Buffing unused content

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Buffing unused content

Post by Helios » #122619

There's lots of stuff in the game that are unused, and some minor buffs could make them more accessible. If you guys have any ideas of items that aren't used enough, throw them here.
I'll start.
Floral somatoray:Something I never see used in botany. If you could make hacking the Nutrimax give you one, it'd be used a lot more and give a minor buff to Botany.
Camera Tap:Something never used by traitors, and the stats of what items were picked use to back this up. Put it in the illegal tech tree of R&D.
Supressor: Give it whatever it is attached to the crossbow effect. No message when fired, no message when put into pocket or bag, no noise when taking it out of bag.
I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head beyond stuff that would be very difficult to buff/are RP focused, like Chameleon stamp.
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Re: Buffing unused content

Post by newfren » #122620

The reason I never use the floral somatoray is that it only gives you small mutations, the sort you'd get from 1 unit of mutagen at a time, whereas I basically only ever want large mutations, the sort you get from 2 units at a time.

It also can't induce species mutations so I'd need to get mutagen anyway, and the yield increase is almost never useful considering I could just... plant 2 of the plant I want if I really need that much more yield.
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Re: Buffing unused content

Post by lumipharon » #122621

Floral somatory has no downside however, and can be spammed infinitely, where as with mutagen you need to refill. It only doesn't get used often because it involves R&D doing their job, then usually botany actually asking for one (they almost never do).

Camera bug got recently buffed (has all the upgrades by default, costs cheaper). However, A:most people have never even tried it/are aware of the buffs, and B: It's always going to be a niche item since it's not relevent to murderboning.

Suppressor already equals no fire message - mini-ebows make no notification of storing it because it's a small item, where as every single gun that can fit a silencer is a normal sized item (stechkin becoming normal sized when you put a silencer on it). It's over priced as fuck though, for what it does - it should only cost 1 or 2 tc at most.

Edit: As for other things that could use a buff...

Cavity implant costs 8tc. That's a fucking lot. It's a really cool item but most traitors can't afford to waste almost half of their tc's on an item that is only useful if you're expecting to get searched or something.
Although one day I want to break someone out of perma by getting sent to perma myself, with a fully assembled borg body + syndicate MMI inside the implant, or something equally rediculous.

Ammo for both the revolver and pistol should be cheaper - since it basically means you have to get access to a hacked autolathe if you plan on shooting more then 1 or 2 people, as the ammo is currently fairly pricey.

Throwing stars are utterly shit outside of c4 gimmicks - because they are thrown, not fired, you get this huge ass message announcing to anyone on screen that you're attacking someone with traitor items.
They are also fairly unwieldy since you have to pull them out one by one to throw.
Ideally, throwing stars should be a stackable item, and you just click with the stack (like a gun) and it "throws(ie:shoots)" a star in that direction, silently.

Power sink is a great item, and should be way more viable then it is. Cutting all power, which means lights, doors, comms etc, MASSIVELY frees up what all antags can do, as they are suddenly able to sneak around unnoticed, break into places without emags, and do nasty things to people without getting ratted out on comms.
Power sinks should cost a bit less (currently 10tc), and drain more power/last longer, since they're pretty easy to find unless you hide them behind 2 layers of walls etc.
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Re: Buffing unused content

Post by newfren » #122624

The downside to the floral somatoray is that it can't do large mutations - When you can just take a quick trip to cargo to get large beakers (which is basically on your way, as you need to get tools to hack the vendors with from primary tool storage) then chemistry gives you as much mutagen as you want (unless they're the sort of cuck that gives you three bottles then acts shocked when you come back in 2 minutes needing more).
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Re: Buffing unused content

Post by Scones » #122628

Unused does not mean things are bad
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Buffing unused content

Post by CPTANT » #122659

Grenades are so underused.

The smoke nerf really made them so impractical.

How many times have you ever been killed by a smoke grenade?

I suggest the following for grenades:

1. remove the requirement to also need an igniter when using a timer/signaller etc to activate the nade. (mixing up chemical mixes is already a decent amount of work, and you already need to add that timer/signaller anyway)
2. rebuff smoke effects.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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