Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

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Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by John_Oxford » #206641

tl;dr: You are now big boss.

Krav Maga is now seperated into three skill level types.
Apprentice, Adept, and Master.

All three of these have implants and gloves relevant to their use.

The warden's krav maga gloves are Adept Gloves, and are now a traitor steal objective.

+Lung Punch
+Throat Chop
+Leg Sweep
+30% chance to block unarmed attacks
+10% chance to parry unarmed attacks and knock them down for 3 seconds

+Lung Punch
+Throat Chop
+Leg Sweep

+40% chance to block unarmed attacks
+Disarms put the disarmed item into your hand
+30% chance to parry unarmed attacks and knock them down for 5 seconds
+When using riot shields, 10% chance to leg sweep with the shield which knocks down for a few seconds longer than a normal shield

+When using riot shields, as opposed to bashing, you will use swipes and pushes.
-Pushing moves them back a tile and knocks them down for 2.5 seconds
-Swiping has a 20% to knock the item they are carrying out of their hand and does a little less damage than a bash

+Grabbing someone will put them into a submission hold IF you are behind them

-First Stage- Resistable, takes five seconds to resist out of. Subject is unable to move, and drops all of their inhand items. Disarming someone in this stage flips them over your shoulder stunning them for 10 seconds and knocking them down

-Second Stage- Unresistable, subject will recieve red lines of text stating (THIS HURTS! MAKE IT STOP!) subject is unable to move, look into their backpack, or speak on comms, they will take three oxyloss every second they are in this stage.

-Third Stage- Unresistable, snaps the subjects neck, instantly killing them, only if the other hand is empty. If a sharp one handed weapon is in the other hand, it slits their throat which sprays blood two tiles infront of them. 60% to decap if its with a cleaver or sword. If the blade is sharpened, this goes up by 20% globally, meaning blades that don't decap have a 20% chance to, and swords and cleavers have a 80% chance to. If a blunt long item (metal rod, stun baton) is in the other hand, they will begin to take 10 oxyloss per second, eventually going into crit from oxyloss.
-Grabbing someone on the floor immediately puts them into the second stage.
-Dead bodies have a 100% chance to decap if they are on the third stage.
-It takes 6 seconds to go from the first stage to the second stage
-It takes 10 seconds to go from the second stage to third stage
-Verb in the Krav Maga Tab to toggle between neck snap and item usage. Item usage uses the item in your opposite hand to kill them, neck snap will always be unarmed

+Throwing any knife will give you a 60% chance to imbed
-Has the same sound as a bola throw
-Spins your person when you throw it (like dual energy swords)

+Throwing any sword has a 30% chance to decapitate the targeted limb, otherwise its a 40% chance to imbed.
-Same sound as a bola throw, just slowed down a little bit.
-Spins your person, would be the same annimation that 47 uses in the new hitman game to throw fireaxes

+You automatically catch any;
-Primed Grenades
-Metal Tiles
-Glass Shards
-Unprimed Grenades
-You have a 5% chance to kick a primed explosive 6 tiles away from you in any direction if it lands one tile away from you (1% chance to automatically detonate the primed explosive)
-+ A verb to toggle all of these, including percentages, will be accessable under a Krav Maga tab

+Leg Sweep
+Lung Punch
+Throat Chop
+Disorient Combatant

-The next person to run past you with a intent other than help gets knocked down for 5 seconds
-Must be running in the opposite direction to you for this to work, will not work on someone running at you

-Headbutting bare headed will knock the person you are attacking out
-Headbutting without headgear onto someone that has headgear will do nothing
-Headbutting someone with headgear on who has headgear on will disorient you both
-Headbutting someone wearing a hardsuit when you are wearing no headgear will disorient you
-Headbutting someone with a hardsuit on who is wearing headgear will disorient them
-Headbutting someone with a hardsuit who has no head gear on will knock them out

+Disorient Combatant
-You will take any item you can pick up near you and automatically throw it at the person, once a item is thrown, you wont pick it up again
-Knives and Swords are thrown how a master throws them, holding the same statistics.
-Doing this move against another krav maga master will result in him kicking all of the items away

+60% to block unarmed attacks
+40% chance to parry and knock them down for 10 seconds
+10% to stab them with their own weapon apon attack if they are attacking you with something sharp, embedding it

