Default Lethal Weapons for Security

A place to record your ideas for the game.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 11:55 am
Byond Username: Tornadium

Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Tornadium » #117708

Bottom post of the previous page:

Tunder wrote:>2 shot stamina stun

It's 4 shots with 50% resist.

Can be nerfed down to say 40 stamina a shot for 3 shot stamina stun.

Adrenals counter stamina drain as does stimulants.
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Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Scones » #117718

Wyzack wrote:Holy shit amelius can you please attempt to have a civil conversation rather than blubbering like a child any time a new item for security is suggested jesus christ
Rhetorical question because we all know the answer is no
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha

Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Malkevin » #117720

Amelius wrote:Just give officers laser pistols with half the charge capacity of laser guns. Done.
You don't play security... do you?
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Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #117726

Tornadium wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Screemonster wrote:
Wyzack wrote:For the love of god the asspain in that PR thread is palpable. Can't we just give traitors cool new stuff as well, rather than letting everything fucking stagnate and never get new things because MUH BALANCE
no idea why they didn't show up in this thread when things were being discussed before any coding was done

They're showing up to bitch in the PR because they ignored the Idea Forum post, because they thought it was such an unbelievably bad idea it wouldn't be coded. Now it's been coded and put up for review, so they're signing up to github to say why they don't like it
Most of their thought process is pretty invalid, shit and out of touch with the current state of the game.
I was talking about all the players who keep popping out of the woodwork to bitch at PRs when they get posted, but not the forum threads. I mean, it's funnier to think that you think that the playerbase doesn't know what the game is, though.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 11:55 am
Byond Username: Tornadium

Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Tornadium » #117729

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Tornadium wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Screemonster wrote:
Wyzack wrote:For the love of god the asspain in that PR thread is palpable. Can't we just give traitors cool new stuff as well, rather than letting everything fucking stagnate and never get new things because MUH BALANCE
no idea why they didn't show up in this thread when things were being discussed before any coding was done

They're showing up to bitch in the PR because they ignored the Idea Forum post, because they thought it was such an unbelievably bad idea it wouldn't be coded. Now it's been coded and put up for review, so they're signing up to github to say why they don't like it
Most of their thought process is pretty invalid, shit and out of touch with the current state of the game.
I was talking about all the players who keep popping out of the woodwork to bitch at PRs when they get posted, but not the forum threads. I mean, it's funnier to think that you think that the playerbase doesn't know what the game is, though.
Judging by most of the irc chat, I can't say that they do know what the game is.
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Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by Stickymayhem » #117746

Or maybe when coders ignore forum feedback and all of them tell people to come to github to argue shit they GASP train players to wait for github to argue about shit

fucking insane right I never thought that could happen but telling people things can somehow like affect their behaviour or something??!!?!?!?
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Default Lethal Weapons for Security

Post by MisterPerson » #117788

Let's get back on topic and talk about the actual idea instead of letting personal insults and broad generalizations bog us down into useless town.
I code for the code project and moderate the code sections of the forums.

Feedback is dumb and it doesn't matter
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