Gamemode - Takeover (Name pending)

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Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:08 am
Byond Username: Chiefwaffles

Gamemode - Takeover (Name pending)

Post by Chiefwaffles » #140008

This is more or less a (very complicated) pipe dream, but I like it and figure I may as well post it for the world to see.
Names all pending. Every name, including the gamemode name and antagonists' name. I hate naming things. I also may have forgotten a few things, but I don't think so at this point.

I'd think Takeover would best be described as a combination of Hand of God and Nuclear Operatives/Gang. The gist of it is that a lone antag gets assigned objectives that are replaced by more as time goes on. Except the antagonist has the ability to build their own base, get their own gear, weaponry, and new operatives.

One person at roundstart is selected as the Tele-Operative (NAME SUPER PENDING). Henceforth referred to as the Operative. The operative has a list of 1-3 simple objectives (kill, capture person, steal item, etc.). They also start with one extra item in their inventory - the TeleBeacon marker. Once activated and thrown/dropped, it spawns the...

The TeleBeacon is the heart of the antagonists' operations. If destroyed, the antagonists lose the round.
The TeleBeacon is used for 3 (maybe 4) things:
  • 'Turning in' Objectives. By bringing the item/corpse/person/etc. required by a specific objective, an Operative can warp out the objective item and complete the objective. More on this in Objectives.
  • Creating Structure Markers. Structure markers are placed in a specific location to warp in a new base structure there on a timer. More on this in Base Construction.
  • Base 'heart'. Already covered this, but the TeleBeacon serves as the method for the crew to earn a Major Victory.
  • If the idea for Syndicate Major Victory is unchanged, the TeleBeacon is also the thing Operatives have to use for a victory.
Decomposing Corpses/Reinforcements
I wanted to have the Operatives grow in number but conversion gamemodes are a bit overdone at this point in my opinion.
Therefore they have a mechanic similar to but not quite exactly the same as conversion.

Operatives bring corpses to a Corpse Decomposer (NAME PENDING) to turn into Organic TeleCrystals (oTC. see Currencies)
oTC can be used at another structure (Either the Corpse Decomposer, TeleBeacon, or another structure. Unsure. I'll just assume TeleBeacon for now, but open to feedback on this one even more so.) to 'exchange' for calling in another Operative. Though the oTC exchange ratio isn't 1:1 - you can't just turn one corpse into one operative. I'm thinking three corpses worth of oTC for an operative? And no, monkeys don't count.

Once purchased with enough oTC, a more-or-less naked (just basic clothing) Operative arrives at the [TeleBeacon], with the same objectives as the other Operatives. Note: There is no specific leader in Takeover, including the first Operative.

Also, Operatives all have their own radio channel, probably syndicate, to communicate in.

Note: All currencies aren't physical at all. Meaning that there's no way for them to be stolen/lost/etc., and any methods of gathering TC will apply instantly for every member.

Small Telecrystals (sTC) - sTC is basically the main currency, and is used to warp in most of the 'mainstay' items used by the Operatives. The lone Operative starts with a small budget of sTC, and more sTC is earned via completing objectives, decomposing corpses, possibly turning in regular TeleCrystals into the TeleBeacon, and poszsibly also 'passive income' buildings that have to be placed across the station. See the Passive Income section for possible 'passive income' concepts.
Still trying to think of more ways to earn sTC. Basically it should be a resource that has to be watched, but it isn't necessarily sparse. You should always have some on hand, but you shouldn't be able to buy whatever you want?

Organic TeleCrystals (oTC) - Covered in Decomposing Corpses/Reinforcement, oTC is used only for summoning reinforcements, and is gained by decomposing corpses at the Corpse Decomposer. (See Corpse Decomposer under Structure Ideas for more on the process). oTC cannot be gained by decomposing anything other than actual main player races (Plasmamen/Lizards/Human), and all races give the same amount.

Major TeleCrystals (mTC) - By exchanging any other type of TC except for oTC at the TeleCrystal Refracturer (name pending, and see Structure Ideas) for various ratios, Operatives gain mTC. mTC is used at the TeleBeacon for creating Structure Markers. See Base Construction for more. First Operative starts with a small budget of mTC to use for building the beginnings of their base.

Volatile TeleCrystals (vTC) - Special TC gained only by completing objectives. vTC can be exchanged at its own production structure for much better gear and items. Things like mechs, higher-end nuke op stuff, etc.

Base Construction
Base Construction is pretty simple. Spend varying amounts of mTC at the TeleBeacon to 'buy' Structure Markers. Activate a Marker while it's in your hands, and throw it/drop it (if you're not cool) at the desired location of the structure. The structure will then 'warp in', possibly with a cool effect, for a certain amount of time depending on the building (like 1/2 minutes), then you can use that structure.

Structures can be pretty varying. Ideally there'd be a ton of structures (like cult runes?) with different functions inspiring different base layouts for different rounds. More Production (Read: Structures that warp in items) Structures can be built to reduce the effect of the individual cooldowns after warping in items (see Gear), or other structures can be built for other things, like defense, surveillance, etc.

All structures can be destroyed via regular damage methods.

Gear is 'warped in' at various structures in exchange for TC, and each structure has a cooldown before being able to warp in more gear, depending on what was warped in last.
Every Operative starts with no gear but basic clothes (and in the case of the first Operative, their crewmember clothing), and has to warp in gear to equip themselves.

