cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by DemonFiren » #79307

Bottom post of the previous page:

Cataclysm DDA: Grey Tide Simulator 2015.

non-lizard things:
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #79311

Give me goals guys. Making autismforts from scratch is way to tedious and annoying, and i have exhasted the NPC quests
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #79317

Build a murderbike from the ground up, using an actual bicycle if possible.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132880

Necroing this dead thread. Started playing CATA again on the latest experimental build, marked improvements since the last time i played. Cool monster infighting system, a few new scenarios, new mods, other stuff.

My current character was made using the helicopter crash scenario. Military recruit with some pretty decent gear, and krav maga training. Upon start he is fucking nearly dead and badly bleeding from 4 places due to the crash. Cut up a nearby jumpsuit and manage to staunch the flow. NPC who started with me wants me to go kill a jabberwock, okay sure whatever. Check my map, i am really close to a small town of like 6 buildings with a pharmacy in it. Hoof it over there, grab some medicine to patch myself up and hole up with a few books to read.

Next day i clear out the handful of zeds in the town, load my rifle and head over to where the jabberwock was sighted. Fucker comes at me like a frieght train, unload my entire magazine but it does not quite die. Go time motherfucker. Take out my combat knife and adopt my Krav Maga stance. After an intense battle i manage to put the multi limbed horror down, but am all fucked up again. Retreat back to my small town, read a book on tailoring and repair all my shit.

Go back and talk to my heli-crash buddy. She is named Sparrow and wearing redneck hunter gear. Maybe she was the pilot, i dunno. She says that we should team up and go kill 100 zombies together. Sure whatever. Take her to my little safety town and have her guard my safehouse. Head to the nearby much larger city, hammer out an improvised lockpick and get slaying. There is another NPC nearby that helps me wipe out a horde around a gun shop. Says he is a medic, but declines to follow me. Shame. Anyways, pick into the gun store, grab a mossberg, a nice 38 revolver and an MP5 with ammo for each. Good haul for how easy it was to get.

I am digging the more fleshed out NPC questlines. My goal for this playthrough is to max all my crafting skills and set up a nice metalsmiths forge and workshop, as well as recruit as many NCPs as i can to populate my little town. I fucking love this game
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132884

Are you playing with the sound pack installed? I can't remember if it comes with the exp builds, and it really makes the game 100x more enjoyable for me

This is an auto download link like when you open it it starts downloading; it's about 61MB
[[ ]]

You just extract the stuff from catasounds's data folder and put them in your cdda data folder and overwrite anything it conflicts with. Here is a playlist of a guy I watch that I found the soundpack from, you can hear it in his videos just skip around a bit and you can hear the things it adds. ... KzRvf-2-7y

I've been playing the willing lab mutant start about 5 times but gave up because I keep running into turrets with safemode off and die after hours of looting. My last few guys I've been doing the School scenario as Survialist Jr. and survived 4 explosions from a minefield because I couldn't see it. Unfortunately I died later on to an asshole NPC because he told me to fuck off so I start to leave and he shoots me anyway.

I've been wasting my time today doing nothing but seeing your post has made me start up the game again, we'll see how it goes I guess
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #132885

I started with the bow hunter profession and this is the longest I've survived in a dozen characters. It's annoying how high you have to get your skill to actually be able to make functional arrows, though.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132886

Man i had no idea there was a soundpack, totally installing that one! And i totally feel you on the lab builds. I had one where i was a martial artist and found some bear serum really early on, and then died a stupid fucking death to a turret. So frustrating
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132888

FUCKING ASSHOLE! I convinced an NPC shitter to follow me, but then i couldnt get him to 'stand watch' in my secure town. Whatever, i figure he can help me meet my goal of killing 100 zombies. We head towards town, two tough zombies come at me. The dumb shitter attacks a nearby raccoon with a projectile of some kind. I dont think much of it and dispatch the zeds. Too late I realize he threw a stick of fucking dynamite. At a raccoon. He had already beat the poor creature to death by the time the explosion happened. The dumb faggot was immolated by the explosion, and i got really hurt. Fucking NPCs man.