+When using riot shields
-10% raw buff to projectile deflection
-Attack Types are Swipes, Pushes, and Overhead Slams, and charges.
-Overhead slams knock the target down and stun them for 5 seconds, 20% chance to knock out
-Swipes have a 55% chance to knock the items in their hand out, does the same damage as a normal bash at master level. Missing gives a 10% chance to hit them in the head instead, knocking them out.
-Pushes have a 70% chance to move the target back three tiles, them hitting a object three tiles behind them knocks them down. They will drop all inhand items on the tile they were standing before they were pushed.
-Charges have a 60% chance to knock the target down, and do 30 brute apon contact. Missing will move you to the tile behind them if it is empty. This is the only attack with a hotkey to activate.

+When using energy shields
-20% raw buff to projectile deflection
-Attack Types are Swipes, Pushes, and Overhead Slams, and charges.
-Overhead slams knock the target down and stun them for 5 seconds, 20% chance to knock out
-Swipes have a 45% chance to cut off arms, otherwise it does the same damage as a normal energy shield bash.. Missing gives a 10% chance to hit them in the head instead, decapitating them.
-Pushes have a 70% chance to move the target back three tiles, them hitting a object three tiles behind them knocks them down. They will drop all inhand items on the tile they were standing before they were pushed.
-Charges have a 60% chance to knock the target down, and do 60 brute apon contact. Missing will move you to the tile behind them if it is empty. This is the only attack with a hotkey to activate.

+When using stun batons
-Harm batons have a 10% higher chance to knock down or knock out.
-Disarm attempts while you are holding the stun baton are either parried, which stun the attacker, or blocked completely, which does 5 brute to one of their arms from hitting the metal rod
-You have a 5% faster click delay while using them, and your attacks are swipes, wide swipes, lunges, or sweeps. None of them have special effects, however
-Throwing stun batons stuns the person you throw them at.
-You will automatically catch thrown stun batons

+When using weapons with a magazine
-Activating guns no longer puts the magazine in your empty hand
-When you drop the magazine by activating it, if there is a mag in your other hand, it will automatically go into the gun.
-If there is a magazine that goes with your gun in one of your pockets, it will automatically go into the gun
-If you have a belt attachment containing magazines that go with your gun, dropping a magazine will automatically load the gun from that belt
-You automatically drop the speed loaders once you load them on revolvers.
-You hold the gun with a more tactical grip, disarms from attackers have a 30% chance to result in a automatic shot to the chest, and a 10% chance to result in a shot to the head

+When using shotguns
-Walking over a tile with shotgun shells on them and racking the shotgun will begin automatically loading them from the floor into your shotgun
-Having a single shotgun shell in your pocket and alt clicking it will automatically begin pulling shells from your other pocket, belt slot, and backpack into the gun
-You hold the gun with a more tactical grip, disarms have a 30% chance to bash the person in the head with the gun automatically, which has a 20% chance to knock them out and a 40% chance to knock them down

+You automatically catch any;
-Primed Grenades
-Metal Tiles
-Glass Shards
-Unprimed Grenades
-You have a 1% chance to dodge a bullet
-You have a 0.1% chance to catch a bullet and throw it back, this works for lasers to
-You have a 10% chance to automatically throw back a grenade to the person that it came from
-You have a 20% chance to kick a primed grenade in a random direction away from you (with a 1% chance that it imbeds in your leg)
-If you have a item in hand that you caught automatically and another item is thrown at you, you will begin kicking them away (starts at 90%, goes down by 1.5% everytime you kick away a item, you spin each time you kick)
-You have a 5% chance to kick a primed explosive 6 tiles away from you in any direction if it lands one tile away from you
-+ A verb to toggle all of these, including the precentages will be accessable under a Krav Maga tab

+Grabbing someone will put them into a submission hold IF they are facing any other direction besides directly towards you

-First Stage- Resistable, takes ten seconds to resist out of. Subject is unable to move, and drops all of their inhand items. Disarming someone in this stage flips them over your shoulder stunning them for 30 seconds and knocks them down

-Second Stage- Unresistable, subject will recieve red lines of text stating (THIS HURTS FUCKING BAD! MAKE IT STOP!) subject is unable to move, look into their backpack, or speak on comms, they will take four oxyloss every second they are in this stage. You will occasionally whisper "Where are your friends."

