Security and Medical HUDs updating history

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Security and Medical HUDs updating history

Post by Orzorn » #16477

This is really important to me, more so the sec HUD, not so much the medical HUD. These should be able to update the target's history from the examine screen. So when you set a guy to arrest, you can also update his history from the examine screen and put the reason why you set him to arrest.

Additionally, this functionality could be added to the security and medbay PDAs, in case you need to update the arrest reason or add it after it not being there before without having to find the guy or to get the warden to do that for you.

Medbay could use theirs as well, but there's never many real reasons to have medical history on somebody, though medbay could use it to keep track of various shitters who come to medbay to steal stuff or try to get chemicals and whatnot.

I think this is a really important addition in terms of helping security out. In hectic rounds, you'll have people who were set to arrest coming in, people asking over the radio "Why is this [insert name] set to arrest?", hearing no answer, then it being left up to them to release them or brig them. It can get really, really hectic in heavy rounds. Having a security history that can be updated on the fly would let security instantly know why someone should be arrested, or even why someone is potentially dangerous even if they aren't set to arrest, such as if they've already served their time.

Having to keep mental tabs on every person I've set to arrest or seen can be really difficult at times, and we've already got the tools there to interact with history, but only the warden does, and he's usually busy actually running the brig to go back and set history on a computer.

Of course, just like setting people to arrest with a sec HUD, you should have to have the proper ID to change someone's security/medical history.
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