EDIT: So i have placed the sound files in my game folder but i am not getting any sound, even on a new world/character. I checked the options but i am not seeing one for enabling sound.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132902

Wyzack wrote: EDIT: So i have placed the sound files in my game folder but i am not getting any sound, even on a new world/character. I checked the options but i am not seeing one for enabling sound.
weird. at the main menu options under graphics at the bottom I have a sound and music volume setting. Are you sure you pasted them into the right place? I just updated to the latest exp build and plooped the sounds in and it works for me
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132904

Downloaded the new latest experimental just to try it, still nothing. Graphics options just has the stuff about animation and terminal height/width
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132906

maybe try this instead, it's the same install as the last pack. just unzip it and copy it into your main data folder and overwrite anything else.

if this fails maybe I should just zip up my copy and send it to you, cause I can get sounds to work for me

edit: what os are you using?
Last edited by TheWiznard on Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132907

could it possibly be an OS issue?
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132909

Yeah that did'nt work either
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132910

what os are you using?
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132911

Windows 8.0. I hate it, but when i tried to update to 8.1 i had a nasty crash and had to system restore
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132912

Wyzack wrote:Windows 8.0. I hate it, but when i tried to update to 8.1 i had a nasty crash and had to system restore
I have 8.1 so I don't think it's your OS. I'll go ahead and start uploading my copy to my slow ass upload speed, maybe that'll work
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132913

Thanks man, appreciate it. Watching Rycon's playthrough right now, the sounds are awesome
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:49 pm
Byond Username: TheWiznard
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132920

I pm'd it to you
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Super Aggro Crag
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #132929

this is my favorite "roguelike"
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #132935

Observations: bows are silent, you can recover ammo, and arrows are relatively easy to make, but they fire really slowly, even if you're drawing from a quiver. In the time it takes to get a shot off anything above a crawler is gonna cut the distance between you in half.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Super Aggro Crag
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #132939

you know what else is silent? pneumatic bolt launchers.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #132943

Super Aggro Crag wrote:you know what else is silent? pneumatic bolt launchers.
I'll need to figure out how to make one of those, those sound fun.

Also, word of advice: spraycan flamethrowers are an OUTSIDE weapon only.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:49 pm
Byond Username: TheWiznard
Github Username: TheWiznard

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #132944

I tried a hospital scenario start and I managed to stumble out of the hospital followed by a huge horde of zombies out onto the street, the hospital was away from the town covered in a forest. I stumbled to the street and smashed into an ambulance and all the zombies rushed that thing and tore it to shreds while I made my escape.

only to get fucked over by a giant jumping wolf spider that poisoned me to death before I could make it to town

edit: does anyone ever NOT take nightvision? I just seriously cannot play without taking it, I always take the far-sighted trait though too, where you can't read w/o glasses, because it's kind like me I guess lol
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #132956

It worked! Praise the honkmother! Also fuggin tileset, I guess I will give it a shot. Accidentally got the clown mauled to death too.

Also yeah night vision is critical for sure
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: Wyzack

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133101

So after asking around on the forums it seems that sounds only work with the tiles version of the game and not the console version that i was using. I will miss my ASCII but i am getting used to it.

In other news Sean Duncan is really coming in to his own in the apocalypse. While following up the jabberwock questline him and his sidekick Sparrow ended up killing a huge horde including 3 necros a hulk and a master, Culminating in a lucky dynamite throw collapsing an office tower on top of the master and a bunch of the horde. Nearly died to the hulk but they both made it out okay. We also grabbed an extra NPC as part of the quest chain, but unfortunately it is unfinished and the chain ends there.

My goals now are to train up my crafting skills and obtain all the stuff i need for a full metalsmithing forge and ammo press, as well as recruiting new members to the group and building palisade walls.

Pro tip, if you build a sign or bulliten board you can designate an area as your base and tell any follower to wait there, even if they dont trust you. NPCs can also be told to not take items and not smash obstacles, so it is no longer a burden to keep them in your safehouse.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
certified good poster
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Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:59 am
Byond Username: EndgamerAzari
Location: Being violently sucked into a hole in the sky.

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133104

I somehow had two Jabberwocks spawn and they beat the shit out of each other. I managed to two-shot the remaining one as it half-assedly tried to maul me.

Too bad that character died. He lasted pretty long, for one of mine.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:32 pm
Byond Username: Wyzack

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133107

That is awesome, jabberwocks are tough. How did he die?
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133109

Pro tip: never attempt the broken cyborg lab start. It's not worth it..