-Third Stage- Unresistable, snaps the subjects neck, instantly killing them, only if the other hand is empty. If a sharp one handed weapon is in the other hand, it stabs them in their throat which doesn't spray any blood. 70% to decap if its with a cleaver or sword. If the blade is sharpened, this goes up by 30% globally, meaning blades that don't decap have a 30% chance to, and swords and cleavers have a 90% chance to. If a blunt long item (metal rod, stun baton) is in the other hand, they will begin to take 10 oxyloss per second, eventually going into crit from oxyloss.
-Having a gun, silenced or not in the other hand will notify the target they have a gun pointed at their head and should comply with what they are being asked. Shooting the gun will make a silenced sound only head if you are two tiles away and cannot be heard through walls
-Verb in the Krav Maga Tab to toggle between neck snap and item usage. Item usage uses the item in your opposite hand to kill them, neck snap will always be unarmed
-Grabbing someone on the floor immediately puts them into the second stage
-Dead bodies have a 100% chance to decap if they are on the third stage.
-It takes 3 seconds to go from the first stage to the second stage
-It takes 5 seconds to go from the second stage to third stage

+Grenade Primer Time
-You will automatically cook greandes before you throw them
-Trying to throw a primed grenade when it hasen't reached its cook limit will simply just not work.
-Cook Limit is set in the Krav Maga tab as a verb labeled "Throwable Explosive Detonation Time". Between 0-5 seconds

+Charge Explsoive Time
-You will automatically set the time for a explosive if you plant it or access its detonation menu
-C4, X4, Syndicate Bombs. Basically
-Under the "Plantable Explosive Detonation Time" verb. Between 0 and 50,000 seconds.

+Nuclear Charge Plant Time
-Same as Charge Explosive Time, just for the two nuclear devices
-Set between 0 and 50,000 seconds.

+Wearing a eyepatch buffs every percentage by 1%
+Krav Maga Masters will always have infinite ! uses on cardboard boxes
+Krav Maga Masters can stand up in cardboard boxes and move at running speed.

Spawn Locations
Nuclear Operatives spawn at round start with Apprentice Implants
Nuclear Operatives can buy a Adept Implant for 4 TC
Nuclear Operatives can buy a Master Implant for 9 TC
Nuclear Operatives can buy Adept Gloves for 3 TC
Nuclear Operatives can buy Master Gloves for 8 TC
Wizards can purchase "Invoke CQC" for one spell point, with the description "Unlock the age old secrets of a warrior from long ago, who was a master of unarmed combat. His name is lost to the history books, the only literary evidence of his existance is his code name. Big Boss."
Deathsquad Officers always spawn with master gloves.
ERT Officers spawn with adept gloves in their lockers, colored to match their job.
A lockbox of Apprentice hand wraps spawns in the armory, basically just red hand wraps
Master Gloves are black and gold recolors of normal krav maga gloves.

its been a while, hope you kids didn't forget

papa oxfords back
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by D&B » #206646

Reads like fun but looks like hell to code and micromanage.
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #206648

I really wish I had the tenacity to actually write out my ideas like this.

Also, nobody is going to code this.
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by NikNakFlak » #206658

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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by PKPenguin321 » #206659

jesus christ and i thought fixing up regular krav was bad
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by John_Oxford » #206666

TechnoAlchemist wrote: Also, nobody is going to code this.
as always, you'd be hard pressed to find a fully coded out idea this complicated made on a whim. *except when goof sees it

NikNakFlak wrote:tl;dr
You become big boss
first line, you nigger
Last edited by John_Oxford on Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by iamgoofball » #206674

maybe one of these nights
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by NikNakFlak » #206684

fuck u faggot, not all of us play metal gear solid
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #206717

I love John oxford.
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by Falamazeer » #206743

NikNakFlak wrote:fuck u faggot, not all of us play metal gear solid
fuk u feggget Join the game that defines our generation.
Let he who hasn't snuck into a military compound with a cardboard box be stoned unto death.
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
NikNakFlak wrote:....It's true...that is why I removed my forum avatar
lumipharon wrote:ass parasite was pretty meh when I tried it.
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Re: Krav Maga II: The Second Coming

Post by calzilla1 » #208223

Warden final boss status when?
Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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