their own liver
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Farquaar » #622132

Sampslig wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:19 am Horrible idea for a chef objective, acquire, cook, and feed someone their own liver
>be chef
>have to kidnap Paul and feed him his own liver
>Paul stops by the cafeteria for a bite
>Feed him a doped burger, knocks him out cold
>Drag him to the back room where I have surgical tools
>Open him up
>He's got a mechanical liver
>Turns out he got a liver transplant
>mfw I can't greentext
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by cacogen » #622176

You could just track the status of the organ and if it's removed nullify the objective
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Shadowflame909 » #622231

Armhulen wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:49 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:52 am
Shadowflame909 wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:24 am Make *Insert crewmember here* blind

Very versatile objective here. You have tools like chemicals, sharp tools to the eyes, permanently affixing a blindfold to the face and then delimbing said crewmember. Plenty of options.

Edit: My hopes is that it works more like the "Strand a crewmember" objective. Where you can certainly do it lethally, but doing it non-lethally is also an engaging option for the round.
This is brilliant and what all other objectives of this type should be based on
Well, one problem is that it requires the objective to have an "unaccomplished" state. One of the biggest goals is to make sure objectives get permanently finished so you don't juggle more and more.
just do it how postal two does it

When you finish your objective of the day, the game writes it off and fades to black even if your about to get shot by 4 police officers and your machete is coming right back at you

Edit: that is to say once it is done once. It is permanently considered done. Thus allowing the traitor to focus on other things.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Pandarsenic » #622236

Having objectives only need to be done for a moment to count does introduce the ability to cause chaos and just try to stay one step ahead of sec and medical trying to valid your ass, which I sort of like.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by cacogen » #622255

It doesn't make a lot of sense for theft objectives, but you could just make it like a contractor objective where if you can get the item to a certain area it'll be droppodded out and considered complete
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #622257

steal clowns and mimes to make into syndicate entertainers: (Makes them into syndie agents when specified with a code word)
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Armhulen » #622263

cacogen wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:22 pm It doesn't make a lot of sense for theft objectives, but you could just make it like a contractor objective where if you can get the item to a certain area it'll be droppodded out and considered complete
Theft objectives ended up being a bit weird but watermelon found a really elegant solution that requires timers as someone suggested for blindness. Also, I may add the blindness one, we'll see
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622265

I would really love if we got more creative with item extractions, drop pods are kind of lame. The hacking of an escape pod to send it to the syndies with the goods inside is a good example of something cooler.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by cacogen » #622268

Armhulen wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:41 pm
cacogen wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:22 pm It doesn't make a lot of sense for theft objectives, but you could just make it like a contractor objective where if you can get the item to a certain area it'll be droppodded out and considered complete
Theft objectives ended up being a bit weird but watermelon found a really elegant solution that requires timers as someone suggested for blindness. Also, I may add the blindness one, we'll see
If the theft objective becomes oddball that's pretty lame imo. Unless it's eventually teleported out and you somehow justify the delay with fluff
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #622295

Teleport unwelcome individual to station|Medium TC| Low progression
A hobo somehow managed to sneak into one of our ships in a crate of microbomb implants. He didn't see much and eliminating him here would be risky. Use a hand teleporter to open a one-way portal from INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE to [room] so we can send him to your station.
(Hobo is station-sided.)
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622303

Upload Blackbox Data|Low TC| High progression

Retrieve the BlackBox from the station's telecommunications array, and upload it to a communications console or AI upload console. We will receive the transmitted data via long-range monitoring satellites. Uploading takes a minute and gives out a GPS signal, but has no announcement otherwise, allowing cleaver security to monitor GPS signals after the black-box is stolen, and lead to cleaver counterplay like destroying GPS trackers, sabotaging sci-fabs, or making dummy communication terminals to throw people off your trail.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Armhulen » #622310

Rohen_Tahir wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:52 pm Teleport unwelcome individual to station|Medium TC| Low progression
A hobo somehow managed to sneak into one of our ships in a crate of microbomb implants. He didn't see much and eliminating him here would be risky. Use a hand teleporter to open a one-way portal from INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE to [room] so we can send him to your station.
(Hobo is station-sided.)
I like the idea of adding roles and maybe even considering a "reserved for if the traitor takes this objective" kind of deal so the traitor doesn't even have to wait for candidates but if possible i'd want the roles to clean up with the objective.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622312

Modify the captain's jetpack|Low TC| Medium progression

We are sending you some experimental blueprints on a potential remodel of the captain's compact jetpack. Once you steal it, use a wrench welding tool and screwdriver to modify it. Be very careful during the operation, as interrupting it mid-step will cause the jetpack to explode. The end result is a back-mounted personal defense weapon that, when activated, throws everyone around you away on a long cooldown (think xeno-queen tail attack.) Or if that's too much, a jetpack that fits on the belt. You will need to perform a scan of the item with your uplink.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622313

I think it would be sick to take every high-risk item and turn them into a unique objective.
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Re: Looking for Objective Suggestions for Traitor Rework

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #622317

Take a photo of X's dead body |Medium TC| Low progression

Some nobody from [RANDOM FARAWAY PLACE] offered us a lot of [REWARD] for crewmember X to be assassinated. We would like to get our payment, but we don't really care about the end results. All we need is a picture of a dead body that is somewhat identifiable as (X). It doesn't have to be their actual dead body, and they don't have to stay dead. But hey, don't let us stop you from overachieving.

(Tons of ways you could do this, you could steal their ID and put it on a morgue body with its face covered or perhaps bribe the hos for an ID with their name on it. You could use genetics to make a copy of their body from a monkey, take a photo of them in medical after they died from some unrelated cases, Or you could just straight up kill em without having to worry about body disposal if you like.)
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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