Managed to make a good start as a school delinquent looted a gun store and military surplus store that were literally across the street from the school. After looting the mil surplus I had to hop in a car to get outta dodge. As I'm driving away I lose control and slam into another car and get pretty beat up. On the outskirts of town I loot a few houses and the last one has a basement. Turned out to be a gambler den filled with booze. Not much loot so I go back upstairs and get mauled to death by a swarm of soldier/worker ants. The end

When I do none school scenario starts I tend to name my guy "Djingle Django" and then a "v1.0" increased by 1 every death
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133113

Wyzack wrote:That is awesome, jabberwocks are tough. How did he die?
I forget, exactly. I think a smoker zombie managed to get too close to me after I tangled with something feral, and for some reason I couldn't get away from him. He must've grabbed me, and a couple more zombies piled on and tore me apart.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133143

One of my best characters last time a played was a cata version of my spaceman character. Caleb Robinson, chain smoking alchoholic police detective.

Also holy shit soldier zombies are harder to kill than i remember
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133214

>bottom of a mine start
>invest a point into bashing weapons
>nothing eventful in mines except some toxic gas
>ride elevator to freedom
>find bike outside mine entrance in parking lot
>ride to nearby ranch
>nothing good in the house except food
>open the barn
>its a fucking bandit bulldozer with a flamethrower on it
>check the other barn and find a toolbox (holy shit these things are awesome)
>sleep till dawn (I start new games at 23 hour idk why I set it to this but I kinda like it)
>ride bandit dozer outside barn
>test out flamethrower
>holy shit glorious flames
>ride down road
>find mil. surplus and gunstore
>zombie brute busts down wall/window of gunstore and sets off alarm *WEEEWOOOWEEEWOO* sound is blaring and really annoying lol
>burn it with fire
>oh shit the bulldozer caught on fire
>escape as the gas tank explodes into flames
>zombie horde approaching blaring alarm
>escape into subway
>run around for 45 minutes can't find a way out
>find sewer part
>run through sewers until suddenly a swarm of sewerannahs appear (Sewer fucking pirannahs)
>make it back to subway tunnel
>sewer rat attacking me
>try to attack it with crowbar (a bashing weapon)
>can't hit it at all
>not encumbered
>drop all my clothes
>still can't hit it at all
>still trying to hit it for 50 turns
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133215

fugg man that is rough. I am just kinda surviving right now, studying all these books so i can upgrade my electric car and start metalworking. I have a forge now but the charcoal kiln takes for fucking ever to make charcoal. There is a nearby lab that i will probably go and raid as soon as i get some solar panels on my car and unload all the logs from my trunk
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133252

Does anyone know what book you find the recipie for medical mutagen and serum in? I have like 4 lab books and none of them have the recipie
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133254

I remember that there are a couple serum recipes found in weird places, like maintenance logs or things like that. Standpipe logs or something.

You ever get so mutated/tekked up that you start having nightmares about not being human/get addicted to augmentation?
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133257

Oh addicted to mutagen for sure. My best character ever was my cybered up lizard man i wrote about last time this thread was popular. Had just about every CBM and lizard mutation under the sun. He was a chainsmoking lizard cyborg with a katana, leather trenchcoat and 44 magnum revolver. Dude was like an edgy devientart character but man did he kick ass
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by DemonFiren » #133259

I need to get away from KSP and back into this shit, man, somebody convince me to be edgier than Wyzack.

non-lizard things:
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133273

Okay picking the blackbelt start is pretty much cheating IMHO (but now I know what i'm starting every game as LOL). For 8 starting points you get: dodge 8, Melee 8, Unarmed 8. Then you get to choose one of the karate/other asian fighting styles for free. I took farsighted and savant, and some good traits like deft and quick (also venom mob; chose scorpion). And I put a single level into unarmed so it would be my highest skill (and benefit from savant). Then I chose to spawn in a a military surplus store and got all that sick loot. The starting NPC wanted antibiotics and gave me a free military utility waist vest thing, that fits me.

I chose Karate btw, it seemed like the best fighting style I could make use of, maybe could do more dmg if picked another style idk, anyway. I can fucking three hit normal zombies WITH MY BARE FISTS. I do like 30 dmg on the low end and with crits I've seen it go up to 75 dmg. Also because of karate I get a free dodge after I attack and I'm pretty much invincible so far. I have slightly more trouble w/ special zombies like shock/grabber/screecher but they still die in like under 10 punches. I found a shopping cart and looted lots of houses before making my way to an abandoned evac shelter where I dropped some stuff off and plan to make my base, there doesn't seem to be any horrible ant nest/spore/swamp shit around so hopefully it'll work out. I need to loot a library next and start reading my ass off.

edit: and punches are pretty much 100% silent so I can beat down a horde of zombies at night and they don't all rush me
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133281

Dude you want real easy mode take venom mob protege and get scorpion style. I have killed hulks because you stun so often and do 130 dmg crits
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
Github Username: TheWiznard

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133285

Wyzack wrote:Dude you want real easy mode take venom mob protege and get scorpion style. I have killed hulks because you stun so often and do 130 dmg crits
I did take scorpio style but I haven't been using it, I'll have to give it a shot
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133288

Like in real life, karate is kinda dull but solid. The way it ups your chance to block and allows those free hits after you punch makes it great for soloing monsters. I used to take it with the Bionic Patient background so I could fire up my pneumatic muscles and just punch through things.

