Corporate Espionage - a cross between Tator and Ling

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Corporate Espionage - a cross between Tator and Ling

Post by Lumbermancer » #180055

A number of undercover operatives are deployed on the station, their goal is to assume the identity of key personnel and evacuate with the ultimate goal of infiltrating Centcom.

You may think we already have traitor objective like this, but it's not exactly the same. You are not to simply pose as your mark, you are to BECOME it. And you will do it with the help of two very important tools:

-Shapeshifting Matrix: It will allow you to become your target on a genetic level IF you will manage to obtain all the data needed to reform you.
-The Gun: instakilling, single-shot, point-blank weapon tuned specifically to your target, unlocking only after Shapeshifting Matrix gathered all the ingredients.

To use the Matrix you will need to carefully stalk and observe your target to get their: a) voice print, b) fingerprint, c) DNA.

Voiceprint shouldn't be hard to record, just find something to record it with. A voice recorder or universal recorder will do. Just strike a friendly conversation.

Did HoP just drank a can of soda and threw empty away? Go fast and pick it up like a savvy hobo, and feed the fingerprints to your Matrix.

DNA can be difficult to obtain. Basically you want your target to bleed, but not too much (more on that later). It could be as easy as running up to HoP and smacking him in the face with the crowbar, and then using the blood on the crowbar on your Matrix. But that may rouse suspicion and will definitely put Sec onto you.

Finally, after The Matrix is complete, The Gun unlocks and you are ready to finish the job. You have only one shot, so you need to take your time. The Gun not only kills your target dead instantly, but it fills the body with nanobots that will work together with The Matrix - this means that the target MUST be killed by The Gun. You can't use it on a person in critical state because nanobots use an electrical potential of nervous system to activate - and they need all of it. No dead bodies either.

After the unlucky individual lays dead, all you need to do is slap the Shapeshifting Matrix at the body and wait it do the rest: you will get instantly transformed into another human bean, bluespace mini-teleport will transfer all his belongings and items to you, and the dead carcass will be dissolved. Unfortunately the act of dissolving the body leaves quite visible scorched mark on the floor, so while you don't have to deal with the body disposal, a burned-in human figure in the carpet in HoP's office might just raise some eyebrows. And you can't remove it without busting a hole into the space. So you might just want to kidnap your victim into more secluded location prior to their execution.

All you have to do now is wait patiently, play your role (with the help of victim's vocabulary - changeling style), and leave this station in one piece.


Well that's it. My idea for a new antag/mode. It's pretty rough, probably flawed, and I'm not quite sure what would be the best implementation of it: solo mode, coupled with tators as a ling replacement, or maybe even with something silly like ayys.

The idea was to:

a) Make it about stealth and subterfuge, all the way through.
b) Prevent murderboner, more so, make antag need to keep his target safe from harm.
c) Do not disrupt the round.

Unfortunately I recently learned that no one gives a flying fuck about civilian roles, which this "mode" was meant to help facilitate, they want all antags all the time. Hence we may be entering the new era of permanent team-deathmatch conversion, and such new antag (in whatever final form) is doomed to failure.

But I had this sitting in my draft box for a while now, so I decided to post it anyway, for memes sake. Rip and tear.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Corporate Espionage - a cross between Tator and Ling

Post by DemonFiren » #180061

Replace The Gun with FOXDIE, and I'm in.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Corporate Espionage - a cross between Tator and Ling

Post by allura » #180101

this sounds incredibly cool, but also like a lot of effort and not really enough for a full game mode. like, it's a traitor who only has the tools to kill and become one person. eventually people will get bored of just doing that and do shit like killing a bunch of people, then becoming their target to get the heat off of them, and then kill even more people with their extended access. maybe it should be extended to have to collect the dna/voice matrix/fingerprint of several people, and you have the option to become which ever you want.
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