The gear acquired via sTC is basically the mainstay gear. Not quite at the quality of the more-expensive Traitor items and Nuke Op items, sTC gear would most likely be found on just about any equipped operative at any point other than midgame (and even then. They'd have to complete a lot of objectives to get enough vTC for equipping every single operative). Stuff like armor, guns, weapons, etc.
sTC gear can be 'cool' (like noslips), but none of the sTC gear would stand out by themselves.

Then you have gear acquired via vTC. This stuff is the motivation for getting vTC, and therefore completing objectives. vTC gear is very varied, and basically covers all the 'cool' traitor/nuke op items not bought by sTC. Things like Mechs, special ammo, etc. Very late-game, an operative could be decked out in (almost?) entirely vTC gear and be almost unstoppable.

Objectives aren't the main focus of the gamemode, and are simply a way for getting vTC/extra sTC.
The Operative team as a whole gets assigned 1-3 objectives at a time, and the objectives are all fairly simple. Killing someone, Capturing someone alive, Stealing an item, etc.

All objectives are turned in at the TeleBeacon. Once turned in, an amount of vTC+sTC based on the objective will be awarded to the team, and a new objective will be assigned to the team.

Possibly there's a max amount of objectives complete-ble?

The crew can win in only one way:
  • Destroying the TeleBeacon. By destroying it, the crew immediately get a Major Victory. The 'main' way to win.
The operatives can win in the following ways:
  • Escaping. The shuttle still works, and if the crew successfully escape via the shuttle, the Operatives will get a Minor Victory.
  • Major Victory for the Operatives. This I'm unsure on and would appreciate other ideas/feedback, but: Once enough vTC is gathered, the Operatives can initiate a countdown at their TeleBeacon to warp the entire station back to Syndicate space. Once the countdown completes, the Operatives will get a Major Victory.
Current Structure Ideas (Most of these are tentative, brainstorming-type ideas. More appreciated.)
Bluespace Interference Beacon - Through bluespace shenanigans, this structure prevents the calling of the shuttle. If placed after the shuttle is called, it only lengthens the time it takes for the shuttle to arrive and to take off.
Warp-pad? - Where new operatives are 'bought', and warp in at. Its function may be served by the Corpse Decomposer instead?
Turret? - Self explanatory.
Camera Feed Hijacker - An advanced camera console (like ones used by Abductors) that can be used by Operatives.
Heavy Explosives - Not really a structure, but used via markers. After it finishes warping in, it can be pushed around and activated with or without a timer for a rather large explosion. Expensive.
Life Sensor Name more pending than others. A structure that alerts Syndicate channel when a non-Operative is detected in its vicinity.
Light Beacon? - A toggle-able light source. For those bases in maintenance.
Bluespace Teleporter? - A short range teleporter that can be linked to one other teleporter. Allows teleportation of any entity between the two.
Production Buildings
Long-Range Telecrystal Converter (NAME SUPER PENDING) - The Converter is the sTC production building. By using it, Operatives get a menu of sTC items to spawn in. Every item spawns in instantly, but the structure gets a timer after warping in an item, and the timer length depends on what was warped in. The structure would be unusable until the timer finishes. A cooldown, more or less.
Volatile Telecrystal Converter (NAME SUPER PENDING) - The Volatile Converter is the vTC production building. Same as regular converter, but for vTC.
TeleCrystal Refracturer (NAME SUPER PENDING) - Turns sTC and/or vTC into mTC. Multiple sTC required per mTC, and multiple mTC acquired per vTC.
Corpse Decomposer - Decomposes the main 'human' races for oTC.
TeleCrystal Condenser? - See Passive Income.

Passive Income?
Passive income for sTC seems fairly necessary, but I'm not sure how it would happen. Possibly..
TeleCrystal Condenser - A structure that completely saps all power of an area's APC to create sTC. It only affects the local APC, and only works if there's available power. Since it withdraws much more than an APC can usually provide, chances are that shortly after being deployed, the Condenser will shut down every single thing in the area, including computers, doors, lights, etc.
This serves as a kind of area capture mechanic for the Operatives. One has to be deployed in each area for maximum income, and once deployed, limit access to a room. The crew would have to destroy individual Condensers to limit Operative income and to use the 'captured' rooms.
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Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 9:16 pm
Byond Username: Jazaen

Re: Gamemode - Takeover (Name pending)

Post by Jazaen » #140011

But how do you stop Urist McScientist from bombing the entire operation?

From what you have written, it seems that this antag would have one major base of operations, centered around TeleBacon. Currently there are 2 other antags that work by having an immobile (more or less) base: Malf and Blob. Malf can defend against bombs because it is a goddamn AI and can mess with toxins/zero research and, most of the time, jump to APC (and even then, to bomb it on most maps you need to go into space). Blob can move core (and spawns close to sci most of the time), and spawn additional one. Since most stations lack low-priority spaces surrounded by RWalls, you would either have to spend quite a lot of time reinforcing or be beaten by simplest of bombs.
I play:
SMAI-Reactivation (SybilAI)
SMAI-Revolutions (BagilAI)
: Endorsed by Poly, the Parrot! ... 7588301825
Shannah Rader (Sybil geneticist)
Janette Hall (Bagil geneticist)
Also, I'm a Game Admin or something right now. You can tell me how I'm doing here
I seriously hope you don't make the same mistakes I have
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Byond Username: Amelius

Re: Gamemode - Takeover (Name pending)

Post by Amelius » #140076

Too weak to be anything but a bonus antag like revenant/swarmers/etc.
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