Some of the other martial arts styles are fun, but not as practical. I had some fun with Tae Kwon Do a while back, but I'm not sure how useful it really is--normally you want to lure enemies into hazards and beat on them there, but TKD can send them flying all over the place. As hilarious as that is, it can get frustrating.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Byond Username: Wyzack

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133294

Fuck this tileset i just wandered in to not one not two but three landmines because i was speedrunning and did not see the signs. Fuck.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Super Aggro Crag
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #133299

my strongest character started out an unwilling mutant and has become a cybernetic squidperson who peels apart hulks with their bare tentacles
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133308

Squidform a shit. My faves are lizard, alpha and elf. I also like medical just because the thought of a hapless apocalypse warrior who feels nothing and gets his shit pushed in on a regular basis only to heal right back up appeals to me for some reason. I also want to make a woodsman and take a shitload of Ursine serum to become Beorn
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133310

I futzed around with Scorpion kung fu during my lunch break and encountered similar problems to TKD: while it's fun to boot zombies around like flesh-hungry footballs, it prevents you from picking off one monster at a time and makes you waste time running up to them to finish them before their buddies swarm you.

Still fun, though.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133314

This is my mother base right now
I built about half of the palisade myself before i got deathly fucking sick of carting logs around and spawned the rest with the map editor. Gonna dig pits around and fill em with spikes, and arm those mooks with firearms for when i reenable hordes. My base is in the house to the south, and i have most of a metalworking station here. Just need a swage and die set to really get going with it. Been grinding up cooking from a few book so i can start churning out medical serum and become an immortal wasteland god
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
Github Username: TheWiznard

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133326

>load game
>switch to scorpio fu
>zombie runs up to me
>1 shot swatted

I then proceed to sit behind a door and decimate a horde of zombies. I found the RJ something something rifle that's like worth $10k, and a ton of ammo for it but I'm seriously thinking about just dropping it since it's pretty much worthless right now lol.
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133327

Im telling you man, even zombie hulks cant touch you. Shit is cray. I have piles and piles of ammo now but i want to start making my own power and shit for my flintlocks just for coolness sake. I also enabled the arcane mod and i have a ton of artifact magic weapons and evil arcane tomes and such. Not really fucking with it at the moment as my chemistry pursuits are taking precedence.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: Wyzack

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133342

God damn it. Finally had the recipie for medical mutagen, ran back to the lab to grab some reagents. ran into a turret room. Ripperoni. FUCK. Probably going to gen a whole new world and cheat my character up a bit. I am stating to tire of the early game

EDIT: also wiz i never gave you credit for making that clown the epitome of the SS13 clown. Psychopath, cannibal, it all fit
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
certified good poster
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:32 pm
Byond Username: Wyzack

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by Wyzack » #133371

Tripleposting for holy fuck how does anyone ever play with wander spawns enabled? I start near a town of about 7-10 buildings, kills some zeds and sleep in the basement. Next day there are blinking Zs literally all over the map, entire town is swamped by more zombies than i have ever seen even in a city center. I try to run away, but just hit more and more zombies and then die. Jesus
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Byond Username: TheWiznard
Github Username: TheWiznard

Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by TheWiznard » #133373

Wyzack wrote:Tripleposting for holy fuck how does anyone ever play with wander spawns enabled? I start near a town of about 7-10 buildings, kills some zeds and sleep in the basement. Next day there are blinking Zs literally all over the map, entire town is swamped by more zombies than i have ever seen even in a city center. I try to run away, but just hit more and more zombies and then die. Jesus
yeah that rycon guy plays with wander spawns on and I'm just like "uhhh fuck no". I can barely stand having random chucklefuck NPC's spawning out of nowhere attacking me

edit: but I also increase the size of cities to like 7. so there are more zombies
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Re: cataclysm dark days ahead- You just cant win

Post by EndgamerAzari » #133377

>Try to go down to the basement of the shelter
"You feel intense heat coming from down there! Proceed?"
>Think "Oh shit, it must be on fire, better see how bad it is."
>Fall into a magma vein
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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